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February 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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There is no need of an overhaul of the mod system. People just need to stop using the same exact build over and over on every frame. The mod system is a give-and-take thing but there's a group of people that dont want to give, they just want to stay with one thing and not adjust, they want the game to adjust to them. And with that thinking there shouldn't be a mod system because they are even bothering to use it.


This is why the "proc on shields off" solution is the favorable one, with this solution that group of people dont need to do anything. There's no need to adjust or react to the enemy, just continue shooting and everything is fine. And on top of all of that if these folks have Sentinels then they will likely have a Guardian mod which means the chances of that proc ever actually coming into play are very low. 

Currently the mod system is an illusion of choice thing, sure the mods are there, but most are overshadowed by the good mods. I could take fire resistance BUT, taking pure shields gives a better return for the same cost.


The main problem with warm coat is that..... what enemy uses ice damage? Do any normal unit actually hits for ice?

Warm coat is the ice level thing.

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Void Drops:

 Keys really need to be removed from the tables, countless times I've done defences where 3-4 rewards are the same key (even in the last few days this has happened often).

Honestly keys should drop fairly frequently in the void (think akin to golem nav points in the derelicts).  Keep the drops to tier one keys, but add blueprints to upgrade keys (normal nodes can drop any tier key).  4 lesser keys upgrade one tier; so 4 tier I keys make a tier II key of the same type, 4 tier II (thus 16 tier I) keys make a tier III key.  Alternative make a tier only drop keys from its tier (ie a tier II void tower only drops tier II keys), so you have to firstly get a key for that tier but once you have them you can get keys much easier for that tier.


As to keys droping for void make no sence as some have mentioned, it makes the most sence.  The most likely place to find information or keys to another void tower is within a void tower.


Bleed procs / Evicerators:

It's clear from this thread that adding a Mod to help lessen bleed proc is not the solution. Seeing that Bleed Proc is more of an overall issue than just from Eviscerators is noted. Seems to be that tweaking Bleed Proc as a whole is what will alleviate some issues.

The suggestion to change Bleed Proc to occur only when your shields are down seem to be the favoured option.

Will continue to read feedback as this discussion progresses, thanks!

The biggest issue is not the bleeds in of themselves is the damage some bleeds can do, most noteably that of evicerators (who on testing appear to have about a 30% bleed chance).  Dying from a single bleed proc (even if standing ontop of a medium heal pack) shouldnt be what bleed is about.  It would be more interesting if it was about wittling away your health over numerious bleed procs (or some other solid reasoning).

Most bleeds from other units are annoying but arent likely to outright kill you unlike a level 20+ evicerator, even when compared to melee unit rare bleeds occuring.


Unfortunatly if you dont suffer bleed untill you get to health it will only serve to be an issue for high level enemies for the most part and is easy to avoid by stacking shields exclusivly (higher level enemies will liekly kill you if they shred your shields and bleed you then too).

Ideally a decision on what the ultimate goal of bleed is meant to do needs to be decided on.  Is it meant to kill? Wittle health? Avoid just the stacking of shields and ignoring health?


Prehaps having bleed do a set amount of damage (nothing too large), but stacks bleeds (or lengthens the duration) so each stack adds additional ticks (or extendding the duration) of bleeding (ie if you have 10 stacks of bleed your taking 10 times bleed damage than for just one (in a similare time frame), or bleeding 10 times longer).

Edited by Loswaith
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Currently the mod system is an illusion of choice thing, sure the mods are there, but most are overshadowed by the good mods. I could take fire resistance BUT, taking pure shields gives a better return for the same cost.



If you are only worried about stats then that means you have no choice since you are only chasing stats, but if you dont worry about stats and create a build then properly develop tactics around that build you can create some fun and crazy stuff. The system is there for you to use and if you dont use it that's all on you. An easy example is putting on Heavy Impact. When i put that on, on my Excal the first thing i did was notice groups of enemies and the second thing was looking for was high places i can jump off for more damage. If you are going to put that mod on you have to play like that or else whats the point?


This is why i say there should be a mod. If you are having that much problem with it then when you do Grineer missions with high evis spawns then put that on and if you are not then you dont need to. The game should be offering a variety to keep you entertained. If enemies just end up being a bunch of dude that shoot bullets that look different then this game isnt going to be fun. Hek, this game gets hit about not having that many unique units. 


Warm coat is the ice level thing.Warm coat is the ice level thing.


Ok then the main problem is that you dont even know when to put it on in the first place.


DE does really need to do elemental levels. I mean... we are flying around in this solar system that has all sorts of conditions.

Maybe they should do elemental survival. Instead of air the level get's colder and there's special cold damage units and have the same for fire and so on.

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If you are only worried about stats then that means you have no choice since you are only chasing stats, but if you dont worry about stats and create a build then properly develop tactics around that build you can create some fun and crazy stuff. The system is there for you to use and if you dont use it that's all on you. An easy example is putting on Heavy Impact. When i put that on, on my Excal the first thing i did was notice groups of enemies and the second thing was looking for was high places i can jump off for more damage. If you are going to put that mod on you have to play like that or else whats the point?


This is why i say there should be a mod. If you are having that much problem with it then when you do Grineer missions with high evis spawns then put that on and if you are not then you dont need to. The game should be offering a variety to keep you entertained. If enemies just end up being a bunch of dude that shoot bullets that look different then this game isnt going to be fun. Hek, this game gets hit about not having that many unique units. 

Again, everything is currently an illusion of choice with the mod system. I can take a flame repellent, but why when I can take a redirection of the same cost and have more shields from it? Oh, and lets not forget that the redirection applies to all damage not just the one damage type the mod protects against.


"If you are only worried about stats then that means you have no choice since you are only chasing stats"

That's 90% of what WF is, a gear check. You get the best stats possible, which allows you to finish a mission faster, or beat a boss faster, or go further in survival/defense for whatever reason, and so on.


There is only the illusion of choice in WF unless you're going for an incredibly poor gimmick build, i.e. Heavy Impact.


Ok then the main problem is that you dont even know when to put it on in the first place.


DE does really need to do elemental levels. I mean... we are flying around in this solar system that has all sorts of conditions.

Maybe they should do elemental survival. Instead of air the level get's colder and there's special cold damage units and have the same for fire and so on.

...and that's it's still better to take flat +shields or + HP over warm coat.

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It's clear from this thread that adding a Mod to help lessen bleed proc is not the solution. Seeing that Bleed Proc is more of an overall issue than just from Eviscerators is noted. Seems to be that tweaking Bleed Proc as a whole is what will alleviate some issues.

The suggestion to change Bleed Proc to occur only when your shields are down seem to be the favoured option.

Will continue to read feedback as this discussion progresses, thanks!



That's just nerfing the difficulty and making the game easier though. It'll make people stop complaining, but won't make the game better. You can remove guns or the ability to attack from enemies, but that's not /better/.

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It's clear from this thread that adding a Mod to help lessen bleed proc is not the solution. Seeing that Bleed Proc is more of an overall issue than just from Eviscerators is noted. Seems to be that tweaking Bleed Proc as a whole is what will alleviate some issues.

The suggestion to change Bleed Proc to occur only when your shields are down seem to be the favoured option.

Will continue to read feedback as this discussion progresses, thanks!

On the right track

This saddens me, because this utterly gets rid of the point of bleed.  It's there to make sure stacking shields isn't the one optimal solution.


The best solution from my point of view is to change the way bleed procs do damage; eviscerator procs just do too much damage.  As for other enemies, they do chip damage at best and incentivize Not Getting Hit.  It'd help if the game fostered more avoidance tactics than it does, though.

This is good info.

The thing about bleed is that it works well when it's a small amount of damage each tick.  It makes it so a player can't just slap huge shields on their frame and then ignore their health all the time.  When it goes wrong is when the bleed takes out a quarter of your health per tick--most commonly from eviscerators.  That is just a straight-up death sentence.


What bleed needs to do is take away a set percentage of health per tick, regardless of the source.  This would make it manageable as a status inflicted on the player while at the same time keeping it useful against enemies of all levels.

Now we are talking!



As for those people suggesting anti-bleed proc mods.

The current mod system isn't built with enough space for those kinds of isolated defense mods.

If there was more space or slots for mods of different tiers that would be worth considering.

As it is now it is simply the wrong solution.

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Just in response to the Clan tech point,  as nice as the Grinlock is (amazingly well made! You guys just keep getting better!) it really doesn't feel like it fits as a 'research' weapon.


That problem compounds the issue of having to wait a minimum FOUR TIMES longer to start playing with a gun from Tenno Reinforcements. Especially frustrating as it was the only new item introduced last week.


If the time cost was a decision based on platinum sales I'd be very disappointed but I suspect it just wasn't thought through with all you guys have to deal with at the moment.

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Again, everything is currently an illusion of choice with the mod system. I can take a flame repellent, but why when I can take a redirection of the same cost and have more shields from it? Oh, and lets not forget that the redirection applies to all damage not just the one damage type the mod protects against.


"If you are only worried about stats then that means you have no choice since you are only chasing stats"

That's 90% of what WF is, a gear check. You get the best stats possible, which allows you to finish a mission faster, or beat a boss faster, or go further in survival/defense for whatever reason, and so on.


There is only the illusion of choice in WF unless you're going for an incredibly poor gimmick build, i.e. Heavy Impact.


I dont equip redirection most of the time so i have space. And it doesnt have to be that specific mod being replace, in survival and defense missions orbs drop like mad so in those type of missions there is no extreme need to bring both flow and streamline. And if you do get starved of energy you can drop an energy recovery item. Stretch is also another mod that can go with there is plenty of energy.


There are a good amount of combinations if you actually attempt different playstyles. If you only go for one specific style you put yourself into a corner and that's just you and not the game.


There is only one timed mission. Outside of that, how fast something get's done means nothing in game. And there isnt just one specific build with no room for everything that must be done to play this game. That is only the illusion you have and you are trying to claim that everyone must also have.



...and that's it's still better to take flat +shields or + HP over warm coat.


You can take all three if you want to. The only person stopping this is you... and the fact that one cant tell when this effect happens. 


DE should make a new disposable recon sentinel that you can send in before the mission starts that tells you the environmental hazards before the missions starts so you get a chance to put these mods on.

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I dont equip redirection most of the time so i have space. And it doesnt have to be that specific mod being replace, in survival and defense missions orbs drop like mad so in those type of missions there is no extreme need to bring both flow and streamline. And if you do get starved of energy you can drop an energy recovery item. Stretch is also another mod that can go with there is plenty of energy.


There are a good amount of combinations if you actually attempt different playstyles. If you only go for one specific style you put yourself into a corner and that's just you and not the game.


There is only one timed mission. Outside of that, how fast something get's done means nothing in game. And there isnt just one specific build with no room for everything that must be done to play this game. That is only the illusion you have and you are trying to claim that everyone must also have.

Again, you want to clear missions fast and safely, along with having useful abilities? You're pretty much locked into one build then.


Mak, just stop already, you know it's a false choice, I know it's a false choice. You can babble on about how your gimmicky build works, or how redirection isn't mandatory (along with serration, or multi shot), but in the end you just look silly. No one will ever argue that a heavy impact build is "viable" and useful in anything remotely looking like endgame and be taken seriously.


You can take all three if you want to. The only person stopping this is you... and the fact that one cant tell when this effect happens. 


DE should make a new disposable recon sentinel that you can send in before the mission starts that tells you the environmental hazards before the missions starts so you get a chance to put these mods on.

That's not the scenario, scenario is you have one slot for defensive mod, which do you take? The best obviously, that being redirection.


And your idea of the recon sentinel is awful, who would wait to launch a mission just to check if the level has a random element to it?


Alright, I dunno why I try and make you see some reason, you'll never admit you're wrong even when it's bloody obvious to everyone but you, so I'll just drop this because you're just gonna keep ignoring what "illusion of choice" is because it tears your horseS#&$ apart if you bothered to take half a second and learn what it is.

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Again, you want to clear missions fast and safely, along with having useful abilities? You're pretty much locked into one build then.


Sorry, but you are not locked into anything. You created your own lock because of how you chose to play. I dont follow any of your rules and i do fine.


You dont need shields with Vauban because he has Bastille/Wormhole which you can launch anywhere one wants so he can stop damage coming from any direction you choose. Stuff like this can be applied with other frames if you look at their abilities and see what you can do with them. This is why i think a mod for bleed would be helpful. If you have that much trouble with this you can create a little cushion with the mod and that will help to find ways to counter that unit.


Mak, just stop already, you know it's a false choice, I know it's a false choice. You can babble on about how your gimmicky build works, or how redirection isn't mandatory (along with serration, or multi shot), but in the end you just look silly. No one will ever argue that a heavy impact build is "viable" and useful in anything remotely looking like endgame and be taken seriously.


I never said anything about endgame, to start, and if you are going to judge the game based on 2 hour into Survival mission or 100 waves into Defense you are looking at the balance of the game wrong. Those specific scenarios you are playing an arcade game... you playing Donkey Kong. You are playing to loose at some point. That's not the whole game, that just some little piece where a specific set of people play.


Outside of that, no, you dont need Redirection. I dont use it and i do fine. And im sure i am not the only one. I dont even have problems with eviscerators cause i dont stay in place or move in a straight line toward that specific enemy. When i see this guy or a Scorpion i start to serpentine so they cannot target me, so they shoot where i am no longer at.


That's not the scenario, scenario is you have one slot for defensive mod, which do you take? The best obviously, that being redirection.


Do you have only one slot to put in a defensive mod in this game? No you dont.

Your scenario doesnt exist in game. Your scenario only exist in your head.

It is a fact that in this game you can put whatever combination of mods you want.

We are discussing what can be done in the game not what you choose to do.


And your idea of the recon sentinel is awful, who would wait to launch a mission just to check if the level has a random element to it?


That is in combination with what i said before that DE should have more elemental hazards to missions.

And, of course, it would not be mandatory to press an extra button to get extra into about the mission.


Alright, I dunno why I try and make you see some reason, you'll never admit you're wrong even when it's bloody obvious to everyone but you, so I'll just drop this because you're just gonna keep ignoring what "illusion of choice" is because it tears your horseS#&$ apart if you bothered to take half a second and learn what it is.


It's a fact that anyone can put any combination of mods they want. 

It is a lie that you are lock into one build.


Is it true that some builds make playing easier at certain points of the game? Yes.

Does everyone have to play like that? Nope.

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It's a fact that anyone can put any combination of mods they want. 

It is a lie that you are lock into one build.


Is it true that some builds make playing easier at certain points of the game? Yes.

Does everyone have to play like that? Nope.

I'm not sure how ignorant you are, but but that's a textbook example of illusion of choice! The only better way to show it would be being given two choices, one a meaningless death, as in no heroic sacrifice, just dead, such as jumping off a cliff, while the other is to turn around and walk back towards your house or something.


That is of course you have the mind set of "I want to make the best possible choice for myself."

"I have one mod slot left, so I could put a zoom mod on my gun, or I could put a damage mod like serration on." See how there is no real choice there? 99% of players will opt for serration over the zoom mod every. single. time. Why?


Illusion of choice. Go educate yourself. Hell, I'll help you, it doesn't use examples like I'm using, but it should hopefully beat into you what illusion of choice is so you can properly understand how stupid your argument is:


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I'm not sure how ignorant you are, but but that's a textbook example of illusion of choice! The only better way to show it would be being given two choices, one a meaningless death, as in no heroic sacrifice, just dead, such as jumping off a cliff, while the other is to turn around and walk back towards your house or something.



I'm discussion the whole game while you are, apparently, discussing specific scenarios and then applying that to the whole game. Those specific scenarios do not rule the game, in fact, those specific scenarios are as close to meaningless as it gets. This game is not centered around how far you get in an unending battle.


Secondly, like i said above, you dont have to play like that. There are people *gasp* that do want an extra challenge. You are stuck with the idea that because this can cover you a bit longer it has to be done but it doesnt. The idea that you have to do it is the only illusion here.


I dont run shields most of the time so if the proc will now go off on shields down i am not going to change my style cause i have adjusted to these units. If they make a mod it is also likely that i am not going to use it because, again, i have adjusted. I dont use shields most of the times because... i have adjusted.


That is of course you have the mind set of "I want to make the best possible choice for myself."

"I have one mod slot left, so I could put a zoom mod on my gun, or I could put a damage mod like serration on." See how there is no real choice there? 99% of players will opt for serration over the zoom mod every. single. time. Why?


Why do you always create these specific scenarios?

You can have serration and zoom at the same time. In this game there arent only two slot for weapons, you are creating a situation that doesnt exist.


By the way, i have put in zoom in weapons so i could more easily aim for weak points and take out enemies faster. Which im sure you stat dudes are going to claim is crap because of some DPS thing.


Illusion of choice. Go educate yourself. Hell, I'll help you, it doesn't use examples like I'm using, but it should hopefully beat into you what illusion of choice is so you can properly understand how stupid your argument is:



Not everyone is bound by these rules. You are bound to them and that's fine but this is not how the game operates at all. You cant claim it does but when the choice is there and the choices are actually taken your argument falls apart.


You argument is just, "I want to have the best stats." It has nothing to do about the flexibility of the system you just want the best stats.

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Why do you always create these specific scenarios?

You can have serration and zoom at the same time. In this game there arent only two slot for weapons, you are creating a situation that doesnt exist.


By the way, i have put in zoom in weapons so i could more easily aim for weak points and take out enemies faster. Which im sure you stat dudes are going to claim is crap because of some DPS thing.

I can have Serration and Zoom... or Serration and elemental/multishot mod. And elemental/multishot mod give me +90% damage in every stiuation.


There isn't any choice, stop speaking nonsence. If you wann be "viable" on high levels, you must put damage mods, that's all. If you wanna gimp yourself for illusion of choice - go ahead, but this isn't real choice anywhere.

Edited by letir
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Void drops


I can understand that many feel a bit down that the once pretty valuable keys are now that much easier to get. I don't have too much problem with this, actually feels pretty nice... at least less people will exploit the "host-quits-then-rejoins-nobody-loses-key" glitch.


Performance and Stuttering


Actually I have seen definite improvement (especially in OrokinDerelict and Phobos) in the last few months/patches. Sure, there are still problems but we can easily tell you are doing something right.


Bleed Proc/Eviscerators


Ah, I have whined about this quite a few times before too.


Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

Logical. Why would you bleed if your shield stopped all the damage? If it did not, why no health damage?


Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.

This can be nice though more like part of the (hopefully) planned Armor2.0 - Resistance to enemy proc rate, instead of proc damage. Proc damage should be affected by normal resistance mods (which need a brutal buff - 12% max. is... useless would be an understatement).


Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.

They stand as the highest damage grineer by far. When they appear you may die in mere seconds, bleeding or not. Still, they are pretty fragile themselves - an enemy scary here and there shouldn't be a problem.


A little change in the AI would be cool though. Not only for this enemy but all. Like a small lag in response. If you pop up from Ash's ultimate and an ancient happens to be standing there, you get hit. You can do nothing. Seems illogical that an ancient reacts this fast as if waiting for you. Same goes for nearly any "sudden" encounters - no element of surprise. It doesn't matter that you are already detected, there should be some form of lag. Like if you move fast, the enemies have lesser accuracy when shooting at you (maybe shooting at a previous location like from 3rd a second ago?).


Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.

Actually sounds reasonable - 1st suggestion still seems a must though (in all cases).


Inconsistency of Clan Tech


Hmm. I for one like the idea of a lot of research but I think only rare or usually not seen enemy item types should appear in there. I mean if the grineer is already using it, why researching it? (Like in case of Ignis...) Just steal it or buy it - in case of corpus weapons we even have Darvo and we know that the 2 nations have traded before so getting grineer weapons should be no problem to aquire through market either.

Weapons like the new jet-hammer, that we have never seen in the hands of grineers can be explained as a weapon we researched from grineer technology - but not just a replica of an existing grineer weapon. Grineer and corpus sentinels any soon? Like a damage/attack rate buff grineer drone and a minelayer corpus? :D A bit redesigned for smaller size of course :D


Warframe Fixes


I still don't have Zephyr so my idea on frost - as usual, quoted from here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/#entry863293 :


As my first ever built frame, Frost has a special place in my heart. After I got Frost Prime I've formad this guy so hard, that only the aura slot is unchanged, and only 1 ability slot. Yes, 3 ability slots ended up as different poralities. I love this frame yet I was more than willing to trade 3 abilities for simple mods and never looked back. I'm only using Snowglobe. So here comes whining 2.0.
Most of his abilities fall short compared to other frames' (actually pretty badly), which endorses the use of his only truly useful ability (snowglobe) which is pretty overpowered, way more than bastille.
While the ideas themselves/themes are good, the results seem... lacking. No, not the damage, contrary to popular belief it's not like every frame must have tons of damaging abilities. In fact since Rhino is the other tank and he has proper attack abilities, I would prefer Frost to be a CC frame, especially since freezing powers are usually best for that. Anyways, here comes my "idea pack" of Frost.

1. Freeze
This ability is practically useless or at least not worth anyone's while.
- Only hits one enemy.
- Even useless against bigger enemies since hard to aim, thanks to the projectile shooting towards the direction you face towards at the end of animation, so you better time your shots well.
- Oh, projectiles are quite slow, so even harder to hit.
- Meager damage.
- Freeze effect breaks easily and usually pretty fast anyways.
These render this ability a "never again" choice if you have other possibilities for that mod slot. You can force it, I won't doubt that but those thinking logically see my point anyways.

So what I would do with it - endorsing the use of Frost as a CC frame:

Range: 50m, 3m aoe on impact location, enemies further away from the center of this aoe suffer weaker effects, latter affected by power range mods.

Frozen duration: 5/7/9/11 or if the enemy suffers more than 35% health damage from a single hit (both affected by power duration mods - or latter from power strength).

- No initial damage.
- Frozen targets suffer incoming damage buff, increasing every kind of physical damage, cold damage and blast damage dealt to them by 25/50/75/100%, affected by power strength mods.

- Prematurely breaking frozen status damages (cold and impact damage, 20/40/60/80) and knocks down those in range (3m aoe + power range mods).

- After frozen status dissipates (either normally or prematurely) enemies are affected by cold's status, slowing them for a while.


2. Ice Wave
I like the description, "dealing heavy damage". Pretty much a joke with the Damage2.0 introduced. So, since Ice Wave was never really a specifically good damaging power (only adequate that looked "cool") I believe it could too use some rework.
Currently Ice Wave has meager damage and actually no real use (Avalanche is simply outclasses it, even with the higher cost), especially against higher level enemies. So I would do the following:

- Ice spikes form on the ground, enemies hit by the growing shards get knocked to the ground.
- The spikes stay, like some kind of ice trap, any enemy touching them get's damaged and slowed, since it's proper cold damage.
- The damage itself could be overall the same as now but like this: 60dps - 140dps for 5 seconds. Only the damage and range changes with upgrading the ability, the duration is only changed by power duration mods. The damage is counted as Damage per sec thus with higher duration the overall damage grows too. On a sidenote, damage should only partially consist of cold damage since in case of ice spikes, getting skewered might be a bit more of a problem than getting a cold.
- Focus-like mods could affect the strength of the slowness effect too - it seems fairly logical.


3. Snow Globe

Okay, in all honesty, none of the other abilities Frost has can measure up to this. Hell, it's the most powerful defensive ability in-game, beating Blessing and Bastille. While Blessing has redeeming qualities, it's a tier 4 ability, which works against it if we want to compare it to Snow Globe (tier3). Meanwhile Bastille seems perfect (ceasing any retaliation of enemies), but only in a very limited range (2 enemy races mostly consist of shooters so this is bad), against rather limited number of targets.

Snowglobe provides near-perfect protection against ranged attackers (with the exception of railgun moa and the ridiculous aoe of missiles/jetpacks) for a rather long time and a very nice area of effect. Only problem comes from enemies that enter the globe but even they are slowed quite nicely so even that downside is not that much of a downside.

Yes, all-in-all snowglobe is not that much better (not like Molecular prime vs Avalanche) but it certainly is.


I simply hate the fact the the mere presence or absence of a Frost with Snow Globe can drastically change the outcome of a defense mission. Try T3 defense with and without globe - you will see what I mean.

I would drastically change this ability, in a way that many might even consider nerfing.



Description: Frost takes control of the surrounding moisture, forming it into a raging storm of razorsharp ice, hindering ranged attacks and damaging enemies that venture inside.

Frost creates a storm made of icy shrapnels, dealing cold and slash damage to those inside, while weakening ranged attacks passing into/through the globe.

Range: 5m, affected by power range mods.

Duration: 30s, affected by power duration mods.

Damage: 15/30/60/90 per second, half slash, half cold damage (thus the overall damage is way lower than Ember's FireBlast), affected by power strength mods.

Enemies are slowed by 40/50/60/70% (or 67% on top if that had any meaning to be 67 instead of plain 70%).

Damage mitigation from ranged attacks is 30/40/50/60%, preferably affected by power strength mods.


This way we get a worthy T3 ability which is still way less illogical and "absolute defense" than the current Snow Globe.


4. Avalanche

Avalanche itself is not a bad ability by nature it's just that we have seen the near-exact same ability on other frames, countless times. It's nothing creative, only a large aoe damage spell, like that of Saryn, Mag etc. - even Volt is different since his Overload hold the possibility of higher damage thanks to the objects around, and Rhino has his "aftereffect" of floating enemies, making his über a "small" bastille for the recently (or soon to be) deceased.


Here comes the "I would do the following" part:

Make Avalanche into something like Molecular Prime, an ability not dealing damage by itself (for MP you have to start killing the enemies since the effect only deals aoe damage if affected enemy dies - after then though... well you have seen dominos, so you get the idea).


Description: Summons a treacherous landslide of ice that instantly freezes enemies in the vicinity rendering them immobile and highly vulnerable to incoming physical and cold damage.

Range: 15/18/22/25m, affected by power range mods.

Freeze duration: 7/10/13/16s or broken by hits bigger than 50% health (both affected by power duration mods - or latter from power strength).

Otherwise same as in case of Freeze, detailed above.


It would be nice if Cold damage itself could never break frozen status (maybe add to the timer a bit?).


Melee 2.0 Progress!


My most used negative example is coming again - flashy moves are indeed a great problem, just look at Diablo3. Many people disagree I'm sure but if a move is too flashy it should have great impact on gameplay. In D3, even the smallest ability had some unnecessary twist, like instead of shooting a fireball, the wizard threw a small galaxy. With that it's a very recognizable and unique ability thus shooting it 4 million times a day makes it boring. FAST.

Would be nice to actually have some randomity in melee moves - I know I'm asking for much but you cannot deny it would be awesome if the same move is never really the... same.


Exclusive Weapons

‘Grineer Death Squad'... do that stand for something like the following mayhaps?


In-game events:

It would be nice if on higher difficulty maps you would get more than just simply higher stat enemies - that doesn't really make me play on higher difficulty since it feels exactly the same as the easy ones. Why would I need to level my mods once I got everything? Yep I get stronger but what do I get for being stronger? Game experience doesn't change, only the floating numbers are bigger. If new enemy types would appear gradually (not all at once as it mostly looks right now) as difficulty rises and they would become more intelligent (like heavy grineer using cover instead of waiting to be shot in the middle of the room...), use more diverse abilities (like new grenades, portable shields, health package, maybe even portable heavy weapon they have to set up first :), the higher difficulty maps would actually be different.

The hardest part of this is making enemies more clever - infested is only running towards you like fools, but programming it so they stand a chance against bastille is a job for superman. The easy way out (or at least a partial help) is the introduction of in-game events that might happen on a mission - just like the Stalker (which we all know doesn't exist) appearing to maliciously murder a tenno.

Just a few examples I have thought of:
- Team running into a Grineer blockade - soldiers with shields in a line, providing cover for the heavies behind, like some roadblock :D, maybe even some snipers on higher ground.
- A miniboss Hyena spawning with guards, slowly moving through the map (or at least part of it) looking for you.
- An "ambush" room where you get locked in and the only console is well defended, the room itself filled with enemies in cover.
- Locked in a room slowly filling with poison gas (could work practically the same as the decompression event when shooting windows on ship).
- Corpus drone or immobile device blocking energy use or nulling all your shields while in it's (huge) aoe, guarded by some troopers.
- Enemies preparing to bomb a bridge or room to block your path - maybe you meet engineers welding a door. You have to around if you can't stop them in time. Maybe they try to block the path to some "treasure" room with secondary objective or whatnot.
- A special infested that harasses you on the whole map by appearing and turning invisible when getting hurt - maybe spawning one last time near extraction and you get extra reward for killing it.
- Infested nest with "cocoons" of not yet completely converted beings, guarded by some unique enemy (dunno about lore, maybe a matriarch or just a "guardian").
- Infested tenno appearing among the enemies, using special infested abilities.
- Infested "webs" on certain corridors you have to burn or cut, maybe producing poison clouds on "death" like toxic ancients.
- Infested object affecting part of map, causing hallucinations to tenno like change in coloring (even going monochrome) and not really existing enemies lingering around till players find and destroy the object or creature.
- Enemy reinforcements appearing during a fight - maybe under the cover of flashbang/smoke grenades.
- "MiniBoss" appearing during defense missions, possibly during waves on power of 5, not necessarily unique, it can be a named and recolored version of normal enemies (like the original bosses :P) but should have random abilities - and not much more hp than a heavy.
- Enemies actually retreating to next room if their numbers get too low. This is not really an event but still...
- Secondary objective appearing - not a must to complete but should be nice in some ways. Like giving an extra reward or helping in mission overall. Like you can do something about the "freezing" conditions of the map or the enemy is in the reactor room trying to destroy the ship - if you fail fires and explosions erupt on map, with a nice timer, which running out means a big explosion and death of team (this needs some extra animations so you don't see yourselves lying on floor after the ship is destroyed :D ).
- During capture etc. another team appearing on the map (not tenno or maybe rogue tenno), trying to get your objective first and you have to beat them to it - of course it's easier to only make them appear when timer runs out, near the objective... they can jump out from vents normally inaccessible. That way the host doesn't have to handle fights you don't even see, also you can't run into them right away so the suspense is upheld. I won't even mention the possible problems of them getting stuck or not being able to fight their way through properly. But if they get the objective first, they shall go in a route you can "intercept" so you might get the objective from them. This would be even better if "raid" missions would to reappear :D

And a ton other event can be created so they don't become too frequent. This is not the same as upping the AI but still gives some thrill and diversity.


I would love it then.


HUD Feedback


Customization. That way they can make their hud into whatever they want. I like it. Please, don't rollback, like never again.

Edited by K_Shiro
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Do you have only one slot to put in a defensive mod in this game? No you dont.

Your scenario doesnt exist in game. Your scenario only exist in your head.

It is a fact that in this game you can put whatever combination of mods you want.

We are discussing what can be done in the game not what you choose to do.

You do know average player do not use potato+forma on every warframe weapon they have? Lets take for example Loki, non potatoed, with maxed Energy Siphon for mor capacity. My builds as example:

1) All 4 skills (as they all usefull), maxed Continuity and Stretch. For the rest 12 capacity I have 8-rank Redirection and 2-rank Flow.

2) 3 skills except telepors. Maxed Continuity, Constitution and Streamline. And 8-rank Redirection.

I dont have capacity for another usefull mods, so where would I find place for anti-eviscerator-mod, that MAY protect from random bleedout-blade? Loki can be invisible, but not invincible.

Before some update I never used Redirection/Vitality, that's why I still dont have any maxed out. After 1 year of playing this game. Even on very long defences I still ignored them for something that will help team as whole, not just me. When DE added artifacts as cap-encreasing mods, and some twicks to enemies, I had to start using Redirection. No more room for any other gimmick mod.

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I can have Serration and Zoom... or Serration and elemental/multishot mod. And elemental/multishot mod give me +90% damage in every stiuation.


There isn't any choice, stop speaking nonsence. If you wann be "viable" on high levels, you must put damage mods, that's all. If you wanna gimp yourself for illusion of choice - go ahead, but this isn't real choice anywhere.


How come all these examples consist of one, and now two, slots?


You do know average player do not use potato+forma on every warframe weapon they have? Lets take for example Loki, non potatoed, with maxed Energy Siphon for mor capacity. My builds as example:

1) All 4 skills (as they all usefull), maxed Continuity and Stretch. For the rest 12 capacity I have 8-rank Redirection and 2-rank Flow.

2) 3 skills except telepors. Maxed Continuity, Constitution and Streamline. And 8-rank Redirection.

I dont have capacity for another usefull mods, so where would I find place for anti-eviscerator-mod, that MAY protect from random bleedout-blade? Loki can be invisible, but not invincible.

Before some update I never used Redirection/Vitality, that's why I still dont have any maxed out. After 1 year of playing this game. Even on very long defences I still ignored them for something that will help team as whole, not just me. When DE added artifacts as cap-encreasing mods, and some twicks to enemies, I had to start using Redirection. No more room for any other gimmick mod.


Given your second built it looks like you play Loki by running invis constantly which should tremendously lower the chances of being hit by miters. With the first having stretch you should be dropping decoys way before you even enter a tile to draw attention. Loki should not be a frame that has trouble with this unit. Technically this applies to all since this unit should be targeted first but loki has 3 powers to easily deal with this situation.


The mod solution applies for the folks that really need it without heavy disruption of the game. The proc going off only on shield down will pretty much kill the current use of that unit. The best option i think is to lower the amount of bleed damage they do so that two or three procs dont mean death.

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How come all these examples consist of one, and now two, slots?

I must explain you about every 8 slots in my gun/warframe?


There is "must have" mods (such as damage/multishot/crit), "can be useful" (fire rate, punch trough, stabilizer) and "crap" (zoom, etc.). If you filled your gun with useless trash, you just reduce your effectivenes, that's all.

Put zoom, ammo capacity, reload speed - everything besides damage - on your gun. Then put 1 base damage mod and try to beat some guys on the Pluto.


Stop trolling around and face the truth.

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And what if the general shield mod would only be a general base "deflector", and you can apply your all resistance types to it in an on demand manner? Like you would have max four additional slots for resistances, but you'll have to equip them, one at the time. This way you can decide what type of shield you want in a current situation.

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The thing about bleed is that it works well when it's a small amount of damage each tick.  It makes it so a player can't just slap huge shields on their frame and then ignore their health all the time.  When it goes wrong is when the bleed takes out a quarter of your health per tick--most commonly from eviscerators.  That is just a straight-up death sentence.


What bleed needs to do is take away a set percentage of health per tick, regardless of the source.  This would make it manageable as a status inflicted on the player while at the same time keeping it useful against enemies of all levels.


Making it a set percentage of health would belittle the choice of using health mods instead of shield mods.  But it should be made manageable regardless.

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Why not add a very small chance to get a prime part AND a void key?


let's say you get a prime part for every void mission but if you are VERY lucky you ALSO get a void key. Not just one void key and nothing else like "yeah, we saw you tried but RNG hates you so... here have fun with this Tier III key, which you have 9000+ times already, also we are sure you don't mind because you ran the mission you just played 3 times in a row and got the same key everytime, which let's us believe you actually enjoy it."

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If you are only worried about stats then that means you have no choice since you are only chasing stats, but if you dont worry about stats and create a build then properly develop tactics around that build you can create some fun and crazy stuff.


Let's see.. 4 slots for elemental mods. 1 for Serration, another for multishot. Then the last two can be either for additional elemental damage from a nightmare mod or.. some crit chance and crit damage mods. So yea no room for zoom, or even bane mods.


Now why chase such heavy stats? Because I need to put out that kind of damage if I want to survive high level nightmare missions or ODD/ODS where the mobs are around lvl 40s-50s. if I have anything too weak they'll laugh it off and I'll be useless to my team. My warframe powers aren't certainly going to keep up unless I'm a nova, Nyx or something that doesn't rely on pure damage.



How is there any other options here for me?


How can using impact/puncture/slash mods any better than just using another elemental mod that boosts the damage base on all three combined? AND at a much higher percentage?


I won't need a recoil reduction mod, a noise reduction mods, ammo increasing mod, mag increasing mod unless I'm covering a weapon's flaws. At that point I should question if the weapon is worth it or should I look up another instead.



For warframes, How is any resistance mod equally as useful as Redirection or Vitality? The restistance you get out of them is pathetic and can barely reach 50% resistance. Then you must wonder when would it even be useful? Not like the elemental harzards of a stage merits the need to always have warm coat or flame repellent on. Just avoid the fire damage as Lotus says and be more careful on ice stages. Or hell, quick and start again to get a stage without ice. That's the other problem, how is warm coat useful on stages that have no ice? It's a waste and your already in a game so you can't swap it out. Also.. 3% shield resistance? rofl Warm coat is the story that all grown up mods tell their kids to not become.


 How about Bleedout mods? Yea... those are useful. Let's just say... if your on the floor bleeding out, you did something terrible wrong. The moment before was the time to hit 4.


How about Equilibrum? A wonderful mod, but it's hindered by the fact you dont' see that much health orb around. Or hell can't even have your health injured by the average mob. It's only at the high lvls that you'll be needing health but by then most enemies can 1-3 shot you no? If you haven't gone for a vitality/redirection build.


Thief's wit? Naw.. I can find loot myself. Better to save that slot for something else.


See the problem is we have all these other wonderful mods that need to go in first. Like those Vault mods, and other mods to balance the heavy cost. Then there's something for health and shield. If you got room maybe something else to boost range, power, energy pool, whatever. By the time your done you won't have room for anything else. Especially not a resistance, bleedout, block, equilibrium or thief's wit mod.


Otherwise your useless to a team and become a burden.

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