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New Contest: A Quest Unknown!


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Warframe Mission Recon



While the new Warframes were going on journeys Earth during the time of the Gradivus Dilemma, the Alpha squad, including Excalibur, Valkyr, Frost and Banshee, were on a secret mission from the Lotus to sabotage the power generator of the Grineer and retrieve the highly secured artifact from the cold breezes of Pluto.



They accept the mission and they were on their way with the Tenno ship. They came close to the planet, then Lotus gave them a transmission: "Good Evening Tenno. I see you are all ready for this dangerous mission enterprise. The objective here is to retrieve the artifact and destroy the power generator. Good luck Tenno." The ship hangar door opened and the cold breeze was felt. They can hardly see anything, but they can still see the figure of the building. 



They went into the highly secured outpost to retrieve the artifact. They split up. Excalibur went on to the power generator to destroy it, and the others went to the artifact to get it. Once Excalibur destroyed it, he heard a transmission:

“Hello Excalibur, I see you are working with the lotus…” it sounded like the Stalker, “Why are you doing this, the Lotus is evil.” Excalibur quickly pulled out his gun, but stalker stabbed him with his hate. 




Lotus felt the Stalker’s presence on the mission and said to the Tenno “I have felt the Stalker in your midst, get out of there now before it’s too la…” Noise was heard on their ears, and the stalker appeared to them, saying “There is no escape now!” and he sounded the alarm. From the window, the Tenno  had seen the Grineer armies coming towards their direction. Stalker pulled out his Despair and threw one to Valkyr, which was holding the artifact, but frost set up a snow globe. “GO NOW!” he gestured and he held back Stalker. But he laughed “Your Tenno powers are USELESS!” and he killed him.





 Banshee and Valkyr are now being chased by Stalker. When they reached extraction, they saw the ship, they were about to board the ship until it exploded in front of their eyes. The Grineers were already there. So Lotus said to them “We are about to give another rescue ship to your destination, get to the rooftops!” So they have to find another way up. When they were on their way, they saw Ruk and Tyl Regor, which almost stabbed banshee but she pushed them away with sonic boom. They finally reached the rooftop, they saw the ship, Valkyr climbed aboard and Banshee was about to until Stalker pointed his Dread on Banshee’s head and he let go of the grip. Banshee was dead lying on the ground with the arrow on her head. Stalker had his final prey. He ran towards Valkyr and jumped to the ship but it was too far to reach, Stalker fell down the building and he said “You will die, together with your deceiving Lotus!”




498 words.


EDIT: I just changed the plot a little bit, instead of volt, it will be Excalibur because I don't have the appropriate picture to suit volt in the scenario.

Edited by The7thGuardian
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We received a message from the Corpus: Grineer dogs officers will meet. The ship was slowing down and covering panels opened. That was the time to jump. Oberon with ease hit the ground. He looked around and saw a Grineer mining facility in the vast and steep desert of Phobos. It looked like a dead place with no life - just the loud sounds of wild wind echoed afar. Then other Tenno warriors one by one appeared behind his back. The first one was Nekros, awaken in chambers of the Orokin Derelict, the master of dark powers. Then Valkyr, the Tenno saved from the labs of Zanuka project. And the last one – Ember – she mastered the fire - the deadliest element. Oberon moved forward and other Tenno followed him. Then the wind was covered by the Lotus' voice.



Far away from the landing point they were moving closer and closer to the place where officers are. Just the corpses and burned bodies of ember's prey stood behind them. Oberon was watching the Valkyr.
She took the arrow and charged her bow. The Grineer Lancer silently hit the ground, but another one was just coming – she tried to reload next arrow, but the Lancer saw the dead body of his teammate and loudly shouted “Tenno!” before the arrow hit his head. Then somebody triggered the alarm and all Grineers in the area were coming to stop them. Ember quickly slided between the Grineer unit and created the ring of fire which caused they burned up in chaos. Oberon jumped between a Grineer heavy unit, he quickly lifted them into the air and then hurls them down.
Valkyr stunned remaining Grineers. And Nekros used his dark power...



Oberon heard a Vor's voice from afar. Then the gate opened and he saw the Vor and Lech Kril. Vor showed them to come closer. Valkyr charged the bow and tried to shoot him but he teleported and the arrow hit the wall. Tenno were shooting Vor but his shield was blocking their firepower. Oberon smited him to his back and the shield disappeared. Now all the guns were shooting his body. Nekros came to the wounded and disoriented Captain and took his life by only hand motion.



Captain Vor was dead.
…but Lech Kril knocked the Nekros down by his axe. Kril tried to hit him again but Nekros dogded and the axe hit the floor so Kril couldn't move. He was frozen. Oberon took his Soma machine gun and shot the Kril multiple times. Then Ember put the fireball on him and used her power to create a deadly fire which was exploding from the ground. Explosive arrow heading from Valkyr's bow to his head finished the punchline.



“Nice work, taking down the VIP. Now get…” something blocked the Lotus' transmission signal.
That's when the Oberon heard a very noisy sound from above. He looked up to the sky and saw that – the falling Grineer asteroid base. This wasn't end of their mission…



I don't speak english very well. So I am sorry if there are mistakes. I hope you liked this.

Edited by AlphaWhisky6-4
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Nekros Pizza Prime Party!


Nekros is a lonely soul. 

In the dark days he needs something to light up his time.

Is there any better way then with a party? 


-Who does not love pizza? I love pizza! 




Hmm what do we need?




Balloons! Lots of balloons, I like red ones.





Guests, not so social but they are helpful.  









I love pizza <3.




(60 words and a heart)

This is probably by far my favourite XD good luck winning. Hope you get first place I want all the people hearing Megan or Rebecca reading this XD
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{Couldn't get screenshots to display so links are included}


The Polcat24 Event



While the battle raged, Polcat24 realized the extraction from Venus was not going as planned. Operation Sling-Stone was in full swing and Polcat24 was being extracted to be part of the strike force to engage the Fomorian battleship Tethra.  The explosions rocked the ship as decompression alarms sounded throughout the ship. There were no escape pods, Tenno die with honor in service of the Lotus. Polcat24 knew this, but he wasn’t ready to die a bloodless death, so his decision to reenter the cryostasis chamber was a difficult one, but a necessary one. After centuries in the chamber he did not wish to reenter the endless black depths of loneliness.


Polcat24 awakens 7 months later to find the ship crash landed on an Earth like planet. He now needs to find supplies and parts to repair the ship, and to look for other Tenno survivors of the crash. Polcat24’s recon shows that the planet has multiple Automated Facilities cloning Infested!! Who would want to clone infested? Could it be the Grineer, (Captain Vor, Lieutenant Lech Kril) or Corpus (Alad V,Sgt Nef Anyo)? Or even worst the Lotus. He can not let this horror continue, he now must destroy the Automated Facilities, as well as find parts for the ship.  




Polcat24 began his day of destruction early with the rise of the dual moon. Making his way through the facility destroying everything in his path. His Penta reigns destruction down like a meteor shower of epic proportion. Making his way to the facility reactor core, to put an end to this infested horror. The reactor cores destruction brings about an unexpected result. The clones in the later state of development are reviving and attacking anything that moves, and Polcat24 is the only thing moving.  He strikes with his Reckoning, destroying the weaker and slowing the stronger. Wreaking havoc among the revived infested, the slaughter is continuous. They are unorganized confused attacking anything, charging at random explosions, attracted to Polcat24’s Hallowed Ground they die slow painful deaths. The carnage is beyond anything Polcat24 has experienced before.  His fellow Tenno would stand in awe at the total devastation he is producing.


The days of destruction and carnage were long and tiring but the annihilation of the infested is complete. Not a single infested moves on this desolate lonely planet. Polcat24 must now repair the ship and return to his fellow Tenno and his Clan the Darkbrotherhood to continue the battle. For who or why he battles he does not know, or care. Destruction and death are his life, and life is better than death.



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Hi all,this is my entry for the contest,I hope you will enjoy it(sorry if i have some grammatical errors here and there but English is my second language :D)   IGN:spanney(not the same account)             



                                                        Councilor Vay Hek  chase for power



Vay Hek was desperate to gain more power over the Grineer and over Corpus, so he had the great idea to capture the Corpus chairman but for this kind of job he need somebody whit skills for this kind of job, but who could he use? The Grineer where only soldiers nothing stealthy about them, the Tenno where perfect for this kind of job but they won`t help the Grineer to gain more power, so the next candidate was the infamous Stalker who can easily sneak by the Corpus and capture the Chairman and that`s what Vay Hek did. He had to pay a big price for the mission but his power over the Grineer and Corpus will not know boundary.    http://tinyurl.com/nvyhjtk

     After the kidnap the Corpus where desperate without their chairman, so they informed the Tenno of their current situation and the Tenno accepted it because they could hit three  rabbits with one shot: getting revenge on their deserter, The Stalker, stop the Grineer to gain more power, and get some weapons transport from the Corpus as price for their help.

    And so the hunt begins: first of all they need to find where the Grineer stashed the Corpus chairman, and so the brave Tenno infiltrated a Grineer base on earth to take information on this subject from the Grineer accountant who knew every shipment the Grineer did in the day the chairman was taken .http://tinyurl.com/qeqbcsn

   Here starts the quest :1) must find data to get the chairman location from Pacific-Earth  

                                           2) because the Tenno are galactic ninjas and because this need to be done silent you can only use swords,  poles, shuriken , kunai and bow

                                           3) and because the ninja didn`t had any special abilities you can only use stealth warframes like : Loki, Banshe, Ash(bur for players who don`t have this warframes they can use any warframes but they can`t use their powers)  


   After the data is retrieved the Tenno must go and stop the shipping of the Corpus chairman to councilor Vay Hek .

Second part:

                      1)you need to protect the chairman until extraction is available on Lith-Earth

                       2)on this mission you need to bring the BIG BOYS(Rhino,Vauban,Oberon,Nekros,Excalibur)and the BIG TOYS(only shotguns and rochet launcher) around to stop he waves of Grineer coming to stop you. (bur for players who don`t have this warframes they can use any warframe but they can`t use their powers)http://tinyurl.com/pu569s5

    The Corpus finally gets their chairman back and the things are back in order but the chairman had his last drop and he wants to punish the Grineer for their nerve to kidnap him, so he doubles the reward for the Tennos if they can bring down councilor Vay Hek and his appetite for power.

Last mission for the brave Tennos and the promise of a huge payment from the Corpus:

1)you must kill councilor Vay Hek in his base deep inside of Everest mountain back on Earth

2)you can use anything you have to bring down the tyrant .  http://tinyurl.com/nm794ay

Edited by raducu6l
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                                                                    the last mission of a mischievous god



"SEND HIM IN" echoes thru the grand hall of justice.

two guards enter,holding a torn body barely able to stand on his own feet.

they threw him near the man coverd with blessing light.


as the torn man strugles to breathe, the blessed starts to speak.


GHORUB! leader of the ghost clan baresh and a very honoable warrior known troughout the galaxy !

here you are in our mercy, waiting for your fate.


ghorub grims and looks at the light, as a gesture to mock the shimmering man.

the crowd goes angry and the hall starts to rumble with words : WHY IS THIS TRAITOR STILL ALIVE?



but with a sound of a hammer the hall falls quiet .

as i was sayin" ghorub , you are submited to death for known reasons as assisting by letting go the biggest threat to us all, the stalker and therefore causing the death of your comrades,what have you to say for yourself ?


ghorub looked around him ... took a moment staring at the high and mighty around him .

therefore he only said : what there is to say to men and women blighted with your so called rightous lords?




the man in light yelled with anger : SILENCE !


"i belive we gave this court to much time now didnt we ? 


"TAKE HIM AWAY" ordered the the man in light :"and prepare the execution at dawn "


while the guards grabed ghorub the man in light asked him: "any last words traitor ?"


ghorub looked at the crowd with another grim and said : know that im not the only one , my high and mighty lords .....

know that you are being watched...


the door closes ... and the hall goes silent .



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Know your enemy.


The phrase is as old as warfare itself. What generals centuries back would have given for the abilities we have today. What we would give to give them up.


We are Nyx.


We are Tenno.

Tenno only in name. How can we be close to our brethren, even those in which we share a clan, with what we can do? Their Frames may shield their thoughts, but we can still feel their emotions leak through the shell.


The Nyx Warframe. Compatible only with females, the Frame and the expanded awareness it grants bind us in sorority. A lonely sorority still for we are as uncomfortable around each other as the rest of the Tenno feel around us. The reason is different, though, for while we are shielded from the conscious and unconscious prying of other Nyx, we all know what each other has seen: The minds of our foes.


Worse, we know what it is like to reach into those minds, pick through their brains, see who they are to the core, and to twist it. Their dearest friends become enemies to their eyes with but a thought. Paranoia on a massive scale with a whim. With concentration, we can even make the Corpus, the Grineer... the Infected... see only us even as we turn their own destructive force against them.


What's more, we can feel the emotions and glimpse the thoughts of those we control. We have felt the dread seeping into the Corpus as our infiltrations are detected. We have experienced the determination of the Grinneer as they fight hopelessly against Tenno squadrons. We have known their hopes, their dreams, and their ambitions in those final moments before they're extinguished.


And we watch ourselves maim, kill, and slaughter through other humans' eyes. Sometimes we witness death through senses so alien there are no words to describe them. We have died hundreds, thousands of times through the minds we touch. In the end, when a Nyx falls, does she even realize she's the one who's died? None of us can know until it happens.


One would think, when immersed in so many minds, that a Nyx would lay down her sword, her rifle, and refuse to fight again. It never happens. We are numb now. Each battle, each mission adds to the sea of thoughts in which we wade. We bless the blackness of cryo sleep for our dreams are no longer our own. We know our enemy better than we know ourselves.




We are Nyx.

We are Tenno.

After so long, that's all we have left.

Edited by Ink-Wire
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Not usually my thing, but decided to give it a shot. Was actually kinda fun.

Small note, I wrote this under the setting that the orokin derelicts/void weren't yet widely known, and vault/void keys weren't a dime a dozen. 498 words.


A Prime Awakened




  Rhino knelt down and pulled the golden item from its owner's dying hand.
Slowly he stood back up while looking upon the strange object. It appeared to be Orokin in design.

"Unknown artifact."

"Stupid Lotus.." Vor spat at Rhino's feet. "Find that greedy Corpus, Anyo. This is all..his fault.."


"Analyzing network..." Lotus began. After a moment's pause, "Nef Anyo, currently head of an outpost located on the surface of Mars. Intel limited as most of the official records have been deleted. I will begin preparing a course of action."


- - -


  The arrival on the facility did not go as quietly as planned. Upon entering the building where Nef resided, only a glimpse was caught  as he cloaked himself and ran out the opposite door. Quickly sprinting  across the distance, Rhino reached the doorway and took a fast glance of the surroundings. There was a small crewship across the snowy field that looked ready to depart at a moment's notice. Looking down, there were footprints appearing in the snow from the fleeing Nef heading toward the ship. With no time to spare, Rhino charged across the field.



  "You're faster than you look," Nef replied, unwillingly lowering his snipetron. Without moving the scindo from his neck, Rhino pulled out Vor's object with his left hand, holding it at eye level.
"Oh, that. I guess I have you to thank for taking care of Vor, then." Nef continued with a small laugh, "That cloned dog was chasing me for months. I messed up. The only way I got him off my &amp;#&#33; was striking a deal and offering that key. Knew he'd be too dumb to figure out its true potential, and too proud to let any other grineer near it. It bought me time to get a 3rd party involved." He paused to give a small bow of appreciation, nearly grazing the scindo's edge.

  "I'm guessing since you haven't killed me, you want to know more about that," he gestured to the key. Rhino nodded. "It seems that betraying Lotus doesn't know everything, does she?" The contempt in his voice was obvious. He quietly added, "Or maybe she's just not telling you everything, ever consider that?" Rhino slowly pressed the scindo against his helmet.
Lotus remained silent.
"Okay, okay!" he started. "Let's get back to my terminal so I can gather the data."


- - -




"Be on guard, Tenno. These derelicts are crawling with the infestation."
Lotus's warning was immediately proven true as various infested began pouring into the room. Progressing through the sprawling ruins was slow; the enemy was relentless. Was Nef telling the truth? Was this worth it?
After several hours in the dark twisting area, a brightness shown through the distance. Nef was right afterall. It was a door; the Orokin vault. With the infested clear from the area, Rhino quietly approached. Without apprehension, he placed Vor's key into the lock. The door quickly receeded as a blinding light came pouring out all around him...
What is this power?



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He was standing in the front of the door, near the base Olympus. The team had finished their work there, and they had to say for the night. It was snowing out there, a "beautiful morning" -as he thought. His teammates were still sleeping, but he couldn't.




He was wondering: "These damned dogs.... They regret nothing.... They stole our home... THEIR home... they turned that into a toxic madness. And now this... They exterminate everything but their own."


"How long have you been awake?" - said a voice. It was clear and friendly. - "Did you even sleep? You look very exhausted."


"I couldn't. I was thinking. This message from Lotus just doesn't let me in peace. So misterious."


He listened to the message again. It said:




I cannot say much. They arrived. Forget everything about your current mission, this thing is the most important now. You must be quick. Save your fellow before it's too late! Firstly, you have to find her though, she's hidden in the base............."


"And a picture of weird symbols. I haven't seen them before, nothing like Corpus or Grineer writing. Could it be Orokin?" - he said.


"Mmm... Wait a minute. I think, I've seen these before... Let me think... yes, these are ancient letters from the Earth! This is the part of the Greek alphapet, if I'm right. This one is a "lambda", and... this is an "iota". So the letter between these..., in that circle must be a "kappa"."


"You are a genius, Negam! What are we waiting for?"


"Weapons. All we have is broken and useless. I've already ordered some from the base, they will be arrived soon."


Suddenly, something in the sky just exploded.


He was scared for a minute. "Don't tell me... THAT ship was carrying our stuff." -he said. Negam was a bit embarassed. "What should we do now?" - she said.


"What we can. And we must hurry. We'll go to the base on Kappa, and save our fellow Tenno. We have efficient powers, don't we?"



336 words


Sorry, the picture doesn't really fit to the story, but I couldn't take a photo of a warframe without weapons.


Edit: 16.16 (CET) Some words have been changed.

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Good day everyone,


Here's my submission for this contest.


The Hexmark


In the beginning there were only a handful of Tenno, there were a few clans. All of us kept the universe safe. There were bigger and smaller clans that ours.

We were called the Hexmark. We kept the universe in balance so long. Until that fateful day “it” betrayed us.  All of us were on our daily routines, not knowing what would become of us.

There were six of us that excelled at what we did , each with our own specialties.

One bound by tradition, Ash. Ash knew every tradition and rule we had to follow.

Ash was on a scouting mission that day, until “it” sealed Ash into a cryopod.

It started as quick as it was over. Ash was smacked into a cryopod from several floors high. Ash never saw “it” coming.

One bound by war, Rhino. Rhino never cared for what happened to our enemies, he just slaughtered right through all of them. Never even leaving a single body behind. Every enemy we’d face would be ripped to pieces if not by his Gram Prime then by his hands.

Rhino would be “it’s” greatest challenge, for Rhino could not be pushed aside so easily.

Rhino was doing an exterminate mission before he got trapped by “it”. Rhino had three maybe four targets left. Rhino saw “it” and wondered why “it” was here and doubted for why “it” was here. Rhino charged at “it” at full power. But still Rhino fell for one of “it’s” traps. Since Rhino was reckless thinking nothing could harm him with Iron skin on. Rhino ran straight towards “it”, blinded by his rage he fell right into the cryopod behind “it”.

One bound by haste, Zephyr. Zephyr always wanted to finish everything as fast as possible. Zephyr ran and floating through every mission as if there was no time to waste. Zephyr was right in the end.

Zephyr was frolicking around in a ship, training the warframe’s skills. Getting a good feel for the warframe. Zephyr realized it could take a while.

As “it” followed Zephyr around, Zephyr noticed that his abilities ran dry before they normally would.

Zephyr knew something was wrong, Zephyr decided to take a small rest, slowing down a little.

This was Zephyr’s mistake, this allowed “it” to get Zephyr and drag Zephyr to the ships cryopod division. Where Zephyr was sealed.

One bound by chemistry, Sayrn. Sayrn always enjoyed watching the enemies spread their own death among themselves. Sayrn was on a sabotage mission. Casually letting loose a nerve poison upon the ship. And then sitting back a little for the poison to spread. As the ship slowly died out, Sayrn was making sure everyone was dead. Killing the last sixteen live targets on the ship. But once Sayrn came to the last signal on the ship. Sayrn realized that it was no normal target, it had higher mobility than any other on the ship. Sayrn realized it could only be something immune to the poison.

Sayrn realized that too late what it was and “it” got Sayrn.


Later that day,

I started to wonder where my clan members were, the only other one who survived so far was me.

Then it hit me, only “it” could have done this. I refused to believe that. As I prepared myself for the worst, I started moving towards our hall.

“It” sat there in our hall, warframes lay all around “it”.

“it” stood up and looked at me.

Not being able to believe that “it” was really doing this.

Realizing I had no chance against his warframe by myself. I fled the hall.

For “it” became what you call Stalker now.


Stalker became restless back then, Stalker swore to punish all the sins in the universe.

All six of us had sins, Stalker was still trying to make up for that what it did.

On one of his missions he killed an entire ship full of hostages, we said it would be for the greater good since we could not save them at that point.

Days after, Stalker realized that it had not only killed innocent people, but also took people out of other people’s lives.

It could not live with this guilt, swearing to remove all sins from the universe Stalker taking almost all of us.

I was the only one left, I fled from Stalker. Stalker knew all our techniques and our arsenals.

There was no chance I could defeat it.

For it was the one bound by learning.

Stalker was able to mimic all abilities.

Wondering where I should go now, I decided to go to Lotus.

She was the leader of the largest clan at that moment. Warning her of what happened at Hexmark, she made a plan in secrecy. A plan that even I was not aware of at that moment.


As it ravaged everything and everyone, high and low, to find me.

Lotus realized that the only way to stop it was to sacrifice me and removing my memory as far as possible.

Wondering what it would be when I would wake up. I was imprisoned in a cryopod. For the ages to come.

Stalker became insane a few weeks later, as it was unable to find me.
Stalker swore that day, it would find me and take me out.

Stalker became blinded  even now it finds no rest.

As it hunts every one of us.

I write these final lines to our log in hopes that anyone will read them.

I the last Prime put my sword next to my pod and hope for the best.


-Decennia later-



I awake to a sight of a strange room, fall on the floor. Unarmed I lay here gathering strength.

Lotus wakes me trough the communication device in my warframe. She reminds me of what needs to be done to get out of here.

As I run out of the room, I meet some grineer and one that’s different.

He seems to have a void key on his body.

I get hit by one of his what I presume is some sort of Void powered laser.

I fall to the floor, half dead, in the moments before I pass out, some fellow tenno appear .

They saved me from the grineer.

I wondered why he had a Void key attached to himself.

But there is no time to waste, it seems that I am needed.


You know what happens next Tenno.

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I am ******, A.K.A. - Barber


It’s still clouded, but when I try to reminisce, I see my only friend, Groff, down in a puddle of blood. I remember him screaming, helplessly. He never screamed before. It wasn’t our first mission, he had experience. Something more vicious than a few infested murdered him. When I arrived, he was already cold… I fell in despair… Loved him so much… Next to his body was Sentinel coolant. Is this killer a Tenno? Thus starts the search for my friend’s demise.




Intel is best acquired through hate. My ship is dropping me off. I killed. But all of a sudden, a silhouette appeared. It was silent, standing still, watching… ominously… Black and red. Is this the one I was so eager to meet? Yet, he was so familiar… It fired in my way and I didn’t move. But behind me was a butcher, about to cut my arm off. My so-thought nemesis became my savior. Why? Who is this? He then disappeared in smoke and on the wall was written in blood: “I am Stoker”. I saw him before. Somewhere…




Mute Stoker accompanied me more frequently - just when I was close to getting silenced.




One day, he finally started talking, about Orokin technology. I owed Stoker my life, and he needed help. ‘Course I didn’t know what this technology was. I had doubts, but he was very persuasive. We were preparing to go to old Orokin ships. Stoker says that’s where we will learn how to do the undoable.


We smote everyone in our path, but Tennite was needed - a material made of molten dead Tenno. Tennite was necessary for special vault keys. So, we needed to kill a Tenno. That was outrageous! I will not kill my brethren! Throughout our journey, I did resist following Stoker’s will, but one look from him would make me do his bidding. So we deceived a Tenno. Stoker did the killing. Our daggers were the same. I felt dreadful. But we finally gathered everything.


 I traveled to the Orokin ship. However, Stoker wasn’t there. So I started searching the spacecraft. Suddenly, a dozen infested started chasing me. Too bad for them, it wasn’t my first time. In seconds they were roaring no more, Galatine was bloody.




I found the vault, opened it, and there it was. Statue of a Prime. I stared at the light beam.


It devoured me. I saw things. Horrible things. My soul could take no more. “YES!” I remember! I was here when Groff was murdered! It blinds me! Shining! Terrifying!

-“WHAT IS THIS?!”, “Why did you kill me Stoker?”, -“Groff?!”, “The light is playing with you Stoker… It makes you see fake people…” That’s not my name! Oh no… I understood. All those horrifying things Stoker did… It was... me…. hallucinations from the first time I was here… Poor Groff…















My pistol was loaded. Off to the Void I go…


I am Stoker, A.K.A. – Barber 



500 words, any "error" you may spot is intentional 

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The Intruder

The Tenno had been caught up in struggle for power in the solar system for years, there prevailing nature made them masters of the battlefield, taking down the hardest of opponents that faced them. The Solar system was already divided between these dominating factions, but the delicate balance was constantly at risk by minorities. The Tenno or Guardians as they were called divided themselves into clans after the Old War. Those that possessed outstanding leadership qualities stood out from the many Tenno that they represented. These Warlords controlled hundreds and even thousands of Tenno, but not every Tenno shared the same ideas or the same beliefs or even the same hope. They made themselves outcasts and shunned themselves from the shimmering light.


My story, or rather our story is somewhat intriguing. It was a normal cycle along the Origin System, me and my clan mates, Hanzo and Chroneo, were on duty patrolling the Clan Dojo and putting out of place decorations back in order. As usual we would joke around and pass time by talking about the alerts that were of value, not to mention gossiping about how Allad V should have gotten a more organic pet to fiddle with. Suddenly something unordinary happened, the lights flickered. “What was that?” Said Hanzo in bewilderment. “A Power flux maybe?” assumed Chroneo. During this space-time continuum? I asked myself. Full of unorthodox hypothesis we all jogged to the main reactor rooms in Section D of the Dojo to investigate the sudden flickering.


When we all reached Section D we proceeded with troubleshooting and running the diagnostics on the first five reactors. Finding no anomalies or anything out of the ordinary, we proceeded to investigating the sixth reactor. “Maybe a Gravitational Shift by a passing asteroid?” I asked. “Definitely” Said Hanzo and Chroneo, both satisfied by my deduction.


While we were troubleshooting reactor six something sinister put fear into our hearts. The lights started to flicker again, this time more frequently. “What’s that behind you!?” Screamed Hanzo and signaled me to look at Chroneo who was standing on a lower platform. Chroneo who thought we were trying to scare him reacted by saying “really guys?” before he realized a cloud of smoke rising from behind him. “It’s the Grineer!” Stated Hanzo. “No it’s the Corpus! Definitely the Corpus.” Assured Chroneo, while waving away the wisps of smoke. “It’s him” I said. The lights flickered one last time, and a malevolent character appeared. We ran.


Marc who was visiting the Chem Lab saw us running frantically and knew what was going on. He ran to the nearest terminal and put the entire dojo on alert, but when he saw the shadowy figure, he started running with us. Cornered at the dueling room with nowhere else to go, we decided to face our fear, of the Stalker. Corrupt he may have become, but we share the same blood, we are Tenno, we are family no matter how far apart our minds and dreams may be.



Notes from Author:

Now that is my story, exactly 500 words long :) (Excluding the Title), and is till cant believe my Entree is at the max limit.

I would like to explain the moral of this story as every story I write should have a moral. Tenno are family and it is important that no matter what happens you don’t forget who your family is and who you can trust.

This story also acknowledges every individual’s right to express themselves and their ideas.


I also left the story as a cliff hanger just so that the reader can decide what would have happened next when the Stalker finally fought everyone. I want to let the readers add in their own personnel touch.


I also tried to make this story as accurate as possible to the games current lore so please forgive me if it bored you to death as the process to get the screenshots for this story bored me to death. And on a side note to every warlord reading this and who understand the trouble I had to go through to get my online members into the Dojo, remember to keep your cool at all times, remember they are your brothers and sisters from another mother :)


I would also like to apologize for having to put up such low quality screenshots, that’s the best my comp can take.

I’d also like to Specially Thank the following members of the UberFalcons Clan; to the people reading this for making this forum one of the most interesting I've ever been apart of and to the DE’s for making such an epic game!

Chroneo, Hanzo560, EDKuglero, poundra, V3RUS, skyer1001, Quicksilver999, MLGSWAGGUR123, Kr4tesis, 0Shinigami0, AnimeFreak999 and Crazador (as the Stalker)


Edited by Jithvan
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(sorry I'm not good in english)


This Quest is called: A flavor for a philosopher

Hey there... I have a little story for you all
This story is about a corpus that's friendly inserted...


I’m a Vauban and a Frost Prime sometimes, but I meet a good corpus, like Darvo in a ship, he only see my tenno face and laught, drop his weapon and tell me if I want a "Aladbeer". I say “I don’t have mouth” and he explains me the mysterys of the univers.





His name was Rostudoflapthe philosopher corpus”.




He took me to the pub in a secret place of the solar system and I say “Hey this place is so cool is so neutral we need this in the dojo”, Rostudoflap laught and we met a new friend, an eviscerator grineer…

Ok is an exile grineer,but hey, we laught and we are now friends, Rostudoflap  tried to teach me to float, that was great and hilarious…



(He can float and fly like super Hayden or I don't know... Zephyr... Maybe)


The last week I try to met my friend, my corpus friend, but I get information, Alad V had captured him, and I knew I had perhaps lost. In my weakness, Harvester appeared, I no longer wanted to live my life was a cycle, just crazy grineers fight or yell at Lotus because she is annoying... But when my neural sensors activated again it was in Jupiter, trapped, but I managed to free myself, then just a thought crossed my mind



"I'll kill you ALAD V and I will rescue my new friend"

Edited by EzrealDEP
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Im trying to write this down with hopefully no spelling and grammar mistakes. (Native german)




                       End of the line




I never thought i will regret my decision, to go mostly lone wolf style as a Tenno. But i guess that doesnt matter anymore anyway.











Lotus called me.

She intercepted a message from the Corpus. 

A new weapon technology that would help them cleanse whole planets from any life form. Grineer, Infestation... it wouldnt matter. Everything would die. Not just because that weapon would kill everyone... no it would simply destroy that planet itself. "If we cant have that planet, no one is allowed to!".

There was no time for me to hesitate. I have to act as fast as possible. I was the one who was near that ship and the only one who would have made it in time.











After i've arrived at the ship and walked half through it, i noticed, how there was still no corpus on board. I've only was able to discover the ship was messed up. Cameras, panels... nearly everything was destroyed and damaged. Maybe i've should been alerted at this point, but i couldnt let the Corpus use that weapon.











Further investigation leaded me to dead corpses and walkers... At this point i really was concerned. I already thought about, how this might be a trap, but still.. if this would have been a bait to leave the ship, so they can continue with their research for that weapon, i would not only had failed my Tenno honor.. i would have failed the whole Solarsystem. So i continued.











Maybe it was just the wrong decision, but i believe it wouldnt have matterd much. After destroying the core of the ship, i was cut off towards the Lotus. The only thing i've gotten was a roughly recorded message from a somehow dark voice... I only was able to imagine, who he was, but that wouldnt helped me there anymore. 

"This is it Tenno. May i wasnt able to punish you for your crimes personally. But for you, this might do it. Even the Lotus cant help you now anymore. No one can. There is no Corpus weapon, that blows up whole plantes. Even they are to greedy to do such a thing. That's something your beloved Lotus should have known. This is your end, Tenno!"


I was feared for the first time. I've rushed towards the door outside of the core-room, but it was already to late...











All doors already locked and even i should have expected this. All terminals and panels were destroyed. There was no way i could have unlocked those doors... I was standing at the closed door.. thinking about a possible way out of here, while i was watching the countdown running down..

But there wasnt. Not even i was able to call the Lotus for an emergency extraction.. 
The last minutes of my life... I felt sorry for my trusty Sentinel. He did nothing wrong, but i guess that doesnt bother that person who had invented this trap. 


The Stalker i guess.. Only he was able to pull such a thing off.


"Well... this is it" i've said.


"The end of the line."



- Derethevil.





Thanks for reading. Hopefully it was entertaining.

And hopefully the screenshots are able to deliver the feeling a bit.

See ya.


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The Unknown


Son, if knowledge is power, then information is wealth. Let no-one tell you otherwise. And when you have wealth, make no mistake, there are those who will seek to forcibly seize it from you. Therefore, like all wealth, information must be secured against piracy. The secrets we possess, we must also protect. We must build fortresses for them in the physical, the cybernetic, and the mental realms.




Take this Tenno, this Betrayer. See how her grasping fingers violate the sanctity of our firewalls, probing and pressing at the tree of information until its rich sap covers her hands like blood. Witness the aggression, the barbarism of this act, and understand the monstrous nature of those who turned on the hallowed Orokin from whom they suckled. Every piece of information we allow her to violently steal brings her one step closer to her goal.




Watch further, son, and you will see the savage brutality with which she disposes of our assets and property in her path to the most coveted prize. This Betrayer thinks nothing of cost, driven as she is by single-minded greed. She is avarice incarnate, unfettered by the regulations we abide by for civilised profit. She is the wild darkness that exists in the hearts of all Corpus, but to allow it full rein, we call insanity.




Beware the seductress. This one is especially persuasive, and will attempt to convince you that her larceny serves some high-minded goal of upholding balance, or defending the greater good, or some such lie. You are my son, and as such are strong-minded enough to resist such deceptions. But even you must remain resolute in your mental fortitude. Even you are not immune to the dreams this night goddess weaves.




The secret with which we have been entrusted - the Unknown - must remain so. This Betrayer's ultimate intention is to make the Unknown Known. Guard it well, my son, and do not let it pass your lips, for if this Betrayer learns our secret, a veil of night could enshroud us all. Remain alert. Remain in control. She is coming. She is here.




(352 words)

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A Rude Awakening


OrokinArchiveDelta# FrostUnit371# PersonalMemoryBanks# EntryofRecentEvents;

This report details my experience of awakening into a new world. I know not how long I have slept but I know that the world I left is gone… and the world I have awoken to is in desperate need of the Tenno.


I awoke from cryosleep dazed and confused, my memory had vanished and I could barely stand. After a few moments I came to my senses and walked out into the somewhat familiar ship I had awoken aboard. My warframe had still not reactivated and I was left with no energy or over shielding which meant I was vulnerable. Luckily I still had my blade and guns, however the cryosleep had disabled the energy cells within them so I was bound to melee combat. After my initial assessment of the state I was in I was sure that I would soon find someone to assist me…. I was wrong.


I wandered the halls of the seemingly endless ship for hours and found no signs of life “was I alone?” I thought, but as quickly as the next door opened so too did a barrage of plasma fire. I leapt down to cover behind a spherical object and felt a surge of energy. My shields began to charge and so too did my energy supplies including my weaponry. As soon as I was able I returned fire and began to dispatch the enemies with great ease.


I progressed through the ship with speed hoping to avoid being followed by any stragglers and suddenly my head spiked with pain. I fell to the floor and heard a voice “We are coming for you…” After the pain dissipated I saw a small map with a green marker flashing on what appeared to be a layout of the ship. Since I had nothing else to go on I decided to make my way to the marker and attempt to find out whose voice this was.


I passed through many rooms dispatching enemies as I progressed until I came to a dark room with 4 templates of what appeared to be human shape. Again the pain spiked in my head and the voice returned with another message “Tenno, I am Lotus. In your absence a war has broken out and the vast grineer armies are spreading, Balance has been lost and your services are needed once more. Your memories may be gone but your skills are not… Allow me to guide and teach you in the ways of gun and blade….. Come tenno, join the war.”


After the pain stopped I paused and contemplated what was said to me. After a moment I decided to pledge my services to this lotus and I stepped into one of the template doors. From there I was taken into a new home, a ‘dojo’ and from there I began my training anew.



End of Entry



OOC: Hope you enjoy this short story

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Honor among Tenno





It is pitiful. Awakened in this era only to see war continue to strive. War of the sake of war, or worse, for money.

Blood being shed on a whim, we should know better than to be part of that cycle. But yet we are.




How are we any different from mercenaries? We help whoever pays better, and it's not always the same side. How many Corpus and Grineer have fallen to my blade and yet they still seek our aid. But they can't really ignore the power we have.




It is not honorable, to kill just because you are told you. I try my best to give them a fighting chance but it all ends the same, with one more body lying on the floor and me charging for the next.




I do not remember anything from before, what I have now is my everything, but I still feel a strong sense of honor. I must have been a "samurai". It may or may not be true, but if I have to put someone down I feel my blade is the best for it. But it enrages me. Fighting just because I am told to by the Lotus. I really have nothing else, my blade calls and I can not ignore it even if I grow ever more empty inside.




But I need not worry.My quest yet still unknown... I can sense it. A day will come when I will be able to satisfy both my blade and my sense of honor. But for now, I remain a pawn of the Lotus, and thousands more will die just because I was sent for them, and even though I do not yet know what lies in wait for me, I will cut down everything on my way forward.

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The Origins

-Ever since I woke up from my cryosleep I have been asking myself what role do I play in all of this, who am I, where do I come from.
I tried to search for information on every mission that I got deployed on, ignoring the initial objective of the mission and searching trough the ships that me and my fellow Tenno infiltrated. The most valuable files I found were in the Orokin Void. Quite an illusive realm. These ancient logs told of a vast civilization that thrived in our solar system eons ago. But apparently these so called "humans" vanished through the ages. Illustrations found depict a physical body structure very similar to the Tenno, but with no Warframe. Records indicate that their earliest home was Terra, Gaia or Earth as we call the planet today. My first venture to this planet held place during the Cicero crisis. I expected remains of the ancient beings, but all I could see were vast jungles infected with Grineer outposts.


-My thirst for knowledge grew the more I got to know about the humans. Later on I found out that they had abandoned their home planet at an early state of their existence under the influence of a abusive and dominant female ruler called "The Violet Crown". They moved on to Phobos. There I found remains of their ancient structures. Unfortunately they were being engulfed by the Grineer empire. No traces of the human race itself. There is no more information after this point in their history except rumors and myths.


-Why did this civilization disappear? Who is this woman called The Violet Crown? One of the rumors suggest it's the Lotus. But she can't live for thousands of years... Can she? Can the Tenno possibly be the children of this once majestic race? The physical similarities suggest so. But then are we related to the Grineer and Corpus since they look like the humans without their armor? Or are we just (as many suspect) clones, designed to look like them, fabricated by the Lotus?


-I have so many questions yet no-one is here to answer them. And anyone that has accused the Lotus of cloning Tenno has been punished with classified measures. Some say that the Stalker is one such truth seeker, trying to annihilate anyone following her orders... I cannot be sure in these speculations, but it doesn't matter. I will continue the search for my roots... Or maybe I will parish in my next mission... Who knows... After all. It's a quest unknown...


426 Words. (Not counting these.)

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