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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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permission to join this bumbling post of randomness? XD
.                                                                                                          _                                                                                                                              .

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"Ooo... shiny..." Kate cooed, admiring the smooth silvery walls of the Dojo. For once, Abra couldn't help but agree with her.

"This place is pretty fancy."

"We intend to keep it that way, sir." Startled, he turned to see a (quite pretty) Valkyr with a purple hologram on her shoulder.

"Kitty!" Kate squealed.

Abra sweatdropped under his helmet.

Edited by Achaix
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permission to join this bumbling post of randomness? XD

.                                                                                                          _                                                                                                                              .

yeah go for it))

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(I don't even wanna ask what you're thinking.)


(I'm just not going to go for personal one-on-one character sequences in the forum often anymore. It just leaves a large amount of two-sided posts that nobody can do anything about, really.)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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(I don't even wanna ask what you're thinking.)


(I'm just not going to go for personal one-on-one character sequences in the forum often anymore. It just leaves a large amount of two-sided posts that nobody can do anything about, really.)

lol id expect that


now then if i could just change my Alias to Spectr

Edited by Aroran_Svitskna
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After excusing himself (and Kate) from the Valkyr's fiery gaze, Abra dragged his friend to the gardens.

"But I don't wanna..." She pouted.

"Katherine Fleming, you listen to me. You stop that complaining this instant. This is the twelfth time you disrespected a Valkyr!"

"But they're so kawaii..."

"No! You do not do that! You're supposed to say hello, engage in pleasantries, and bid them goodbye!"

With a huff, the Oberon left the Mirage in the bright garden, wanting nothing more than to go to the baths and finally relax.

Behind him, Kate defiantly said three words.

"What a d!ck."

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*Fae, the resident Valkyr bumped into the two as they were leaving the evident other one. She's much more patient than her fellow Valkyrs* "Is everything alright here?"

"Yes, yes..." Abra said, seeing the Valkyr's hesitant body language. "Careful with Kate, though. Don't let her see you."

"Kawaii kitty!" The Mirage squealed.

"Play along with me, Sister." Abra whispered. Then he shouted. "My, I'm terribly tired! Aren't you too, my good sisters?"

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*Fae blinked, she was without her helmet much like the other staff so the look of confusion on her face was evident. Her long ebon hair flowing down past her rear almost to the floor, only a few locks cover the right side of her more scarred face, the left only has her 'serial number' in the corpus language* "A little I suppose...What is she shouting about now?"

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((May want to edit that, Abra was the one shouting))

Abra couldn't help but feel dread when he saw the other Tenno approach, but he suppressed it.

"Indeed! If I and this Valkyr are tired, therefore you must be too Kate!"

"Nope!" Kate said energetically. "I'm totally awake-" Suddenly she fell to the ground, where she curled up and snored.

"Good thing she can be influenced easily." Abra sighed. He activated a com link to the Druid's resident Sentinel. "Joe? Are you there?"

The distinctive chirp of a Carrier was heard.

"Good. I need you to come over and take Kate to her quarters. Put on some Cowboy Bebop episodes if she wakes up."

*Some time later*

As the Carrier sped off with the sleeping Mirage on his back, Abra turned to Fae and Echo.

"Sorry about that. I'm Abra."

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Abra had seen many women in his life, but few had called his attention like this Valkyr. There was something in her blind eyes and scarred face that reminded him ofsomeone he had been quite close to, back when he wore a simple Excalbur warframe...

He snapped himself out of it to focus on the present.

"Maybe I could thank your patience with a good meal? You weren't lying; you look tired and hungry."

There it was again. A feeling of dread when that Tenno, Echo, spoke.

There's a story behind it, he thought to himself.

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*Meanwhile, on the Druid...*

"Spike is so frakking cool!" Kate said, popping some raisins in her mouth as the ancient videos played, and looking at her Sentinel. "What do you think, Joe?"

The Carrier shrugged his "wings".

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