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To Those Who Complain About 50Ish Invasion Runs For Brakk


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There is no solid proof that you need to continue to do Invasion missions to get a better chance at the Brakk.

All you need is a death mark then go can play whatever missions you want.


I think at this point DE needs to clear this rumor up to see if it's true or not cause all that is going to happen is the same thing that happened with the Detron. The Corpus will now have control of most of the Solar Map and then they will have to create something else to switch it around, it's just never going to stop. But maybe this is what they want since it make people busy.

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315 Grineer sided invasion runs and I still only have met the harvester twice AND only got the BP.


People need to shush about anything less than 100 runs


(and unlike PC players PS4 players get to have the joy of cruddy spawns and cruddy drops until the big patch, PC players got it so much easier)

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and BTW: YOU HAVE BEEN COUNTING YOUR RUNS TO KNOW YOU ARE AT 139? REALLY? Sure you are not just trying to throw out a high number to seem relevant? I smell the aroma of bovine excrement....

Just hit 163


I made a point to count it. k

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There's something to learn here. If you want an event weapon/mod easily do the event. Because once they bring those items back they will be behind huge RNG wall. Mark my words when Primed Chamber comes back it will be a rare drop from a secret vault in Orokin Void, which itself has a 1% chance of spawning and requires all 4 orokin keys simultaneously to open.

P.S. 90% of time that vault will contain Rare 5 core.

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Now that I can understand. I grinded since the day of the Glaive prime release to get it and finally had to give in to trade chat to finish the build... MANY RUNS.  In the live stream following the Gradivus event DE_Scott mentioned that these encounters are not meant to be farmed they were supposed to just happen as you play the game. You received the rewards as a background prize while playing. If I was in the position to decide I would not have  any new encounter based enemies give any specific prize and especially not an already released weapon... I would remove the goal and then have it give a previously unannounced/unconfirmed reward be it an special mod or a specialized weapon. If we ever get another encounter based enemy I would definitely suggest DE not promise ANYTHING from it. When they do that too many vocal people feel entitled to it and then threads like these start.


Regarding farming: if there is a reward for something, people will try to get the thing. If the dev team really doesn't want farming in their game, they either do not understand human nature or are consciously making bad design decisions.


If they want items to be a "surprise!" type reward gained while playing, they should make drops appear a random amount of time later after being earned. So, after you earned a drop, have it show up in your inventory, anywhere from 1 minute to 7 days later. Just so long as they don't tell you why you earned it, you'd prevent farming!


Any predictable award will be farmed in any game, unless the reward isn't worth having.

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Regarding farming: if there is a reward for something, people will try to get the thing. If the dev team really doesn't want farming in their game, they either do not understand human nature or are consciously making bad design decisions.


If they want items to be a "surprise!" type reward gained while playing, they should make drops appear a random amount of time later after being earned. So, after you earned a drop, have it show up in your inventory, anywhere from 1 minute to 7 days later. Just so long as they don't tell you why you earned it, you'd prevent farming!


Any predictable award will be farmed in any game, unless the reward isn't worth having.

Fair enough. I enjoyed the stalker (r.i.p. Stalker 2.0) for the variety I could care less about the dread, the  despair nor the hate. (yea I said it!) Same with the harvester I NEVER wanted the detron... Now the Brakk I wanted and I did my 1 HUN DREAD missions and I got it.  I currently have all 5 weapons and I use none of them once I leveled them to thirty. I will never sell them though. What I am trying to say was it would be nice if the enemies were presented as such... as New Enemies that spice up the game play...and they might give you something for beating them IF YOU CAN.... I remember when they first debuted that stalker intro... it was EPIC... now everybody gets one... When the encounter is attached to a prize then the majority of vocal people are going to voice their opinions about the pursuit of that prize one way or another. Next new enemy type don't commit them to anything but being hard to beat...That's all I am saying...

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Ive done over 100 runs and never once seen the G3 stooges.  Ive ran with other clan members with the mark and played all different types of games versus Grineer.  Nothing, not a single spawn.  At least 50 of those runs were invasion. 


100 missions with gauranteed award is easy.  I didnt play the game back then, I started after the last event ended (poison mod awards).  I'm actually just looking for a natural talent card but hoping for brakk as well.  I've done at least a hundred waves of earth missions trying to find that card..


Im wondering if its a bug because I have detron equipped already...

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The only people who say RNG is fine are those it has been kind to. Was two weeks into playing this game before a kind soul gave me a Serration, and probably around 4 weeks in before it actually dropped for me, Focus has never ever dropped, again I was fortunate enough to be given one.


I have run over 100 invasion missions trying to get the Brakk (at time of writing it's probably around 125) so far they have appeared once, and I have the only Receiver and the BP...still missing the barrel...and with my usual luck with RNG I could potentially run another 100 and still not have it.


People who got it in the event (GUARANTEED after 100 missions) whining about how hard they worked can go suck a lemon...


PS - I have never had a harvester spawn EVER either.

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The only people who say RNG is fine are those it has been kind to. Was two weeks into playing this game before a kind soul gave me a Serration, and probably around 4 weeks in before it actually dropped for me, Focus has never ever dropped, again I was fortunate enough to be given one.


I have run over 100 invasion missions trying to get the Brakk (at time of writing it's probably around 125) so far they have appeared once, and I have the only Receiver and the BP...still missing the barrel...and with my usual luck with RNG I could potentially run another 100 and still not have it.


People who got it in the event (GUARANTEED after 100 missions) whining about how hard they worked can go suck a lemon...


PS - I have never had a harvester spawn EVER either.

The important word was "event":

the brakk is an event weapon, DE release it again for whiners like you, stop crying and be happy to have the luck of farm for it.

PS: 100 missions, with exactly the same map, all the time, and 3/4 players afk, is more like 500 missions than 100

Edited by koolen
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There is no solid proof that you need to continue to do Invasion missions to get a better chance at the Brakk.

All you need is a death mark then go can play whatever missions you want.


I think at this point DE needs to clear this rumor up to see if it's true or not cause all that is going to happen is the same thing that happened with the Detron. The Corpus will now have control of most of the Solar Map and then they will have to create something else to switch it around, it's just never going to stop. But maybe this is what they want since it make people busy.


If you are pug-ing as many of do - It's more the point that by playing invasion missions you are guaranteed to all have the death mark - 4 chances per mission is better than one...4x times better :P

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100 runs for a GUARANTEED reward is Significantly better than the RNG clusterfuck we put up with now, Gradivus Brakk owners had it easy..

Easy? You're kidding me right?

You think grinding out 100 mission of the SAME MAP was easy?

Oh my god it was such a drag, I almost got completely sick of Warframe for a while.

Best part? That was when my computer first went out of commission so I had to borrow a crappy one and grind to 100 with a glorious 10-15fps


(Also I was a friggen Corpus supporter so I didn't even get the free slot/potato)

Edited by NukaKV
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Easy? You're kidding me right?

You think grinding out 100 mission of the SAME MAP was easy?

Oh my god it was such a drag, I almost got completely sick of Warframe for a while.

Best part? That was when my computer first went out of commission so I had to borrow a crappy one and grind to 100 with a glorious 10-15fps

211 missions for my brakk


211 soul crushing missions


you did 100

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The important word was "event":

the brakk is an event weapon, DE release it again for whiners like you, stop crying and be happy to have the luck of farm for it.

PS: 100 missions, with exactly the same map, all the time, and 3/4 players afk, is more like 500 missions than 100


I wasn't even playing the game during that event. I have never 'whined' or 'cryed' for them to re-release it, ever. I am in fact glad of the chance to farm for it, I just can't see how hiding everything (not just Brakk) behind a wall of RNG is good game design - like I said the only people who will support it are those with good luck.


What I find funny is people who got it guaranteed after 100 missions saying they had to 'work' for it and how it should have been exclusive blah blah when it's in fact much harder to get now. Your elitist attitude is pretty sad tbh - new players are essential to the game and arriving in a new game and finding out that content is permanently closed off to them only serves to turn them away. DE obviously agrees otherwise they wouldn't have re-released the Brakk.


RNG still sucks a fat one, be careful not to fall off your high horse.

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211 missions for my brakk


211 soul crushing missions


you did 100


Oh also. I grinded to 100 with the very futile hope for the Detron/Prova Vandal.

I didn't even get what I was after, and I'm STILL grinding for the Detron.


So yeah.

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Oh also. I grinded to 100 with the very futile hope for the Detron/Prova Vandal.

I didn't even get what I was after, and I'm STILL grinding for the Detron.


So yeah.


Sounds like fun.


Actually no it doesn't, and I don't know why games are designed like this.

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Easy? You're kidding me right?

You think grinding out 100 mission of the SAME MAP was easy?

Oh my god it was such a drag, I almost got completely sick of Warframe for a while.

Best part? That was when my computer first went out of commission so I had to borrow a crappy one and grind to 100 with a glorious 10-15fps


(Also I was a friggen Corpus supporter so I didn't even get the free slot/potato)




Easier than the current system?

By far.

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