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[Improvements And Additions] - Building Modes | New Rooms And Objects | The Dojo Visuals


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╬ [improvements] - Building Modes, New Rooms And Objects, The Dojo Visuals ╬






I want to thank all of you for your continuing support of this thread. It means a lot to me :) Please do leave a comment below to show your opinions. The more we discuss this the more change is likely to occur! We're in this forum for this reason after all :D


These are just my ideas for improvement of the dojo as a whole, from the objects you place in it to the way we build them. From making it into a personalised place of meditation or a place of war! I hope you like what you read and please comment below ❤



----------------------------------------------------------------- Building Modes -----------------------------------------------------------------



These are mainly when decorating the dojo.



Enable editing mode - A mode which doesn't insist you need to constantly run back to that lonely terminal every time you need to change something and then run back to the spot you wish to go to. Essentially you would be able to select objects from a popup menu available from a key press or button on the HUD when in each room. This button could be turned on/off at the lonely console in each room to save HUD clutter and would only be available to those with the Architect permission (obviously).



Enabling sprint - When decorating the dojo especially in the larger rooms such as the greater and grand hall not being able to sprint to the location does slow things down significantly. I feel it'd make more sense to enable sprinting.



Enabling jump - Yet again, it is a massive inconvenience. I have on many occasion had to try to parkour with the current controls to scale the fences on the staircases and platforms in order to reach a spot which otherwise cannot be reached. The fact is it'd make things a lot quicker and easier and meaning if you fall off, you can jump back on rather than having to run all the way around again.



Birds-eye view - I think this may come in handy. I think the option to have a birds-eye view will allow players who wish to place objects symmetrically or in a specific space may find this easier. The idea here is to have it as a button you can turn on/off. When on, it will zoom up a large amount above the player, their Warframe will then become immovable and they will be able to move around as a free roam camera with the blueprint of the selected object.


                   - Zoom function - This would be an addition to that of the birds-eye view. Allowing players to place smaller objects with accuracy in close view, or larger objects in a far view.



Cloning objects - Might be useful for people wanting to place several objects in symmetry or just that are the same size instead of having to guess each time they select.



Reduce the collision/overlap boxes - It is quite awkward and hard to understand why some objects cannot be placed where there simply is enough room. It'd actually be quite beneficial if we could overlap objects to some extent.



Rotating objects - The ability to rotate and object not just around in circles on one trajectory but in essence allowing rotation of 360 degrees. So say you wished to place a medallion on it's edge in the centre of a room, you could. Or you wanted to lie a storage crate on it's side or lean it at an angle against others, you could. 



Linking lines - This may be unclear as it is hard to explain but I'll try. By this I mean that if you want to have objects which are placed symmetrically you first select the object you wish to place in symmetry with. It will take into account and measure the distances from the closest walls of the dojo building. A dotted line will appear between the item you have placed and the item you wish to place on the same surface point of the object. (This is assuming it is the same object. If it is not an identical object, the central point of it should be selected). The object you are placing will then glow significantly once it is in a symmetrical position. I have planned this feature for the Birds-eye view just above.



Moving objects - If an object is placed in the wrong spot, you have to delete it and attempt to place it in the right place all over again which can be a pain if it is a game of guessing as it often can be with the current control set. I feel the ability to move an object once its blueprint has been place would prove a great advantage.



Allow changing of corridors - This may actually appeal in ways. Say if you have a T-Junction built but you realise you want it to be a cross connector, you can select the option on the build panel (or from the editing mode menu as I have put at the top of this list) and you can have the option to add the extra corridor to it for the additional cost it'd be for a cross connector. Same applies to a corner corridor. This of course would rely on there being space for the extension. However reductions may be trickier. If you wished to reduce a cross connector to a T-Junction then all decorations in the corridor being removed would need to be refunded as would the cost of the extension, all into the vault to be reused. Any decorations overlapping the corridor would need to be removed.



Architect permission changes - I think this may be a little broad. This is however my own opinion so if you voice otherwise do say. I just think the permission should be for room building only and there should be a separate one for decorating, such as... decorator.  This is to allow clan members to help decorate the place yet not allow them to change the layout or structure of the dojo without a separate permission.



Treasurer permission changes - I personally think this should also be split up. Treasurer should be more in charge of the clan tax rates and possibly a separate permission for the access to the Vault such as... Vault Keeper. Reason being you may want people to be able to contribute from the vault but you may want control over the tax rate and not want to see it constantly fluctuating and with the permission as it is, they are free to change the tax rate as they please. There is a difference between spending what you already have and taking what you don't. Spending the resources is different from taking credits for charge. You wouldn't want someone to change it up to something like 25% from 5%.



More are to come, I just need to revise them first.



------------------------------------------------------------New Rooms and Objects------------------------------------------------------------



These are obviously completely concept and are open to suggestion of change.



Object/Room - Teleporter/Transporter - Used for mobility around the dojo. Possibly a circular pool or Square placeable platform. Ones can be placed around the dojo in places you wish to teleport/transport to. I must say it takes a very long time to travel around larger dojos. Obviously limitations should be put in place to stop clans placing uncountable ones around the place say a limit of 3 per floor. This could also be a room rather than platform although I think a platform would be preferred although you're welcome to correct me. The way it could work is:


                  - Each platform could be renamed to the area where it is.

                  - Each platform would be linked with all the others.

                  - The player would select which area to teleport/transport to and appear there.



Object/Room - Sparring Pad - Now I know there is a duelling room, however the idea here is that it incorporates NPC Tenno (see further down for more information on NPC's) whom the player can see sparring with various weaponry and for promotion purposes possibly the newest released weaponry. Also I think this would be a great way to incorporate the training menu into the dojo. A Tenno can be standing somewhere close by, whom the player can approach and initiate the training programs that were recently brought in.



Object/Room - Simulation Pods - The idea here is a collaboration of both the Firing Range and the Mastery Room (listed below). The idea is that the player could select a simple test against standstill targets in order to work on mod combinations against various factions. The player would be transported to a tileset similar to the Mastery test and would be able to test out their weaponry against a number of standstill targets. The holographic panels listed below are also an idea to implement in this room if it is a room (read description of Holographic Panels to understand idea of function).



Object - Square platforms - Probably a nice item for vanity purposes. Also would work with the angular nature of some of the edges of the flooring and wall detailing. These could be in a mass variance of size from as small as the smallest circular platform available to as large as the largest Medallion possible. Another nice feature to these would be the option to place them mid-air.



Object - Fence - Generally a simple fence to accompany the square platforms. Similar in style to the one in the grand hall. Varying in the length of the sides of the square platforms, or to provide ease of placement and so the player needn't judge the length, it can be a tick-box option on placement of the square platforms and the sides with fences could be selected and extra cost put in place.



Object - Bench - Now I know there is a bench already however sometimes one might call for a bench with a little less style and more of a symmetrical tone without the big rocks on one side. Don't get me wrong, I love the way the current bench is made from natural resources and looks very elegant in it's state, I have many in my dojo currently but I thought something with symmetry and simplicity would prove a nice feature for creating a modern looking dojo for those who wish to do so. Also just as a feature, might be nice to actually be able to sit on it, maybe 2-4 Tenno wide?



Object - Holographic Panels - Give the dojo a futuristic feel! After all, Tenno have woken up from the past into the future (or present depending on how you look at it). I'd say several different styles and sizes available of panels which can be placed. Although if they do later integrate the option to access your inventory and so on from the dojo this could be where you access it. I have the feeling there is some reluctance to put this feature into the dojo as I think I remember reading it somewhere; however things change so possibly instead of having a button added to the HUD allowing access wherever you are, add a panel requiring Tenno to be in a specific place to access their gear etc. Therefore meaning the dojo can be a place to relax, but also a place to prepare.



Object - Message Boards - This is sort of an extension to the Holographic Panels however these I more envision as a large item placeable in Halls over the main doors or on the pillars (overlapping the sides I see it) as a place the Clan Leader or whatever permissions may be set, is able to write any message (within reason) for display to the clan. Might be nice to say Happy Birthday for instance or Merry Christmas. You could write on events you would like to do with your clan mates or say what is needed to build the next room! Plenty of room for debate in this idea I believe. Only thing would be is one would have to be respectful and the text on these should be reported if causing offence.



Object - Statues - Now although these are in game, there are only 4 variants. I feel that's a little small due to the vast array of enemies one encounters. I believe that a great way to implement more in is to put the codex scanning to a little more use and all scanned enemies can be placed as statues. The available statues would comprise of the codex scans of the current members; so this would mean people would be more eager to use their scanner in the midst of a bullet storm. They could be interchangeable on placeable plinths. Costs of changing the display would be a set amount of credits plus whatever resources difference. Any not used in a different statue would be refunded to the vault.



Object - Weapon Rack - This would be purely aesthetic. This is a Dojo after all and as it is so called, I think it'd be suitable for such a object to be placeable. It could display melee weaponry developed by the Tenno, Corpus, Grineer or Infested. 



Object - Ramp - This might a nice feature to have. A square or rectangular platform at varying vertical angles from almost flat to perpendicular to the floor, which can be placed in mid air without the need of supporting objects to be placed and then deleted. This would add increased height to the larger rooms of the dojo and make my staircase in mine a massive waste of materials... Seriously however I think this could be quite a nice feature meaning essentially players could create their own floors within floors. This could be complemented by the square platform a few paragraphs above.



Object - Variation of Trees - By this I mean maybe trees which are different shapes than are currently available. Nothing against what we already have but sometimes a more regular (regular in shape not style) tree is what fits best aesthetically. I do find the long branches of the trees we have and the fact they lean at a massive angle quite a problem sometimes and a more densely foliated and "neater" set of trees could be implemented.



Object - Clan Emblem Holographic Projection Panel - Essentially a resizeable, fully rotatable panel which shows the clans emblem. Can be mounted on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Can be the size of the floor panel up to the size of the largest medallion (which is pretty big). Would be a great thing to fill up wall space or mount at doorways, in cross connectors etc.



Room - Mastery Room - This is a very ambitious one. However if I'm not mistaken I feel it may give a good response. This room will allow players to replay their previous Mastery tests if wished because my personal response of them are, well, fun! It would be in the same kind of category as the obstacle course and duelling rooms. 



Room - Firing Range - I understand this from DE in that the dojo is a place of relaxation, but remember we are in the middle of a massive war! Who would want to go into battle with a weapon you don't understand?! Or maybe you're just looking for a little fun and to practice your accuracy? I believe the addition of a Firing Range wouldn't be half a bad idea. Allowing Tenno to engage either a stationary or moving target with selected weaponry would be beneficial for practice with said weapons. Tenno powers should be disabled still but allowance of weaponry, say once in a specific area could be enabled and fired in booths towards a personal set of targets. A key point here though is no mastery or experience would be gained in the process or else it'd ruin the function of the game. It'd be a place you could train your skill with a bow on moving targets and learn how to perform ambush shots, or maybe you like a little more power and want a timed task to take down 10 targets with your assault rifle? For Tenno wishing to experiment with rebounding weapons such as Miter or Glaive or wall run attacks (due to them being hard to land) I suggest a tunnel with numerous targets along it.



Room - Display Showcases/Plinths - I think this'd be a nice vanity room. Although it may not be so important as a functioning feature in the dojo, DE claim the dojo as a place of relaxation so why not relax whilst surrounded by collected frames on plinths in a elegant setting. I have a design lying in my head so try to imagine it from this description. Enter the room, roughly size of the Grineer or Corpus labs however with a semi circular wall; in front of you is an open space. The middle of the wall (half way between floor and ceiling) is lined with a protruding small continuous wall-mounted rectangular(ish) plant potter with grass-like plants all along. Above these plants also completely wall length (so on the top half of the wall) is a full length fish tank with a blue glow (possibly colour changeable by player - relates to my customisation options below). Small plinths are dotted around the edge of the wall each which can be selected to show a particular Tenno Warframe, selectable by players and each will cost a certain amount of resources to build. I will try to draw a picture to represent it and post it here too to show my idea clearer.



Room - Aquarium - Purely cosmetic but would be a beautiful feature to be able to host in your dojo. Maybe to give it a little functionality you could choose the type of sea life you want in each tank and how many up to a set limit. Therefore meaning it could be a busy tank or a quiet tank. Also the idea that there be a wall length tank right around the entire edge would be a great feature as they always appeal (to me at least) and give the room a nice glow and an interesting lighting and wave effect on the floors and ceiling. Speaking of floors it'd be impressive if it was glass and there was a tank below you too, even a shallow one.



Room - Observatory - This could be a darkened room. In the centre lies a holographic projection of the solar system. Each planet could be selected and some lore of the planet world could be accessed as well as photographs of the landscape within them and some of the dangers you may encounter as well as listed unique species if they apply. This could link to the codex and unknown enemies would need to be located and scanned before their information could be accessed. The information from the codex would be the combined scans from all clan members so larger clans may find they have most if not all and those that don't would be inclined to scan more.



Yet again more are to come, I just need to revise them first.




---------------------------------------------------------------------The Dojo Visuals -----------------------------------------------------------------



These are just customisation options for dojo.



Colouring the Structure - Essentially I think it'd be to a nice feature to be able to customise the colours of the walls, floors and ceilings (within reason. I don't mean the actual silver-blue sheen it appears to have, but the detailing. It'd mean people could really make their dojo, their dojo if you know what I mean! Give the atmosphere a personal touch. It'd be nice if they could personalise the colour scheme of each room. And this could be extended towards the medallions and platforms and possibly other objects such as the trading post, the shrine poles and storage crates. Also colours of the banners would probably be appreciated if the colours of the walls and ceiling could be changed as the blue colour may not suit the colours chosen by the player.



Integrated Plant Life and NPC Tenno - This is mainly aesthetic to make it feel less empty, more natural and more like a dojo should.


                   - Integrated Plant Life - by this I mean have small plants possibly in small circular pots or containers which can be a tick box feature when selecting certain rooms specifically corridors on the sides or corners. This can cost an small extra amount of resources.


                   - NPC Tenno - Have Tenno sparring in general hand to hand combat as you would see in an actual dojo. This relates to one of the object/room concepts above. Also some Tenno walking around and maybe greet you with a popup message such as the Lotus, just to give it a less empty feel as I am almost certainly not alone in saying the dojo can feel quite lonely and having some fellow Tenno around would be nice. (Obviously the large clans might not feel this way as their dojos may be busy and some people like the space but for those who wish it felt more alive then this is my solution for you.)





The following is an extra yet important addition in my eyes.


Monitoring Clan Member activity and contribution UI - This essentially will show anyone part of the clan what the standing contributions from each clan member is in terms of value of materials or the actual materials themselves. It will allow better monitoring of clan members, meaning promotions and demotions can be properly administered if that is a way your clan operates. It could also include various other options to do with the clan such as organised events, or clan notices, personal clan messages from each person. The Architects could select rooms which need prioritising and these will flash as icons on the map.






As stated above I will monitor this thread as best I can and respond to as much as I can depending on the popularity of the thread. I will also add the other ideas I have too later on once I've thought about them a little more to make sure they aren't too wild! 


Please do respond if you have an opinion on the ideas above and do keep checking back, as there may be more next time you look!



Thanks for reading :)


❤ DreamCaster3 

Edited by DreamCaster3
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Reserved for update information



- Firing Range Room added

- Message Board Object added

- Teleporter/Transporter Object/Room information updated

- Weapon Rack Object added

- Showcases/Plinths Room added

- Simulation Pods Object/Room added

- Square platform and Fence information updated

- Reduce the collision/overlap boxes added

- Firing Range Room information updated

- Enable Editing Mode added

- Statues Objects added

- Allow Changing of Corridors added

- Architect and Treasurer permission changes added

- Aquarium Room added

Observatory Room added

- **Clan UI added as extra**

- More variation of trees added

- Clan Emblem Holographic Projection Panel added



- Increase Capacity of Gardens from 15 to 30 - Phobose - Post #5

- Themed Halls - Amistyrja - Post #10

- Chandeliers for Large Halls - Ephee - Post #16

- Staircases between floors and Multiple difficulty obstacle/agility courses - Freelancer27 - Post #18

- Building Animations - TruBluBarbiQ - Post #20

- Large Banners which span lengths and widths of the larger halls - DoomFruit - Post #25

- Customise decoration colours - (PS4)R6CHAMELEON - Post #37

- Scrapping Items to retrieve a % of resources used - frontbrexer - Post #51

- Increase Tenno Temple of Honor Capacity from 15 to 30 or more - **CURRENT POPULAR TOPIC**

- Add Leaderboards to Obstacle Course - Technosonic - Post #66




- Garden Capacity is now 30 instead of 15

Edited by DreamCaster3
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Instead of enabling running and jumping, I'd rather they just removed the warframe from the equasion entirely and allowed you to freely move your camera around the space.


And also it would be nice if objects would snap to 45 degree angles (maybe even 10 degrees) when rotating while holding shift.

Edited by rapt0rman
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Instead of enabling running and jumping, I'd rather they just removed the warframe from the equasion entirely and allowed you to freely move your camera around the space.


And also it would be nice if objects would snap to 45 degree angles (maybe even 10 degrees) when rotating while holding shift.

I did mention that in the Birds-eye view paragraph as a possible idea :) And so I agree with you there. Also a 45 degree angle lock wouldn't go amiss. Also sometimes it makes more sense to have your Warframe at hand, especially when placing objects they may have to either scale, go beneath or go around. It allows you to calculate it better and get a sense of what it'd look like with a Tenno in the picture. I do see where you're coming from however.

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Another Improvement could be doubling or tripling the cosmetic room capacities (I.E. Autumn, Circia Water Garden, Sand Zen Garden etc etc) These rooms specifically feel too empty with just 15 capacity.


Here's a few examples in my own Clan's Dojo









Though 45 seems a bit Excessive, 30 sounds more fitting

Edited by Phobose
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Another Improvement could be doubling or tripling the cosmetic room capacities (I.E. Autumn, Circia Water Garden, Sand Zen Garden etc etc) These rooms specifically feel too empty with just 15 capacity.



Though 45 seems a bit Excessive, 30 sounds more fitting

That's a fair point. There are some larger rooms such as the gardens which have a capacity too small to complement their beauty. It'd be nicer to extend that limit. If you don't mind I shall include this as a suggested idea in my second post on this thread :)

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all in all they are some awesome ideas, a lot of which reminds me of the halo3 foundry mode >.< also would be nice if there was a "sit on bench" feature LOL, they should make different obstacle courses like ones from the mastery 8 rank test.

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all in all they are some awesome ideas, a lot of which reminds me of the halo3 foundry mode >.< also would be nice if there was a "sit on bench" feature LOL, they should make different obstacle courses like ones from the mastery 8 rank test.

Thanks man :) I never played Halo so I wouldn't know but i'll take your word for it :P I was surprised finding that we cant actually SIT on the bench... And yeah I noted up there the Mastery Room which would let Tenno revisit their past mastery tests at will. Would be nice however to have the option of various different obstacle courses as the current one could get a little tiresome.

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I think this is a great list, everything on it sounds good. I really like the themed halls idea, it would be great to be able to choose from tilesets other than the current smooth futuristic/techno set. It's a bit weird to have a futuristic room with a bunch of trees and garden things randomly placed around it xD. I also find myself wanting chandeliers for some reason....especially in larger rooms where the ceilings have the symmetrical patterns, I feel like those are just asking for some kind of chandelier item to hang up. 

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I think this is a great list, everything on it sounds good. I really like the themed halls idea, it would be great to be able to choose from tilesets other than the current smooth futuristic/techno set. It's a bit weird to have a futuristic room with a bunch of trees and garden things randomly placed around it xD. I also find myself wanting chandeliers for some reason....especially in larger rooms where the ceilings have the symmetrical patterns, I feel like those are just asking for some kind of chandelier item to hang up. 

Yeah :P thanks for the support :) 


I actually have built a chandelier in one of the halls out of various objects and it's quite grand :D so it's possible to have one but it takes a lot of capacity and a truck load of resources. Would be nice to have an actual item. If you don't mind I'll add it to the list of suggestions :)

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I could wish for the Dojo to have two more levels of Parkour: Basic (new), Intermediate (old) and Advanced (new), although it may not be a new idea.


The Basic relies almost similarly to what the Tutorial has in store, basically not a real competitive level where you race towards the end with a very small amount of time. It simply has 2 horizontal wallrun decks (1 curved & 1 straight) and 1 vertical wallrun deck.


Advanced should get more than the current Parkour level in the Dojo, something that should picks up a minimum timing pace of 2 minutes, along with it, some actual traps normally seen in the Orokin towers: for example passing through a laser should force the player to restart back at the beginning. This is for those who would go for mobility rather than picking in fights.


Plus, I really love to see some staircases in the Dojos. Having elevators in a large tower alone doesn't seem to be reasonably safe when either Corpus or Grineer attack the place.

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Totally with you on those ideas. Staircase would be a nice addition. Give the dojo a less linear feel and make it really feel like a building rather than a random set of floor plans.


As for the parkour/agility/obstacle courses it'd be nice to see some variation rather than doing the same one over and over. I will add this to the suggestions up top if that's ok :)

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I have an idea to contribute :) 


What about having your dojo-based item build projects (anything crafted in the labs) have an animation of the item while it's being built? I could just imagine pixels of energy flying into place very slowly over the entire building process, turning into material slowly. If you had that much time, you could see your item being built from the hilt up.


Perhaps as it's crafting, it could rotate and have more energy swirling around it, or sparks.


I think either it'd have to be limited to a per-player basis, i.e. only you would see the items you craft - or else there would have to be an animation queue system so it will only show perhaps the 10 closest to finishing production at a time (for larger clans who have members who build a lot.)

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I have an idea to contribute :) 


What about having your dojo-based item build projects (anything crafted in the labs) have an animation of the item while it's being built? I could just imagine pixels of energy flying into place very slowly over the entire building process, turning into material slowly. If you had that much time, you could see your item being built from the hilt up.


Perhaps as it's crafting, it could rotate and have more energy swirling around it, or sparks.


I think either it'd have to be limited to a per-player basis, i.e. only you would see the items you craft - or else there would have to be an animation queue system so it will only show perhaps the 10 closest to finishing production at a time (for larger clans who have members who build a lot.)


That could be a nice aesthetic. Tell me if what I'm seeing is right or at least similar -


Underway projects of items being built could be viewed either in the project menu or maybe in the actual room itself inside a sealed off glass windowed area where possibly mechanical arms are building the items and the more the project is contributed to the more the item gets built and the particle/energy effects increase.


I'm not sure what the per-player basis referred to. If it refers to dojo-specific items the player is building in their foundry and they could view the weapon being made in the research labs? Sorry if I misunderstood but what I do agree with is the animated building. It'd bring the dojo to life a little more. I'll add it up top and feel free to correct me if it is wrong and i'll change it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plus, I really love to see some staircases in the Dojos. Having elevators in a large tower alone doesn't seem to be reasonably safe when either Corpus or Grineer attack the place.

Warframe elevators are extremely reliable. Even when the lights are out and the shafts covered in those disgusting infested palp-things, the elevators will always work.


Back on topic, I'd want some absolutely enormous banners. I'm trying to decorate my dojo in the vein of your typical craphole dictatorship (think North Korea or Stalin's Russia) by plastering the walls with my clan emblem, but the existing ones just aren't big enough for the grandest hall.

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