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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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I might want rewards, but i also want, if WF wins, DE only says something like thank you for being a great community because we got this far without rewards, imagine what we could have done with them. (Of course i would happily take any reward).

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We should sell YumiKami art for votes. Instant win

She will be our shining muse in these dark times. It will turn the tides of this battle, no doubt.

But we have shown our ugly side in this fight, and have thus lost favor with the fair lady. It is doubtful that we will receive her blessing.



You know what guys? I thought we were ninjas. But, all I see are spartans. Now, I'll have to add a Ninja/Spartan guy:



Made by some guy in Deviant Art

Here's the link to his page:


That is freaky, no offense to the artist

Edited by kaboomonme
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Well this saddens me alot, but can't help it, rules on the pole are the way there are, I actually hope that for the future such tactics will be amended XD, like give IGN before you can vote or something i don't know. In the end while i am mostly proud of our community, if nothing changes with the rules that mmobomb sets, every time a behemoth with 2+ games will win with such tactics, Airmech supported us Ty very much guys( but we never asked for it). Nexon pulled the same card with "incentives i call bribery<--IMO"  but bigger, offering events just to make sure they get what they want is lame and just makes nexon a none existant company to me as a whole.

 But as much as i despise such tactics it's the flawed rules of the contest that make such things possible. For the future i will read the rules of the voting before i get hyped and if i see nothing changed, i'll still vote for the game i like but i will not care as much,nor will i ever support a gaming portal till they get their sh*t togather with their rules.

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you guys are so honored with your way of voting without having any objection of airmech helping you.




oh and dragon nest is also voting for you.


Thing is, i question things that i dont think is good enough for reason.


but really i dont care about this anymore, go argue someone else about it.


Why should we object? They want to vote for us/want to put incentive towards voting for us then so be it. They are going that on their own accord and that's grate (prime). Did you forget that anyone is free to vote in this poll? Other people will vote for who they want if they are interested in the poll. There's just a different besides those people making their own decisions and one of the competing parties personally handing out candy to vote for them.


Cool. Thank's Dragon Nest.

But you shouldn't be saying that like, "oh it's all k." as you still have much more rallied support with those "rewards."


"Thing is, i question things that i dont think is good enough for reason."

If you're saying that after questioning facts presented to you then I'm worried.


"but really i dont care about this anymore, go argue someone else about it."

You came to our forums and started spouting all these jabs, don't you recall?

By all means, make the 180.

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what bothered me is the reason you think they helped you, which was actually false. they arent doing it to be fair, lol.

If you had simply stated your reasoning clearly, as opposed to making it personal; I might have listened. ah well, I am too tired to continue this.

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you guys are so honored with your way of voting without having any objection of airmech helping you.




oh and dragon nest is also voting for you.


Thing is, i question things that i dont think is good enough for reason.


but really i dont care about this anymore, go argue someone else about it.


You seem to be saying the same thing over and over and over again while everyone has already answered you. You have an extreme desire to not listen to a word anyone else tells you, and are trying desperately to incite rage where there is none.


I will answer you once, and if you once again choose to ignore it, then I will suggest everyone here to ignore you, as most of them already are.


I'll repost what I stated in the Vindictus forums, and be done with it.


"Okay, I'm here to set the record straight.

A. Warframe has had absolutely 0 events since the start of this tournament. Anyone who says they have are lying out of their asses.

B. There has been very little input by Digital Extremes, the developers of Warframe. There has been a few announcements in the form of "RedText" ingame, but there have been very few and far inbetween. Only 4 (that I know of) throughout this whole entire tournament. As for the forums, there has been even less developer input. I can only think of 2 posts - one from a dev being proud of his community and another rooting them on. Any other "colored" posts have been from community mods, who are simply players themselves.

C. The Airmech devs brought it upon themselves to help the Warframe community. No one asked them to help. Not DE, nor the Warframe community.

D. The reward Airmech is giving to its community if Warframe wins was offered during the Warframe vs. Airmech match. When CarbonJames (one of the devs of Airmech) realized they were going to lose, he instead offered the reward if Warframe wins against Mabinogi. Absolutely none of this has to do with Warframe. This was all Airmech, and all CarbonJames. Though obviously the Warframe community is happy for the help, they did NOT bribe nor ask for it. Nor did DE.

It seems there are alot of discrepancies going on. Alot of misinformation. Either way, I suggest you all keep in mind something.

Warframe is an indie game. It has no umbrella company (cough, Nexon). DE has no other online game communities they can go to and "bribe" (your word, not theirs) with ingame events. The only aid they have is Airmech, which is a very small indie community. Those thousands of votes Warframe currently has is almost all from a strong community that has been given absolutely 0 incentives to win. They're just doing this because they love Warframe and DE. Airmech, though helpful, has only given about 2k-3k's worth of votes. The rest is all word of mouth and barely aided by DE.

You guys are part of a gigantic community aided by a huge, multi-million dollar gaming company that's doing their best to defeat an indie game and its even smaller indie ally. The fact that Nexon and your CMs are forced to petition other games that aren't even in the tournament with events and prizes just to win this...Heh, I call that a win on Warframe's side, even if they lose the poll. An indie game giving a gigantic F2P supergiant a run for their money? Not bad. Not bad at all."


And as for Dragon Nest voting for Warframe, no one asked them to do that either. THAT is the difference. Warframe didn't ask Dragon Nest for help. Nor did Warframe ask Airmech for help. They gave it without DE or the Warframe community's consent. You can't fault us for their aid. And those two communities are quite a bit smaller than the staggering amount of communities Nexon curried favor for with gold and jewels (events and rewards.)


Infact, if Dragon Nest is blatantly voting for another company's game over their own, even with the promise of incentives if Mabinogi wins, then something must be -terribly- wrong over there.


Ignore what I just stated or not - it's your choice. But please stop trying to incite anger, because I will happily report you.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I love Warframe as much as the next guy but c'mon let's get real people.  The justification with Airmech never really did sit right me.  How is the junkie who ASKS for crack and receives it is more guilty than the junkie who was OFFERED crack and accepts it. 

Edited by LobsterFiend
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Sudden Vote Spike for Warframe O_O


I guess some part of the world just woke up, or got back from work/school!!


We increased 0.5% of total votes in the last 10 minutes.



oceania and asia are finishing work/school around now


final wave commences

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I love Warframe as much as the next guy but c'mon let's get real people.  The justification with Airmech never really did sit right me.  How is the junkie who ASKS for crack and receives it is more guilty than the junkie who was OFFERED crack and accepts it. 


mind blown.

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oceania and asia are finishing work/school around now


final wave commences


0.7% increase while Mabinogi vote spike have completely stopped, their votes are now increasing slower than ours ^-^


C'mon Asia + Oceania!! We're counting on you!!



Edited by RexSol
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I have been playing and paying in Nexon's games since 2009 and I am disgusted that they would do something like this, then all of Nexon's white knights saying that it is no different to Airmech supporting us. Airmech is an independant company, Nexon is offering incentives for 5 of their games for them to vote for Mabinogi. Nexon, last time I checked this was Mabinogi vs Warframe and not Nexon vs Warframe.

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I love Warframe as much as the next guy but c'mon let's get real people.  The justification with Airmech never really did sit right me.  How is the junkie who ASKS for crack and receives it is more guilty than the junkie who was OFFERED crack and accepts it. 


What do you expect us to do, exactly? Tell them no, don't vote for Warframe? Would they listen? And would it have even been a smart thing to do?


Before this match even started, it was well known that Mabinogi was going to have aid in the form of Vindictus. And it was also fully known that Mabinogi would be given events and incentives for voting. Warframe had none of that.

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TENNO! Let's Start this!

Show this Petty Farmers who's The Hardest!

We Don't Need Bribes when We Rocking These Loyalty!

We would Fight you 1on1, but you are too much of a cowards to fight alone!  (i do know that airmech helped us, but we didn't ask for it)


(Three Guesses where i got that..kinda switched Lyrics from)


come on! one last GIANT pushback and we might still Win this!


Either We Win, Or we Let them go off with one Hell of a Cost!


show them how a Tenno Handles a Situation! we will beat them so bad, they will remember this fight in the Next Generation!

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i didnt want to troll at all?


i admit, youre scaring me.

Lol, dude is scaring you?


you were obviously looking for some sort of inflammatory response, dont go trying to play the victim after attacking other people

with the same amount of vitriol.



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