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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*the figure fell through a slit in the rift, with a light tumble to the ground he lay there for a few seconds, letting the surge of the void energy catch up to him, he was in a random room and he couldn't quite tell where, it was definitely a hallway maybe?, and he heard two voices....he looked up at drone and the other frame*


" Urrk.... "

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Lusith smiled at the waitress as one came over, the waitress returning a shy smile herself.

"What will you be getting?" She asked.

"Just a coffee is fine, thank you."

The waitress nodded and looked to Vale now.

"And you, sir?"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

With a quiet grunt, Rael looked over her shoulder to Oracle.

"What, got a liking to me?"

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*there was no a small pool of blueish red blood around his arm, a large gash leading down it*


" ah well you see...it is a long story.... *he made a slight gasp of pain*  but i first need......medical attention......"


*he laid his head back but as still conscious, his own frame was trying to repair itself but kept failing*


(( i have been busy as heckle lately ))

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I looked around the Dojo, as I saw cold, hard metal that looked old, as if it had been forged over a millenia ago. I had heard of legendary Tenno warriors gathering here, ones powerful enough to compete with my legendary might. I looked, but the Dojo seemed nearly abandoned.



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I looked around the Dojo, as I saw cold, hard metal that looked old, as if it had been forged over a millenia ago. I had heard of legendary Tenno warriors gathering here, ones powerful enough to compete with my legendary might. I looked, but the Dojo seemed nearly abandoned.



A dark blue Carrier shot towards the newcomer. "M3554G3 FR0M M4573R: U W07 M8? C0M3 70 7H3 4R3N4."

As quickly as it came, the Sentinel flew off.

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((here goes my first attempt to RP))


A lone ship enters the range of the Dojo, the comms pick up a voice "Identify yourself and your cargo"  I look at the comms panel unsure which button open the channel to continue communication, the sparks trickle down the panel as I push the button, a crackle is heard as the comms channel is open.  "This is Vaperton of the .... actually im not sure, I can't seem to remember, my ship has no cargo that I am aware of just a Kubrow egg I salvaged from Earth as I escaped from a Captain Vor."


The comm goes silent for a while, until the voice replies "You are clear to land in Hanger C a squad will be there to board the ship to confirm contents...  Also we will send a maintenance crew, your hull appears to have taken heavy damage."


The lights flicker, "Thank you."  I lead the ship towards The Dojo when the ship goes silent, sparks reign down in the cabin, I look up to see the cracks in the hull, seems to be more then I remember, the comms panel picks up again, this time a strangely familiar voice picks up. "Operator, is that you?"  I look around to see a flickering hologram of a cube, "So glad to see we made it out of Earth alive, I thought that last shot hit the engines."  I look to find a button to reply to the cube. "Operator... you know I can hear you without the need for comms channels, I am the ship.. Are you well?"


I look out the window and see the hanger closely approaching, "I can't remember anything before waking up to that Captain Vor, do you know who I am and what it means now that I'm awake?"  The lights flicker again, before a slight rumble from the engines powers the ship forward again, allowing me to steer into the hanger. "Operator, I have restored 10% capacity to the engines and life support, but it does appear that you have lost your memories, I have uploaded them to your comms link in your wrist.  I will need to power down while repairs are made to avoid corrupting any data within my mainframe."  The ship settles on to the docking port and the power shuts down, the door opens slightly before creaking to a stop.  Light shines in through the crack, I await orders from the crew on the other side of the door, I don't want to lose my chance to find peace from this last few hours.


((welp there is an introduction but hopefully its not too much monologue, btw I am grateful to have found this thread))

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((You know, I believe only Soundwave can use the NPCs in the Dojo. Sure, you can use a minor NPC, like a Sentinel, but not the guys in the dock/hangar.

You just post, wait for Soundwave to confirm, and then your character steps into the Dojo proper.))

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(I'm aware, don't worry I haven't forgotten this time. Engineering's just been keeping me busy.)

Lusith looked to Vale with a curious grin.

"Hell yeah I do! So what is it?"

(Also, newbie, your story checks out. No need for change, carry on.)

As the new Tenno docked, an Ember with a cloak hood up approached the ship.

"What happened?"

Her face was stern and serious, but she looked at him with a neutral expression, Vectis in hand, her black and white colors clashed with the normal shiny silver of the dojo, a purple sun badge over her shoulder.

"Your ship, what happened to it?"

She asked again, a demanding tone to her voice.

Rael had sent off the earlier Tenno to Elith, the dojo's medical doctor, and as for the Sentinel-like thing following her... Well, needless to say, she looked over her shoulder to see if it was still following.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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(awesome good to hear)


The Volt stands at attention, startled by the stern voice.  His deep blue and green colors oddly stand out from the charred hull of the Liset.  The gold trim around his frame gleams in the lights of the dojo.  He reaches up and releases the pressure of his Storm helmet, removing it to reveal his pale face.  His skin nearly matching the silver of the dojo, his eyes are completely robotic implants with a feint bluish glow, and his hair is just a plastid mold in the shape of a buzz cut.  His appearance looks militarized, almost as if coming from a war.


He scrambles to remember all that had occurred in the past few hours to the moment where the ship was hit.  "I awoke to a Grineer calling himself Captain Vore, I remember fleeing from his grasp quickly before he put some kind of device on me.  I found my ship and tried to leave but they had a massive defense grid around the area, I took damage from all the anti-air and orbital defense until I made the jump."


He turns to look at the hull of his ship, and is shocked to find the entire rear fins missing as well as a gaping hole in the side.  Now he fully understands the tone and need for weapons, as the ship looks to be in shambles.  He quickly glances at other ships docked in the hangar and notices a size difference between them and his own.  He turns towards the Ember, "I will pay for any repairs, just as soon as I can access my cabin quarters again.  The ship went into lockdown shortly before loosing power, all interiors doors have been sealed."


He notices the purple sun on the shoulder of the Ember, and suddenly remembers his rules and regulations of his own clan.  He begins to remember more details of what happened before he awoke.  The sounds of gunfire, radio chatter amongst his squad, seemingly trying desperately to protect something.  He glances down at his own clan emblem, that of a Lotus symbol loosely grasped fangs.  As he raises his head back up, he stutters "How.. How very rude of me, I apologize for the lack of introductions, I am Vaperton, 1st General of the Clan Rawr Brigade."  He pauses for a second.  "I don't think I heard your name."

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"IT'S PRONOUNCED VOR, ROLLING THE R!" A Mirage in white and red yelled, shaking her fist before engaging an Elytron and closing the gap between the new arrival and herself.

"Name's Kate. What's wrong with this baby?" She was already analysing the Liset's damage, and was honestly impressed. "Damn, kid. I'm suprised it managed to drop you off here... heh. Lisets may have no offensive systems, but there's a reason nearly every Tenno has one. Reliable as the hells' burning."

She turned to the newcomer with a knowing smile. "Tell you what. I'll fix this babe up, you have to do a funny dance."

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Vaperton looks over at Kate, and curiously ask "You would pay for all the repairs, possibly at the cost of a whole new Liset, just for someone to do a silly dance?"  He doesn't understand how that would be a fair trade nor does he think he could even commit to dancing silly.  He looks back to the ember noticing the scowl and quickly stands at attention again.

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"Ooo, someone's a bit feisty!" Kate backed off a bit nonetheless, still chuckling. "Look, you don't need the ship for your investigation. What you'll need is a person. So how about you and Sparky here go somewhere more private?"

She leaned towards Rael, despite the weight of an Archwing on her spine's base. "After all, if I was able to listen, others with less noble intentions could do the same. Besides, I hear the interrogation room has great acoustics."

The Mirage winked at Vaperton. "Things were getting slow around here, and it's been a while since I had the chance to repair one of these. Don't you worry about it, Sparky."

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