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(Friend Helped Me With Last Pic)

Tenno, the fighters of freedom in the oppressive future of our galaxy must remember what they have lost. Returning back to Overgrown earth the homeworld of the Technocyte Virus, going back to the source of the galaxies pain and struggle between Grineer and Corpus might lead to a new hope to find their meaning in this dark world. Though the lotus has awoken them, pleading for help from her employers, who are these mysterious employers that are rumored about. Trying to figure out their origins, a select few Tenno have taken the responsibility to find out what had happened to this galaxy that they fight for now.



Later a Communication Signal from the merchant Darvo, a piece of info is shared to the Tenno. Darvo tells the tenno that he is grateful for our services, while he was captured he was able to hack into a data terminal and collect the data mass with an interesting name "Project Vozro". Darvo sends what was on that data mass, a map being one of the pieces of vital data he had found, an unmarked facility not Grineer nor corpus owned. Upon arrival to the location of the maps marked area, a base was found. Vozro Research Facility, the origin of the Technocyte Virus. Only rumors had been told of this facility, floating around the galaxy in seedy areas. The Tenno see only vegetation around the complex, no sentient beings in the vicinity to be found. There was no Grineer markings, nor corpus writing. But there was an old form Tenno language that was long forgotten. They were able to read the facilities name, no change on any letter of the name, but there was some words they couldn't read around the facility like "Крио Бобы" (Cryo Pods).



Splitting up, there was signs of dead infestation around the facilities walls, floors, and ceiling. One Warframe had marked a Waypoint of what he had found, the rest had rushed over seeing a door with key imprint, and an key shaped object on the floor. Looking at each other in confusion one of the Tenno had picked up the key and put it in place. A bright light had appeared in the room the Tenno had met up in. When the door was opened a cryo pod was the only object in the room to be seen. Dust had covered the cryopods years of hibernation, cleaning off the dust to see who or what was in it, they had unwhipped a name tag.





"Hayden Tenno"

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Here follows the account of the seventh Oberon, Druid of the Lotus and Guardian of the Tenno Way.


 “I, Auberon, seventh in the line of the Oberon, druid to the Lotus and guardian of justice and truth, striking down the enemies of the Lotus as her most trusted servant, unrelenting in my fervor and devotion. It was I who was sent to the very cusps of our system to root out the Corpus foothold and to put an end to their attempts at seizing the hidden wealth of the Orokin, our old enemy. Ever loyal and obedient to the will of the Lotus, journey I did to the edge of known space, to seek out this Orokin Derelict that the Corpus had spied out for their own.


“Upon reaching my destination, I found instead a Dojo, akin to those we’d built for ourselves as nodes from which to strike our foes, this one of Orokin origin. I ventured in, finding the remains of the Corpus intruders, changed into the mindless servants of the Dojo’s will. I fought my way through the corrupted sentries with ease, having become quite skilled, accustomed to the movements and patterns of the Void’s slaves. Ever seeking to please the Lotus, the further I went, the more unrelenting my enemy became, until I came upon a great door.


“I opened the door using the key the Lotus had given me. Upon entering, I was greeted by another Tenno, who appeared as another Oberon. Seemingly myself, but twisted and corrupted, it lifted me into the air with great force, and hurled me to the floor. I realized that this Tenno, in this Dojo, was nothing more than an empty Warframe shell, produced and corrupted by the derelict construct. Recognizing my inability to defeat my foe as it battered and tore against me, I allowed it to rip apart my Warframe ‘til I was able to free myself of it.


“My soulless challenger halted at once, I suppose seeing me as defeated. I retrieved the Lotus control key from my now defunct Warframe, and inserted it into a nearby control console. As the Lotus began to take control of the room, I being without a Warframe put on the frame that had just moments earlier challenged me. The Lotus, over the Dojo’s communications system, informed me that she could no longer detect me and was being revoked by the Orokin systems. As I attempted to retrieve the Lotus key and move to extraction, the Lotus appeared to me, her appearance now changed from indigo to white. I realized that the Orokin systems had spawned a corrupted form of the Lotus, using it to speak to me. My new Lotus revealed to me the purpose of the Tenno’s existence, to serve. We, deemed betrayers by the Corpus, had merely exchanged one master for another. My eyes opened, I arose with a new mission: to bring an end to the betrayers, and to bring about the rebirth of our Makers.“


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The Mad Scientist




For ages I have been roaming these derelict halls seeing the twisted counter parts of humanoid beings. Collecting,analyzing, and trying to gain power from their warped and horrid disposition. Looking for the perfect specimens these strange dark places have become my home I see beauty in these places and beings






I will find out how to control these creatures warp the affects of the virus  I will make a new army of twisted Tenno that will bend to my will. They will swarm and conquer the Corpus, Grineer, and I wont stop until my hand crushes the Lotus and all the Tenno under her. But alas maybe these are the ravings of a madman a conjurer of biological and technological abominations.





 There is still so much work to be done.....

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It was over in a flash, a sliver of platinum screams echoed to the reaches of Charon before losing their way amongst the proxies of Pluto.


A pair of clean gloves ran their fingertips through the report, verifying the transcript, before scanning the paperwork into Resolved Claims. For a moment their every character was eternal, a 30-page vignette on the solar canvas; before the hesitation could be measured in exhalations, an amber eye flared its teeth and the voices slid into the flames. Ashes would be compressed and shuttled to Venus for use in new Jackal prototypes.


Strong recommendations were made to all employees: “The board can not be bothered with trivialities,” which appeared beyond the visor's glow as the prior memories began to fade with second's age.

\\ Operations :: Logistics [Class AA (Rubedo-alloys)] // Civilian Recon -end- \\

\\ Personnel :: 20,033 Civilian // 1,477 Recon // 0,706 Combat-Ready Crewman // 0,500 Proxy -end- \\

\\ Status :: Presumed Hijacked // Destroyed -end- \\

\\ Losses :: 0,101,700,345,114 P [Estimated] -end- \\

\\ Liabilities :: Employee Settlements [Resolved (See Attached)] -end- \\


\\ Attached :: -end- \\


\\ Khal Gren :: 0,120,750,000,000 CR // [Paid] 0,000,000,000,000 -end- \\

\\ Shre Gren :: 0,100,500,000,000 CR // [Paid] 0,000,000,000,000 -end- \\


The screen flickered for a moment, struggling to recollect the minutes that transpired; every second of the comedy quickly being compressed into points of data, zeroes and ones to be consumed and formatted into new response tactics for proxies and combat units. They were made to watch every second of flaring steel and muzzle flashes. The gilding and grace. The use of Corpus munitions. The malice.




Haumea, a dwarf with no value to the board, even outside the vision of the Queens,  would now find itself host to an extensive effort: elite units to be pooled into makeshift warships with Hyena proxies primed to deploy on the whispers of a Warframe unevacuated from the last seconds of the transmission.


“The board can not be bothered with trivialities,” rung again before continuing, “any confirmed sightings of a Warframe are paramount to the profits of this organisation. Isolate all footage regarding The Betrayers, incinerate and erase any unrelated information.”



Edited by ThatCAT
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(I had screenshots on here but they wont apply, so i guess this is my lore..)




       We lived in peace on an un-named traquil planet on the outskirts of the solar system. Until the grineer came. They came in vast numbers over-wellming our peaceful civilization. We fought back, countless wictories endowed us. Then.... one sinister revolution, Vor came. With his ability to vanish into space and re-appear again, we stood no chance.



     We fought back with everything we had, but it wasn't enough. I rallied as many warriors i could muster and lead the final assault. With the wave of his hand, Vor forced me to the ground. I couldn't move.... Anything. He kept me alive. He kept me alive so i could hear the final screams and prayers of my people. And then, he held his seeker to my head. said nothing and pulled the trigger....




     A tremendous voice overcasts, it feels like a dream. The voice comes again, "Do you wish to have a chance to avenge your race?" I reply'"yes!". The voice, "I will reanimate your body, but i will endow you with a great enough power to defeat Vor." Me,"Yes give me the power, let me avenge my people!!". The voice,"Let it be so, But be warned i want you to do something for me." Me,"Yes anything just name it!!" The voice,"Send Krill to me along with Vor, if you do not do so i will take it all away." Everything goes dark and quite.

I open my eyes. Everything seems so meek, so futile, like i have.... abilities beyond explination. I head for the nearest starship, "i must find Krill, I MUST FIND VOR!" 



     I arrive at the docking station in Iliad. Noone is around, i notice ships similar to the ones that the grineer came in to my planet. So i set out for answers. Ironically i run into a group of grineer almost immediatly. Killing off all but one i got my answers, Krill and Vor were both very close. I would soon have my Vengence. 

Among a long and winded path i killed many grineer and finally, fianally i have a chance to avenge my people. I call upon the powers of the shadow army bestowed upon me, and lead the absolute final assualt again Krill and Vor.


      One by one my shawdow army falls victim to the duliquent duos vigorus combined strength. Finally face to face with the one responisble for my races genocide. I raise my blade, take a step forward. Vor,"Your efforts are futile against us together!" I halt my attack and sheath my blade. "Nothing is futile with the power of an entire race behind me!" I clench my fist as i feel a massive power building within the joints of my hand. Vor,"Your puny race didnt have any power." I quickly raise my fist and punch at Krill, "DIE SCUM!" At the climax of my punch a massive burst of energy shot from my fist and knocked Krill dead instantly. 

      Vor looked at me in shock. I unsheath my blade. I raise my blade and start charging him. "Now! Now my entire race shall be avenged!!"

End Lore
Edited by kmj0666
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EDIT: Gosh darn it, this is 865 characters. Ugh.




            Ouiku was a veteran of war. Now dazed and lazily sprawled on an ancient floor, he had been reawakened from his unexpected and mysterious age-long sleep. The male regained comfort along with consciousness as he felt himself alive and breathing in his Loki exoskeleton. He had worked for a long time to have the Tenno war machine bestowed upon him; of course, Ouiku could not remember how. The only lingering thoughts in his mind were dissipated, foggy recollections of battles with a long time companion… There. The hiss of a containment pod and the emergence of an Excalibur Warframe reignited a snippet of his memory as the suit dropped to the floor beside him. Quaradu! The name of the entity beside him resounded in his head. Ouiku watched as the humanoid primitively raised its head, looking around at the corroded metalworks overgrown with plantlife. Quaradu’s gaze came in contact with the Warframe next to him and his memory faded back as well. “Ouiku… Is that you?” “Brother!” Ouiku responded, and the two militants stood up, greeting each other. Now they both remembered – their courageous, brilliant sieges on Corpus outposts and Grineer bases; and during The Great Plague, eradicating Infested denizens from both of the platforms. Countless times they would have lost their lives if it was not for either colleague backing them up in a fight, and countless memories had been formed in the process. The two were happy.


            Greetings Tenno. Glad to have you back. Lotus’ voice resounded crisp, clear, and comforting. She was genuinely pleased to have them. Something deep in their corroded memory seemed familiar of her… Nevertheless, they trusted her. I see you are already well trained. There is no need to determine the functioning capacities of your suits, Tenno. It is time to battle… Welcome home. She had an innocent and real joy in her voice as she gave the two brothers her orders. Their muscles accustomed once again to the Orokin weapons in their hands. Lotus opened up the Void Portal to transport them back to their fortress when all the vision glitched and disappeared. It resurfaced again, and the two Warframes reluctantly entered it.


            They were transported to a Corpus outpost instead of their Tenno base. “They rerouted the passageway!” muttered Quaradu as he realized they were utterly encompassed by Corpus personnel, waiting to strike. Caught off guard, Ouiku and Quaradu were blasted by the cyan, hallucinogenic bolts of plasma fired by the Corpus. However, the duo knew what to do. Quaradu sailed into the air, raising his weapon high and emitting an eye-melting explosion of light while Ouiku boomed an ultrasonic pulse, malfunctioning the firearms of the Corpus personnel. Without sight or weaponry, the invaders dashed around the interior of the containment blindly in a vain effort to avoid the prominent gunfire from the Tenno. The Corpus’ ears still worked though, and the screams of fallen machinery added a potent sense of fear into the arena. It would be an easy battle for the two Warframes. They fought side by side, maneuvering around the area, eliminating those who were blinded and avoiding gunfire from those who weren’t. Corpus infantry was beginning to diminish when suddenly Quaradu was pummeled by a laser bolt coming out of nowhere – The Excalibur stumbled and fell on his back, smoke rising from the front of his helmet. His radiant energy pulsating from his suit began to fade. “Quaradu!” his friend screamed. Quaradu struggled to lift his head once more and as he did another laser slammed into his skull, rocketing his body  onto the floor. A terrible hiss of release valves exhaled life-sustaining gases from inside the suit and his chest no longer rose with breath. Quaradu was dead by the Corpus and his best friend had witnessed it.


            Ouiku cloaked himself, not only with invisibility but an unrelenting rage towards the unfound murderer. He sprinted towards to the direction of the pinpoint bullet to avenge his brother’s death, slicing unaware crewmen in half as he ran to his destination. Surveying his surroundings, he saw many flags and messages with Corpus writing on them. Aside from propagandic rules and instructions, many of the scripts detailed that the leader of this outpost was a Sargent of war… Sargent Nef Anyo. He was depicted on the signs to be wielding a devastating sniper rifle – Ouiku had found his target.

            The Frame emerged at a spacious outdoor area of the Corpus fortress. He analyzed the area and saw the culprit – an able-bodied Crewman clad in black, wielding the sniper rifle that killed his brother. Here we go, Quaradu. Completely unseen, Ouiku dashed behind the sargent and sprang onto his shoulders, ripping his neck apart and watching Anyo’s body crumble to the floor. A terrified whisper tried to escape Anyo’s mouth, but only sounds of choking could emerge from the dying general. Ouiku knelt down in front of Nef Anyo’s face and gazed at him toxically. As alarm bells rang, alerting the outpost of the failed Tenno capture, Ouiku enveloped himself in shadow once again  just before paramedics arrived on the scene. He found a secluded area and signaled his evacuation ship. It was finished.

Edited by Oonsay
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I am a founding member of Tenno Inc, a trading clan based on the principles of the Corpus.  Little did I know of the news coming my way: our teachers, in some ways, finally crossed the line.  My story begins just as many others’, I was meditating in our dojo, waiting for my next mission.  The Lotus was quick to deliver; showing me reports from Jupiter of Alad V’s successor, a cunning adversary who had bit and clawed HER, believe it or not, way up the ranks, now the Head of R&D on Jupiter.  I had two tasks: to infiltrate her facilities in Jupiter and observe what exactly she was doing and to hunt and capture or kill her under any circumstances.  What seemed to me an easy mission was not going to be anything of the sort…



I made my way to Jupiter, the planet of eternal twilight.  I was dropped off at the edge of an abandoned landing pad, lost in the construction of this facility.  I took a moment to breathe, watching the sky turn over itself; the beauty of this chaos not lost to me.  Then like a breath in the wind I was gone, rushing into the depths of the facility to find what shouldn't have been found.




I hacked my way through the masses of mechanized men and robotic drones.  Nothing stood against my blade, and blood trailed behind me as I tore through their ranks.  They thought they could fight me, but I am no youngling, I am no amateur; I am Excalibur Prime.  And yet I was not prepared for what I found.


The cursed Corpus defilers were accumulating our brethren, fallen by their hands or not, and desecrating their corpses, cutting them up, and selling their flesh and organs to buyers.  Their sick leader would not go unpunished, and I hunted her through a gas-mine.  She managed to evacuate before I could catch her.  As I chased her into near-Jupiter orbit before she could escape, I found myself filled with a fury cold as ice.  She would not escape retribution.




I don’t want to admit it, but I was nearly caught unawares by the pair of Hyenas waiting for me.  One kept a distance from me and tried to regenerate its allies’ shields, and ironically, it fell first.  Bullet after bullet ripped it’s metallic husk to shreds, every recoil satisfying my blood-lust, my frozen rage.  The second Hyena, a robotic monstrosity of fire and steel, sucked my ammunition like a sponge.  Soon enough, it was but me and it, one burnt and spent of ammo, the other reeling and sparking, both still furious.  It made one final mistake, however, by assuming me weaponless as my last magazines hit the floor, empty.  I am Tenno, I am NEVER without a weapon.  My cold steel met it’s fiery body, and soon after, it too fell to the ground, lifeless.




Finally, she had nowhere to run.  Her reckoning was at hand…



(Note, the picture of the blood behind the blade is in the middle of a paragraph, the pic of Excal looking out at the ship is the end of that paragraph.)




Story with no title: 497, with title 498
Tie in with https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142000-facility-856416-the-dissection-labs/?p=1683736 "The Dissection Labs" but non-canon
I'm sorry the Capture mission on Jupiter was taken by Grineer, everything seems to be, nowadays.  Also the framerate box

Hope you enjoyed!

Edited by Sadisticnerd
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The Orokin Shadows – SPECIAL MISSION

A timespace gate opens while Tenno are meditating and a familiar(from their visions) to them voice calls them to enter.After entering they realize they were transfered  to ancient Japan inside a dojo.Two Tenno arrived inside Iga Ninja Dojo and the other two inside the Koga Ninja Dojo,the Stalker close to Nobunaga’s Castle.Following the voice both Tenno groups were lead to the Ninja Alchemist of the respective schools who were fighting Demonic manifestations.Their help was utilized yet their Armors got broken completely.After a short talk with the Ninja Shamans both Tenno groups realized the Alchemists were Orokin who have used time travel technology to get samples of culture for their experiments.The Ninja Alchemists/Orokin revealed the cause of the Demonic legion attacks which was the evolutional stop of humanity’s in order to enslave and experiment to achieve parasitic supremacy.In the meantime the Stalker offered his soul to the Arch Demon trying to Invade the Ninja Schools in order to achieve the reward of the Possesed Transformation for his Warframe and and an armory made of human mizery.Several Days after the Possesion of the Stalker incident the Demon Army attacked with all it’s power using it’s new recruit trying to find the two Tenno groups.Desperate as they were the Orokin Alchemists used a technology they were able to create after years of studying the the Life force energy temperament the ……. ,(a unique device capable of absorbing life force and re-enforcing all matter )in order to re assemble the destroyed suit parts to cocoons.The advised the Tenno to enter the coccoons in order to assist to the reformation of suits…..

























(problem with screenshot)

Try creating an Imgur account, uploading your JPEG files to it, and using the BBCode links they give you.  It works wonders for me.  Imgur is free, and the files must be JPEG, Warframe take f6 screenshots in BMP.  You can right-click and hit edit on the pics in the warframe folder to re-save it as JPEG.

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“A Journey To An Old Home” -500 Words except for links and title.


Where am I?” I spoke aloud, talking to the ghostly white walls around me, trimmed in gold. This place was dark, the lights were dim and the silence was heavy. This place however felt foreign yet...familiar. As if I had been here before. It seemed as if Corebar had been here as well as his cheerful chirps were replaced with melancholy whirrs.




I started to explore this place. I felt strangely at peace here. No inclination to reach for my bow. I took my first few steps outside of the room, the door opening as if it was expecting the highest of dignitaries to step through.


As I walked through the darkened complex, seeing the exquisite golden walls and carvings, the lovingly cared for trees and bushes, pristine furniture, and even polished floor. I cannot help but think that this place was populated once and...yet again I felt as if I had been here once before. Perhaps in another life.


I stepped through a powered doorway into a long hall. A crippling pain shot through my skull and I fell to my knees. I fought off the urge to scream as the pain was nearly too intense to bear. As it receded I stood and gazed upon the hallway's exquisite columns and felt a few tears streak down my cheeks as memories filled my mind. I had been here before. There was a bench near the end of the hall next to a powered entryway, I used to sit here and gaze upon the face of my beloved as my friends walked by.




I sprinted through the door into the gathering hall and felt even more memories piece themselves together. This was once a meeting place for my family and friends, we came here once every week and partook in pastries and delights! I remember everything!




This tree here! I...proposed to my beloved Carlia here...Carlia, you...you died trying to fight for me...as I was being taken away by the Orokin rulers to be trained as one of their “Assassins”...you watched as I was dragged away and you screamed my name. You tried to fight through them to get to me...they executed you...




I took an arrow from my quiver and stabbed it into the heart of the tree as the memories of her death permeated my skull. The anger that I felt was unfathomable.


With memories fresh in my head and anger growing, I moved to the next few rooms, more memories replayed before my eyes. I came upon a room with a massive floating hologram floated above a table...and yet more memories flooded in. This was where my brothers and sisters planned the downfall of the Orokin, to spill their blood in the name of the families we have lost.




...And it was then that I felt myself awaking from my dream, from my home. I knew it was real, I was there...When I reached for the quiver underneath my bunk I noticed that I was missing an arrow...





Few things about the story:


I couldn't put the pictures directly because my bandwidth is really low on photobucket. Sorry :/

This reinvigorated my love of the Paris Prime for some reason. I now use it more than the dread because it has a story now XD


The lights are so dim in the pictures because I turned the brightness down when I maxed all the settings (Besides bloom) and it gave the empty tower a very unique, dimmed look.

Edited by -Vash-
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Are we mercenaries to satisfy our greed or are we noble warriors fighting for a righteous cause?  All I do is break into Grineer's and Corpus's bases and destroy their reactor cores, carry on deceptive missions and escape, and serve a distraction on enemies while my fellow Tenno raids a ship for supplies. The missions are endless yet I have not yet came across a situation where I can use my powers to protect the weak and defenseless other than my fellow Tennos. Attempting to remember my past, I stare into space wondering whom am I to protect besides us Tennos.




After assassinating Councilor Vay Hek, ordered by the Lotus, I have been attacked by an ominous figure that call himself "I am his reckoning". He told me that I cannot run from my past? There is no salvation for my crime against Vay Hek? I wanted to talk, but he instead attacked me. It was not a difficult task to defeat him. His last remaining words was that he failed and I've remained unpunished? I must presume he is only following orders from another organization, but from whom? I am left with more questions than answers, and I hope I am not alone with this.




Holding on tightly to the Braton Prime, I fall more into the cracks of memories about my past. I recall the Gradivus Dilemma event and how the Grineers emerged victorious against Corpus.  General Sargas Ruk came to me and he has told me I am a great warrior and the Corpus has paid for their crimes. He then hands me a weapon called the Brakk. I stared at it and I think hardly on the word "crimes". The same word the ominous figure used on me that I will pay for my crime.  Does this figure work for the Grineers? If it did than our existence would have ceased a long time ago.




I am uncertain if I should trust in the Lotus, but one thing is for sure I must find this ominous figure if I am to find out more about my past. After rescuing Darvo from his father Bek I will ask him if he is willing to guide me on finding this "Stalker" so I take care of him once and for all. This figure has caused problems before on his business so I am sure he cannot refuse my offer.  Only than after finding the answers I seek will I decide if I should trust in the Lotus's word or not. I no longer want to be kept in dark... I am prepared for worst.



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Edit: I have changed this post since I originally wrote it.  The old version wasn't asking my question appropriately.


Okay, so I wrote a brief story about my Tenno as I imagine him, and what his personal quest is.  It's based on some lore that's already been suggested in the game, but hasn't been fully elaborated upon.  However, for this reason, I cannot really "finish" the quest in my story.  See, I really like the stuff that the Stalker has hinted at, and so I thought -- well, what if the words of the Stalker really got under my Tenno's skin?  What if he started wondering "Wait...what if I DID do something wrong?"  So his quest is for answers.  But that means it's not a quest he can really finish easily -- or at least not in 500 words or fewer.  So my story sort of introduces my character, and sets him up for beginning his quest, but it leaves unfinished the story of whether or not he ever gets the answers he's looking for.  Is that okay?  Or would my story be disqualified because it doesn't talk about how (or if) my Tenno finishes his quest?

Edited by (PS4)eternal_quiet
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Takai of the two Percent


They are empty.

Forms of a society... empty.... dead old men, clinging to the past.

Copies of a copy of a copy...  completely filthy!

Looking for some "glory"... their empty eyes disgust me.

They have some uses though.... as useless as their legions are.

They test my purpose. Be that as it may... they are more fierce opponents then the weak Corpus zealots.




I too am empty. 

I cling to my purpose... her purpose... the Lotus. Nothing more.

Caring not for my role as a weapon; the finest weapon.

Tonight, I show the legions how empty we all are.

Honor? Backup? Fellow Tenno operatives?.... Solo, maybe I will die today.



"Your mark is Tyl Regor: eliminate him to provide stability to the region"


"...The computer lies to you... you... you..."

The damned screaming whisper, never silenced, like a shadow I can never reach.

Beginning to mirror my lips as the whispers reach my thoughts, filling me with... purpose.


The whispers counter my ethos, "Cut them! Cut them, fall to Despair! Sleep forever from my Hate!"

Resistance is impossible as the excitement takes me.




Rudimentary security panel, trailing edge... forged with Either... holstered projectile weaponry...

"Cut them! They are empty!"

Screaming whispers echo, alarms ring, the Lotus's warns all at once... "They have disabled Life Support"... 

How many will I release from life before I make it to "the mark"?

It was a wise attempt at a tactic...so childish!


29 minutes of ecstasy, 519 decaying old men lie in ribbons... so unworthy of bullets... formless empty... Their eyes shine with life before they are released.

I survived yet again...worthless.

My mark awaits.




His profile beams worthy... wielding the blade of a Tenno he fell.

"Show him emptiness!", I cannot disobey... my role. This is what I live for.

Racing through the halls of their polluted vessel to his chamber. 

My Dakra glowing from the anticipation!


Eyes steak orange as mine, yes... yes, stand before us.

Show me death!




Trading blows... he is swift... faints challenge the senses.... where did he go?

A true technique, maybe today I will die!

Those filthy peons pay for interfering with our dance. Worthless! The doors lock. 

Only the dance clouds my emotions.

His blade reflects a sharp light so blinding.


Invisibility?! A blast that knocks down his opponent! So this is the prototype of the copies... 

Will he be the one to kill me? There is crimson leaking from me... If only I could do this again!

I only wish...that... I could drive my beloved Dakra into Tyl Regor's greasy heart and decapitate him once more!






Not today... not today. 

Another empty form... he was useful for a time, but weak....detestable weakness!

His mastery means nothing now... that cowardly scream adding to the layers of the screaming whisper.

"I know your sins tenno, tenno... tenno"... my lips move as the whisper echoes.

My ethos reacts sharply, "How can I sin with no religion to reference?".


Maybe the next mission... I will finally die.


(Edit: due to grammatical errors)

Edited by Takai
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    I hope this doesn't count toward my story, but I just wanted to explain a couple of things. First off, I see Loki as an introverted, insightful, and silent loner. Second, This is intended as a spy mission, with the option of a boss fight if you were to take a vault key. Third, for the sake of the story, Loki isn't aware of the boss until the end, but being solo, he isn't about to confront it alone. Finally, I've deliberately been rather vague as to what exactly the boss is, and what information Loki retrieves, this way it'll kind of fit with whatever the developers want to do with the infested, and their origins, without giving anything more away than has already been hinted at.


Now without further adieu.


Answers That Raise More Questions




    I've recently acquired some interesting nav coordinates on my last incursion to the Orokin towers. I may have found the original research vessel that sent the first Tenno into the void. I never thought I would be the one to find it. Nyx has been searching for this since she awoke. At any rate, I want to be certain the data is accurate, no sense giving everyone false hope; besides, I prefer solo missions.




    According to the blueprint; it appears to be any other Orokin derelicts one may find orbiting Mars. No doubt festering with technocyte abominations. I find myself reminded of the gibbering madness spouted by the more intelligent of the infested forms. Something about us being "one of them". Perhaps the infested hold more answers than we initially thought. Perhaps I shall just have to see what secrets may be exhumed from this ambling sarcophagus.




    Silent as always, but it never lasts. The first of the monstrosities, a charger, based on what remains of Grineer armor, of course many more follow. According to a data module from another derelict research vessel; "those infested by the technocyte virus retain consciousness, even through initial mutation." I have not shared this information yet, I feel some Tenno may find it painful, those of us still capable of empathy, anyway. After "cleansing" the last Ancient, I wish them peaceful rest. One can only desire so much suffering upon one's enemies.




Finally, the primary interface console. This may take some time since I don't have Lotus to rely on....




...I've managed to decode the last entry in the research log.



<static> "..........Research log, en- <static>......... Subject 3-29 was deceased when reclaimed from the void. However, despite the lack of vital functions, the characteristic energy signature found in all subjects has yet to dissipate. Furthermore technocyte activity has not ceased."




WHAT?! TECHNOCYTE?! The revelation sends me reeling, I notice the surveillance system. I've gotten complacent, typically I would've noticed being watched by now. Of course, the obvious questions go through my mind, but how could anything still be alive on this ship? Fortune, it seems, (in an unusual turn of events) was with me, the download was finished. I calmly gathered my personal data module, and made way for extraction. How is there anything alive on this ship?.... The Vault! I was in such a rush, I didn't check the vault. Almost to the shi-........ this door shouldn't be locked.




Every camera, and sensor is trained directly on me. <door opens> Better to err on the side of caution, as I teleport to my decoy at my ship, I swear I heard something I couldn't quite make out spoken over the com. Either way, the only logical explanation as to why it unlocked the door; is that it wants us to know about it, and, perhaps more importantly, it wanted me to know, that it knew. Maybe I should consult Nyx, this data will take time to decode, but I have the feeling the answers I'm looking for lie within.


*edited to correctly add screenshots, lol.

*second edit: Adjusting word count, to fit parameters set, now at 500 exactly.

*Edit: Minor corrections.

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I'm not one for writing , but here goes nothing. 


The last Guardian


When the First had arisen, many rejoiced for we have sculpted from the bodies twisted of the Void, our Saviours, encased within a facade that hides the abominations that they have becometh. Soon came the next, and more thereafter. In time, your numbers were aplenty, but your handling grew us weary. And so born was she, mind, wisdom and cunning of flesh, but merged with precision, speed and efficiency of machine. You Tenno know of her as The Lotus, I merely know of her as the bringer of our end. Graceful was she in guiding you, coordinating with such a grace that was unknown even to us, almost if though the entire war was of her grand design to carry out, a mere play upon a stage of which we are audience. 


 Then came the wars end, bathed in saviour's silk were you, Tenno, by our cold and gold Emperors, titans who stand towering and sovereign above all, in a grand ceremony. But the occasion only served to congregate us for Her greatest goal at the time. Born was She to preserve us, born was She to keep the Fabric from harm and born was She to regulate those afflicted. Unbeknowest to us at the time, the fringe worlds had fallen, a fate loosed upon by our own doing early in the war. Friend and foe were infected alike, simply from mere residue, and soon from those who have succumbed. Logical was she in her decision, for who is to become Afflicted if there were none to be? And so we fell slowly, at the hands of our children, like Titans to Gods. And so I fled, with the other low Guardians, into the womb that birthed the Tenno.


 It is within this womb that we were subjected to the warps and twists, a sacrifice I was all to willing to make. Many many did not survive and many were driven mad, those mad I have slain. The ships cold hands fitted me, bestowed me the powers of the First, I was a monster, I was Tenno. It was then I returned with whoever was left, avenging the empire that you destroyed. It wasn't enough. I have failed time upon time and slowly, the Guardians fell. I had no choice, sacrifices had to be made, I had to follow the path of the Dark Ones. Soon, many such as yourself fell by my hands. 


 After a time, the Tenno simply vanished. I was left without purpose, without meaning. So I started training and cataloging your sins, for a time so long that I have forgotten, anticipating your return. I have walked this world through the eras, watching, waiting. Those petty beings of no significance to me, ever seeking the old relics of our Emperors, soon stumbled upon you and you were awakened once again. My purpose was resurrected, and my meaning restored. 


 At the present, I continue to avenge our fallen empire, bringing their fate to those who had ended them. And once She, too, has fallen, I shall take my own life, to bring the Tenno and ironically our empire to an end, a deed that was supposed to be yours, Tenno. For now, as I look upon you with these shadowed eyes, know this... I am Death, I am Justice, I am your reckoning!

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This is a re-submission of my current Lore.

It is another story of the Stalker, in depth, from the information given from the Codex.





The Fall of an Empire, The Rise of Retribution


Every waking moment of life, I witness in my head over and over the crimes and acts of treason the Tenno committed at the Terminus.


As I stared off into the Distance, one Tenno above all others stood tall and righteous. They returned to our Emperors from the unknown. I was with them, but I knew what they did; I knew what she wanted. I trailed off and hid in the distance. The stadium held the Empire together into one giant mass of people that joined to take part in the return of the "heroes." The pain and suffering of the Empire was to be diminished, or so the Emperors and people thought. The Tenno had come back for one reason; they came to create silence in the Empire... for good. The golden Emperor's high servant started the drumming to initiate the first sign of peace brought to the world by the Tenno. As each Tenno kneel down, waiting for the drumming to begin, I stood in the distance, awaiting the Tenno's real purpose. The servant began to drum, and my heart began to race. I started to cringe, and the other Guardians around me felt the same agony. I counted the drum beats: One, Two, Three, Four, Five. I tried to yell out to the Empire to run, but my body, coursing with fear, didn't let me; nothing more than a whisper was said. The drumming became louder in my head and I began to scream inside.


Six... Seven... Eight... Nine...


...And then utter silence. The Tenno had become the very blood that trailed down each flight of stairs and onto each throne. Their blades drawn and dripping once honorable blood, they all began to come after me and the other Guardians. They knew where I was, they knew what I had discovered, and I knew that I was once one of them. I drew my sword, as did the others around me. My fear became hatred and every ounce of pain I had turned into strength and I struck down every Tenno that I faced. The Guardians and myself began to push the Tenno back, as they were no match for us. Slowly, Guardians fell until only I remained. Half of the Tenno were dead by my blade alone; The smell of blood was exhilarating. I began to hunt them all down. I felt the need to avenge the once great Empire and become the retribution of the traitors; of the Tenno.


I never heard the tenth drum...





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Whole thing is 500 words on the dot, not counting the title. Enjoy! And +1 to DE for holding a writing contest, you guys are the best.






Location: Derelict Orokin vessel, approximately 1.7 AUs from Eris system.

Objective: Investigate MIA Corpus salvage crew reported to have located intact Orokin technology.

Investigations weren’t usually my job. We have another operative in the squad for that, and she gets recon work done quicker and less noisily than I do. But the Orokin derelicts were where the Infestation was strongest, and dealing with the Infestation was my job. So this one was mine.

Getting in was easy enough.


It was quiet. Like any Orokin ship there was that ever-present feeling of being watched. On the live ones, it was the neural sentry; here, it was the Infestation. I never could shake the feeling that all the spawn pods I walked by were just moments away from hatching into something malformed and angry, but I guess if they did, it was their funeral anyway. They’ve got claws and tentacles; I’ve got a shotgun.

I call it the Enumerator. Easy to count the shots it takes to kill something with it.

It wasn’t long before I found signs of the Corpus crew I’d been sent to look into. As expected, the MIA assessment turned out to be a KIA instead.


Good recon.

It was obvious what killed them from the start, but just to drive the point home, a handful of chargers came my way after I found the body, like they were taking cues or something. They ended up taking a few incendiary shells next. I reloaded my gun and moved on.

For a while it was just more of the same: lots of dead Corpus, and lots more live Infested that I quickly turned into dead Infested. But then I found something unusual: a live Corpus. Like any smart man who’d just caught sight of a Tenno, he ran. He didn’t get far, but, well, you get points for trying.

We sat down to have a little chat.


He and I came to an agreement pretty quickly. He’d tell me what they found and where to pick it up, and in return I wouldn’t leave him to get torn apart by the Infested. I always liked Corpus targets. The Grineer always kick and scream, but the Corpus...well, they kick and scream too, but they like living enough to cut a deal with you sometimes.

But anyway, the find. It was an Orokin vault, like the ones we’d started finding on the derelicts months ago. He said this one had something special in it, some kind of failsafe that could “purify” the ship. I assumed that was cryptic for “get rid of the Infestation.” Either that or “I’m lying so I can get shot later instead of now.” Hard to tell with the Corpus sometimes.

I did find a vault, though.


Was he telling the truth? Well…

It wasn’t quite the kind of “purification” I was expecting, but I’d say so. Took some work, but the ship and I are both looking a lot better now.




Mission Result: Success

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    We know what we are.

    We have no illusions of grandeur, no preconceptions of glory.

    However as we plunge into these mad cosmos, we realize that we have stopped just 'surviving'.



    As we awaken, we are greeted by a solitary voice, it is the only thing we know- a voice that is  cold, calculating... directed. We don't yet remember ours names, our births, our families... but all of our  instincts are still there, razor sharp. Many of us wake up alone, with no one there to hold our hand, to  help us struggle to our feet before we are fired upon by those who carry a hatred we cannot fathom.

    Do you know what it is like, to be born anew into a universe that loathes you before even your first  thought?

    I was lucky. She was there for me. As the voice of the Overseer rattled my dreaming mind to a harsh  reality, my first vision was not of aged walls, nor of weaponized hatemongers. It was of Her.
As I slipped from my coffin, she caught me, upon her helmet shown the infinite galaxy; her strong, sure arms giving me my first and only glimmer of hope.


    We never parted. Strange we were thought to be by many of our brothers and sisters; a Tenno should  be accustomed to being alone... but not us. To be separated was worse than any death we could imagine,  to not hold her hand, to feel her comfort as death passed us over another cycle... all we desired was to have a safe bastion in the universe- just us.

    Living by only your instinct and what machinations you happen to stumble upon; that is the way. To  be fed and thrive off of a mysterious avatar- to fulfill yourself by trusting a veiled voice, that you are  doing the galaxy it's proper dues. This is not existing. But we found a way; within each other, in... love. We  found our way.

    But it is fleeting. There is no grandeur, we are vestigial beings in a cruel reality.

    There is a custom among Tenno; when a star goes out, they are returned to the cosmos. All know it,  but none know why.
As I stand here wrapped in the comfort and serenity of my azure incandescence; I wonder what is next. My existence, my reason, my logic- lays motionless before me; the stars have fled.

There is no fury in my veins, as my hearth burns.

No longing in my heart, as the pyre returns her to infinity.

There now, lies nothing.

I exist.

I am Tenno.




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[note: I believe many pictures are more of distraction for your imagination so I left it to one. Enjoy]





"The Prime Dilemma"


 Excalibur Prime, the first Warframe starts to remember and question why he was put to sleep, The Lotus, the war, and freedom.



 I'm starting to remember... Starting to regain my humanity all thanks to one supposed traitor known as, "The Stalker".
 I was recovered and awoken by a supposed ally named, "The Lotus". Only appearing to me via hologram in the likeness of a woman. It told me I was special, humanity's greatest weapon and the first Warframe, but I didn't respond... I couldn't respond.

 In the coming months, I would be given countless missions and execute without hesitation or question. Ripping into the flesh of foreign supposed foes. It felt natural... felt good... Part of me was content. Without remorse I murdered, like the perfect weapon I was touted to be until I met him.

 As routine, I would wait for my next mission in that dark room with empty thoughts. Than it came in, my mission was to Assassinate an important figure among  a faction called, "The Grineer". It made no difference to me who it was.
 When I approached my target he laughed and said, "only despair would be in store if anything were to happened to me". His words didn't hold any weight and I proceeded to fight. He was skillful, yet my sword still plunged into his body... It was inevitable. As my sword was still in him, he grabbed me tight with his last breaths and said, "now I see... if there's anyone in there, know that he's coming and he will never stop".

 A week had passed since that mission. The Lotus said I was to rescue a prisoner aboard a, "Grineer Class A Ship". Nothing out of the ordinary. When I got onto the ship, the signal between the lotus was very weak. For the first time there was hesitation in this entities voice that I blindly followed. I didn't know it at the time, but it was afraid of losing it's control over me. As I proceeded,  The Lotus' voice became skewed and eventually the signal was lost. The objective was the only thing on my mind and I made nothing of it. On my way to my target, the air seem to grow thick. My mind was sound, but my body trembled as if it instinctively knew a great danger was imminent. Yet I continued on and than his whispers reached me. I was alarmed, but couldn't make since of it's direction, but the voice started to get deeper and louder as I got closer to the objective. The voice was finally audible and it uttered in a spiteful and condescending nature, "Awe I the remember the chains bestowed by that wolf in sheeps clothing... You reek of it... a slave... a coveted one indeed, but this slave still has the blood of one important to thy and will be part of my vengeance. Your death will truly be a shame".


 It's still vivid in my mind... As I hacked into the door on alert with a voice all around me it was than that it became clear that I was lured here.   There was nothing behind the door and than he appeared behind me, seemingly out of thin air, with his sword coming right at me. I barely dodge his swing and as I turned around and my mind trembled. It was another warframe... One that could talk and express. My head started to hurt and I could see glimpses of my past. As we proceeded to cross swords I started to regain my humanity. I started to remember the language of the warrior and with each corresponding strike between our weapons, I heard his true voice. His sword echoed of sorrow, vengeance, and freedom. My strikes were now, not just calculated, but instinctual. As the battle raged we started to understand each other, but warriors don't back down and with one final strike we critically injured each other. As I was down he could have finished me, but said,"there is no honor in killing an incomplete man, when you break those chains I'll be back to finish this". With that, he vanished in a cloud of smoke.


 I recovered from that day, but today I dare not reveal my emotions to The Lotus. It questioned me with great interest about that mission, but all I said was, "the prisoner died..." The puppet died there and I will continue to find myself and solve the mysteries of this foreign world I was awoken to.

 Prime Out

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I intercepted a message with tenno encryption in the void.
this is what it entails:
    Hail fellow tenno, I implore you to listen my words as I depict the events that has transpired at clan dojo minerva.
 for it's history and legacy has long been forgotten by the passage of time.
They  found me in my cryogenic capsule centuries ago at the outskirts of the void.
They took me as one of them, as I too cherished this beloved family.
They have nurtured me from novice to adept, as I walk the path of tenno.

    Our leader, who we refer to as The Adjutant was a honest and generous tenno.
The Adjutant was the one who found me in the void,
the one who took me in, sheltered me and taught me.
The Adjutant took me as his pupil, and I was honored to call him as master.

    Years passed, and The Adjutant and his squad came in from the void gate from a successful grineer raid,
with them an unfamiliar tenno. The Adjutant asked for me, and told me that the unknown one is to be my brother.
I agreed willingly as I too share the same experience of what he is to expect.
My brother and I were unique even for Tenno standards. I myself for example is the only one of my caste.
We were close, as much as what brothers should be. We were inseparable

    Naming in our society are organized is caste, anonimity is a virtue and thus the name of your caste is considered your own.
there are exceptions though. The Adjutant, part of Oberon caste. was given a singular persona for being the representitive and defacto leader of our clan.
finding which caste you belong requires you to present your skills to the Adjutant by "Way of Tenno" a sparring match.
 after the presentation, The Adjutant then place you to your corresponding caste.

    I was named as to be my brother's sparring opponent. I was preparing physically and mentally for the upcoming match, for respect is to not hold back.
We were now both in the podium, we were each given a braton-mk1, a lato, and a skana. as The Adjutant starts the match, the battle starts guns and swords blazing.
minutes after we commenced. my brother began screaming, The Adjutant stopped the fight and ordered the Trinity caste to send him to medbay,  
After the debacle, I recount the abilities my brother displayed. He can be as fast as the Volt caste, finesse sword dashes of the Excalibur caste and disrupt my abilities like the Mag caste.

    After some time I went to check upon my brother in the medbay. When I got inside, I felt a dark presence lingering.
Once I entered the main corridor, bodies of fallen Trinity caste are seen lying on the floor.
When I got to my brother's room, He was nowhere to be found. I found something else, a report.
The report shows that deep inside his head there's an object, some kind of grineer mechanism.

    I saw him running out of the door, I tried to chasing him, but lost him after I reached the door.
the lights in the facility started dying, I headed to the exit only to find more fallen tenno in the floor.
It was dark, I can sense a killing presence in the environ. I ran to The Adjutant as quickly as I can to warn him.
I was too late, as I ran to the great hall I see bodies everywhere. and when I reached the grand hall.
I witness my brother about to deal the final blow to our father. The Adjutant saw me, told me to escape.
I hesitated. The Adjutant, this time ordered me to escape. I saw the Adjutant got beheaded, I then escaped through the void.

    I was not sure how I escaped that massacre, lingering feelings perhaps.
at the time of the massacre, Never did we got a confrontation. After I read the report fully.
I have deduced that the mysterious object of grineer origins had poisoned my brother mind.
Now, I am a relic of a forgotten clan. member of the Ardent Caste, a tenno with the name of a target, Doppel, my brother.
end of message.

it was a message hence no screenshot.

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The Grineer had achieved the impossible. With salvaged Orokin technology, they had developed a weapon capable of dominating the will of anyone struck by its projectiles, even the mighty Tenno. Under the instructions of the Lotus, two intrepid warriors attempted to retrieve this formidable device and add it to the Tenno arsenal before it could ever be used against them.




The Grineer would not relinquish their prize so easily. Side by side the Tenno fought, crushing wave upon wave of marines who were no match for their determination and skill. Sensing imminent defeat the Grineer deployed their new weapon, the CORDYCEP javelin; thrown using a mechanized atlatl and wielded by one of their most elite warriors, the heavily armored Grineer Cuirassier. Facing this new foe, the Tenno realized that the only way to bring him down was the use of diversionary tactics: the only chink in his otherwise impenetrable armor could only be exploited when he was aiming at another target. Still their victory seemed assured, until in a moment of distraction Nekros was struck by a bolt from the very weapon they had come to acquire, and it delivered its full potential.




Everything changed for him. His warped mind was made to see his teammate as the enemy, and the only way his mission could be completed now was with the death of his erstwhile comrade. If the Cuirassier died, his mission would now fail. He was made to see that his mission reward now, if only he could kill the remaining Tenno, would be a part of their warframe or weapon.




He turned on his brother who was forced to retaliate. They fought. But the combined might of Nekros and the remaining Grinner troopers proved too much for the lone Frost Prime. Even if he managed to down Nekros, the Cuirassier could revive his newest mind controlled recruit using the Orokin technology in his CORDYCEP.Frost’s only option to end this madness was by killing the Cuirassier, but this he could no longer accomplish alone.


In the end, Frost fell to the blade of his former brother.




Even though he received the promised reward, a part of the legendary Frost Prime frame, Nekros knew he had broken all the Tenno commandments of honor and brotherhood. He had been under mind control…but that did not forgive this most unforgivable of sins. As Frost lay dying, Nekros knew he could never go back. He would be alone now, distrusted and despised by those who had once considered him one of their own. A warrior without a cause. An outcast.


And he wouldn’t be the only one. As more Tenno were targeted with this new Grineer technology, this would happen again. Loyalties would be tested. Clans would be broken. The universe and the world of the Tenno would never be the same again.

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Volt and the power of lightning


Among the Tenno, synergy is an extremely valued concept. However, there was one who was condemned to a life of solitude.


Yes, i am speaking of myself.


Even so, it was fortunate that i would be the descendant of Zeus, the most fearsome Tenno in history. The potential i had was quite astounding... Shocking, even, for in my blood lied the quintessence of power that even the second strongest Tenno would call godlike. 


As the true heir, i possessed a gift that no other possessed. Volt, the "electrical" warframe which was passed down to me by my ancestors, was just a shell to hide the truth from the dangerously curious, especially the Lotus.


In truth, it was actually my own body that was my warframe. The power of lightning was the fiercest of them all - and mine to command.



During my deep sleep that seemingly lasted an eternity, i repeatedly dreamed the same dream, a dream of a golden vault, a golden vault which i for some reason knew that i had to open, for what it contained would substantially increase my power.



I first realized that i did not have the key in my possession, but then i heard a mysterious and yet familiar voice in my head:


"You are the key".


Naturally, i tried to open the vault by other means, but the vault never succumbed to my will, or my lightning.


And then finally, one day... i awakened from my slumber. But unlike all the other Tenno, i did not immidiately set course for mercury...


Fortunately, it did not take me long to locate the vault. It is as if my dreams of the vault came with the exact coordinates.





And then, i began.



The vault door proved to be as stubborn as it had been in my dreams. The definition of Déjà vu was as bright as my

my constant barrage of energetic lightning, which by the way, did not yield any success.



There was no telling as to how much time and energy i had spent there, rigorously trying to open the vault.


I remember that i made frequent encounters with the local populace and wildlife, which i dealt with the only way i knew. Once, i was greeted by a greedy businessman who insisted on taking the content of the vault for himself - by ordering his mercenaries to murder me.


I blinked, and they all disintegrated. The cold wind swept away their ashes from my sight.



Determined to succeed, i kept at it, repeatedly trying to open the vault with malignant force, only to be left standing tired and disappointed. My anger always caused that familiar voice to return:


"You are the key".


However... After a plethora of frustrating attempts later, i...


i gave up...


The cold was too overwhelming and the sheer effort was painfully exhausting. Even trying to stay alive was tough.


I was on the verge of death. My life was, empty.






I cannot stress enough the anger i felt. It made me lose control of myself as my insane rage induced a thunderstorm overhead, which by the sheer sound seemed to dominate the entire planet.



And then something very unexpected happened... the vault door opened...



... Just like that.


Even more unexpected was the content of the vault...



...It was empty.



Anger... and then, suddenly... Laughter.



The vault was supposed to contain something that would make me powerful, BUT I WAS ALREADY POWERFUL! The entire effort of trying to open it is what made me so!


Amazing... You could say that i was both the key and the content of the vault.


And now, i was done. I've acquired my birthright and could finally commit myself to what i was meant to do ever since i was frozen in my cryopod.



The goal of the Tenno is to maintain militaristic balance. They've already weakened several factions who dared to threaten the status quo.


But truth be told, the Tenno are getting too strong themselves. Someone has to put THEM back in THEIR place.


And yes, i am still speaking of myself.



Feeling enlightened over knowing what must be done, i exited the vault and looked up onto the previously raging sky, which was now strangely calm, just like myself.


With lightning speed and agility, i leaped high into the air and took off into space, leaving my spaceship behind.


God knows it is no longer needed.


And no...


...i am still speaking of myself.




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An excerpt from the data extracted from an Orokin Datamass regarding the seach for an effective weapon against The Sentients…












Recent attempts to utilize the Void against The Sentients has had exciting results.

It would appear that excessive delta radiation in Sector-09 has granted the test

subject with increased strength and dexterity.


Although extreme skin lesions and internal hemorrhaging are present,

the test subject appears to be functioning normally both physically and mentally.


Upon further examination the test subject’s exposure to the Void has caused

him to develop enhanced motor skills. The subject displays the ability to move at a much faster

rate than normal.


Further study is required…










Further examination of the test subject has shown conclusively that delta radiation from the void has caused some sort of mutation in the test subject.


The subject is developing abnormal abilities that can only be described as astonishing.

He appears to have the ability to blind the vision of others completely at will.

Can this be weaponized?


The explanation for such power escapes me…

I must report my findings to the High Council at once.










The High Council has given me permission to begin Phase 2 of Project Tenno.


The test subject has been placed in a quarantine chamber and will undergo

The procedure at 05-00. The procedure is extremely risky and the probability of

rejection is 98%.











Phase 2 was a success.


The controlled infection of the technocyte virus has proven to be extremely effective

for practical use. Results conclude that when a test subject does not reject the virus that they will develop a metallic outer shell. This symbiotic shell

is strong enough to deflect our own weaponry, but in order to survive against the Sentient’s arsenal we had to implant a shield emitter, among other modifications.


The test subject is showing no signs of abnormal psyche like the others who have failed the procedure.


The High Council is extremely pleased with the success we have had and have given me permission to

proceed with Phase 3 when the subject fully recovers.










Today we implanted the AI chip into the test subject’s systems.

This AI has been developed to help our warriors in the field and has been equipped with all the knowledge we have in our archives.


Up until now the subject’s training in the forms of combat have been stellar and all tests have been

completed without flaw. The pilot has taken a liking to the technocyte "Warframe" and we have discovered that it also enhances and channels his abilities.


We have run the simulations and we believe that this project is the key to winning the war.

I have shown the High Council and the Emperors the fruits of our labor and they have given the go ahead for mass production of Excalibur, and for further experimentation.


Long live the Orokin, and may the Tenno lead us to victory.





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