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Acrid And Supra Both Need A Buff


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there is not a single reason why those 2 weapons are underperforming in dmg 2.0

most rank required

very high material cost

dojo tech


this has taken already way to long

this is b/s


supra deserves at LEAST reload speed cut in half and projectile speed increase or spread reduce - make it more like tetra when firing


acrid deserves buff to psn dmg and scaling on the dot

Edited by syle
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Please don't call Acrid broken. I can still stomp Lv35-45 missions with my six forma Acrid properly modded for the target. New players read this stuff and think there are only a handful of viable weapons in the whole game because everyone calls everything else useless trash. The game is much better than that.

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I got a 4 forma acrid and what you are saying is a lie

even on outer terminus corpus defense you will have hard time killing anything with 1 shot (im talking full build here magnetic+dual2psn giving you 480 toxin and 288 magnetic + bane mod and dual multishot)


same with infested anything that is above lvl 30 will laugh at you unless you go with full corrosive (vs ancients) or gas (vs everything else) than you will do decent dmg but still will be outperformed by vasto/akvasto/despair S#&$ even broncos will give you better results for both corpus and infested


vs grineer the build is a bit better since you can go with dual elements that actually give decent boost to dmg (345 radiation + 384 viral and that's with dual cold mods + bane) but even than I can out dmg this weapon easy with my akboltos (they will do 900+ radiation + 450+ of puncture) or despair that will deal 950 radiation and 420 puncture +bane mod on both


the same story goes for vastos or even kunai ( yes kunai will outperform acrid vs ALL enemies when both weapons are properly modded )


so pls stop giving false info to anybody who does not own acrid about how good this weapon is

because its not

you can compare it to almost any market weapon and acrid will fall flat on its face    

Edited by syle
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I got a 4 forma acrid and what you are saying is a lie

even on outer terminus corpus defense you will have hard time killing anything with 1 shot (im talking full build here magnetic+dual2psn giving you 480 toxin and 288 magnetic + bane mod and dual multishot)


same with infested anything that is above lvl 30 will laugh at you unless you go with full corrosive (vs ancients) or gas (vs everything else) than you will do decent dmg but still will be outperformed by vasto/akvasto/despair S#&$ even braks will give you better results for both corpus and infested


vs grineer the build is a bit better since you can go with dual elements that actually give decent boost to dmg (345 radiation + 384 viral and that's with dual cold mods + bane) but even than I can out dmg this weapon easy with my akboltos (they will do 900+ radiation + 450+ of puncture) or despair that will deal 950 radiation and 420 puncture +bane mod on both


the same story goes for vastos or even kunai ( yes kunai will outperform acrid vs ALL enemies when both weapons are properly modded )


so pls stop giving false info to anybody who does not own acrid about how good this weapon is

because its not

you can compare it to almost any market weapon and acrid will fall flat on its face    

First off, don't compare the acrid to the Brakk. Don't compare anything to the brakk, the brakk will always win.


Also, yes it's good. I have one. For a no spread no recoil DoT cannon it's great. it's the best research secondary.

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ups sorry

I didn't mean to type brakk

I meant to say bronco

my bet ill fix it


and to call acrid a DOT cannon is wrong


the dot does from 1 to 10ish dmg and that's the part that should be buffed - aka scaling with dmg mods

Edited by syle
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First off, don't compare the acrid to the Brakk. Don't compare anything to the brakk, the brakk will always win.


Also, yes it's good. I have one. For a no spread no recoil DoT cannon it's great. it's the best research secondary.

Why brakk will always win ? Or should I put it like

Why brakk should win ?

Currently weapons are messed up.

Some perform over the top, other perfoms worse than stock weapons.

If a weapon has high requirements - it should  pay off with high value.

Rare weapons perform just like common, but are still rare. What is the point in rarity if it does not provide any benefits ?

High cost weapons performs like low cost, what is the excuse for high cost ?

Currently weapons are just for collecting and ranking, some even cant deal proper damage, yet still called weapons.

There should not be a bad weapons, they migh have different mechanic, they migh have variable stats, but they should perform as weapons and kill stuff, not scratch it.

Since DE removed  leveling tree and provided mods as weapon scaling - weapons should scale same with equal mods. But they don't.

You can put lots of mods in torid and its still acts horrible.

Pre 2.0 it had a purpose - not it doesn't. Its just a semiauto launcher with poor radius and low damage(compared to penta and ogris... man even stug outperforms torid)

Acrid was nerfed hard. Yes it was godlike, now its worse than akbolto. And akbolto is not even a mid tier gun. How do you prove right its hight manufacture cost and research cost compared to akbolto ?

Its nerfed to ground.

And if a weapon needs to be modded for a single unit(taking in account factions got multiple types of units) to deal average damage - it needs a rework.

Do you plan your outfit for a every single person you meet ? NO. So why would you state such nonsene for weapons ?

Edited by Unibot
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The point is - all those claims about acrid being viable is low lvls to mid with 4-6 forma. Do you understand how rediculous it sounds that a weapon needs to be formaed 4-6 times to perform  good on mid levels ?

Are you in your right mind people?

Edited by Unibot
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What game are you playing ?

Get a Magnus or anything else with a (toxin) dot, hit a target with some health and count the number of ticks. It either 8 or 9 if you count first application, acrid is no different than anyother toxin dot.


Its count is affected by toxin resistance.

Gas has a similar count number as toxin.

Slash has the fewest counts with less than gas or toxin.


Asking, "What game are you playing," when it takes 3 minutes to verify how toxin behaves like this in game, makes me wonder if you're paying attention.


Even the wiki list 9 ticks, and it's not exactly a trust worthy source, but it's not hard to verify that it is right this time. I tested Acrid a week or two ago and it behaved exactly like my Magnus's dot does with a toxin mods equipped. I sold my Acrid, and I am not going to make another just to reaffirm that toxin's dot has a long tick-out. I purposely made an Acrid in the first place to see if the wiki was wrong.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Get a Magnus or anything else with a (toxin) dot, hit a target with some health and count the number of ticks. It either 8 or 9 if you count first application, acrid is no different than anyother toxin dot.


Its count is affected by toxin resistance.

Gas has a similar count number as toxin.

Slash has the fewest counts with less than gas or toxin.


Asking, "What game are you playing," when it takes 3 minutes to verify how toxin behaves like this in game, makes me wonder if you're paying attention.


Even the wiki list 9 ticks, and it's not exactly a trust worthy source, but it's not hard to verify that it is right this time. I tested Acrid a week or two ago and it behaved exactly like my Magnus's dot does with a toxin mods equipped. I sold my Acrid, and I am not going to make another just to reaffirm that toxin's dot has a long tick-out. I purposely made an Acrid in the first place to see if the wiki was wrong.

Its not 100%  dot chance, unless they changed something..

So thats why I ask.

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Its not 100%  dot chance, unless they changed something..

So thats why I ask.

Acrid has an innate 100% toxin dot as of update 11.3. Its dot only scales based on hornet strike and magnum force.


Because DPS frame doesn't use the dot life, it understates Acrid damage done over time by per shot damage by a significant amount.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Last time I checked it did not. Checked ingame after 2.0

Never touched acrid again.

I was using it as I was leveling it by tagging Grineer and letting the dot do all the work. I leveled it up during the time that free affinity booster reward was given away for the Oxium event.

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the poison dot does scale extremally poorly with dmg mods

that is what should be changed about acrid


it hits a lvl 30 grineers for 19 to 25 dmg per tick when FULLY modded and it hits for 4 dmg when unmoded

it takes around 6 shots to kill a lvl 30 trooper  with a fully modded acrid


I do not know the exact numbers when it comes to calculation of the dot but that thing should be buffed , it should be hitting for at least 20 dmg per tick unmoded 


the dmg per shot is fine and I do not see a need to buff it , but the dot needs to be  buffed to make this weapon a rank 7 tech with its current cost

or just  remove the rank to rank 2 or so and lower the cost to 1 or 2 mutagen mass


either nerf cost+requirements or buff the dot , this fricking weapon requires a RANK 7 ,5 mutagen mass and a FORMA(mats alone are a 4 + days craft) how the hell can you justify it? 

Edited by syle
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the poison dot does scale extremally poorly with dmg mods

Both poison and gas behave poorly because their dots do damage over an extended period of time, it's several seconds. It would be easier to just change the way both Gas and Toxin dot work so they do their damage over a much smaller span of time. The dot does do a bit of damage overtime, but it takes far too long to be of any real use.

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Actually it seems that Acrid always gets nerfs, one after another. Just noticed (not using it too much) that from the damage went down from about 35 to 20 (or was it because of how the dot works now?). Acrid was a rather cool weapon for a while, I admit it was better than a lot of others. I seem to remember that the DE guys mentioned they don't want to balance stuff by nerfing weapons so those are just as weak as the others but want to buff the others instead.


I admit it's logical to change only one weapon's stats instead of all others' but many have already mentioned here, on the forums, that our damage seem to be very low compared to that of our enemies'.


I feel it's kinda easy to see that people will react to nerfs in a rather fierce way when you take into consideration how many forma and potato was wasted like this - in many cases these were aquired through real money. Beta or not, killing a weapon like this is highly dangerous as people will feel insecure about their investments in this game.


Sure, you can nerf a weapon so it's not much stronger than the others - but when it's apparent that while Tenno is highly fragile, enemies get more and more sturdy by the day.


Sure, some weapons can pack a punch, even now - but I doubt people using those don't see that this can happen to them soon too.

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What I'd like to see:



-100% poison proc now scales with elemental mods and their type, but poison proc is the ONLY one that happens i.e. you'll get 4 ticks of radiation but the radiation proc will never happen etc



-reload reduced to 2s

-All rounds have innate 3m puncture


*Another common suggestion:

-remove it's ammo pool and reload in favor of a cooldown system that generates ammo over time. I'd really like to see thi slast one come to life since all clan-tech is usually special and unique in some way and atm all the Supra does is suck in a very unique way. giving it the above suggestion would turely make ti worthy of the clan tech title if implemented correctly.

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Actually it seems that Acrid always gets nerfs, one after another. Just noticed (not using it too much) that from the damage went down from about 35 to 20 (or was it because of how the dot works now?). Acrid was a rather cool weapon for a while, I admit it was better than a lot of others. I seem to remember that the DE guys mentioned they don't want to balance stuff by nerfing weapons so those are just as weak as the others but want to buff the others instead.


I admit it's logical to change only one weapon's stats instead of all others' but many have already mentioned here, on the forums, that our damage seem to be very low compared to that of our enemies'.


I feel it's kinda easy to see that people will react to nerfs in a rather fierce way when you take into consideration how many forma and potato was wasted like this - in many cases these were aquired through real money. Beta or not, killing a weapon like this is highly dangerous as people will feel insecure about their investments in this game.


Sure, you can nerf a weapon so it's not much stronger than the others - but when it's apparent that while Tenno is highly fragile, enemies get more and more sturdy by the day.


Sure, some weapons can pack a punch, even now - but I doubt people using those don't see that this can happen to them soon too.




Where did they say this? Because the WF team has been doing exactly everything BUT this, save for the much-welcomed bow buff.


This is also why people are so hesitant to forma and potato. You potentially lose a lot of resources buffing up a gun only to have it taken away from you when it's nerfed. In this case, it'd be the Acrid. Shotguns also have this issue. They keep getting worse and worse (falloff, reduced proc chances).

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