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February 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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PS4 Operation Oxium Espionage

As you know, PC received the Operation in preparation for Update 12. Unfortunately we’re unable to deploy it before Update 12 for PS4 and will be launching it simultaneously. We didn't want PS4 to miss out on this Operation entirely, stay tuned as we hope to submit to Cert next week!


Void Drops

Frequency of Keys is the new problem, Dev is aware and new solutions are being discussed. Sheldon has gone into full Void mode and is working on a potential solution that may involve the removal of keys in the Void, but we are still figuring out the best strategy. A handful of users have expressed there is comfort in receiving an equal or better key within the Void, and others hate it. Ultimately we need to strike a balance.


Performance and Stuttering

Don’t worry you’re not crazy, we see it too. We currently have a team running missions to determine the cause and solution for this issue, and will be rolling out solutions in Hotfixes as we can.


Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

The back and forth debate about the real problem with Eviscerators has been going on for some time. On one hand, new players are finding Earth has become an impassable wall due to the level of difficulty the Eviscerators possess, and on the other hand, the way bleed proc is applied to your Warframe can be a death sentence to the highest level of players. Veteran players feel that by modding your weapon/Warframe properly you should have no problem tackling an Eviscerator, but agree that bleed proc needs some tweaking. Some solutions suggested include:


·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.


Further review will be made on this issue!


Inconsistency of Clan Tech

There are a few features that need to be implemented for this method of implementation (market + clan). These features have been brought up in other threads. The main suggestion is to show crafting costs at research level for final blueprint, as of now people starting research have no idea the cost/requirements for the blueprints. A combination of putting more things in clan research and still maintaining a weekly Reinforcement is what inspired the choice to put new weapons in Clan Tech. This is of course being reviewed based on player feedback.


Threads indicating which weapons players feel actually belong in Clan Tech are proving to be very interesting, as well as the thoughts that clan tech in the market should be all or nothing.


Warframe Fixes

As Scott stated in Devstream #22, Zephyr is in need of some fixes. We've taken note of them:


·         Tornado is casting as Magnetic if you’re a client.

·         Multiple jump bugs: no full air control vs no low-g jumping.

·         Loot/Datamasses get tossed by Tornado and sometimes get stuck to the ceiling.

·         Reports of not being able to activate Tornado because another players Tornado is active.


Frost is still a hot discussion as we eagerly await the potential change to Snowglobe. Scott is continually looking at Feedback for that perfect solution.


For The Love of PS4

As we continue to grow with the PS4 community, our efforts to get information out to those players are increasing. When we receive information that we can release, it’s put out with haste! We refuse to keep you in the dark and will continually hunt Devs down for answers. Currently DPS/Performance is being looked at intensely for both PC and PS4. We've seen numerous reports of bad performance issues (especially in the Void/ODD) and we intend to clean that up.


Next week we’re crossing our fingers to submit the build to Cert and will keep you updated with the progress.


Melee 2.0 Progress!

Geoff has been knee deep in Melee 2.0. I tracked him down and asked for a progress update:


Code still needs to do a pass on AI and their actions with the new melee system.

Animation currently is struggling to get the parry system to feel right; it needs to have actions without being too "flashy". Also finishing up transition attack animations that we’re testing out.

Movement set is complete.

The big concern right now is getting everything in and functioning so we have time for a polish pass. It’s getting tight in that regard.


Exclusive Weapons

As we've stated recently, old/exclusive weapons that have been put into the Vault always have a chance at being redistributed. Steve may have slipped the words ‘Grineer Death Squad’ during Devstream #22.


HUD Feedback

We’re still reading feedback about the HUD and making changes. Even though an Admin/Staff hasn't posted in the Feedback thread for a few days, it only means that their busy making the changes!


Happy Valentine’s Day, Tenno!


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·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.

Why not have all 4?

Edited by Naith
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Threads indicating which weapons players feel actually belong in Clan Tech are proving to be very interesting, as well as the thoughts that clan tech in the market should be all or nothing.

indeed, it should be all or nothing.


personally, i would want none of the clan tech stuff in the market so that people actually have to "work" to get some things as opposed to just buying everything.

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indeed, it should be all or nothing.


personally, i would want none of the clan tech stuff in the market so that people actually have to "work" to get some things as opposed to just buying everything.


I agree on ALL clan techy weps should be dojo only.. Would encourage players to join clans / be active / play more together (=

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Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.


Why not just combine all of those niche Elemental Resistance mods (and Warm Coat) into one Elemental/Proc resist mod?


Frost is still a hot discussion as we eagerly await the potential change to Snowglobe. Scott is continually looking at Feedback for that perfect solution.


Easy answer- concentrate on Frost's CC, give him a more active defensive role.

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Grineer Death Squad? WANT. 


Edit: AkBrakk would be awesome! Still gives those Gradivus players the edge while giving the new players the satisfaction of the Brakk!


Edit 2: What is this valentines day you speak of? *Goes back to playing Warframe* Forever alone....

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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yay Melee 2.0 is going to be awesome. But why are you worried about flashiness DE? I mean i've been seeing  whole teams of  neon pink warframes  for a few days X)


I have a question: Since Bleeding isn't going to be possible though shields , are the waframe suits going to show some damage = suit having tears , , holes in some places , signs of laceration and so on? Because they would still bleed though their suits...


Thanks for the developpmemnt update and keep it up ! 


Here are some flowers as a gift , happy valentines day escpecially to Rebecca XD


Edited by Deidaku
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Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

The back and forth debate about the real problem with Eviscerators has been going on for some time. On one hand, new players are finding Earth has become an impassable wall due to the level of difficulty the Eviscerators possess, and on the other hand, the way bleed proc is applied to your Warframe can be a death sentence to the highest level of players. Veteran players feel that by modding your weapon/Warframe properly you should have no problem tackling an Eviscerator, but agree that bleed proc needs some tweaking. Some solutions suggested include:


·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.

For the love of...


DO NOT, hear me, DO NOT make a mod to "solve" this problem. DO NOT. IT'S NEVER WORKED BEFORE, AND IT WON'T THIS TIME. Remember warm coat? Worthless. Remember the block mods, something that should be innate to blocking? Worthless. Zoom mods? Worthless. Stamina mods? Worthless. 


Oh, and let's not forgot new players who encounter them won't have the mod, making it even more useless.


Either make it only happen with shields are down, or make them a leader, but DO NOT try and use the broken mod system to "fix" the problem like you have before.


Frost is still a hot discussion as we eagerly await the potential change to Snowglobe. Scott is continually looking at Feedback for that perfect solution.

Stop making every frame focused on damage, stop giving damage buffs to utility frames and expecting that to work. I've said it before, I'll say it again.


Redesign Frost's powers. Toss out what you have now, and approach it fresh. Is he an Area Defense Frame? Design powers that do that then. Is he a general CC frame? Design powers around that. But stop giving damage buffs to frames and expecting it to work.



Exclusive Weapons

As we've stated recently, old/exclusive weapons that have been put into the Vault always have a chance at being redistributed. Steve may have slipped the words ‘Grineer Death Squad’ during Devstream #22.

So long as founder stuffs stays exclusive, I'm fine with all my other exclusives coming back out again.


Melee 2.0 Progress!

Geoff has been knee deep in Melee 2.0. I tracked him down and asked for a progress update:


Code still needs to do a pass on AI and their actions with the new melee system.

Animation currently is struggling to get the parry system to feel right; it needs to have actions without being too "flashy". Also finishing up transition attack animations that we’re testing out.

Movement set is complete.

The big concern right now is getting everything in and functioning so we have time for a polish pass. It’s getting tight in that regard.

Good to hear an update!


Void Drops

Frequency of Keys is the new problem, Dev is aware and new solutions are being discussed. Sheldon has gone into full Void mode and is working on a potential solution that may involve the removal of keys in the Void, but we are still figuring out the best strategy. A handful of users have expressed there is comfort in receiving an equal or better key within the Void, and others hate it. Ultimately we need to strike a balance.

IMO, remove keys from the tables, along with credits/cores. People want prime parts/forma from the void, not credits or another @(*()$ key which sometimes isn't even the same tier! It's fine in survival simply because you get multiple rewards, but for capture, exterminate, defense, etc it's just @(*()$ annoying.


Threads indicating which weapons players feel actually belong in Clan Tech are proving to be very interesting, as well as the thoughts that clan tech in the market should be all or nothing.

The problem here is that it looks very cash grabby because it's only the new clan tech that's on the market, none of the old stuff, so really it should be all or none imo.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I have a question: Since Bleeding isn't going to be possible though shields


She didn't say anything about what is going to happen. This thread is a list of acknowledgments, dev thoughts and list of suggested solutions players have brought, nothing more.

Edited by DavidSPD
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I feel that keys don't belong in the void as a reward. It doesn't make sense to begin with. Why would you earn void keys in a void mission? Besides the droptables were dilluted enough to begin with. I say remove the keys and balace the droprates for all other prime rewards.


Also please remove cells, credits and keys from the droptable of void defence. Making void defence endless was a smart thing to do but not adding more stuff in the rewardtable. The rarity of the defence rewards are fair if the things I mentioned are removed.

Edited by kubbi
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indeed, it should be all or nothing.


personally, i would want none of the clan tech stuff in the market so that people actually have to "work" to get some things as opposed to just buying everything.

Not every one wants to be a member of a clan, or a few folks have a small clan but only play occasionally and not enough to keep up with resource reqs. It's not for you, or anyone else, to decide how these folks play, take off your blinkers and accept not everyone plays as you do. Limiting new gear to items that some folks have no hope of getting IS NOT the way forward.


"Work" Gaming should never be a surrogate for employment, only relaxation after work; there is more than enough grind to keep the unemployed entertained as it is.

Edited by HexCaliber
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Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

The back and forth debate about the real problem with Eviscerators has been going on for some time. On one hand, new players are finding Earth has become an impassable wall due to the level of difficulty the Eviscerators possess, and on the other hand, the way bleed proc is applied to your Warframe can be a death sentence to the highest level of players. Veteran players feel that by modding your weapon/Warframe properly you should have no problem tackling an Eviscerator, but agree that bleed proc needs some tweaking. Some solutions suggested include:


·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.


Further review will be made on this issue!




and DE still doesnt acknowledge the fact bleeding proc is a widespread bad mechanic and isnt exclusive the to eviscerators, so the only "good" solution on the list is the first(make bleed only proc with shields down). the 2nd could work too, but just look at how many people actually uses resistances mods, EVEN after they got buffed, even the 60% doesnt outweigh the fact it's too situational.

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She didn't say anything about what is going to happen. This thread is a list of acknowledgments, dev thoughts and list of suggested solutions players have brought, nothing more.

they are probably going to add it . It will  make the eviscerators less OP , and cheap imo . If they weren't considering doing something about  it why inform the whole community ?

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I feel that keys don't belong in the void as a reward. It doesn't make sense to begin with. Why would you earn void keys in a void mission? Besides the droptables were dilluted enough to begin with. I say remove the keys and balace the droprates for all other prime rewards.


Also please remove cells, credits and keys from the droptable of void defence. Making void defence endless was a smart thing to do but not adding more stuff in the rewardtable. The rarity of the defence rewards are fair if the things I mentioned are removed.

Then DE have to put up with all the complaints that there is not enough variety in the drop tables for these mission, the number of prime items is finite, no one wants hundreds of identical bp in their inventories. All DE need do, is tone down the frequency of these rewards.

Edited by HexCaliber
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"Work" Gaming should never be a surrogate for employment, only relaxation after work; there is more than enough grind to keep the unemployed entertained as it is.

you are taking my use of "work" far too literal, but i suppose thats my fault.


i suppose the idea behind it (for me at least) is that the clan tech gear separates the "average" player from someone who is a little more "dedicated".

it just seems wrong that people can obtain everything with money without ever trying to get anything... it almost seems like a free ride.

granted, they did use money and i cant have a say about that, but again, it just feels wrong.


with clan tech stuff on the market, thats one less "tool" we have for seeing if someone is good at the game or just has a fat wallet.

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Please, for the love of Lotus and all that is Grineer, do not rush Melee 2.0. Take another darn month or two if you have to, but make it so that you won't need to tweak it as much as Damage 2.0. Take your time, please. And you know what? Make it flashy.

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