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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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Honestly i was rather upset on how you guys are getting more support than youre saying, and also the DN community pretty much &!$$es me off, thats just more to add to my own flame, but honestly, i didnt intend for them to be flamebaits. Also the main reason why i backed down is because Babell out of all people was the one pretty much telling me to F*** off, so i did, why? Babell bothered to visit our forums and all, and the fact that you all think im a troll just discourages me, i just backed down since it really wasnt getting me anywhere and instead i was &!$$ing everyone off.


I guess Zarozian loves you guys because youre faith and honor is probably as big as his. But sometimes when i see holes it really makes me want to point them out since i believe you guys are going too far with your own egos.


But anyways, that coming from Babell did kinda hurt so i just stepped down just not want to respond from there.

I did not come to your forums and make accusations or say people were kissing &#!...to paraphrase you..it was apparent that you intended to get a response....so i gave you one. yes, we're able to garner support for our community. we don't have to pay for it. its not kissing &#! (again paraphrasing) to say that we appreciate the suppport outside forces give us. 


I came to your forums to enjoy a compitition, and to meet new people. to have conversation and  enjoy some fun 'rivalry'  in a friendly manner. If you do not wish to flamebait...don't. I tend to respond to things  at times in a  dramatic manner to make a point..you wanted a response, i gave you one. you did not like the response you got? consider the response you gave.

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i need help with creating awareness in oceania region

we are a little laid back in this region, dont really read the forums and need a little push, right now is the perfect time


could you other region tenno please visit oceania region and just remind everyone to vote

and why its important or worth it to vote

and how to vote 


would be much appreciated as many there arnt even aware of the final push


*remember you have to change region oceania in the options, log out and back in - your in oceania region chat*

Edited by HAYABU5A
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That's cheating! I work  in a company with over 5 thousand computers in my building alone I could go to each one of them and vote for warframe... Not fair :D

forget that if i could be bothered to hook em all up i have about 4500 pcs in the back shed admittedly a good 95 percent of them are in bits and wouldn't be capable of running windows 95 even they weren't but still

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Funny thought: If we win this, we've defeated all of nexon combined.

















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i need help with creating awareness in oceania region

we are a little laid back in this region, dont really read the forums and need a little push, right now is the perfect time


could you other region tenno please visit oceania region and just remind everyone to vote

and why its important or worth it to vote

and how to vote 


would be much appreciated as many there arnt even aware of the final push


*remember you have to change region oceania in the options, log out and back in - your in oceania region chat*

shameless self quote for help

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Status Update:


Warframe: 24722


Nexon: 27607




Gooo! Mobilise all Messengers!

Wow we have more votes than SMITE and Path of Exile have combined if we beat Mabinogi we actually might win this!


EDIT: Oh wait.... If we beat Mabinogi/Nexon they're going to vote for Smite or PoE because they're sore losers.....

Edited by Shadow977
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Win or lose, pretty much everyone benefitted from this.  We got 100x more publicity than SMITE.





You know why?






So don't say win or lose.


Cause seriously. We gonna win.

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Greetings, Tenno!


I feel as if perhaps this shouldn't be my first post, but having lurked as long as I have and monitoring this thread on and off since the poll started...


I am both a prolific Mabinogi and Warframe player. Personally, I had been waiting for this matchup since this whole fiasco of a competition started, simply because I seriously enjoy both games and wanted to see what would happen.


I am not happy.


I had been supporting Mabinogi up until this point because despite it's flaws and it's suffering under Nexon's management, I still highly enjoy Mabinogi as a game and believe strongly in it for being a very unique experience. Hek, I didn't even care for the poll at first until a friend of mine had shoved a link for it in my face and told me to vote during the first round against Lord of the Rings Online. My interest was piqued then at how close of a battle it was, and for the first time in a long while, my heart was racing and I genuinely felt passionate contributing towards something.


Fast forward to now, and I was genuinely thrilled to see how close of a match it's been up to fairly recently. I deeply admire the strength of both communities for the amount of votes they have rallied so far. And yet, I feel sour. Up until now, I have been under the impression that the majority of Mabinogi's success in the poll was driven by a community willing to fight for it's game, even if we had to have a carrot dangled in our faces a little bit.


I am... honestly feeling very cheated by Nexon's move here to give voting incentives for all of it's other games. Not because I haven't even heard of what event we might be getting for defeating Planetside 2, let alone possibly defeating Warframe(gasp!), but because I feel like they just massively belittled every effort the Mabinogi community had made up to this point to pull ahead. Sure Mabi's community asked for help from the other games and even the overseas versions of Mabi, but at least that was done of their own free will in order to garner as much support as possible. I just... Personally I'm so appalled by this move I'm speechless.


I wanted Mabinogi to win at first because it is an older game and I feel like it needs the publicity. Despite it being(IMO) unique, it has to fight against the social stigma of being both a Korean MMO and having anime styled graphics. Warframe... well, it technically still is in "Beta" and has a lot of room to grow and a lot of publicity it can get on it's own because of that. I strongly believe Warframe will continue to live on strong as ever regardless of the results of this poll.


But I digress, it feels like I've been ranting far too much on a dead horse that's already been beaten to a bloody pulp. I hadn't voted before in this round because I loved both games to the point where I cannot in good conscience choose one over the other. However in light of recent events, I'm sticking my vote in with warframe for better or for worse. I admire the strength of warframe's community to rally as heavily as it did in this time of strife.




On another note, due to the whole shenanigans of this poll and my two favorite games being pitted against each other... I couldn't help but try and think of some amusing crossover ideas or similarities.


Tenno, do you remember Operation Sling-stone? Where the Grineer threatened a sudden surge of dominance over the solar system with their FOMORIAN class warships? The very same type of ships we worked together to prevent the completion of during Tethra's Doom? Indeed, the very name of the ship class and the names of the individual ships we had destroyed during Sling-stone drew upon the very same mythology that Mabinogi is based from. At least five of the ships that were destroyed during Sling-stone share the names of major plotline characters in Mabi. Funny, huh?


I was hoping that if the good spirit of things had kept up, I had wanted to see an image of our glorious reborn Councilor Vay Hek having a tea party with the God of Fomors Cichol, lamenting together about the woes of troublesome milletians and "TENNO SKOOM". Or perhaps other horribly weird things Like something between Lotus and Nao. But with how sour everyone seems to be now, I guess it will be naught but a distant dream.


This last bit might not be so much in good taste, but I feel like I must do so anyway.


Imagine Vay Hek's new ugly mug superimposed with an image of Cichol to imply that the are one and the same.


(please don't kill me)


Anyway, if any of you are still upset over this. Use this information to turn your rage against our would-be Grineer overlords and see them for what they really are. But above all(and this applied to you Mabi/Nexon people too), for god's sake, this whole poll business was supposed to be an exercise in fun and banding together as a community. :<


TL;DR: Mabi player is butthurt over Nexon's move, decides to vote for warframe instead. Also attempts possibly weird crossover humor.

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you hear this Nexus? this is the Vote train...and its going to hit you like a Mac Truck.




actually mate a fully loaded frieght train in the US weighs around 15k tons and they normally move at 60 mph i dont know bout you but i think one of them is gonna hit harder than a mack anyday of the week

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Nah, just the NA Branch.


Nexon Korea/China/JP overseas is apparently 4x the size of NA....

Good sir.


Might I inform you the reason why they are getting their current votes from all their branches right now from all their games?


And we're holding them off with what we have here?



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Honestly i was rather upset on how you guys are getting more support than youre saying, and also the DN community pretty much &!$$es me off, thats just more to add to my own flame, but honestly, i didnt intend for them to be flamebaits. Also the main reason why i backed down is because Babell out of all people was the one pretty much telling me to F*** off, so i did, why? Babell bothered to visit our forums and all, and the fact that you all think im a troll just discourages me, i just backed down since it really wasnt getting me anywhere and instead i was &!$$ing everyone off.


I guess Zarozian loves you guys because youre faith and honor is probably as big as his. But sometimes when i see holes it really makes me want to point them out since i believe you guys are going too far with your own egos.


But anyways, that coming from Babell did kinda hurt so i just stepped down just not want to respond from there.


I'll refrain from digging into anything there.


Alright. I'm all up for putting this behind. No hard feelings. Just try to watch what you say before you say it, ok?

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Funniest thought: The real winners are mmobomb. They've probably had more visitors in the last 24 hours than in all of their history combined.

true i would pay good money to see their traffic figures for the last week versus the past 2 years

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This... sort of reminds me of a Dark Souls bossfight.

It's a really obscure analogy but... I hope I'm not the only one thinking like this.



If you Mabi players keep making posts like these, I might have to replace some of our arrows with daisies instead.

Glad to have you as an opponent! 

Edited by kaboomonme
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