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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(there are times people can't reply or have vacations from the internet so patience is key for most forums)


Vaperton waits by the door to the med bay, he leans against the wall crossing his arms, letting his helmet hang down from the holster of his akmagnus.  He sighs as he awaits word of Tech's friends, looking down the hall ways he doesn't see much, a few tenno pass by seemingly headed somewhere.  He thinks to himself about how he has never really explored the entire dojo, nor does he know even how big the dojo may even be.  It is much larger and more expansive then his own clans.

(My apologies, but I have been a little busy for the past couple days. Trying to catch up on homework wasn't the easiest thing to do.)

"Thank you Elith. And before I go, do I owe you anything? Though I am not the richest man in the solar system, I would be glad to pay off any debt there may be for the grand services that you have provided."

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"Oh all services are free to Tenno" Elith said with a smile


"New recruits?"
Lusith looked back with a tilt of her head.
"Busy, then? Shall I tend to the garden still...?"


"I'll see you after." *She said with a smile heading into a back room to change her frame*

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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"Sounds good to me, but if you don't mind I would like to head back to my Liset real quick.  I am pretty sure my Kubrow has recovered from stasis and she would probably enjoy a walk.  I will meet back up with you at the gardens."  Vaperton starts to head in the direction of the hangars.

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After a brief walk to the hangars, Vaperton enters his liset.  He is shocked to find everything in order, the last time he entered the liset while Pumpkin was left alone, all of his weapons were lying all around the cabin.  He walks towards the codex table to be startled by the happy bark from under the table.  Pumpkin sits happily, Vaperton reaches down to pet his orange and black striped Kubrow only to realize his Orthos is now wedged behind the table.  "Well looks like I caught you in the act."  Setting his helmet on the table, he pats her head and then reaches behind the table to unwedge the Orthos, after some struggle he puts it on to its holster on his back. He thinks to himself about having weapons in the dojo, and how at his old clan hall it was frowned upon. Here though it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, the rules are much more lenient here compared to where he is from. He remembers back to the last day at the Rawr Brigade Dojo, It truly is a shame our clan was so close to the Vesper relay, debris from the explosion shattered our relay.


He grabs his Soma and places it on his back as well, thinking to himself how nice it is to have weapons on his person.  Even though they are not needed it helps him feel safer somehow. He leaves the Liset with Pumpkin by his side, he starts to head towards the gardens only reaching the hallway before Pumpkin starts to sprint ahead, "Hey, get back here!" he quickly runs after her, hastily putting his helmet on.

Edited by Vaperton
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Red walks along, gripping the old-looking Glaive in his hand. He had a strange obsession to simply have it in his hand since it randomly came out of his arm one day. He twirls it around in a bored fashion and actually throws it once out of sheer boredom.

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A red and black lisest enters the hangar and lands, after landing a hiss is heard from it, and out comes a rubedo plated Rhino Prime, his main armor in the darkest black available. On his back he carries a red and black Gorgon, a full black scythe, and on side there is a full black Lex Prime. Not only did his rubedo plated armor stand out, but also his height played a factor as well, at a huge 7 feet tall he suits his Warframe very well.


After a while he popped his knuckles, neck, and back, and then proceed to walk toward the hangar exit.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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(I hope it is ok for me to join!!)

A Mirage sat aimlessly on top of dragon statue. Her legs draped lazily down the neck of the statue. She was leaning back against the horns, humming blissfully to herself. She stared at the glass ceiling that showed the endless view of stars. It was peaceful up there...a place where she wanted to be but hated the amount of violence that decorated each planet she encountered. The green and black colors that made up her armored body seemed to pulsate with no reason. A sigh escaped her as she lifted her hand towards the air. Small pink lights began to pour from her palm, surrounding her as if they were alive. The small flame looking lights danced around her in a spectrum of changing colors but primarily focused on the color pink. She watched as they danced for her, as if she were in her own little world.

Her name was Scylla and rarely did she interact with others. She didn't fit in. She was always....odd. It was just who she was, though. Scylla avoided other Tenno's. Her experiences in the Relays were never good ones. Even just the sight of her caused a silence when she walked by. Her sense of humor was different, her fighting style was different, even the way she treated her Kubrow was different. At the thought of her Kubrow she chuckled. She had left him on board to rest after a long day of exploring. Her thin frame shifted on the dragon statue, turning to eye the forming crowd in the Dojo. They hadn't noticed her yet it seemed. She had been watching everything unfold, but she remained silent. She seemed to be unarmed. Despite most Tenno, she kept her weapons on board, except her dual heat swords which sat snug on her hips. Her humming subsided as she watched the small flames disappear into the air, leaving a small veil of color that soon faded as well.

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Odin ((Rhino Prime)) exits the hangar, as he is walking toward the steakhouse, he walks by the dragon statue and notices the Mirage, he makes a friendly wave and with a deep but very friendly sounding voice, he says "Hello ma'am." And proceeds to his destination.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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A liset docks in the hanger. A young man (about 18 years old) walks out in average clothes. With a single skana and a single zoren on his back and a marelok in the holster he looks at the hanger. Not seeing where he's going he trips over his own legs. Aware of the laughter and the pointing, he get's up and walks embarrassed toward the exit of the hangar. 

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Scylla watches the Rhino Prime walking toward the steakhouse. The smell had been enticing her, but she hadn't managed to make it in quite yet. As the Rhino Prime passed her, she rolled on the dragon, watching his every movement. As he waved at her and said "ma'am" she was taken aback. With a wave of her pointer finger, lights started to follow the Rhino Prime. They danced around him in circles and would make it very hard for him to continue on, almost like a herd of gnats that never seemed to leave. She giggled and floated on top of her perch, tilting her head and humming again.

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The Mirage swayed back and forth a tad as she floated above her perch on the dragon's head. She kept an eye on the Rhino Prime and was a bit startled once the Frost Prime approached and spoke. He was a massive height but that didn't phase her. She still hadn't spoken yet, keeping the lights fluttering around the Rhino Prime. The lights pulsated a strange pink mist and surrounded the Volt Prime as well. They seemed to be searching the two but for what, only Scylla knew.

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Scylla giggled, watching Artorias put the light out. Scylla crossed her legs in a meditative stance as she hovered above the dragon's head. With a wave of her hand the pink lights were back, dancing around the Volt Prime once more. She still wouldn't speak. Her head quickly turned towards the voice of Pearce as she spoke. Scylla waved towards her, causing the pink flames to dance around her as well. It was almost like it was a game at this point.

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((my bad xD))


Scylla giggled, her voice almost echoing inside their heads. The Mirage slowly stood, still not making contact with the ground, and walked down from the dragon. The way she moved almost looked like she was walking down invisible stairs. Her foot made contact with the ground and the pink flames instantly exploded into small color changing fireworks. She tilted her head, approaching Pearce in a strange walk that almost made it look like she was gliding. She tilted her head when she got closer to him, giggling again. She stood on her tippy toes, looking at him with almost a hand's length in between them.

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Scylla giggled again, lowering herself on the flats of her feet. She stood a little lower than Pearce and significantly lower than Artorias. She swayed a little, skipping around Pearce and running a finger down one of his weapons. She giggled again and skipped over to Artorias, standing once more on her tippy toes and staring at him at the best she could. She seemed satisfied after awhile and wandered around, watching them until she stumbled on Ben. She stayed a distance away from Ben but let her feet lift off the ground a bit. "Food?" she asked, pointing towards the steakhouse. Once again, it sounded like she was speaking inside their heads. Her voice was gentle, melodic, and sounded like windchimes on a small breeze. She wrapped her arms behind her back and tilted her head.

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Scylla heard Pearce's comment and her head whipped in the direction he was in. She walked over to him, her feet never touching the ground. As she neared him she used her Sleight of Hand ability and suddenly disappeared as she stepped into a shadow. She giggled, her voice seemed to be everywhere. She moved effortlessly in the shadows but every time she stepped in the light, she appeared. She moved quickly until she was floating upside down over Pearce. She then suddenly appeared in front of him, her faces inches away from his but she was completely upside down. "Boo!" she giggled.

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Scylla seemed delighted by him being startled. She clapped her hands delightfully like a child. Despite her childish demeanor, she was actually quite deadly and serious when she needed to be. She slowly floated around so she was right side up again and landed gently on the ground. Despite the stationary appearance of her Warframe, she was beaming happily. "Food?" she asked again, pointing towards where the food was. Her stomach growling a bit uncomfortably.

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The Mirage clapped her hands once again and grabbed Pearce's hand. She ran over (as best she could) to Artorias and grabbed his hand as well. "Come!" she cheered towards Ben as she *attempted* to drag the two large warframes towards the steakhouse. She was leaning very far forward as she hurriedly tried to pull them forwards.

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