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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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Even if they were exclusive, as I've had to explain to people several times, not even the Founder deal is legally binding.

Thanks to the EULA, DE can do what they like with their product, their IP, their service and our accounts. All those people talking about DE being sued are mistaken at best.

People could try suing them, but they wouldn't get very far.

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     Okay guys, the Wraith and Vandal variants of standard weapons have been made more balanced. like seriously, the Strun Wraith is now 3rd in line for shotgun damage, Machete Wraith is mastery level tier garbage, and the Twin Viper Wraiths while obviously better than the normal Twin Vipers are still reasonably balanced weapons. the only event wep that would've been considered "OP" was the Brakk and now everyone can obtain that. so for the love of god, don't complain about event weapons being way too powerful. also, I've got no problem with them re-releasing event weps in new events but then what am I gonna get from that event :/. if they redo the Twin Viper Wraiths in an event I have no reason to do that event because i already own the weapon (unless of course they give away a sexy new badge), so how about instead of beating a dead horse you do new event weapons. (like a Gorgon or Grakata Wraith, those would be kinda cool :3)


Lato Vandal / Prime, Braton Vandal and Skana Prime could use some serious buffing though.. currently they are *beep*tier.

Edited by Namacyst
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Even if they were exclusive, as I've had to explain to people several times, not even the Founder deal is legally binding.

Thanks to the EULA, DE can do what they like with their product, their IP, their service and our accounts. All those people talking about DE being sued are mistaken at best.

People could try suing them, but they wouldn't get very far.


This is absolutely true. 


however, it would also be a death knell for the game, because it would mean that nothing DE ever said after that point could be trusted. 


I may have grievances with them, but I still support them because I have no reason to suspect they're out for my money and don't at least want to create an excellent game in the mean time. Reneging on their promise about founder's exclusives would signal that DE no longer cares about the game, and only wants your money, and will do whatever is necessary at that point to get it, including P2W and FoTM Buff/nerf cycles. After seeing those in other games, I'll just quit while I'm ahead at that point. 

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Downside to the strun wraith being that i cant find the exact red color used on it, on any of the palettes that i own, dont wanna look like a clown.
On a serious note, i think that the Founders Package was fair, as the weapons there are reasonably in line with the nature of primes, i dont know about the vandals and other wraiths though, but the strun wraith is considerably stronger than the regular strun, and many of the shotguns in general, for that matter. and i agree that it is maybe a tad too much. could have been as simple as a texture skin, as they have done with many other weapons. People can use it all they want though, ill be laughing and pointing fingers by myself in silence, at their lack of style.

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I would have liked all the unavailable gear to be skins for available ones, because then there would be no Mastery or stat disparity.

That would remove all the impact on gameplay, but would most likely require DE to credit people a Forma for each one they'd used on polarising an item that got altered in this way.

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DE should state clearly












and people








swallow the fact. 

OP doesnt complain about there being exclusive items, rather the power of some of them, Strun Wraith is hardly even comparable to the regular strun in terms of stats, and blows even some of the better shotguns out of the water.

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Even if they were exclusive, as I've had to explain to people several times, not even the Founder deal is legally binding.

Thanks to the EULA, DE can do what they like with their product, their IP, their service and our accounts. All those people talking about DE being sued are mistaken at best.

People could try suing them, but they wouldn't get very far.

This is absolutely true. 


however, it would also be a death knell for the game, because it would mean that nothing DE ever said after that point could be trusted. 


I may have grievances with them, but I still support them because I have no reason to suspect they're out for my money and don't at least want to create an excellent game in the mean time. Reneging on their promise about founder's exclusives would signal that DE no longer cares about the game, and only wants your money, and will do whatever is necessary at that point to get it, including P2W and FoTM Buff/nerf cycles. After seeing those in other games, I'll just quit while I'm ahead at that point.

That is why we have to find a better way to reintroduce them, We Founders need to agree to give permission to DE so they can release the Founder Prime stuff without killing the game

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What are we talking about here people?! THIS IS A CO-OPERATIVE GAME, THERE IS NO PAY2WIN, THE ONLY COMPETITION IS THE DAMN SCORING (which i don't care about at all...). Why the hell are you even bothered by someone who has a weapon with a bit better stats and a fancy skin??? You were not here to get it, thats it. Topic closed, nothing to discuss anymore......... .______________. good god...

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^ he gets it! now if only the rest of the community would stop whining.

That is highly ironic, coming from the guy that said


awwww.... is someone mad they cannot get multiple mods to attempt to sell for plat later down the road? Sounds to me like your trying to exploit the system, to get more mods. Their is no legit reason to create another acoC*** "because you are bored of this one" content will be the same regardless. I hope any account you make in an attempt to do this is banned, possibly even your primary one. I cannot stand this kind of crap, and since some of your "oh I'm bored" accounts were banned, DE Can't either.


So it's okay when you have access to it, but not others?

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That is highly ironic, coming from the guy that said


So it's okay when you have access to it, but not others?

the event items available are gorgon wraith and the mods. If you had time to post in these forums, you had time for the event. What are you complaining about? what exactly did I get that you do not have access too? NOTHING except for a badge... that is it. I missed the prior events myself, and yet I am not going into to the forums and demanding I get previously released exclusive items. Sure I want the vipers (wraith?) but I cannot get them, oh well, the world goes on. In regards to the current event, I earned my mods and wraith and took the time to find an ok group and ran it a couple of times. The people making multiple accounts to run the event multiple times were/are exploiting the system. Most likely to sell for plat, again... EXPLOITING THE SYSTEM. Just like what they did with the legendary cores, buying up steel charges and ranking them so they could get tons of r10 mods for something that was supposed to be a  consolation prize. If your going to quote me, quote me in context; otherwise you risk sounding like an entitled child.

Edited by CrimsonMOON
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That is why we have to find a better way to reintroduce them, We Founders need to agree to give permission to DE so they can release the Founder Prime stuff without killing the game


Release a Nyx Prime. That's close enough lol.

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Found it, finally found it. Vandal weapons were stated that they are exclusive and I also believe that is was stated in a livestream (Don't know which one though). So since Snipetron Vandal IS a vandal it should not be re-released. Finally got it off my chest lol. I knew they said it somewhere.


The thread can be closed now.

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Snipertron Vandel should not be re released, because the base version was pulled for lore reasons. This is a beta...

Then again, I'd probably not let users keep any snipetrons or mastery there from if I had been the one pulling it.

Edit: Or replaced it with the newer gun with the same model.

Edited by PoorCensored
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