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Release Excalibur, Lato, Skana Prime To Public, Give Founders Something Else.


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On my opinion all must be tradeable, even warframe lvl 30 and weapons must be turned into cards or items and be tradeable as the prime blueprints.


I play by 1 month and 10 days i think and i can t have something like all wraith and all vandals, i would like to have this game at 100% but i think i started play too late.


Isn t enought give the exclusive OP 90 days boosters to the prime buyer?

this attitude right here is a BIG problem. we PAID MONEY, 250 bucks to be exact. if you want them, you should have bought them.


just because you've got a month and some change does not mean you are entitled to items that we had to  pay a large sum of money to get.




edit: i've got over eight months on this game, and never once has anyone ever seen me say "i've played for (x) amount of time, i'm owed this.


edit 2 : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/115197-founders-program-ending-november-1st/ EVERY bit of information regarding founders program ending. THIS is why you ALL CANNOT have the prime gear. RIGHT here.

Edited by ObviousLee
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As a non-Founder, OP's offer is not one I would refuse. But it's not one I would crave for either.

I would go as far as suggesting the Founder Prime gear to be tradeable, but the eventual price such items would have in the Market horrifies me - so I think such a suggestion it's not viable at all.

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Don't really mind if Excalibur Prime/Skana Prime got released to the public.


Them being able to get it affects me... how again?


It only affects the people for whom the worth of those items comes not from the items themselves, nor from the possession of them, but rather from other people NOT having them. I still don't understand that mindset.

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It only affects the people for whom the worth of those items comes not from the items themselves, nor from the possession of them, but rather from other people NOT having them. I still don't understand that mindset.


That's not a mindset, that's Econ 101.  Supply is one half the price curve.  

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It really sucks to see these really neat items get buried because DE can't do anything to them without upsetting a large portion of the community.


It's like a Really Old car that just gets put into a Museum, Never to be Driven or Worked on again.

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Every modern economy with IP laws and an entertainment sector says you're wrong. 


Nice try. However...


Low supply is low supply--say when the factories creating the product can't churn them out as fast the public are buying them.

Artificial scarcity is when there isn't a low supply, but you make out that there is in order to make your product seem more valuable.


Again, the two aren't the same thing. They never have been, and they never will be.

The latter, however, goes incognito as the former.

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I really appreciate you saying this Rikov. I am an avid Fan of Warframe, I even bought dark sector to learn more about the world. recently in a developer stream they stated that they were looking at adding a perk system attached to mastery. that means even though I support DE more and play the game more I could never be stronger then a founder souly because they get one extra warframe and 2 extra weapons! that is total bullS#&$. I just found out about the game in December 2013 so I couldnt even get the founders pack if I wanted. I agree the founders should get exclusive things but Make them aesthetics or gimicky. I am fine with the fact founders can have more extractors, or more trades, cool player icons, cool forum badges.


I have payed for Prime access, and I plan on paying for the next prime access coming, both of which are probly almost the same cost as the founders(excluding grandmaster) and yet my ember prime, glaive prime and sicarus prime arent exclusive. the only exclusive I get was a extractor BP, and a aesthetics excessory for my warframe.all those are aesthetics and gimicks. So why do the precious founders get exclusive weapons and warframe?


I think they should make the current excaliber prime into a skin for Excaliber prime that way the founders still get an exclusive(skin) and everyone else can still get the warframe for mastery. and for the skana and lato do the same.

another cool Idea is give the founders a excaliber skin that is the same as Hayden Tenno's original warframe from dark sector.


Although I would complain if haydens warframe became an exclusive skin I didnt have.

Edited by unsiezer
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sorry, still no on this. will be staying no on this.


if DE wants to release the founders items for general pop usage, then simply put i want my money back.

I payed for Prime access ($125)you dont see me complaining that ppl can get the EMBER prime, Sicarus prime or even the Glaive prime you pompous jerk.

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even though I support DE more and play the game more I could never be stronger then a founder souly because they get one extra warframe and 2 extra weapons! that is total bullS#&$.


I payed for Prime access ($125)you dont see me complaining that ppl can get the EMBER prime, Sicarus prime or even the Glaive prime you pompous jerk.

I'm sorry, but both of these arguments are bull.


1- Lato Prime and Skana Prime aren't very good. A ton of the regular weapons are much better. Excalibur Prime's difference to the regular Excalibur, as with any other Prime, is laughable. I can understand being upset for not having those from a collection standpoint (Mastery, affinity, codex, what have you), but from a POWER standpoint? No.


2 - You can't complain because none of THOSE items were marketed as being EXCLUSIVE. None. Right out of the bat, everyone knew they could get those outside of Prime Access. Not so with the Founder items, as they WERE marketed as exclusive items.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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1- Lato Prime and Skana Prime aren't very good. A ton of the regular weapons are much better. Excalibur Prime's difference to the regular Excalibur, as with any other Prime, is laughable. I can understand being upset for not having those from a collection standpoint (Mastery, affinity, codex, what have you), but from a POWER standpoint? No.


I was refering to the fact that if they do give you perks for mastery level, founders will always have a higher mastery level and thus more perks and be stronger. i am well aware the exclusive items suck balls

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I payed for Prime access ($125)you dont see me complaining that ppl can get the EMBER prime, Sicarus prime or even the Glaive prime you pompous jerk.

click the link i posted a few posts up. where it says THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to get these items. period. forever. i PAID for the exclusivity, so if that contractual agreement is to be made null and void, then i will be wanting a refund. business is business. we didnt pay for early access, nor did we pay for exclusive items to be released at a further date. we paid for the LAST CHANCE TO GET THEM, and it cost a whopping 250 bucks in one shot for the most part. I'm not a pompous jerk, i'm protecting my investment.

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I really appreciate you saying this Rikov. I am an avid Fan of Warframe, I even bought dark sector to learn more about the world. recently in a developer stream they stated that they were looking at adding a perk system attached to mastery. that means even though I support DE more and play the game more I could never be stronger then a founder souly because they get one extra warframe and 2 extra weapons! that is total bullS#&$. I just found out about the game in December 2013 so I couldnt even get the founders pack if I wanted. I agree the founders should get exclusive things but Make them aesthetics or gimicky. I am fine with the fact founders can have more extractors, or more trades, cool player icons, cool forum badges.


I have payed for Prime access, and I plan on paying for the next prime access coming, both of which are probly almost the same cost as the founders(excluding grandmaster) and yet my ember prime, glaive prime and sicarus prime arent exclusive. the only exclusive I get was a extractor BP, and a aesthetics excessory for my warframe.all those are aesthetics and gimicks. So why do the precious founders get exclusive weapons and warframe?


I think they should make the current excaliber prime into a skin for Excaliber prime that way the founders still get an exclusive(skin) and everyone else can still get the warframe for mastery. and for the skana and lato do the same.

another cool Idea is give the founders a excaliber skin that is the same as Hayden Tenno's original warframe from dark sector.


Although I would complain if haydens warframe became an exclusive skin I didnt have.

so basically, no matter what, you're going to be unhappy because someone has what you don't. that. is. fantastic.

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so basically, no matter what, you're going to be unhappy because someone has what you don't. that. is. fantastic.


Doesn't speak for all of us.

I don't care about exclusive skins and scarves and helmets and whatever, as long as they don't affect gameplay in any way. The day you can earn Mastery with your Syandana or that Founder-exclusive helmet provides different stats to another obtainable one is the day it becomes an issue, given the plans to tie Focus to Mastery.

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Doesn't speak for all of us.

I don't care about exclusive skins and scarves and helmets and whatever, as long as they don't affect gameplay in any way. The day you can earn Mastery with your Syandana or that Founder-exclusive helmet provides different stats to another obtainable one is the day it becomes an issue, given the plans to tie Focus to Mastery.

didn't say i was speaking for everyone. at all. i'm speaking for myself. i paid for access to exclusive content, and a large sum of money at that, well before you could upgrade your founders level, so it was all or nothing for me. i dont mind founders packs coming back, but i damned sure do mind someone getting for free that could ONLY be originally obtained through PAYMENT of a large sum of money.


i flat out do not want anyone getting something for free that was listed as buy now, or miss out for free when i paid out the butt for it.


bring back the packs, let people pay EXACTLY WHAT WE PAID FOR THEM, and there is literally no issue, save for the fact it would have to be an entirely new frame sidearm and melee, due to this -----> https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/115197-founders-program-ending-november-1st/

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I wasn't talking about you, Lee. I was talking about unsiezer.


As for that link, no part of the Founder agreement is in any way legally binding. The only way it could be binding is if DE were the one company in the world willing to have their legal team write a contract that specifically restricted what they could and couldn't do.


As I've said before, the EULA we all agreed to (even if you didn't read it) basically amounts to giving DE free reign to do whatever they like with their game, their service and all our accounts as long as it doesn't constitute a human rights violation or caused physical harm.

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didn't say i was speaking for everyone. at all. i'm speaking for myself. i paid for access to exclusive content, and a large sum of money at that, well before you could upgrade your founders level, so it was all or nothing for me. i dont mind founders packs coming back, but i damned sure do mind someone getting for free that could ONLY be originally obtained through PAYMENT of a large sum of money.

 Well that Gives me a much better opinion of you, I dont want the excaliber/ lato/ skana for free if its the same  as what the founders got, if its the complete same I think its only fair if its cash only, I just want a partial founders pack  that gives me the  Excaliber/ lato / skana  and I would be more then happy to pay $200-$250 for it. if they gave me the more gimicky things that came with the founders pack then that would be icing on the cake. but even still I think if they rerelease the founders pack they should give the original founders an exrta exclusive,one like I suggested before where its a Cool skin or somthing similar.

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