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[Ic] Operation: Burning Lotus [Open Rp]


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Summary of the RP: choose a side; Lotus, Conflagration, or set out on your own, travel the galaxy, meet other Tenno, form alliances, and do whatever you have to in order to survive.


A call goes out across the stars.  It is just as loud as the first, louder even, and received by so many more.  Tenno hear its call, hear the words, the passion that backs them, the fire that burns in each syllable.  The message is of Tenno origin, the message is a call to arms, and no matter who hears it – Tenno warrior, Grineer dog, Corpus machine – it fills them with emotion; fear, or joy, or uncertainty, or rage.  No one is unaffected by the call, no one truly can ignore it.  The words, the speaker of the words, talks to the Tenno and the Tenno alone; the Tenno that will hear him, the Tenno that will answer his call, listen close, as do those Tenno who would defy him and his goal.  They all listen, listen to what he says:


“My fellow Tenno, for too long I have stood by, for too long I have stayed out of the conflict I knew was inevitable.  I hoped, I had so dearly hoped, that more would hear me before now, before I had to do what I knew I would have to do; but now I am left without a choice.  Now I am left with nothing but my voice and my will to see the Tenno become more than what we are now.


“My fellow Tenno, for too long we have played pawn in a battle that will never end, a battle that we suffer for to try and help others.  The battle of balance, the battle of maintaining it, the battle that one would have us fight as her champions of her dream.  Her dream.  Her goals.  Her ideals.  What of us?  Of her champions?  Her warriors?  Her pawns in this great game, what of us and our people?  For the sake of her balance we die, we are captured, we are dissected; for the sake of her balance we suffer.  We pay the ultimate price.


“My fellow Tenno, I once followed her, I once heard the call of the Lotus and obeyed.  I was without direction.  I was without understanding.  I was alone, not in company but in heart.  Then I realized why, why I felt so empty inside; I realized that the cause I was fighting for, that I had seen my brothers and sister of blade and gun die for, was a hollow one, and it was making me hollow as I fought for it.  As I bled for it.  It was in that moment I realized: she, the Lotus, was not our guide, our savior, our great messiah from the cold sleep.  She was our jailer, our torturer, and those who she had us slay and protect for the sake of ‘balance’ were our executioners.


“My fellow Tenno, on that day, I turned my bad on the Lotus, on that day, I struck out on my own; and on this day I send out the call to arms, the call to all who would listen, and call of the True Tenno Cause.  We have played pawn long enough, before we were this, before we were the great mediators of this galaxy’s brutish tribes of barbarians and machines, we were warriors.  Noble.  Strong.  We fought for our own, and those who wrong us died by our hands.  I send out the call; turn your back on the Lotus, on her lies, on her hapless dreams, and join me in the cause that will see our people become the masters of this galaxy once more.  Operation: Burning Lotus begins now, and all who stand against it will be consumed in the flames of Tenno wrath.


“My fellow Tenno, I am the Conflagration, and I will see the Tenno thrive.”


The call has been made.  It awaits only an answer.  An answer or blood, or an answer of blade.

What will you answer with?


Welcome to the first(?) Warframe RP. Now, don't be discouraged by the "Closed RP" marker, that just means that before you can join you'll need to send me a PM on the forums saying you want to and be approved - this is because, since these are such a massive forum and this his board is so new, I want to keep the number of players at a set limit to make sure everything runs cleanly and smoothly. As this board grows there will be other RPs, I'm sure, and eventually there will be enough that anyone can just jump into one or the other and immerse themselves in the Warframe world in ways they cannot do in-game (at least, with any ease) For the time being, though, a little moderation is required.


To keep things clean, a bit of a system is in order. When you make a post for one (or many) of your characters, in order to help people easily identify with whom they're dealing with and whether or not they're a part of particular group, start your post like this:




Character: <Character name>

Location: <Location name>


This style may change over time, but I think something along its lines is needed to best keep everything in order. I'm not doing this to be difficult, in my previous RP experience I find that this is the best way to handle things.


Anyway, I'm almost done rambling: since we don't have all that heavy background Lore in Warframe, we're going to stick (mostly) to what we do know: Excalibur was the first, the Tenno fought against the Sentients, the Tenno turned on their creators for some reason, and the memories of all Tenno have been fuzzied by the cryosleep - this last part means your characters will, most likely, end up looking forward rather than reflecting back (also, it means you don't have to write an extensive background to keep people up to date on your character's history, yay!).


Lastly: for the time being there will be only Tenno characters, just to ease things up and see how things go for a while. When Grineer and Corpus OCs can be put into the mix, this notice will disappear and you'll be free to create any (within reason) character you want. For the time being: keep Grineer, Corpus, and Infested characters to those already-ingame, for named characters like Vor and such discuss amongst yourselves who you want to take control of them in the General Discussion thread.


Final notes:

Keep it clean

Keep it friendly (in terms of OOC) interaction

And enjoy yourselves

Edited by Morec0
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Character: The Collector

Location: Roche, Phobos


There was no camouflage, too few shadows, too little black. All sand and sun. He could barely move without being spotted, and there were far too many Grineer here to simply fight his way through. But he wanted what this place could offer; another piece, another part, another weapon for his collection.


The door closed, the patrol moved on. He dodged to the next shadow and continued down the tunnel. He was getting close, the sensors in his frame indicated that much. He moved slowly, bow on his back, kunai in his hands. He heard sound, approaching footsteps.  More Grineer? He ducked into the nearest shadow, waiting for whatever it was to pass him by.

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Character: Lopt the Loki

Location: Skyresh, Phobos




"A recent, desperate move of retaliation by the Corpus has led to the siege of this area. For the sake of balance between the two factions, exterminate all life; neither Corpus nor Grineer is to be left alive."


The Lotus received no reply; she didn't need one to know that her loyal Loki would follow her every command.



"Keep in mind that there has been a leak in information. The Corpus have received wind of our plans, and have erected an EMP barrier in response. Our radio link - along with any distress calls and beacons - will not work while in the area... you're doing it solo, Tenno. Don't mess up."



With that final, curt, order, the Lotus cut her connection with the Loki operative.


Taking the new information in stride, Lopt slowed down his sprint to a fast jog; hands going to his back to grip his Ether sword but only managing to grab air. Pausing briefly, he sighed as he remembered that he had forgone both his trusty sword and Akbolto in favour of bringing both a Hind burst-rifle, and a Dera laser-rifle. Shaking his head, the Tenno's Heads Up Display locked onto a scene in the distance. With but a thought, his camouflage kicked and his HUD zoomed in on the group. It was a Grineer assault team, taking cover behind the mesas of Phobos, while a group of Corpus fired upon their position from across a small trench.


Smirking, Lopt set his sight on one of the Grineer at the back of the group, rapidly closing in on him. Once he reached an appropriate position away from the Trooper, he took cover and deactivated his Invisibility. Breathing in deeply, the hammerheaded Warframe focused upon every detail of the Trooper, committing it to memory; not that it was particularly hard, anyhow. The majority of Grineer cannon-fodder looked exactly alike, down to the liver-bags on their cheek, due to cloning. His helmet's eyes flicked red for a brief moment before he forcefully switch teleported with the Trooper. Not wasting a moment, he ducked back behind his original cover - where the disorientated Trooper currently lay. A quick movement and the Trooper's neck was snapped, not even aware of what had occurred.


Another tense moment, and Lopt had sprung up a decoy, a perfect replica of the Trooper currently lying dead at his feet. Tossing the dead Grineer's Sobek at his Decoy, he willed it to take the Grineer's former position among his allies. Watching it from his cover, the Loki positioned the decoy directly behind another Trooper, and watched as his decoy shot off a quick round of fire at a nearby Lancer, before hastily darting back to its former position.


The Lancer staggered forward, his armor dented, before turning around with a snarl. "Hey! Watch it!" And with that, the Lancer shot off his own rifle at the Trooper, before getting shot in turn by Lancer from behind.


Loki watched the mayhem descending upon the Grineer with a wicked sense of glee, reveling in the chaos unraveling before his eyes. Assured that his job would be done for him now, he set his sights upon the Corpus across the gap, who had quieted down upon seeing the Grineer turn upon themselves. Grinning, the deceitful Tenno's Invisibility re-activated, and a mischievous plan began to formulate in his mind. Soon, it would be the Corpus's turn to panic.


After all, Lopt was't the one to stab you in the back; rather, he's the one that gets you to turn.

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Location: Outer Terminus

Name: Celduun Frost.


As Corpus stepped in the room covered on ice and snow. A snow moved around a bit as MOAs and Crewmen kicked it around places. Celduun felt the wind bringing the same snow he climbed over the hedge went higher on the mountains and left a grenade on the snow this detonated soon as Corpus had line of sight on Frost who was creating snowboard from ice and started snowboarding away from the avalanche what covered to death whole group as Frost was snowboarding down the mountain with the Latron Prime on his hand firing at Corpus who was after others who already died.


When finally at the end of the mountain on the flat land Frost threw away the ice board went forward to corpus outpost to get back to home.

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Character: The Blaze

Location: Skyresh, Phobos


Blue-hot fire erupted in pillars around the fighting Grineer. The flames consumed them, roasted them, what could be set alight was melted, the sand was charred but not glassed. Through the clearing walked a female Tenno suited with an Ember-class frame, its colors as blue as the blazes she was setting off. Her steps were slow and her shoulders were ached, one arm grasping the other, red blood glistening around the fingers but the wound beneath cauterized.


She looked around as she walked, trying to spot any other Grineer that would surely have noticed her, as well as wondering what had caused the disruption and chaos in their ranks. Tenno origin, most likely, but it had been too slow to start for the most likely culprit. She said nothing, called out to no one, but kept her eyes and ears open.


Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


Applause came from off to the side of Celduun. Two figures approached him from the snow, Tenno of course; one bound in Rhino frame, the other in a Mag. It was the Rhino who was clapping, the Mag held herself in indifference, maybe contempt.


"Bravo!" the clapping Rhino said. "Bravo! Quite the display!" The Mag mutter something indiscernible, but her comrade said nothing in response. "You've power on your side, that much is apparent. But, tell me, what brings you out this far? Surely such a display is not worth the effort it takes to reach this far-detached sector of the system?"

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Name: Celduun

Location: Outer Terminus


Frost: I go where I want then there is below zero, ice and snow around me. Pulling that avalanche with me was only some challenge. Was a bit needing some leg exercise you know. Just call Ember here any moment if you want whole mountain down as a tsunami. I will need to have a break for this day. 

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Name: Rorken (Nekros)

Location: Grineer Galleon, Enceladus, Saturn


The Grineer tasted rotten. Crude.  And I grow tired of slaughtering their soldiers. My target has already been captured and already my patience is at an end. It shames me to think this way. Tenno were above such petty emotions and yet the foes I face have an irritating tendency to dredge these angry thoughts up. A Butcher turns the corner, screaming prayers of hate as he draws his cleaver to strike at my head. I make him pay for his insolence.


My fury is evident as my sword cuts the Mongrel in half. The mongrel screams in pain. It cannot even die properly as I bring my sword down in one fell sweep, silencing it. Were I not needed elsewhere by the all seeing eye of the Lotus I would have made its death slower. Alas duty is duty and speed is of the essence. I move quicker, kill faster and without mercy.


Lancers fire their rusting Grakatas at my form. Though I am shielded I know that I am tough not invincible. They would flank me soon and to die at the hands of these filthy mongrels would be embarrassing. I move from cover shouldering my own Soma rifle. I let them have it. A barrage of gunfire and Lancer after Lancer topples to the Soma's deadly speech. The Lancers scatter giving me an opening. I move without hesitation swinging my sword to dissuade any who tried to bar me from my extraction point, arms and legs part from bodies. Heads rolled. Grineer curse and scream in their barbaric tongue. They die without exception. Man or woman.


I move faster, sword and pistol in hand as I leave bodies in my wake. No matter what propaganda the Grineer spew I care not, you cannot stop the thunderstorm. And like the thunderstorm the Tenno were unstoppable. Let the hordes come. They will serve their purpose.


I am Rorken. I am Nekros. I am Tenno.


And I shall bring Death.

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Character: Lopt the Loki

Location: Skyresh, Phobos


Satisfied with his work, the cloaked mischief maker stowed away his Dera rifle as the still smoking body of the last Crewman slumped to the ground. A quick glance around the area showed that he was done with Skyresh, but before he could continue on, his HUD locked onto an anomaly in the area. Focusing in on it, he blinked at the burnt and blackened cluster of sand. Shoulders stiffening in wariness, the Loki operator carefully backtracked his way throughout the area; eyes sharp and observant for any movement.

Noticing a figure in the distance, a mental order found the figure cleared up on his HUD: A fellow Tenno, decked out in an Ember Warframe. Quizzically, Loki sped up, dropping his cloak and un-holstering his Hind rifle. 'What's a fellow sister doing out here? I was supposed to be alone...' Shelving away his thoughts for now, he continued to scan around the Ember for threats, but saw, heard and felt none.
Gradually relaxing, Lopt arrived in front of the fire user, hopping down from a outcrop he had jumped upon earlier. Bowing his head towards the Ember, he was about to speak before noticing her wounds. Freezing up, Lopt stared at her arm for a split second, transfixed upon the cauterized wound before snapping his head up to look at her. "You're wounded! What happened? Why are you here? Let me help you," was spoken in rapid succession to her as Loki fiddled with his internal, digital storage; materializing his nano-tic healer. 
Edited by Kamal965
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Name: Alya (said ahl-YA)

Class: Chorus Banshee

Height: 183cm

Eyes: Blue/Grey

Hair: Black


Combat Role: Marksmanship, specializing in stealth assassination and overwatch.

Weaponry: Like most Tenno she is proficient in all classes of weapons, with a preference for Marksman Rifles above all others, dislikes explosive based weapons due to their imprecise nature and collateral damage.

Again like most Tenno she is also highly proficient in close quarters combat, though prefers to use a Glaive in most circumstances.


Combat Stats











Also I suggest that you don't mention dubstep around her, it will only lead to pain.




Character: Alya, Chorus Banshee

Location: Oberon (Uranus)


Alya was not happy. She'd been given the assignment after its original participant had somehow managed to shoot himself in the foot whilst training. But without time to conduct her usual planning, she'd had to go from what he'd set out to do, and now it was entirely his fault that she had to crawl through two kilometers of Grineer sewers to get to her target. Some no-name Grineer Colonel who'd discovered a cache of Orokin Artifacts, who in her infinite wisdom the Lotus had decided needed to be dead. 

Another reason for the Banshee's discomfort was the fact that the slightest tap of metal on metal in the pipe sent echos bouncing along it, meaning that for the entire duration of her crawl, she had to keep Silence up, which as a matter of fact was giving her a headache.


As she drew closer to the end of the pipe, the Banshee mood cleared, her Chorus Helmets air filters being good enough to allow her to breathe deeply without too much discomfort. Reaching the grating marked on her HUD, she activated her sSonar, before aiming an upward kickat the grate, sending it flying across the room, landing noiselessly due to her Silence. Looking around she found herself in a maintenance room, from there it was a straight shot to the Colonels quarters though a vent, though a quick trip to decontamination first might be a worthwhile detour, even the most degenerate of clones could smell me a mile off, she mused.


Consulting her map, she saw she was in luck, a decontamination chamber two rooms over, though Sonar scans showed two hostiles present. Within her helmet the Banshee smiled. Moving deftly towards her objective, she was careful to keep one eye on her Sonar readout, safe in the knowledge that nothing else was around, she crept through the door. Seeing the two Grineer had their backs turned, her smile widened. She sent out a focused pulse of Silence cutting the two off, mid conversation. As they looked around in confusion the Banshee leapt forward, simultaneously drawing her twin Dark daggers, lodging each in the back of a Grineer neck. Not worried about any sounds they may make, she savagely ripped each Dagger down, running along their spines, killing each instantly.


Her frustration somewhat vented she hacked the nearby terminal, and activated the decontamination protocol. Soon her armour was once again free of muck. Looking at the two fresh corpses on the floor, Banshee threw each into a nearby stall and shut the door. Hopefully they wouldn't be discovered until she was long gone. 

Returning to the maintenance room, Banshee unpacked her rifle from its protective bag. The Latron Primes gold trimmings shone faintly in the dim light. After checking everything was in order, she fired a single shot upward at the vent cover, corroding it into nothingness within seconds. Then with the agility all Tenno possess, she nimbly ran up the wall, leaping up into the vent at her apex. 


(Stopping there since it is getting a tad long, I'll continue it soon)

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Character: The Blaze

Location: Skyresh, Phobos


"I'm fine," the Blaze growled, stepping onto the back of a dying Grineer as it tried to crawl away. The fleshy parts of it burst into flames, melting and charring until even the bones turned to dust. She backed away from its corpse, but didn't look any calmer for her venting. "I was here to gather some data," she responded to the second of his question, "then these bastards spotted me." Stared down at the Grineer's metal shell, the alloy melting from the heat, and responded to the first question: "my name is Blaze, you?"


Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


"We're not looking to bury the outpost," the Votary said, motioning in the direction Frost had been heading. "We need the place intact. If you're heading that way, perhaps you'd like to assist us, or us assist you? Our paths will be crossing for a while still, no sense in ignoring the others." The Mag continued to stand silent with her arms crossed.

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Character: Lopt the Loki

Location: Skyresh, Phobos


"Yeah, well... we can't all be me, I guess," was Lopt's dry remark as he fiddled with the healing device, persisting in his efforts to help out with Blaze's wound. "I'm Lopt, and you're certainly not fine. I'm not letting a sister bleed out on me as soon as I meet her!" he declared, finishing his configuration of the device and offering it to Blaze, "Apply that to your injuries. You'll be better in no time," he asserted before switching his gaze over to the melted Grineer, staring at it in silence for a few moments; continuing on afterwards, "I take it you've failed your mission, then? Would you care to stick around as I clear out the area?"

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Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


"We're not looking to bury the outpost," the Votary said, motioning in the direction Frost had been heading. "We need the place intact. If you're heading that way, perhaps you'd like to assist us, or us assist you? Our paths will be crossing for a while still, no sense in ignoring the others." The Mag continued to stand silent with her arms crossed.


Character: Celduun.

Location Outer Terminus, Pluto.


Frost: Wow sounds like somebody is being smart then. How about this? *aims at random direction but sees on his radar that there is a tool to this problem* Hold on a moment I will dig this up to you to so you can move on. *walks in front of a pile of snow and starts to sweep away some snow* How about a flame thrower then? *as picks large heavy flame thrower. Walks in front of Mag and Rhino lowering the tool down* Just pull the trigger to direction what you want to melt down or just pull the trigger to warm yourself up. *taps on the side of the gas tank of flame thrower*


This thing should carry up to 100 minutes to grill something or melt things on sight. How about leaving me alone now so I can get to extraction I was ordered to cause a distraction you know. Oh by the way. I suggest you to open up the front door after about... Three hours would be my guess that... *nods standard helmet at Mag asking the answer why after three hours the door should be opened*

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Character: Rorken (Nekros)

Location: D'Arrest, Phobos


The Lotus has asked me to rescue one of her disciples. As a Tenno my duty comes first before my feelings. This fundamental tenet in the Code is the only thing that keeps me from refusing. I loathe the Grineer, I loathe rescuing civilians even more so. I understand why i must rescue them, they are innocents in the war for Reclamation. For every brave warrior that stands against the tide there are tens of thousands of weaklings that make it more complicated.


The woman I rescue...Her eyes are hidden from me but the whimpering I hear from the communications network in my helmet is...irritating. I cannot concentrate with such noise. My Soma makes a temporary solution and the screams of the Grineer mongrels mask her whimpering. When the gaggle of clone soldiers lie dead beneath my feet I bark at the hostage I have rescued.


"Get up. We're moving."


She moves out of cover disoriented. The helmet the covers my face hides my irritation as we continue forward through the ruins of D'Arrest Settlement 4872.


Phobos was once a Grineer world. I can see it in the architecture. Crude and curved, with bulges that seemed organic in nature. Phobos was rich in resources that the Grineer use for their army's steel. Once perhaps it was probably a pinnacle of industry but thanks to its discovery by the Lotus and my brothers and sisters the endeavor to bring it back to the fold of the Empire has been stalled. I do my part with this as well, as my new clan members have dictated. 


More Grineer show their ugly faces. The woman I rescue duck into cover as I return fire with my Soma.


I leave them in ruins.

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Name: Alya (said ahl-YA)

Class: Chorus Banshee

Height: 183cm

Eyes: Blue/Grey

Hair: Black


Combat Role: Marksmanship, specializing in stealth assassination and overwatch.

Weaponry: Like most Tenno she is proficient in all classes of weapons, with a preference for Marksman Rifles above all others, dislikes explosive based weapons due to their imprecise nature and collateral damage.

Again like most Tenno she is also highly proficient in close quarters combat, though prefers to use a Glaive in most circumstances.


Combat Stats











Also I suggest that you don't mention dubstep around her, it will only lead to pain.




Character: Alya, Chorus Banshee

Location: Oberon (Uranus)


Alya was not happy. She'd been given the assignment after its original participant had somehow managed to shoot himself in the foot whilst training. But without time to conduct her usual planning, she'd had to go from what he'd set out to do, and now it was entirely his fault that she had to crawl through two kilometers of Grineer sewers to get to her target. Some no-name Grineer Colonel who'd discovered a cache of Orokin Artifacts, who in her infinite wisdom the Lotus had decided needed to be dead. 

Another reason for the Banshee's discomfort was the fact that the slightest tap of metal on metal in the pipe sent echos bouncing along it, meaning that for the entire duration of her crawl, she had to keep Silence up, which as a matter of fact was giving her a headache.


As she drew closer to the end of the pipe, the Banshee mood cleared, her Chorus Helmets air filters being good enough to allow her to breathe deeply without too much discomfort. Reaching the grating marked on her HUD, she activated her sSonar, before aiming an upward kickat the grate, sending it flying across the room, landing noiselessly due to her Silence. Looking around she found herself in a maintenance room, from there it was a straight shot to the Colonels quarters though a vent, though a quick trip to decontamination first might be a worthwhile detour, even the most degenerate of clones could smell me a mile off, she mused.


Consulting her map, she saw she was in luck, a decontamination chamber two rooms over, though Sonar scans showed two hostiles present. Within her helmet the Banshee smiled. Moving deftly towards her objective, she was careful to keep one eye on her Sonar readout, safe in the knowledge that nothing else was around, she crept through the door. Seeing the two Grineer had their backs turned, her smile widened. She sent out a focused pulse of Silence cutting the two off, mid conversation. As they looked around in confusion the Banshee leapt forward, simultaneously drawing her twin Dark daggers, lodging each in the back of a Grineer neck. Not worried about any sounds they may make, she savagely ripped each Dagger down, running along their spines, killing each instantly.


Her frustration somewhat vented she hacked the nearby terminal, and activated the decontamination protocol. Soon her armour was once again free of muck. Looking at the two fresh corpses on the floor, Banshee threw each into a nearby stall and shut the door. Hopefully they wouldn't be discovered until she was long gone. 

Returning to the maintenance room, Banshee unpacked her rifle from its protective bag. The Latron Primes gold trimmings shone faintly in the dim light. After checking everything was in order, she fired a single shot upward at the vent cover, corroding it into nothingness within seconds. Then with the agility all Tenno possess, she nimbly ran up the wall, leaping up into the vent at her apex. 


(Stopping there since it is getting a tad long, I'll continue it soon)


The Rest:


Character: Alya, Chorus Banshee

Location: Oberon, Uranus



Progress through the vent was easy in comparison to what she'd had to endure already, the walls were thick, and mostly surrounded by rock, and as such, much less prone to echos. Reaching the top, she paused, scouting ahead activating her Sonar to scout ahead. Red dots flashed into life across her HUD, each marking the location of a hostile. Turning up her auditory receptors, the Banshee closed her eyes, focussing on the slight pings feeding back to her, letting her feel where everything was. She could "see" the Colonel and two of his lieutenants, not twenty-five meters distant,  between her and her objective a single long room, filled with... 28 Grineer in various states of inactivity. Her instincts as a huntress told her to leave them and go for the clean kill, but then again, each dead Grineer was one less to shoot at her fellow Tenno.


So be it. 


From her person she drew a small device, one that she was not supposed to have. Painstakingly manufactured by hand, the portable EMP device was only meant to be used in the most important of raids against the Corpus, but then again, why stop yourself from using every tool in your arsenal? Deactivating her suits electronic augmentations, and shoring up their shielding, The Banshee prepared the device, not knowing its exact specifications, she decided for maximum range and power. Placing the device down after setting the timer, she got into position, drawing her two daggers. She'd do this the old fashioned way. 

the device emitted a brief electronic crackle, then suddenly, blackness, as every electronic circuit on the station was simultaneously fried. 

Wrapping herself herself in a cloak of Silence, the Banshee broke through the grate, dropping noiselessly to the floor. Her night vision offline, she relied solely on her Sonar, the three Grineer nearest her fell to her blades before they could even react to the sudden blackness.

Hearing frantic cries from about the room, the Banshee threw out a wave of Silence.

Blind, deaf and dumb, the Grineer were like lambs to the slaughter. Each receiving instant death from a Dagger to a weakpoint in their armour.


In less than ten seconds, The Banshee stood as the only living thing in the room, blades slick with Grineer blood. Knowing that the EMP, powerful as it was, would soon burn out, the Banshee quickly moved on to the entrance to the next room. Evidently her Silence had not extended this far, and the three Grineer had taken up a defensive stance, Gorgons all aimed at the door, just waiting for the slightest sound of an enemy before opening fire.

The Banshee would never give them that satisfaction.

Drawing her rifle she fired three shots in quick succession, each finding its mark in the center of the head, the high velocity rounds obliterating her targets brain stems, which at this point was merely accidemic as the corrosive aspect of the rounds set in, dissolving flesh and armour alike. All three were dead before they began to fall.


The stations lights flickered back into life as the EMP device burnt itself out. Giving Banshee a clear view of the dead Grineer. After reactivating her suits electronics the Banshee opened a Comm Channel to the Lotus "Its done, I'm sending you the artifacts now." Closing the channel, she walked over to where they sat, containment field still down from the powerful EMP pulses. Opening a zero-point link, she held her hand over the pile of white and gold components, watching them dissolve as they were sent back to base.


Closing the link, the Banshee turned to leave, stopping as she noticed a set of Vipers with an unusual design, Similar to that of the Strun "Wraiths" she had seen some of her comrades with. Shrugging, she picked up the twin pistols, locking them into the holsters at her hips.


Making her way quickly back through the ship, she saw a number of Grineer engineers rushing round, attempting to find the source of the blackout. They wouldn't find it, the EMP device had self destructed shortly after completing its designated task. Concerned as the engineers were with their task, they were easy to avoid, and since she wished to avoid the alarm being raised until she was WELL away from the base, the Banshee was content to do just that. 

Reaching her point of entry, she regarded the stinking hole she had crawled through to get here, with disgust. Noticing a console next to what appeared to be a pump, she walked over to examine it. Easily hacking into the system, she noticed a "purge" command, shrugging to herself, sje hit the button.


A low rumble echoed through the pipes. It raised in intensity to a roar as thousands of liters of water spewed through the pipe she had crawled through not long ago. Smiling beneath her helmet, the Banshee sealed her suit fully, the 5 minutes of oxygen it carried should be more than enough, she mused.


With a quick check that her weapons were properly protected and sending maximum power to her Shield , she jumped into the swirling torrent. Protected from the maelstrom of swirling water, the Banshee shot through the pipe, emerging at the other end just as the flow ended. Releasing the seals and re-opening the comm channel as she walked back to the hidden transport craft, she announced "I'm out, heading back to base now." Seconds later The Lotus's icon flashed onto her HUD, "Great work, but home will have to wait, you are needed elsewhere, Tenno."

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The Rest:


Character: Alya, Chorus Banshee

Location: Oberon, Uranus




Progress through the vent was easy in comparison to what she'd had to endure already, the walls were thick, and mostly surrounded by rock, and as such, much less prone to echos. Reaching the top, she paused, scouting ahead activating her Sonar to scout ahead. Red dots flashed into life across her HUD, each marking the location of a hostile. Turning up her auditory receptors, the Banshee closed her eyes, focussing on the slight pings feeding back to her, letting her feel where everything was. She could "see" the Colonel and two of his lieutenants, not twenty-five meters distant,  between her and her objective a single long room, filled with... 28 Grineer in various states of inactivity. Her instincts as a huntress told her to leave them and go for the clean kill, but then again, each dead Grineer was one less to shoot at her fellow Tenno.


So be it. 


From her person she drew a small device, one that she was not supposed to have. Painstakingly manufactured by hand, the portable EMP device was only meant to be used in the most important of raids against the Corpus, but then again, why stop yourself from using every tool in your arsenal? Deactivating her suits electronic augmentations, and shoring up their shielding, The Banshee prepared the device, not knowing its exact specifications, she decided for maximum range and power. Placing the device down after setting the timer, she got into position, drawing her two daggers. She'd do this the old fashioned way. 

the device emitted a brief electronic crackle, then suddenly, blackness, as every electronic circuit on the station was simultaneously fried. 

Wrapping herself herself in a cloak of Silence, the Banshee broke through the grate, dropping noiselessly to the floor. Her night vision offline, she relied solely on her Sonar, the three Grineer nearest her fell to her blades before they could even react to the sudden blackness.

Hearing frantic cries from about the room, the Banshee threw out a wave of Silence.

Blind, deaf and dumb, the Grineer were like lambs to the slaughter. Each receiving instant death from a Dagger to a weakpoint in their armour.


In less than ten seconds, The Banshee stood as the only living thing in the room, blades slick with Grineer blood. Knowing that the EMP, powerful as it was, would soon burn out, the Banshee quickly moved on to the entrance to the next room. Evidently her Silence had not extended this far, and the three Grineer had taken up a defensive stance, Gorgons all aimed at the door, just waiting for the slightest sound of an enemy before opening fire.

The Banshee would never give them that satisfaction.

Drawing her rifle she fired three shots in quick succession, each finding its mark in the center of the head, the high velocity rounds obliterating her targets brain stems, which at this point was merely accidemic as the corrosive aspect of the rounds set in, dissolving flesh and armour alike. All three were dead before they began to fall.


The stations lights flickered back into life as the EMP device burnt itself out. Giving Banshee a clear view of the dead Grineer. After reactivating her suits electronics the Banshee opened a Comm Channel to the Lotus "Its done, I'm sending you the artifacts now." Closing the channel, she walked over to where they sat, containment field still down from the powerful EMP pulses. Opening a zero-point link, she held her hand over the pile of white and gold components, watching them dissolve as they were sent back to base.


Closing the link, the Banshee turned to leave, stopping as she noticed a set of Vipers with an unusual design, Similar to that of the Strun "Wraiths" she had seen some of her comrades with. Shrugging, she picked up the twin pistols, locking them into the holsters at her hips.


Making her way quickly back through the ship, she saw a number of Grineer engineers rushing round, attempting to find the source of the blackout. They wouldn't find it, the EMP device had self destructed shortly after completing its designated task. Concerned as the engineers were with their task, they were easy to avoid, and since she wished to avoid the alarm being raised until she was WELL away from the base, the Banshee was content to do just that. 

Reaching her point of entry, she regarded the stinking hole she had crawled through to get here, with disgust. Noticing a console next to what appeared to be a pump, she walked over to examine it. Easily hacking into the system, she noticed a "purge" command, shrugging to herself, sje hit the button.


A low rumble echoed through the pipes. It raised in intensity to a roar as thousands of liters of water spewed through the pipe she had crawled through not long ago. Smiling beneath her helmet, the Banshee sealed her suit fully, the 5 minutes of oxygen it carried should be more than enough, she mused.


With a quick check that her weapons were properly protected and sending maximum power to her Shield , she jumped into the swirling torrent. Protected from the maelstrom of swirling water, the Banshee shot through the pipe, emerging at the other end just as the flow ended. Releasing the seals and re-opening the comm channel as she walked back to the hidden transport craft, she announced "I'm out, heading back to base now." Seconds later The Lotus's icon flashed onto her HUD, "Great work, but home will have to wait, you are needed elsewhere, Tenno."


Character: Dart, Excalibur

Location: Oberon, Uranus


"This is Dart. I am sad to inform that we have new prototype weapon on production in here. Also extremely bad news. They have found out one of the parts of our homes locations and are going to launch SG cannon soon. I am engaging enemy from front door in 3 minutes. So get on the position soon as possible I have already lured enemies near of my location. I just need a person to dig in this bunker and take it down. So what do you say about ending your frustration in to a explosion?"

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Character: The Blaze

Location: Skyresh, Phobos


The Blaze growled and moved her hand away from the wound. "I already closed it," she said, showing the burned-together metal-tissue of her frame. "I don't need your help. I can handle of myself." She fell silent as she turned away and looked at what she had to do to get this far. She hesitated before continuing. "But I suppose there is safety in numbers. Which direction are you heading?"


Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


"Thank you for the offer," Votary said, "but we're already well enough equipped. We have all the ordinance we need to get in and out of that base." He held up his Penta grenade launcher to display, the Mag made a slight gesture with her Sobek. "But, forgive me, we never introduced ourselves. I am the Votary. And this is-."


"Sway," the Mag finally said. "And I'm not impressed with your pathetic display." She motioned her free hand around the avalanche.

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Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


"Thank you for the offer," Votary said, "but we're already well enough equipped. We have all the ordinance we need to get in and out of that base." He held up his Penta grenade launcher to display, the Mag made a slight gesture with her Sobek. "But, forgive me, we never introduced ourselves. I am the Votary. And this is-."


"Sway," the Mag finally said. "And I'm not impressed with your pathetic display." She motioned her free hand around the avalanche.


Frost: Celduun. Fast and cool is always my pleasure and honor to be what I am. Well... Just like I mentioned that this avalanche will be huge help for you actually while on side a challenge to me and I thought Sway that you would realize it. So let me say this quickly. This flame thrower is more of a tool for melting that snow and reason why the snow should be melt after three hours is that Crewmen inside that base will suffocate soon because of loosing the oxygen. I am not a mechanic but I got to say MOAs will be your only problem while inside there when you go after three hours.


Be glad that you two where in here flat land so you wouldn't get buried on the snow and believe that is something what you wouldn't want to make happen to yourselves. Anyway. I will be leaving to see one of my friends on the malfunctioned site of corpus base. So keep it clear I don't want any of you dead. *calls to Lotus* Lotus. I met your send reinforcements and I have instructed them to open up the place after three hours.


Lotus: Sadly yes there is some of our own inside too... Moron...

Frost: ... Ouch... *closes the call. Looks on Sway and Votary* AAAH! Hell with this! *takes the gas tank off from flame thrower digs some of the snow out of the way rolls in the gas tank on the hole runs back away from the tank* I should say that take few steps back this will be one of those new year explosions I would say. *as reloads Latron Prime and takes position*

Edited by Revel72
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character: destron (vauban)

location: e prime, earth


destron absently tossed a tesla bot up and down. he watched as a group of grineer walked beneath the branch he was on. he put the tesla bot back into his pouch and leveled his grinlock at a hellions pack. after a moment he squeezed the trigger. the backpack exploded sending the squad to the ground. destron tossed a handful of tesla bots into the center and watched as they zapped the squad to nothing. he waited a few minutes and three more grineer came to investigate the explosion. the first two where zapped by the tesla bots and the third went down with a grinlock hole in its head. destron dropped down and gathered all the loot. he began to walk towards the tunnel that, his radar said, should lead to the rest of his extermination targets. 

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Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


As Celdunn contacted the Lotus, the Votary and the Sway looked at each other. Votary's shoulders slumped a little. Sway made a motion with her gun, but her comrade waved her back.


"The Lotus?" he asked. "You're one of hers then?"

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Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


As Celdunn contacted the Lotus, the Votary and the Sway looked at each other. Votary's shoulders slumped a little. Sway made a motion with her gun, but her comrade waved her back.


"The Lotus?" he asked. "You're one of hers then?"


Frost: We have connections current HQ is offline she is currently my operator... And I have to say... If you two are willing to get blown up by standing near of that gas tank. I might be open for that. I don't really have time to start talk about the whole Lotus thing. In nutshell I am informal hireling of hers. What I do can say that I am going to blow that gas tank up. To clear our way and I am seriously not feeling comfortable right now as I have now heard that there is some of us inside. So can we let the party started at all by you two move yourself near of me before I pull the trigger? *aligns Latron Prime hand to be totally barrel directed at the gas tank*

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character: destron

location: e prime, earth


destron holstered his grinlock and looked around. around him lay dozens of scattered grineer bodies. 

" i dont detect any more grineer. well done now get to extraction." 

destron began to walk in the direction that extraction was. behind him he heard a rustling followed by a whooshing sound. he spun around and was caught by a barrage of rockets sending him flying into a tree. he felt pain spiderweb from his arm. 

'damn it dont be broken.' he thought looking over at it. it wasn't broken but a branch had gone completely through it. he grabbed a cestra with his free hand and blasted the grineer hellion in the head. he pulled his arm off the branch and slide down to the bottom of the tree.

"damnit lotus you lied there was still one hellion left!" he yelled into his communicator. he ripped it out and removed the tracking system. a few days ago he had received a message and he figured that it was about time that he found the tenno who had sent it.    

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Character: Dart, Excalibur

Location: Oberon, Uranus


Dart: Dammit where is she? I will need to attack soon to cause a distraction. *as was inspecting his SPAS Prototype 540 at his hands to check is there any damage while being prone at bush behind a rock having a radar up to listen. Weapons: SPAS Prototype 540 shotgun, Ravager grenade launcher and Heavy burst sniper rifle* Around a minute before I have to do this mission all one. Even if I am one of the best... I don't feel good about being all alone in here. *as his eyes slide between twenty guards at the front door of bunker*

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Character: Saint, Storm Volt

Location: Derelict Void Ship


*Removing his Ether Reaper from the Ancient infested he just cleaved*

Saint: One more Infested ship cleansed, no closer to finding any answers. *Pats his Seeker sentinel* We just aren't making very much progress here, are we? Let's get to extraction and find another hellhole to throw ourselves into.

*Straps himself into extraction shuttle and leaves the Derelict ship*

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((ooc - it's horrible, whenever I go to type Sway's name I almost always type Swag instead -_- ))


Character: The Votary, The Sway

Location: Outer Terminus, Pluto


Sway lifted the tank and threw it away from the two of them, again lifting her sobek. Votary didn't stop her this time. "So, not even fully affiliated with the Lotus, then?" Votary said. "A mercenary? And we know there are Tenno inside, that is part of the reason we're here."


"You're power is impressive," the Mag said, finally speaking in a voice that echoed just slightly. "But if you're not-."


Votary put his and on the Sway's gun again and lowered it. "You're no affiliated. Under normal circumstances that would make you no better than the Grineer or Corpus to me, but given that we're both where we are I think we can put aside our differences for the time." The Mag snapped her head towards the Tenno in the Rhino. The Votary nodded his head towards the Corpus base.


Understanding, Sway lowered her weapon. "What do you say, then?" Rhino said. "We'll need to get in the building before we can start, however - quietly, if at all possible."

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Character: Dart, Excalibur

Location: Oberon, Uranus


"This is Dart. I am sad to inform that we have new prototype weapon on production in here. Also extremely bad news. They have found out one of the parts of our homes locations and are going to launch SG cannon soon. I am engaging enemy from front door in 3 minutes. So get on the position soon as possible I have already lured enemies near of my location. I just need a person to dig in this bunker and take it down. So what do you say about ending your frustration in to a explosion?"



"Your new objective is to take down the Grineer assault team, avoiding civilian casualties," The Lotus continued. "If for whatever reason this proves to be impossible, secure the prototype and deal as much damage as possible."

In the transport the Banshee sighed, cleaning up after two operatives unable to accomplish their own objectives, was NOT her idea of a valid use of her time. Regardless, orders were orders. Swapping her newly acquired pistols out for her trusty Akbolto's and her twin Dark Daggers, for a Primed Reaper scythe, she checked over her armory. Almost as an afterthought, she grabbed a slim Ceramic Dagger, strapping it to the inside of her left calf. 


Power cells full, and armed to the teeth, she readied herself for the drop.

Character: Dart, Excalibur

Location: Oberon, Uranus


Dart: Dammit where is she? I will need to attack soon to cause a distraction. *as was inspecting his SPAS Prototype 540 at his hands to check is there any damage while being prone at bush behind a rock having a radar up to listen. Weapons: SPAS Prototype 540 shotgun, Ravager grenade launcher and Heavy burst sniper rifle* Around a minute before I have to do this mission all one. Even if I am one of the best... I don't feel good about being all alone in here. *as his eyes slide between twenty guards at the front door of bunker*


Setting the shuttles autopilot to fly to her planned extraction zone, the Banshee dropped down onto a hill overlooking the settlement. Gineer patrols scattered the area, hunting out any sign of trouble. Amoung them a number of heavies, Gunner and Bombard class, if she was not mistaken. "This day keeps getting better and better" she murmered, drawing her rifle.


Noticing a patrol larger than the rest, she manipulated her optics to zoom in on it. They seemed to be moving a large barrel of something, but what? Focusing in closer on the barrel, the Banshee could just make out, to her joy, the word "DETONITE." Smiling, she sighted it with her rifle, before exhaling slowly and pulling the trigger. As the bullet flew along its deadly path, the Banshee's grin widened. "Knock knock, b****s"


The bullet passed clean through one Guards head before striking the tank. Its impact proving sufficient to detonate the volatile liquid. A massive explosion shook the ground, as a fireball rose over the settlement. 

Lowering her rifle, the Banshee began to run, closing in on her objective.

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