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Pubbing Kappa, Or How I Learned To Hate Hallway Heroes.


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A nova spamming MPrime might have more kills, but it means NOTHING if you kill stuff outside xp share range, which is the problem here.

Dont try to reason with spawncampers. They are always right in their doings, even if objective fails.



Because we all know that kills are what matters the most.

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At the start of the mission, i always try to grab the datamass first. Then when we reach the terminal, I stand there until everyone reaches the terminal and then I say the following.

"Hey guys, lets all fight near the terminal since we all get exp by being near each other. Also loot will be easier to find if you let the enemies come here to die instead of leaving drops all over the map. Going rambo and fighting on your own just means less exp for you and everyone else."


If they continue to be door heroes, then they are either trolls, or people who cannot read English. Sometimes letting the terminal die is impossible, especially when you have a Rambo Nova that runs out of the room, MPrimes and blow S#&$ up, then run back into the room, MPrimes and blow S#&$ up, and run out again. Getting kills outside of the room, and inside of the room to prevent the terminal from dying. Rambo Novas have the speed to accomplish this.

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At the start of the mission, i always try to grab the datamass first. Then when we reach the terminal, I stand there until everyone reaches the terminal and then I say the following.

"Hey guys, lets all fight near the terminal since we all get exp by being near each other. Also loot will be easier to find if you let the enemies come here to die instead of leaving drops all over the map. Going rambo and fighting on your own just means less exp for you and everyone else."


If they continue to be door heroes, then they are either trolls, or people who cannot read English. Sometimes letting the terminal die is impossible, especially when you have a Rambo Nova that runs out of the room, MPrimes and blow S#&$ up, then run back into the room, MPrimes and blow S#&$ up, and run out again. Getting kills outside of the room, and inside of the room to prevent the terminal from dying. Rambo Novas have the speed to accomplish this.

if you have they key. maybe before leaving the game you should run to the begining and drop the key there. make them have to go for a jog since they like running around soo much. "rambo novas" too funny.

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Ever heard of working with teammates rather than enduring them?


Ever heard of "teammates" who don't work with the team?


They aren't teammates. They can be on your team. But they aren't teammates. These are the people who don't defend objectives, the players who aren't getting enough kills in a bottleneck so they move up in front of you, blocking your shots, pushing the spawn and ruining some decent farm.


Yes, you have to endure some people. They're too ignorant to know better, and if you say something, they become indignant.

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I find it funny when people are actually trying to defend themselves by trying to justify their spawn camping actions.

I don't care what kind of argument they are trying to bring, when you join a defense mission and the first thing you do is get the furthest away possible from the defense area (aka the far door in xini near the end of the map, or outside the main 3 rooms in kappa) you deserve to lose.

If a spawn camper join a game that I really don't want to abort, I just disconnect my internet for a few seconds to force him to lose connection.

Edited by DMan128
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And worse enough, once one hallway hero show up, other people tend to follow, leaving just one player to stay by the console, to guard it against the occasional enemies that show up.


Thats not worse, thats right.

There  is no better way to show your disrespect than failing the mission.


I normaly run with these Heroes and try my best to kill everything arround them.

I hate them so much, that i dont care how the mission ends.

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Ever heard of "teammates" who don't work with the team?


They aren't teammates. They can be on your team. But they aren't teammates. These are the people who don't defend objectives, the players who aren't getting enough kills in a bottleneck so they move up in front of you, blocking your shots, pushing the spawn and ruining some decent farm.


Yes, you have to endure some people. They're too ignorant to know better, and if you say something, they become indignant.

Honestly I'm familiar with those types, but the reason they act that way is because they think their way is better.  Other than the instances where theres a language barrier people are often receptive to cold logic that works in their favour.


Rather than saying "YOUR MESSING UP THE SPAWN RATES, idiot", I've noticed they tend to stick closer to the group if you say "Enemies don't spawn in the same rooms as players."


That said, it doesn't always work even then.  But it certainly pays to try and is better than some of these revenge tactics...

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Well EVE is the ''How can I screw over a large number of people and massively benefit from it'' simulator.

Wasn't there a guy who stole billions of ISK from his alliance and then made a giant space station and disappeared into deep space?

There's also reverse-ganking themselves upon someone to make him into "So hated the NPCs zerg you and players are rewarded for your death"


And that time a big group CEO killed his own group and went to another group, who took their name, and then years later, that groups CEO decided to screw their own group over and put the entire army into the false version of the other group.


Then stopped playing.

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I love this. I can just be sitting there, shooting at the door, and player X just sloooowly edges in front of me and parks themselves.



No really, I love Shred. I love being able to park myself behind the Rhino, and still get more kills through him, and the door. Public matches are the only place I can justify having Shred on EVERY BUILD, because there's always going to be that one idiot who tries to do this.

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Just yesterday I had a run in with one such individual on Kappa, luckily, I now play Zephyr as my default frame, which allowed for some shenanigans. After the first console was done with and it was clear that this guy was going to be uncooperative, I jumped up on top of the cliff sides and dropped the datamass up there, then jumped back down and watched as he tried to find it. Unfortunately, he was a Valkyr so he could also get up there, but not as fast as me so I just grabbed it again when he got near. I then flew out of bounds and dropped the datamass into the void destroying it completely.


Mutually Assured Destruction.


I quite enjoyed myself while he was calling me names the whole time. This will be my method for dealing with them in the future, until DE see fit to provide us a way to do it properly.

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On the flip side, when you run into a pug group that does play right it feels fun and happy and restores faith in humanity.... ish.


Had one last night we had a great run, everyone just picked an entrance in the main room and all swapped places during a lul to pick up loot, we waited to bring out the cryopod until everyone did a quick lap to look for the stuff that fell a little out of the way, then everyone stayed in the main room on the cryo-pod stage.


After that one guy left the group and got replaced by the living definition of a rambo nova (who by the way was 3rd in kills and damage) that was actually in the hallway that leads into the cryopod room, enemies were spawning behind him he was so far from the objective, which in order for us all to find the Oxium everyone was running around the whole map.  first run about 800 total kills for the match and 60 Oxium.  Second run with the hallway hero 650 total kills and 35 Oxium.

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Frames running arround= +-40 oxium

Frames at the same strategic point= 70+ oxium

This this a million times this. I was with some guy one morning who absolutely refused to listen to reason. I ended up doing 2 kappa runs with him and 2 with a group that stayed together at the terminals the results were as follows:

20 oxium

60 oxium

35 oxium

52 oxium

Can anyone guess which results go with the moron? The worst part is when I tried to explain what was going to happen he told me he was farming and we'd get more this way.

Edited by NevanChambers
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This problem has been written about since the CB days, and it doesn't look like DE is going to step in and do anything anytime soon (unless they actually implement the promised-but-not-yet-delivered reputation system).


The best advice I've seen is similar to what's been noted here a few times.  I'll type in something like "Oh, we're letting the pod die?  Okay."  Then I run off and do my best to steal the hero's kills.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  But at least it makes obvious that we all see what they're doing, and can play the same way, to everyone's detriment.


Some people are just sphincters, and there's nothing for it.  But not everyone realizes they're being a jerk, or don't realize it until they are forced to face their own behavior coming at them from someone else.


If you want to rush a level, or play Defense Hero, play Solo.  That's one reason why the mode is there.  But if you have to have an audience to SEE you being a jerk, you're just an attention @#&*(, and should be shunned.

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Here's one: One time, I actually had a group of two or three of these guys. At one point during the cryopod defense they flat out left the entire objective area to farm ospreys or whatever, leaving me alone to defend the cryopod.

I let it die to teach them a lesson. Maybe you should try it sometime :)


ppl like r idd annoying however they never learn, their typically the type who when failing call every1 else noobs or something mroe exotic and never learn, feeling as if its othe rppls job to defend and their to pretend their awesome or something.


basically their 2 full of themselves to care or learn, they will just requeue and do the exact same thing.


its more annoying now our drops have a lifespan, i think an older patch changed drops so they older ones expire in favor of new ones, so even if they mow down everythign while others defend, they get the most oxium and when the defenders pickup the leftovers, they wont get abywhere near the same.


i had a game where the hallway lunatic(s) got somethign like 73 oxium, me sticking near the cropod and hoovering up leftovers bagged me about 23.

Edited by Methanoid
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I always move around, since my rhino has stretch maxed on it, and focus for insta kills, who needs to stay on console most of the times :D

Moving around is fine I do too but stay in the room. To answer your question: you need to in order to maximize the spawn rate, the drops, the xp, and the kills for the entire team including you. That is why you do MD in a team, want to be a hero go do it solo. Simple as that, solo is the place to play how you want cause "it's your game and your going to play how you want." Be a part of the team or gtfo.

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