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February 14Th: Community Hot Topics!


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also there is bosses, are there plans to rework them in the future, i know hyena, was, great job by the way, they presented a challenge, and sargus, and for, they all are GREAT for there level bosses, they present a knew feel and type of enemy, bossed like harvester, stalker, and ty regor need to be buffed, espescally ty regor, he is very easy, but i know you will do the best you can

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·         Making AI bleed proc only happen if your shields are down.

·         Create a new Mod with a % resistance to proc damage.
·         Tone down Eviscerators firing rate/frequency.
·         Keep their stats the way they are but make them a ‘Leader’.

Why not have all 4?

^ this. right here.
Though if i had to choose one, and only one, i would support making bleed proc only apply to players whose shields are down.

Edited by ShadowHunter962
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Exclusive Weapons

As we've stated recently, old/exclusive weapons that have been put into the Vault always have a chance at being redistributed. Steve may have slipped the words ‘Grineer Death Squad’ during Devstream #22.

Please do not redistribute event weapons. We the players that were here and EARNED them deserve to have our efforts honored for all time. It should not matter how many people complain about it, or how much money they offer to throw at the game.

IF you do release event weapons again - Then it's only fair that you release the original prime set as well..

Founders would not like that just as players would not like their efforts having been cast aside earning their REWARDS. No special favor to appease players that came late to the game.

Sounds like it's a done deal. Thing is founders were garunteed that the rewards from the various founders packs would never be released again. No such promises were extended or even implied for event weapons. Your equivalency does not hold up. Furthermore there is nothing stating that new players will not earn the returning weapons, in fact it is heavily implied that they will have to. That being said even if they distributed them tomorrow for 1 credit each it does not invalidate your work to get it or all of the time you had it when others could not. Unless of course the only value you get from them is rubbing something others can't have in their faces. If that's the case then your opinion has less than zero value. Edited by NevanChambers
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Personally, I think that the problem with Snowglobe (and solutions such as Snowglobe gaining Frost's armor) is that it becomes less useful as enemies start to deal more damage. I think that Frost should have a useful role in high level Defense missions, as Snowglobe is well suited for Defense (though it is not well suited for higher levels any more), and Frost overall is a defensively suited frame.


Because Snowglobe breaks at a certain amount of damage taken, Snowglobe will stop being useful at a certain level. Defense "staples" such as Bastille and Chaos are powerful because they will be useful at any given level. The intention of playing high level Defense is to push into waves where the enemies are extremely high level, and players who want to get to these waves will not want to use any defensive abilities whose usefulness is limited to earlier waves, as it does nothing to accomplish their goal, other than make the starting waves easier.


So, to make Frost desirable again for difficult defense missions (or any missions where enemies reach very high levels), Snowglobe must still be effective at high levels. Of course, the previous iteration of Snowglobe where it prevented all damage was perhaps too powerful, as it meant that, if enemies stayed out of the globe and players and the cryopod were inside of it, incoming enemy damage would never end up mattering. If Snowglobe simply reduced incoming damage by a percentage, it would likely not make Frost much better for high level Defense because once enemies start to deal enough damage to one-shot anything even with the percent damage reduction, then Snowglobe no longer matters at that level. 


Instead, I have a few ideas for solutions. In case one does not want to read much, just read Solution #2, as I think it is the best of the 3.


Solution 1: Snowglobe could have a damage limit value, and this limit could be scaled down with power strength. Any shots which deal more than this limit are made to only deal damage equal to this limit. Shots that deal less than this limit would be nullified. In high level defense, this would make  it safer to be inside the Snowglobe, but players inside of it would not be invincible. 


I do not know any exact numbers or formulas for enemy damage, so I cannot suggest what the default, unmodded limit would be.


I am aware that, with this solution, enemy damage can scale much higher with no change to players protected by the ability, so this might be a problem. Also, the default, unmodded damage limit could be fairly high.


Solution 2: Instead of Snowglobe entirely blocking shots, then breaking, it could dramatically slow the speed of projectiles which enter it. This could allow players to dodge the incoming fire (So, staying safe within a Snowglobe at high level defense would require some player skill), but it would keep incoming damage relevant. Shots directed at the Cryopod could be blocked by a player's body, or by Nyx's Absorb, by Volt's Electric Shield, or some other similar power.


With this solution, perhaps Frost's Ice Wave could block shots which intersect it. This would not only require player skill, but would also give Ice Wave more utility. A skilled Frost player could dodge shots coming through the Snowglobe, or block them with a well-timed Ice Wave.


Solution 3: Projectiles which enter the Snowglobe below a certain amount of damage could be blocked entirely, but projectiles which deal more than this amount of damage pass through the Snowglobe's wall and are then redirected. The redirection could be in a random direction, or it could be dependent on Frost's facing when the Snowglobe was initially cast (and indicated by the moving "wind" effect within the globe). With this solution, shots coming from a certain angle could still harm the players or the cryopod inside of the Snowglobe, but from other angles the globe provides some degree of protection.




Overall, I think that Solution #2 is best. This is because it requires a certain amount of skill, and it also gives more use to Ice Wave. It keeps the damage of incoming shots relevant, but Snowglobe does not stop being useful at a certain level either. Solution 1 would be difficult to balance and makes damage past a certain point irrelevant, and Solution #3 may be difficult to implement, and not very strong. However, I absolutely do not think that Snowglobe is in a good state right now.


With Solution #2, Frost becomes a crowd control powerhouse, and playing Frost effectively would involve using more than just Snowglobe. Frost's main problems, in my opinion, are that Snowglobe is currently too weak in high level missions, and Frost's other abilities are often neglected. Solution #2 would solve the first problem, and partially solve the second.


I've left the other solutions in the post because I think they may have potential, and might inspire someone for some superior variation.


TL;DR: Please read Solution #2.


Edit: if Grineer weapons are truly hitscan then Solution #2 would likely not work without some new code, which is unfortunate.

Edited by Toesty5
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Could you ask someone to look into the the drop system for Frost Prime it's ridiculous.I get helmut's in all 3 towers of extermination.I got Blueprint in Tower 1 Chassis in tower 2.I've done over 30 t3 extermination runs and all it gives you is Forma or Forma Blueprint.Alot of the ps4 community actualy believe Frost Prime Systems doesn't exist.Some people claim to have had it drop in Tower 2.Others have had it drop in tower 3.I really do think this needs looking at.It has to be the most frustrating drop on any game i have ever played and i have played Final Fantasys lol.I'm not saying it should drop left right and centre for everybody but for the love of god improve the frequency from Never to Sometimes.I feel like giving up but i won't.Some people have even suggested it's a scam to get people to spend money on platinum to buy keys.Whether or not that is true it certainly looks that way.Alot of the ps4 community are frustrated with this.Please ask somebody to look into it.

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Could you ask someone to look into the the drop system for Frost Prime it's ridiculous.I get helmut's in all 3 towers of extermination.I got Blueprint in Tower 1 Chassis in tower 2.I've done over 30 t3 extermination runs and all it gives you is Forma or Forma Blueprint.Alot of the ps4 community actualy believe Frost Prime Systems doesn't exist.Some people claim to have had it drop in Tower 2.Others have had it drop in tower 3.I really do think this needs looking at.It has to be the most frustrating drop on any game i have ever played and i have played Final Fantasys lol.I'm not saying it should drop left right and centre for everybody but for the love of god improve the frequency from Never to Sometimes.I feel like giving up but i won't.Some people have even suggested it's a scam to get people to spend money on platinum to buy keys.Whether or not that is true it certainly looks that way.Alot of the ps4 community are frustrated with this.Please ask somebody to look into it.

Hold off on doing void runs for now. There isn't going to be a fix for void drops for a good while. U12 didn't improve anything in that regard, it's still the same lottery with items all shuffled up. On top of that I really doubt this is unintentional.

Edited by goatwithbenefits
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Not every one wants to be a member of a clan, or a few folks have a small clan but only play occasionally and not enough to keep up with resource reqs. It's not for you, or anyone else, to decide how these folks play, take off your blinkers and accept not everyone plays as you do. Limiting new gear to items that some folks have no hope of getting IS NOT the way forward.


"Work" Gaming should never be a surrogate for employment, only relaxation after work; there is more than enough grind to keep the unemployed entertained as it is.


Being in a clan of only 5 friends who only play a little bit on weekends, we were able to build all of the clan research labs. Getting the resources is not that hard as long as you know what planets to play on. If you don't want to join a clan, no one is forcing anyone to. Its not like all weapons and items are going to be clan exclusives either, just a choice few. Joining a clan has to have benefits to playing solo all the time, otherwise, where would the incentive to join clans be?

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Void Drops


What about a way to downgrade keys or use a higher level Void Key to access a lower level mission?


I have burned all my Tower I Exterminate keys and still no Dakra BP, would be nice if we could use excess Void Keys of higher level to access the lower level mission.


The thought of having to run the first five waves of Mercury-Lares all day just to get a few Tower I Exterminate keys is not my idea of fun.

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Nothing to do with what was mentioned in this post, but I know that last year it was stated that account "duality" (same account across PC and PS4) was impossible and will never happen, but has the status on that changed? I know that account migration hasn't even happened yet, but it seems that the main reason for that is that the PS4 is behind the PC in updates. IF the PS4 was ever to catch up to PC, would account duality be possible and if not, why?

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I agree on ALL clan techy weps should be dojo only.. Would encourage players to join clans / be active / play more together (=


I think I am active/playing with others plenty whenever I queue up with randoms.


Frankly, Clans are great, but demanding Clan "participation" for access to things is rather a good way to ostracize people.


I've been playing games for rather a long time now, and one thing I have never fallen in love with in all that time is the shade thrown by the umbrella of "Clan" mechanics.  I don't know these other players and I don't like the prospect of getting to know them or endear myself to them, or pretend to be their friends - or whatever - for access to game content.


I meet a lot of fine people queuing up with randoms, but I have had my fill of feigning allegiances just so I can make a stupid flamethrower.  I'm in a clan now and the guy running it seems an alright guy, but you know what?  I don't care about the clan, not even a little bit.  Clan is a wall I am jumping over just to see what is on the other side.  I feel like I am pretty much in a clan just to see if there is any fun to be had with the Corpus tech - why it's behind a Clan wall I'll never understand - and to make a Djinn.


The notion of effort and working toward clan tech is hilarious - it's just funneling resources into research.  Let's not pretend that is a monumental effort, and let's definitely not pretend that one reaps what one sows from days of research and piles of resources.  Most clan tech is novelty.

I am not a clan-oriented player.  I resent putting on that wool.

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I still have the question about how many time for both PC and PS4 to become sync so i can use my account on both, if PS4 just recieved the oxium espionage event for update 12.


BUT, since the beginning of update 12 we already have more updates that arrived on PC, so how much time ( an estimate) for the both version become sync.

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I think I am active/playing with others plenty whenever I queue up with randoms.


Frankly, Clans are great, but demanding Clan "participation" for access to things is rather a good way to ostracize people.


I've been playing games for rather a long time now, and one thing I have never fallen in love with in all that time is the shade thrown by the umbrella of "Clan" mechanics.  I don't know these other players and I don't like the prospect of getting to know them or endear myself to them, or pretend to be their friends - or whatever - for access to game content.


I meet a lot of fine people queuing up with randoms, but I have had my fill of feigning allegiances just so I can make a stupid flamethrower.  I'm in a clan now and the guy running it seems an alright guy, but you know what?  I don't care about the clan, not even a little bit.  Clan is a wall I am jumping over just to see what is on the other side.  I feel like I am pretty much in a clan just to see if there is any fun to be had with the Corpus tech - why it's behind a Clan wall I'll never understand - and to make a Djinn.


The notion of effort and working toward clan tech is hilarious - it's just funneling resources into research.  Let's not pretend that is a monumental effort, and let's definitely not pretend that one reaps what one sows from days of research and piles of resources.  Most clan tech is novelty.

I am not a clan-oriented player.  I resent putting on that wool.


You can also join anyone who invites you to his/her dojo. You don't have to be a clan member.

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Ok, there are definitely some problems within the system!

Frost is having some problems with abilities? Then let's think. It's not about how you do it, but what you do


1. Freeze: Make it radial on impact, and the missile larger and thicker. it isn't comparable to Ember fireball, for now.....

2. Ice Wave, make it a few meters wider.

3. Snow Globe: You know what to do...Make the time limit infinite, but give it a damage limit of about 5k!

4. Avalanche. Larger radius. Rhino Stomp tramples over (c what i did there) Avalanche in the radius department.


And for those Eviscerators...

Guess how much Slash damage they do..60!

Can you please nerd the slash damage to all high damaging units?!?> That would be great. Just high-damage though 

thx 4 reading

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As a high shield low health character. I don't fear the high slash enemies. I simply die before I can blink and hope that my more health endowed partner can pick me up. (that Or I slowly bleed the entire match forcing me to stop and use a health restore... And wait a minute for it to finish pulsing). If it cant pierce shields I would be happy. And valkyr would not even notice the change.

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