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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*Fae simply goes to the quicker, cheaper take out restaurant that the Dojo has, a new addition to the Dojo it seems. She orders some  lo mein getting and returning to Lusith and her rock on her pond, sitting cross legged and eating with a pair of chopsticks*

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Terra continues to wander along the station, intent on looking through it some more as she hopes to discover something, as it tends to be the one goal she has anywhere.The Valkyr has calmed down since her last unpleasant encounter, now feeling a bit more at ease with her surroundings. After a few more moments of wandering, she finds herself in one of the Dojo's gardens, which turns out as quite the sight for the Tenno,a simple, surprised thought crossing her mind as she makes her way further into it

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Pearce followed Terra. "Sup."


Terra stops, her head perking up and looking back over her shoulder toward Pearce "Hel...Hello?..." She asks scratchily, a bit surprised that she was followed, especially this far away from where she last saw him. She turns around to face her new company

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"Hiya!" Agatha smashed the ice block on a metal pole, the ice finally shattering through the ground. "Well," She shook her arm to warm it back up before turning to Gynx. "Let's go get something to eat." A little while later the two walked out with a Kung Pao Chicken and a serving of chow mein. They walked over to where Fae's pond before sitting down on the opposite side and starting to eat.

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Pearce smiled and went to Terra. "You feeling better?"


Terra gave a short nod in response "Y-Yes..." It was rather nice to have someone ask that, especially since she knew no one...At least she didn't think she did. She could have been born on this station, for all she knows, even though that's implausible. Regardless of her wandering mind, she appreciated the small and kind question

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Pearce smiled. "My name is Pearce. What's your name?"


"Terra..." She managed to get out in one go, avoiding coughing mid-speech as she introduced herself, giving another quick nod, almost a bow to him. She took a moment to roll her shoulders before she started to listen once more for his response

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Pearce looked at her still. "Hm... Want me to be with you like... A Guard?"


Terra gave what could be considered a laugh, but...More like the static from a faulty record. She took it as a joke, but whether or not he was serious was completely lost on her "I can...Look after myself...In that...regard." She replied to him "I more or less need..." She coughs haggardly and groans, rubbing her neck in annoyance. She hates her speeches being interrupted by her coughing. She can't control it, but it was still a grate on her. "A tour guide..."

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Ulysses would be walking around the halls of the station, a sigh coming from him as he looked at the holographic signs on the wall, his hands placed behind his head. He would be sporting the warframe of Nekros with the Rakknas helmet. His gaze was locked on the numerous signs on the corner of a forked hall, the signs pointing to a many dozen locations, from snackbars to gardens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "Where would members of my kind most likely be..." He said, questioningly looking at the sign. In his mind he was hoping someone would come and aid him in his predicament. Ulysses simply decided to stand at the forked hallway for a few minutes to see if someone would come to his aid, if not, he would simply walk somewhere without knowing the way and hope he meets someone of interest.                                                                         (( Haiya! New to WF RP. Please tell me if im breaking the lore or utility of Nekros' powers in a way, I'd appreciate it~ Dont wanna be a bad RPer and ruin the fun~ Charles. P.S. Typed this post on the PS4, mind the absence of tabbing into paragraphs.))

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Pearce went closer to her. "Are you sad?"


"Mh..." She thought to herself for a moment, such a thing never had really crossed her mind before. Seems she never quite bothered thinking of her emotional disposition. She shrugs once more "Mostly just...Lost...But...Maybe a bit...Sad..." She said as she held on to he Asa Sydana collar always by her side

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A liset landed in hangar, painted in black and red trims with prisma paint on its hull. The Liset had four tennos inside of it; An Excalibur, Valkyr, Nyx and a Nekros. Only one of them got out of the liset and it was the Nekros. He looked around the hangar and then started to walk off the liset ramp and started to wandered around the dojo.


The Nekros had the color black and red with the mark of the Harvester on his chest. It was a symbol of him defeating the monster created by Alad V, before he got corrupted. On his back he had the rift sigil from the recent operation iron phoenix. A though mission that would break any tenno who was weak minded and/or not prepared for it. He also wore the immortal skin and the Rakins helmet. Of all of his friends, he was the somewhat silent one and the "anti-hero".

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Lusith looked up to her Valkyr dearest, Fae, and smiled.

"Back already love? How's the food?"

*She nods her head taking another healthy bite fanged tooth bite of her food, slurping her noodles up loudly* "It's good, and we have a new place near the steakhouse, a much cheaper quicker version of it"

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Tech awoke, then fell off of the rock in which he was meditating on. But something was not quite...right. He looked around with eyes and ears, but saw no movement and heard no sound. The area became more strange when he noticed that the fish were still, the water still had ripples but they did not move. It was as if time itself had stopped. He looked back at the rock, but then was awestruck at what he saw. He saw himself, in the same position as he was before. In the distance, he saw the battle unfold...the battle that put Ara and Zien in the med-bay. He saw himself, Ara, Zien and that one Valkyr that told none her name. He saw the infested, in the derelict. He saw the Grineer. He saw Zien falling, becoming unconscious upon impact with the ground, he saw the Butcher that picked up Ara's acrid after she had dropped it after getting bashed by a shield lancer, and watched himself watch her deflect the first four darts with her glaive, but the fifth and sixth darts struck her in the chest, and she fell to her knees.

He was reliving his memory...

The Valkyr used rip-line to get them both to her, then cast hysteria and ran with them to extraction. He saw himself decapitate another shield lancer, steal his shield, and ran after the Valkyr. He heard the explosions of 2 liset ships, and another as they arrived at extraction. One by one they filed into his own. And they fled, taking one final blow to the lisets hull. As they surged away, the memory faded.

And he woke up, and fell again from the stone...

(Forgive me if this is too long)

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A liset pulls into the dock, fully repaired from a seemingly long past incident. A Volt frame dressed in green and blue with gold trimming steps out, wearing an arcane storm helmet, and an imperial syandana.  He looks around noticing the dock he somehow managed to park a nearly inoperable ship to. He looks up to the hallways and notices the med bay sign, he quickly wonders to himself. I wonder if that Limbo is doing well?


Without much of a pause he continues walking down the hall to the nearest garden. He always felt more at peace in a place with lush greens, even if some of them are made of plastids. Though he was unable to determine if any of these plants were made from such material. He sat at the nearby bench,taking off his helmet. He looks up just in time to see an Oberon fall from a stone. He calls out to the fellow Tenno, "Hey, you alright?"

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Tech was coming to his senses. He felt something hard on his chest, and a voice echoing faintly. He soon realized that the hard object was the garden floor, and the voice was coming from a concerned volt.

After slowly pushing himself to his feet, he replied, "Alright? Yes, yes I will be. I was just experiencing a memory I would rather forget. I do appreciate your concern though. Allow me to introduce myself. I am XTechnomancer. And you are?"

(holy cow, how long has it been since someone has posted on this thread? Thanks for giving me someone to talk to again!)

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"I am Vaperton, nice to meet you. I have a spare moment if sharing your story would aide you in some way." He sets his helmet on the arm of the bench and pulls up a codex, browsing through many pages of his own experiences, page after page flip by almost never ending til one catches his eyes. He pauses for a moment reading the log before putting putting away the codex.


(I had not noticed the time stamps on these post til now, nice to have this semi going again, I seemed to have missed the ship last time)

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"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell someone," He said as he walked to the pond only a few feet away.

"A few friends and myself were exploring an Orokin Derelict. It was dark, and the infested were active. We knew that we could not ward off the infested, especially an entire ship full of them. And to make matters worse, a Grineer Galleon had boarded the ship. As they flooded the room (the one with biomass bridges that you can walk across), we opened fire. But there were too many. Zien was the first to go down. He had fired his last arrow, he had thrown his last despair, so he was wielding his trusty hate. A powerfist had struck him in the head, and he fell backwards off of a set of stairs and on to a lower platform, and was knocked unconscious. Next, Ara was bashed by a shield lancer, and the Acrid in her hand was knocked away, and picked up by a nearby butcher. Using her glaive, she swiftly decapitated the shield lancer. She then turned to the butcher, and he started shooting away. She deflected the first four darts, but the fifth and sixth darts struck her in the chest. And then, she fell to her knees as her strength faded away."

"The Valkyr we were with and I were on the bridges, me with my heat swords, and her with her Venka. We both saw our comrades go down, and we decided it was in our best interest to extract. So the Valkyr rip-lined herself to them, rip-lined them to her, cast hysteria and ran out of the room. I killed another shield lancer and stole both the shield and his viper, and ran after the Valkyr."

"Along the way, I heard 2 large explosions and a third once at extraction. They were confirmed as the destruction of the lisets belonging to Zien, Ara and the Valkyr. So one-by-one they inserted themselves into the delivery chamber. I placed the shield I had taken in front of it for extra cover. I was last to enter the liset. As it deported, we were preparing for punch, and I saw a cannon on the Galleon preparing to fire. I sharply turned the ship downward. The cannon fired, and it grazed the hull, burning and obliterating much of it. Then we punched, and were gone."

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A very old looking Liset slowly pulls into the hangar of the Dojo. The hatch slowly turns open as a Limbo steps out. His Warframe looked as old and worn as his ship did, as well as being caked with both dry and fresh blood. In his hands are a Mire and a Tigris as he walks out of his Liset slowly. He remains silent as he looks around the hangar.

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