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February 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I don't believe you should be rewarded with void keys for void missions.

I don't think it makes any sense and degrades the value of keys.


With a group you can basically multiply your keys because you used one to get the group in and are rewarded with up to four (one for each person). 

With two or three keys of one type and a full group, you could essentially run that zone infinitely by each person using the rewarded keys it gives them at a seemingly 50% chance.

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Then DE have to put up with all the complaints that there is not enough variety in the drop tables for these mission, the number of prime items is finite, no one wants hundreds of identical bp in their inventories. All DE need do, is tone down the frequency of these rewards.


Believe me there's plenty of variety in void defence. I have nothing against cores or other mods being added in the table, but I feel that having added  keys, cells and credits is overkill. Void defence used to contain only: braton prime bp, stock, barrel, receiver, glaive prime bp, disc, fang prime bp, handle, blades, forma bp and forma. Now more stuff are added however the rarity of the old drops haven't been changed. Defence may be endless now but people will probably have to farm more in order to get rewards they want.

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Performance is being worked on?! Hallelujah!


My computer has been struggling to play Warframe since December, while other games are running optimally at high graphics settings. I'm really looking forward to these; having severe and random FPS drops for no reason, even with graphics settings set to the minimum is extremely frustrating. Here's hoping they come out soon.




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·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down. - Right now it extremely illogical that blade that did not hit the skin still applied bleeding dont u think? So yeah, make it happen, it should apply to everyone, not just AI.


·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage. - stupid.


·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency. - Bandage? Forget about it. I mean a literal code bandage for broken mechanic.


·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’. - Fair enough.


So make 1 or 4 happen and it would make me happy.

Edited by Darkix
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What happened to the token system for Void missions anyway? I'd like to see that happen or at least have a discussion about it.


As for bleed proc, I agree with bleed not applying when shields are up. Just don't create a new mod, seriously. Bandaid mods tend to be, you know, not really a solution at all.


Lastly, Melee 2.0, I don't really know what to expect with that. Let's say I'm cautious about it, but I'd rather like it if you took the time to finish it properly. Don't rush this update for all that is good. A suggestion of mine would also be adding more variety to the melee weapons themselves. They all feel too much the same.

Edited by goatwithbenefits
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Just how do you re-release weapons like the brakk? Seems a bit unfair to just put them in the market and/or clan tech. The only fair way is to offer it again in a similar instance like the first. However that kind of leaves out those that already have it.

The only option I can see is to offer another reward for running it again. Like duel brakks. Those that don't have the brakk will get it running 100 missions and give them duel brakks for running 200 missions. This way everyone will get the same reward for running the same number of missions.

The only other issue becomes what to do with new players that missed both events. But with duel brakks I'll probably forget about them real quick. }

Edited by digritz
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I personally don't think the reward should be that key or one of a higher tier. yes, that would kinda of be like a progression, where you start out with some T1 keys, run the missions, and get some T2. run those, and eventually run the T3's. but you can just get the keys from defense/survival on the starchart, and only unlock higher tier keys when you run higher-tier defense/survival. but because of the void drop tables, T3 is not necessarily better than T2. it used to be that generally T3 would have the highest chance for the rarest parts, so the upgrade was actually an upgrade. but because now each mission has a separate drop table, using a T2 key and getting a T3 key out of it is really a side-grade at most. when you're only looking for one particular component, getting a key of any other type is a downgrade


so I think you should get that key back, or not give keys back as rewards (I could see it in defense and survival). I need T2 caps and T2 caps only now that those orthos blades have been moved to just one mission type. getting a T3 cap is as useless as a bronco prime receiver (idk what else is in T2 cap now, but that used to be the classic T3 cap reward when you were looking for orthos or ember prime parts. so many receivers)

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I feel that keys don't belong in the void as a reward. It doesn't make sense to begin with. Why would you earn void keys in a void mission? Besides the droptables were dilluted enough to begin with. I say remove the keys and balace the droprates for all other prime rewards.


Also please remove cells, credits and keys from the droptable of void defence. Making void defence endless was a smart thing to do but not adding more stuff in the rewardtable. The rarity of the defence rewards are fair if the things I mentioned are removed.

Keys in the void actually make sense to me but for only T1 and T2. They are towers and at the end of the tower you either get an item or access to the next tier of the tower. The keys just shouldn't drop the way they are right now. I see people stating they can run 10 keys and 9 runs are keys. I think I saw a post stating that DE fixed the problem of getting the same item many times in a row and that now it would be random. Did it revert to the way it was before?

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 Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage


don't do it already warframes have no slots to use it

too many mods and no slots maybe when u add more slots for warframes....

i think u said u will in a livestream back before damage 2.0 came out but u didin't :(

Edited by thewarrior96
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·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.


None of these options are great, but the second is the best of the lot.


The first destroys bleeds primary purpose of being a countermeasure to the "Just stack shields 100% of the time" problem where it's always, 100% of the time better to add shields then health.  It's a waste of a potentially useful mechanic, and just turns us right back to always stack shields.


Two isn't quite so bad, though it's only really viable if it's an anti-bleed only mod, and it maxxes at 100% bleed resistance.  At least this way, if you choose to stack shields versus health, you have to either choose to use another mod slot to prevent sudden bleed death, or risk it.  I'm not thrilled with the idea, but it's far better then going back to no-brain loadouts in the first option.


Three and four only address Eviscerators, and there are too many other ways to bleed for that to really be a solution to anything.


I still very much think the proper solution is to make a quick-building 10 pack of a consumable item that stops bleeding instantly when used.  That adds another element of skill to the game - reaction time to use your bandages when you start to bleed, and would give another resource sink (I'm looking at you, nano-spores).  Health stays more relevant then pre-status effects, since your reaction time might or might not be enough to save you.  Can even add a mod that automatically uses bandages if you have them and you start bleeding - another element of player preference in loadouts.


But please, don't make shields a countermeasure.  Bleed is paper to the shield-stackers rock.  Don't make rock beat paper.

Edited by Phatose
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Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.



I'd like to point out is that the issue with bleed procs isn't just with Eviscerators. They're the worst example of it, of course, but it's happening with far too many enemies in the game, including the most common of trash mobs like Lancers. No matter how skilled the player is, health loss is unavoidable, which entirely defeats the purpose of having shields in front in the first place.


The issue here is that since there's no way to universally avoid shield damage, players have no universal way to avoid health damage (as opposed to Damage 1.0, where they could simply escape the crossfire and recover whenever their shields got too low). Ever since Damage 2.0, whenever a bleed proc occurs while the player is at full shields, it only brings forth the feeling of "Why is my health going down so much? I've done nothing wrong". Players should never be punished because of a couple of lucky dice tosses from enemy trash mobs, but unfortunately, that's exactly what's going on right now.



So while the latter three of these "fixes" would be interesting to see in game, the first one is the only one that takes into account that the brokenness of the bleed mechanics are not exclusive to Eviscerators. It should take top priority.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Bleed Proc/Eviscerators

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.



Make a mod for it. Experienced players should have developed tactics against these type of units that they should put into play once they hear the clank-clank of the miters.


Maybe you should create Sentinel Detection Mod where he gives you warning message when one in close. Sort of like the Lotus telling you a Heavy is coming but since it's your Sentinel all you need to do is show a pic of your sentinel going "beep-beep-boop." And maybe you can get rid of that Lotus warning to save some space and just have a mod for the different unit types. Plus this way you can give your sentinel more play. Built him to be an anti- corpus hunter with Corpus detection mods, make him an Orokin hunter, etc,etc.


Exclusive Weapons

As we've stated recently, old/exclusive weapons that have been put into the Vault always have a chance at being redistributed. Steve may have slipped the words ‘Grineer Death Squad’ during Devstream #22.


Just call them event weapons if they are going to be available at a later time. Exclusive has a different meaning.

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We already have plenty of useless, gimmick mods, all of them are useless (warm coat anyone? No? No one wants a mod that pertains to a random level being icey? Huh, go figure.)


And HP has armor going for it, making it "tankier" than shields in terms of pure damage absorbed.


No one wants a mod that provides resistance to a rare effect that you can avoid totally by quitting a mission and restarting it.  A mod that prevents a fairly common, fairly lethal attack?  Much different story.


And as long as shields regen and HP doesn't, shields will always be tankier.  Capability to absorb infinite damage via regen means health will never win that battle.

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I will gladly provide feedback:


Void Drops:

- It is better than it was, thank you!, it was a thoughtful decision making process: a balance between reasons to explore the void and getting rewarded for doing so.


- Endless Defense change from (X%5) Waves is much much better, I like too that there is a reliable place to get orokin cells from this.


- Getting a key for using a key: Not too keen on this; Here is a short story about how this feels:


"I go to the deli to buy a sandwich. I give the clerk $5 and ask for a Chicken  sandwich. The clerk takes the money and gives me a receipt. I wait for the cook to cook the sandwich. Maybe it will be just right today, I dont know, depends on the cooks work ethic and or mood. After waiting for 10 or 15 minutes, I get my $5 back, maybe even $10 back... problem is, I wanted a sandwich. Maybe next time when I got to that deli, I might get a sandwich... problem is that lunch break is already past, and my stomach is empty".


- Placeholders: I understand this completely. Consider this though: This game has some mission types, un-used in the void and the derelict: Spy, Deception, and sabotage. Those are not the most popular mission types, but provide places where some pieces can go and more room for new additions.


Performance and stuttering:

- My battle buddy (sadly I have only one reliable one, or I play solo) has only 2GB of DDR2 RAM and somehow he plays this game (9800GT)... he has performance issues but toughs it out. I know this game is chewing up some memory and there are some leaks I noticed during survival missions post U12. I caught them using a performance monitor specially giving me a real-time graph of memory usage during gameplay (Razor DeathStalker Ultimate GUI application: "performance monitor").


- The places where I saw the memory exceed 4GB of usage were: Orokin Derelicts  survival  - Any Survival - Phoboes (it occurs when a large pool of enemies spawn in one central location in close proximity), - Void Survival: soon as the start button is initiated, memory usage peaks 5860 MB of use)


- The Malloc "free" that occurs as soon as Lotus says, mission complete or when finishing final enemy on exterminate: (this may have been fixed post 12.2 hotfix, need to test it), it was crashing my friend's rigg almost every time it freed. On my rigg it was not freeing more than a GB of RAM, which I suspected was either dangling pointers or simply unfreed allocated memory; this is due to the memory usage still occurring even when the client was closed, and not freed until reboot. I am on 12GB on 8 threads; desktop with this browser open (and other apps) is typically 2.7GB, warframe client during mission is usually 4.2 to 4.4; even if it was not freeing completely, I have the overhead my friend does not. I think it was crashing him because the game attempted to write game data into OS related addresses.



- Happy with this current setup, please keep it this way. I think it is profitable and perpetual towards the gameplay and business side of things.

- If you cant wait, you can buy now (which I have!)

- If you wanna earn it in-game, you can and it is mentally rewarding. 

- The option are just fine IMO.

- My warning again: "Careful not to stack new content without raising the level bar", but as is; Im very happy with clantech;  especially the new and unique weapons being delivered into the option system. 



- All those items listed are definitely occurring

- Glad to have the #2 skill actually cause damage, thank you :)


Melee 2.0 Progress:

- Lets see what you got animation team!

- Honestly this will put the ninja feel into warframe 

- Currently, I will not argue with anyone that claims the current WF is a "run and gun"... cause, well it has all the ingredients of a run and gun

- The movement sets in M2.0 could improve or even change that.

- I am confident in what you guys can produce just based on the live-stream's conceptualization of M2.0 and the amount of time put into it.

- Dont mind waiting for something good.



- They feel bugged in their AI.; reasoning is the hybrid path they have with a sniper and a soldier type AI.

- They have sniper pathing, but specific soldier maneuvers, such as close range firing and grenade tossing.

- The sniper AI's tend path a distance from the player and fire from cover; which Evisorators do. 

- Problem arises: they fire the blade gun like a semi-auto rifle under close and long range. Inconsistent with Balista's, Rail Moas, & Crewmen snipers.

- Those AI (from my list before) shoot bolt action and do significant damage when they hit (Ballista's can shoot your shield off), up close, they still fire bolt action; on the other hand Evisorators deal the damage similar to a charged Miter shot but in fast succession; very devastating to a brand new Excalibur and war hardened Zepher alike.

- Their fire rate should have the frequency of  a charged shot at down range, and under CQC the damage and frequency of a non-charged shot. Let em unload upon you upclose, but not unload 5+ fully charged shots.

- The proc is very deadly (that Grieneer that thinks hes a ninja, I forgot his name also slash procs some serious numbers)... it can bleed you out fast, Im fine with that but if it stacks really high due to high frequency of damaging shots, it can wipe a squad just like the old Flamethrower Grineer did (those guys used to be a nightmare)

- I dont mind their frequency of occurrence in battle either, but their fire rate and output need to be balanced, because it feels bugged


Happy  Valentines  Day!

- Happy  Valentines  Day, now go out and  massacre  some pesky Grineer with your Soma! Show them your not playing around!

- Show them you control the Solar Racket!

- Oh and give some roses to your sweety... and stuff.

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No one wants a mod that provides resistance to a rare effect that you can avoid totally by quitting a mission and restarting it.  A mod that prevents a fairly common, fairly lethal attack?  Much different story.

And yet, when it comes up it's incredibly annoying, especially when you don't want to restart. Besides, why would I want to give up power efficiency, or damage, or range, or common defense (i.e. shields/HP), or speed, or skills to take a mod that MIGHT protect me vs a couple procs? (Fire, toxic, and bleeding are the only procs enemies have with a DoT IIRC)


A bleeding mod will simply be like all the other resistance mods, we've been down the route of gimmicky mods. They simply don't get used.


And as long as shields regen and HP doesn't, shields will always be tankier.  Capability to absorb infinite damage via regen means health will never win that battle.

If we factor in regen, yeah, shields will always be better, but once you get to higher level areas where shields can fall apart fairly fast, it's a different story.

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In case you missed it, I specified in my original post that it needed to be bleeding-only, and it needed to be 100% at max level. 


And really, at any level high enough that shields fall apart fairly fast, armor isn't going to do anything.


I maintain the proper way to deal with it is consumables.  That way it's a skill based mechanic, not just "Give the shield heavy frames yet another advantage over the health ones."  We don't need to give shield users additional advantages, and the first means a frame with 750 shield/250 health has an additional benefit over a 500/500 frame, in that it's totally immune to a proc for 50% longer.  Unacceptable in light of how large an advantage shields already have.

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