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If Legendary Core Would Be On Alert


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Seen some metnion of legendaries on drop tables and stuff - I doubt we'll see legendaries on drop tables tbh.  I think legendaries will be more event/objective/achievement based and limited at that.  Like first team to complete a super hard badlands boss rush mode for example (just pulled that out of mah butt don't take it as truth).  If they appeared on drop tables for w/e reason they'd likely be time limited - like 3 will drop a week across the entire game for example.  


Legendaries are supposed to be legendary - steve seems to have the same mentality and I think that is how we'll see them so it is sensible that they'll be super strong but don't expect them to be something you can actually farm.   (This also means that they're not gamebreaking so cool your %$#)

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No. Exploiters will make multiple account and do the alert with all of them and redeem thousands of LCore's, just no.




From the beginning LCore's were a bad idea, now people get Max. mods with no effort, not to mention the prime parts...

Edited by Zacaa09
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I don't see why not, it's not like they were earned like a wraith weapon. Could someone explain how this breaks the game at all? So you can max serration, and sell it? I'm not seeing the problem outside traders getting upset that everyone can have access to great mods without paying some dude with more time.

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I don't see why not, it's not like they were earned like a wraith weapon. Could someone explain how this breaks the game at all? So you can max serration, and sell it? I'm not seeing the problem outside traders getting upset that everyone can have access to great mods without paying some dude with more time.


Naw, it's also people upset about how many credits and core they sunk into their mods when maxing them pre-legendary cores.

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No. Exploiters will make multiple account and do the alert with all of them and redeem thousands of LCore's, just no.




From the beginning LCore's were a bad idea, now people get Max. mods with no effort, not to mention the prime parts...


What is the danger? so they have thousands of max serrations to sell? Saturation of the market would see price drops eliminating the only threat I can see, and I use the word threat lightly

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Naw, it's also people upset about how many credits and core they sunk into their mods when maxing them pre-legendary cores.


Yeah that sucks, I cannot currently aciculate without making a bland blanket statement so forgive me when I say, stuff happens, it's the luck of the draw, you get what you get, and not everything is fair.

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I don't see why not, it's not like they were earned like a wraith weapon. Could someone explain how this breaks the game at all? So you can max serration, and sell it? I'm not seeing the problem outside traders getting upset that everyone can have access to great mods without paying some dude with more time.

The Legendary core isn't game breaking at all. I think it was a good idea to add it to the game. I think everybody deserves one legendary core, especially the new players. Before this legendary core I had to sacrifice over 9000 mods and fusion cores just to level Serration and Hornet Strike mods to max level. I don't think that it would be good for new players to experience the same pain,frustration that veteran players experienced.

I did waste a lot of time to farm,collect all these credits,mats,mods and all this wasted time wasn't fun.


The Legendary core can be a good credit saver. If I would have a chance to get "one" legendary core, I would keep it for new future mods. I would only sell it if I don't need it, there may be players who need this fusion mod more than I do.

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The Legendary core isn't game breaking at all. I think it was a good idea to add it to the game. I think everybody deserves one legendary core, especially the new players. Before this legendary core I had to sacrifice over 9000 mods and fusion cores just to level Serration and Hornet Strike mods to max level. I don't think that it would be good for new players to experience the same pain,frustration that veteran players experienced.

I did waste a lot of time to farm,collect all these credits,mats,mods and all this wasted time wasn't fun.


The Legendary core can be a good credit saver. If I would have a chance to get "one" legendary core, I would keep it for new future mods. I would only sell it if I don't need it, there may be players who need this fusion mod more than I do.

DE has hinted at taking serration out of the game.

Wonder if they will give out the legendarys again at some point for those

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Alerts? Hell no. Hell. No.


It's a legendary mod. Legendary gear of any kind isn't just going to come as a "thanks for tuning in! Everyone have one!" thing or an easy mission you're lucky to be online for.


Legendary mods should be treated like it. A big step above the rare mods.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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The Legendary core isn't game breaking at all. I think it was a good idea to add it to the game. I think everybody deserves one legendary core, especially the new players. Before this legendary core I had to sacrifice over 9000 mods and fusion cores just to level Serration and Hornet Strike mods to max level. I don't think that it would be good for new players to experience the same pain,frustration that veteran players experienced.

I did waste a lot of time to farm,collect all these credits,mats,mods and all this wasted time wasn't fun.


The Legendary core can be a good credit saver. If I would have a chance to get "one" legendary core, I would keep it for new future mods. I would only sell it if I don't need it, there may be players who need this fusion mod more than I do.


This kind of mentality is what kills challenge or any sense of progression in a lot of games. No, everybody does not deserve a legendary core. Especially not new players. When legendary are implemented they should be treated as such. Why the heck should everyone and their mom get a bloody legendary tiered item? That doesn't make any sense.


Maybe it takes so many cores to max serration because, I don't know, you're not supposed to just have that kind of power off the bat? You can easy get enough levels of serration to get you by for a long time as a newer or mid player without using much fusion cores or credits at all. My serration wasn't maxed for the longests time, and is still just 2 from the top, and I have no problem with any of the content. It's nothing at all like what you're making it out to be. Not in the slightest. There's no pain or frustration in trying to do min maxing you don't need to do. It isn't even that hard to max serration if you just play a lot of defense and survival. Credits are the only issue...unless you run the void.


Seriously, legendary cores need to be treated as such, and are going to be. I'm not doubting that you will have to earn them, obviously you do for all the other mods (besides some auras).


I can also go into the ridiculous gap in return for using a legendary core over rare cores, but that's obvious plus someone already made a thread detailing that. Giving that kind of benefit out like candy (beyond the compensation which got exploited)? I don't think so. We'll earn this stuff in future end game when it comes. Maybe very high level defense and survival too.

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It's true...  That's why they're not really selling for 500 plats, etc.


I bought 2 yesterday...  2 million credits!!!  XD


(Still worth it in my opinion, because it costs that much in credits to max a rare 10 anyways.)


Plus if you save one for a future legendary mod that takes so much more to max compared to rares you'll see a return.

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Alerts? Hell no. Hell. No.


It's a legendary mod. Legendary gear of any kind isn't just going to come as a "thanks for tuning in! Everyone have one!" thing or an easy mission you're lucky to be online for.


Legendary mods should be treated like it. A big step above the rare mods.



This kind of mentality is what kills challenge or any sense of progression in a lot of games. No, everybody does not deserve a legendary core. Especially not new players. When legendary are implemented they should be treated as such. Why the heck should everyone and their mom get a bloody legendary tiered item? That doesn't make any sense.


Maybe it takes so many cores to max serration because, I don't know, you're not supposed to just have that kind of power off the bat? You can easy get enough levels of serration to get you by for a long time as a newer or mid player without using much fusion cores or credits at all. My serration wasn't maxed for the longests time, and is still just 2 from the top, and I have no problem with any of the content. It's nothing at all like what you're making it out to be. Not in the slightest. There's no pain or frustration in trying to do min maxing you don't need to do. It isn't even that hard to max serration if you just play a lot of defense and survival. Credits are the only issue...unless you run the void.


Seriously, legendary cores need to be treated as such, and are going to be. I'm not doubting that you will have to earn them, obviously you do for all the other mods (besides some auras).


I can also go into the ridiculous gap in return for using a legendary core over rare cores, but that's obvious plus someone already made a thread detailing that. Giving that kind of benefit out like candy (beyond the compensation which got exploited)? I don't think so. We'll earn this stuff in future end game when it comes. Maybe very high level defense and survival too.



This is the correct mentality.  Legendary.  If everybody has it....it's not legendary its common.

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This kind of mentality is what kills challenge or any sense of progression in a lot of games. No, everybody does not deserve a legendary core. Especially not new players. When legendary are implemented they should be treated as such. Why the heck should everyone and their mom get a bloody legendary tiered item? That doesn't make any sense.

Well new players who reached mastery rank 5 "may" get/earn this legendary core as reward just to "help" them out in the future. If nobody deserves this legendary core then why did some people earned it for free without any effort? (some don't even know what it is) and many people who really need this core didn't earn it? I think this core should be the rarest thing to get, once per year if its really that valuable.It should be behind a very hard mission as reward.


People who don't need it, will sell it and the people who need it, have to buy it. Well I don't care, its just a fusion core, I don't value it that much.

The Serration mod will be removed from the game? If yes, for what are you going to use this super awesome legendary core?


Now back to the OP. Wouldn't be interesting if this legendary core would be in a hard nightmare alert mission? It would be a once per year chance to get this legendary core as reward. (credit saving core)

I don't see anything wrong with giving a chance to players to be able to get this legendary core.It would just help, what would you like? Waste 100 hours to farm/collect rare 5 fusion cores? (legendary core = time saver and money saver)

Edited by HideorEscape
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What is the danger? so they have thousands of max serrations to sell? Saturation of the market would see price drops eliminating the only threat I can see, and I use the word threat lightly

And how about the fun of farm Fusion Core for hours and hours to max one R10 mod? Now there is no effort for nothing.

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I saw a lot of players crying that didn't get the legendary core.

I saw that this caused a lot of trouble.


But what would be if ONE Legendary Core would be on Alert after Dev Livestream?

You know, just like "Gift from the Lotus" potato alert.

A special hard alert mission that happens only once per year.


I think it would be fair, everybody would have a "Chance" to get one legendary core.

I don't mind, I don't cry cause I already leveled up almost every mod to max manually.


What do you think? Would it be bad? Good? Unfair? Why?


Once every 3 months.

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I saw a lot of players crying that didn't get the legendary core.

I saw that this caused a lot of trouble.


But what would be if ONE Legendary Core would be on Alert after Dev Livestream?

You know, just like "Gift from the Lotus" potato alert.

A special hard alert mission that happens only once per year.


I think it would be fair, everybody would have a "Chance" to get one legendary core.

I don't mind, I don't cry cause I already leveled up almost every mod to max manually.


What do you think? Would it be bad? Good? Unfair? Why?

one per year .-. no........but it can be put as a possible "stall" event before melee 2.0.

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And how about the fun of farm Fusion Core for hours and hours to max one R10 mod? Now there is no effort for nothing.


If you want to farm for cores to level up one of the 5 mods that are beneficial to level up  to max rank go right ahead, earn it. I on the other hand will keep my eyes open and hope to be lucky enough to get a Legendary core because I don't have that kind of time or patience, that is the foundation of this game; grind it, Gamble with your time, or pay for it.


As for effort, The word Legendary should give credence to their rarity, it would be unsound to not farm in the hopes of just getting a Legendary core

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If you want to farm for cores to level up one of the 5 mods that are beneficial to level up  to max rank go right ahead, earn it. I on the other hand will keep my eyes open and hope to be lucky enough to get a Legendary core because I don't have that kind of time or patience, that is the foundation of this game; grind it, Gamble with your time, or pay for it.


As for effort, The word Legendary should give credence to their rarity, it would be unsound to not farm in the hopes of just getting a Legendary core

I understand your point, but I just don't like that now ALL, or almost, can be purchased (that doesn't mean that I don't sell my stuff), but I'm happy because all that I've got was a product of my effort.

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Well new players who reached mastery rank 5 "may" get/earn this legendary core as reward just to "help" them out in the future. If nobody deserves this legendary core then why did some people earned it for free without any effort? (some don't even know what it is) and many people who really need this core didn't earn it? I think this core should be the rarest thing to get, once per year if its really that valuable.It should be behind a very hard mission as reward.


People who don't need it, will sell it and the people who need it, have to buy it. Well I don't care, its just a fusion core, I don't value it that much.

The Serration mod will be removed from the game? If yes, for what are you going to use this super awesome legendary core?


Now back to the OP. Wouldn't be interesting if this legendary core would be in a hard nightmare alert mission? It would be a once per year chance to get this legendary core as reward. (credit saving core)

I don't see anything wrong with giving a chance to players to be able to get this legendary core.It would just help, what would you like? Waste 100 hours to farm/collect rare 5 fusion cores? (legendary core = time saver and money saver)


Read the rest of my post. And read it all again. And read that one Relkin's response to my post.

I'd honestly be repeating myself/re-explaining it to you because you didn't quote understand what I wrote.


That and I highly doubt you read all of it after reading your response. That plus you only quoted the first bit.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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