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Everyone Hates Rng

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They should just make the Weapon parts Tradable, That way those who are less than fortunate to actually get the Stooges, Copydog or stalker to spawn, Still have the ability to Enjoy the drops, But this is only a Bandaid(Albeit a very good one) and the underlying problem of S#&$ty RNG still remains.


But having Random drops, drop from a Random boss, based on a Random sequence is utter trash.

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I think RNG on drops are ok. Not the coolest solution but it will do. But when the boss spawn is RNG aswell its getting out of control. You should be able to work towards it. But yeah on ps4 there is also a RNG if harvester drops something at all. And this are 3 RNG walls atm on the way to detron. 1 should be enough.

I would like to see certain tasks to make them spawn, for harvester as a example:

Kill X corpus bosses

Kill X corpus units

Finish X corpus missions (could also split into X rescue, X capture...)

There could be even more creative solutions, but this would be already a improvement to what we have now.

And after everything is done, make him send you another mail and give him a really high chance to spawn in the next missions like 75% or some like that. You still wouldnt have a guarantee for the part you are missing but you could work your way to the next harvey spawn. That is something i would prefer than having several RNG walls stack on each other. ^^

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>Everyone hates RNG


Speak for yourself pls. RNG is a core part of more games than you can count. Including this one. Don't make a drastic generalization because you're upset you're not getting what you want right away when it comes to a type of boss you aren't even supposed to be grinding like an animal. Get the mark, and play normally until they come after you.


Only thing to hate about RNG is what the values aren't done well based on the thing in question. In the case of Stalker, Harvester, and the Grinyu Force, it's perfectly fine.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Instead of grinding for hours on end to get the Harvester, Stalker, or The Grustrag Three to show why not make them attack you after 20 missions instead of grinding for more than 2 or 4 days at most besides the RNG does affect mods you pick up anymore so why can they do that to the mini bosses and EVERYONE hates RNG for so many reasons like seriously people don't you think that DE should have done something about this already by now.


I still think the idea to gradually build up the chances is a good idea.

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I don't hate WF's RNG... It's not that heavy as what you feel.


No, I'm not trolling or "trying to be different". you've probably never been in a game with so much RNG layers like it can grow an onion and make you cry cutting through it, either a cashboy or free player.

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Inb4 "You're lazy and you just want everything handed to you"


The biggest problem with RNG is that you can have one guy that plays a few rounds (under 10 for instance) and gets exactly what he wants within those runs. Then you have the next guy that does 200 rounds and gets absolutely nothing of what he needs. 


Most of the players I've seen complain about RNG have worked their asses off over and over and over just to get one thing. We need a @(*()$ token system already so that players that aren't favored by the random number $&*^s actually obtain what they want ingame.


My biggest gripe from a game design standpoint on RNG when it comes to Warframe is DE's overreliance on it to "reward" players. I'd be fine with it if it wasn't the only constant thing in the game.


We don't need a token system. The only place I'd even consider one is endgame dungeon type content if you're trying to get a set of gear. Even then, it really depends as that system can be used on ALL the endgame gear at that point. The point of a token system in these games is to help get you some more guaranteed gear at the level to help you tackle the content. Not to get everything with absolute assurance. Takes the point of a loot game, in case you've forgotten what this game is. Think Diablo. Think PSO. etc. etc.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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This is just an opinion. Without RNG any game would died quickly. You will get bored with having all the items all parts quickly. Also if you really like the game, I don't see the problem with RNG. When I play MH on the old psp, lets say I got a funny curse on me with this 1 item, but my friends gets it easy. When I got it alone, it feels great (although its not that great lol).

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I don't mind RNG too much, but when the odds are screwed it drives me nuts, for example, this morning before work I did 8 runs of T2 exterminate in the off chance I could get another part of frost prime or really anything interesting,  I got 8 orthos prime blueprints ... I wouldn't have even cared if it was 8 different things, maybe 7 commons, and 3 uncommon drops, but no , 8 orthos primes, disappointing.

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Without RNG any game would died quickly. You will get bored with having all the items all parts quickly.


Wrong. All RNG does is artificially delay people. There is no gameplay there. There is no point where your developing skill as a player can help you succeed.


There is only the dice, and they are $&*^s.

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Wrong. All RNG does is artificially delay people. There is no gameplay there. There is no point where your developing skill as a player can help you succeed.


There is only the dice, and they are $&*^s.


And that artificial delay is vital to the game.


Imagine SimCity - what is the building of the infrastructure but a different kind of artificial delay?


How fun would SimCity be if you loaded up a map and voilá - you had an entire city already built and running...?

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We can't get rid of it entirely ,

There's not enough substance to not add RNG , a lot of people jsut farm stuff , remove that , = nothing left to do 

I personally don't farm that much , build a weapon here and there , for mastery , but if RNG goes , it will severely shorten the longevity of the game  for a lot of players.. 


imo , RNG will be reduced in the future xhen they'll  be enough content that will not depend of it

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And that artificial delay is vital to the game.


Imagine SimCity - what is the building of the infrastructure but a different kind of artificial delay?


How fun would SimCity be if you loaded up a map and voilá - you had an entire city already built and running...?


dang look how bad this analogy is. dang

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Wrong. All RNG does is artificially delay people. There is no gameplay there. There is no point where your developing skill as a player can help you succeed.


There is only the dice, and they are $&*^s.


Ignorance of game design doesn't get any better than this.

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You guys know it most of you people are like this.

what? calling out issues with balance? a new Weapon is released, and it has higher stats than all of the ones ever before it?

that's not okay. nor is it healthy for the game.


sure, i guess it's probably flavor of the week and it'll have a real balance pass in a week or two, but i don't really approve of Developers taking advantage of that. but at the same time, i'm not surprised they do, since it's so easy to take advantage of those players.



imo , RNG will be reduced in the future xhen they'll  be enough content that will not depend of it

unfortunately, there's no such thing. new content added to a game gets directly targeted by players, and they often won't do anything else in the game until they're done with that new content. so there will never be enough content to fill up a players' time without any sort of randomizer. 

the closest a Developer can get to drowning a player in content, would be releasing 10x as much content at a time, and therefore spending 10% of the time on all of that content... meaning it'll be very subpar. i'll take what we have now over the alternative. because the alternative should be reserved for Console exclusive games where Developers specifically know they can make literally anything, and people will buy it. either that or the Mobile platforms, same story there.

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