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How Do You Feel About First Frame Ability Being 'always Available'?


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Running out of energy and being completely unable to use your frame's unique features is a drag. What do people think about changing the game so that your first ability has less reliance on orb farming?

Two different proposals (one or other, not both):

1.) Fast base recharge. Basically every frame would regenerate energy rapidly if empty, but only up to the point that they can use their first ability. Then the freebie regeneration stops.

2.) Cooldown on no-energy use. Your #1 would be spammable like it is now as long as you have energy to make it go. Once you run out of energy, your #1 changes to a cooldown ability where you have to wait between uses.

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When I read the title oh though "oh god...", then I read the actual post and think this would be an amazing idea, providing there is no way to lower the cooldown speed so people could, for example, spam an entire map with slash dash recharging every second.. Good idea though.

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It's an interesting idea. The first option (energy recharge) would conflict with an existing warframe mod that keeps you alive by using your energy pool, though. The second idea is far better, and I see no obvious problems with it, beyond "balance".

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First things first:
Mod Cards need their own designated slots. No veteran player looking to build a semi-optimal build is going to have their first ability the most of the time because they are generally useless at mid to high levels.


Both of your energy ideas are fantastic. I've been of the opinion that Warframes should have their own Energy Regen speed(For more variety and a new way to balance frames ie Nova). This way, E. Siphon is no longer a must-have mod.

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#1 Abilities are pretty Lackluster as is, I don't see a problem making them unaffected by energy costs.


Have you tried Zephyr's? I love it so hard it hurts.


Max out cost reduction and you can effectively spam your abilities. Try it, it makes the game 1231241241231% more fun.


I believe it has a 75% cap... and if you're suddenly reduced to zero energy because you got disrupted, you're SOL.

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Well there is a Warframe what already use a very strong Spamable skill without to consume any energy.

Its Valkyr with the Paralyis skills build.



Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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It would end up confusing new players instead of teaching them energy management.



An Ability is an Ability. The energy cost should stay.

Instead of making everyone's "1" more spammable, we need a system that makes all the other abilities less spammable. "Press 4 To Win" has been an issue for too long.

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I want a 5th ability slot that is always available and nullifies the skill cost.


would work well with generic abilities if they ever add them.


How would that work for PS4, where you slide up, down, left, or right on the touch pad to use abilities?


Not saying it can't work, just, how?


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I find that either I have an energy drought or an energy abundance in missions. There rarely seems to be an in-between situation. Typically in defense missions -- lots of orbs too many almost. I have maxed out Flow and Streamline in my builds so I get the most for my abilities and can store up as much energy as I can get.


I'd like some sort of slow energy regeneration on top of the orbs. Maybe 1 tick per 5 seconds or a gradual energy replenish when you kill enemies. Something slow enough so you are not going to be able to spam the ultimate all time for free but useful if you are doing a solo mission. Then perhaps the Energy Siphon mod could just be a modifier onto of the default energy regen.

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I think each Warframe needs a new, exclusive Passive Modification of the Ability Polarity.


I also think a new 5th Ability would be something to consider.  A lot of Warframes have some particularly weak skills.


Excalibur, for instance, has Super Jump, which is next to totally useless and is so wrapped up in its own animations that the bonus height isn't even usable; I never equip this card these days.  I also found Slash Dash to be dubiously useful, so I don't tend to use that mod, either.  Point is, though this is how I choose to play Excalibur, he has a sore lack of choices overall.  Every Warframe has a lack of ability choices that could be better met and improve them all; every Warframe has a shortcoming somewhere or could use an expansion to better define them.


That might be a good tree to bark up for an "Always Available" Zero-Energy ability, or some Passive ability cards.

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