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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Omega nodded,



"You seemed, distracted, is everything alright?" Omega asked, looking at her closely.



((Omega is more like a sentinel, Halcyon is, not mobile, so I hate to do it, but I'm using Omega to interact with others around the dojo))

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"Nice to meet you, I hope you might meet Halcyon himself some day, but at the moment he is, preoccupied," Omega chuckled, shooting into the air with surprise as one of the calls went through, distraught, Omega played the call on speaker by mistake,



"What's wrong Omega? why'd you call me so many times?" Halcyon asked, obviously struggling to stay calm.



"I apologize sir, you weren't answering, and, I forgot," Omega said, and the frustration on Halcyon's side was palpable, but no words were said, the phone call ended.



"Well good to know he's alright," Omega shrugged((Kinda, he's egg shaped, so whatever))

Edited by ultimatumcore
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The dodecahedral Sentinel prototype, Warrior, still chuckled. That video of Oracle shifting, drinking and puking was racking up quite an amount of views on the Extranet.

"Ah, well. Time to git back to work." With that, the AI sped off, looking for anyone doing anything suspicious.

Coincidentally, many a visitor in the Dojo made a complaint about a "little bugger that sounded like a hillbilly".

"So..." Ruth tried to break the godawful silence. "What next?"

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After a few more minutes spent meditating, the Oberon would slowly stand, shifting from side to side, his muscles screaming in protest. He would then bring his hands up to his chest, palms upward, and slowly lower them down until reaching around his pelvis, where they would separate, spreading his arms out to either side, a mist of lime green energy following each arm from the excess energy his Warframe had built up. He looked around, just noticing the Valkyr's absence. He pushed it to the back of his mind, no sense in paying it too much mind. With that, he turned around, not on his heel, since he doesn't technically have one, and proceeded to exit the memorial room.


As the Oberon explored the elaborate halls of the Dojo, he began to feel lost, not in the physical sense, but the mental sense. He had heard whispers of this place from fellow Tenno, but now that he was here, he wasn't quite certain what he wanted to do. He could only rest so much, and even then, his ship was just as suitable for the task, if abit cramped. He passed through many of the halls as he wandered about, deep in his thoughts. He eventually found another holographic sign. Well, it led him to one place, why wouldn't it lead him to another? He rifled through the various words and characters competing for his attention, finally settling on a part of the Dojo that contained the restaurants and such. He followed the sign, when the thought occurred to him that he wasn't very hungry. But at the same time, the food on his ship was beginning to get bland... maybe he could pick up some food to spice it up a bit, for later atleast.


He eventually found himself in the district in question, looking around, he wasn't quite sure where to start, there was so much it was difficult to process. He surveyed the area, the restaurants were pretty simple, the most prominent was sushi, but he wasn't sure how he would store that, he made a mental note to check how much excess Cryotic he had aboard the ship. Something that stuck out to him, though, was a bar. He had figured Tenno never had the urge to drink. He stood there, perplexed, just staring at the entrance of the bar, wondering just how active it was on a daily basis... 

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"Nice to meet you, I hope you might meet Halcyon himself some day, but at the moment he is, preoccupied," Omega chuckled, shooting into the air with surprise as one of the calls went through, distraught, Omega played the call on speaker by mistake,



"What's wrong Omega? why'd you call me so many times?" Halcyon asked, obviously struggling to stay calm.



"I apologize sir, you weren't answering, and, I forgot," Omega said, and the frustration on Halcyon's side was palpable, but no words were said, the phone call ended.



"Well good to know he's alright," Omega shrugged((Kinda, he's egg shaped, so whatever))


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"Are you?" Abra glanced at Vale. "Can you truly devote yourself fully to taking care of her? I appreciate the gesture, but... well, your condition. She has no idea of the symbiont inside you, but I do, and I don't want to add "Infestation" to her worries."

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Halcyon stood, Kuranaii taking a strangely long time in the shower, and he knocked on the door,

"Are you okay? It's been an hour or two since you got in there!" He called, checking his play-time on the emulator.


Snap! Just like that the Zephyr, Kuranaii, returned to reality, her fingers baggy from exposure to too much water. Her mind wavered as Halcyon stated through the bathroom door that she had been in the shower for an hour or two. "Oh! I'm s-sorry, I'll be out in a minute!" She shivered out the shower after turning it off,  her hands tracing around a white towel as she fiddled to wrap it around her frame.


Kuranaii soon tucked a length of the towel in and her body was soon covered from clavicles to knee. By now her body was almost dry but her orange and navy blue hair were soaked; and would probably remain that way for a while.

She strolled to the door and unlocked it. She peered through it at Halcyon. "O-ooh. H-Hey. I didn't uh... I kind-of snapped out of it there." She embarrassingly scratched the back of her neck, fluttering her eyelids.

Edited by Y0she
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Snap! Just like that the Zephyr, Kuranaii, returned to reality, her fingers baggy from exposure to too much water. Her mind wavered as Halcyon stated through the bathroom door that she had been in the shower for an hour or two. She stuttered out the shower after turning it off,  her hands tracing around a white towel as she fiddled to wrap it around her frame. "O-oh! I'm so sorry, I'll be out in a moment!"


Kuranaii soon tucked a length of the towel in and her body was soon covered from clavicles to knee. By now her body was almost dry but her orange and navy blue hair were soaked; and would probably remain that way for a while.

She strolled to the door and unlocked it. She peered through it at Halcyon. "O-ooh. H-Hey. I didn't uh... I kind-of snapped out of it there." She embarassingly scratched the back of her neck, fluttering her eyelids.

"It's fine, I don't pay the water bill, but I was just a little worried, bathrooms can be dangerous you know," He chuckled, "So should I just wait outside while you get dressed? Or I'll just get a shower while you're out here?" He asked, grabbing a clean towel from nearby.

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