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[U13] Tenno Search Thread - Stance Mods | Lex Prime | Prepped For Loki Prime



With the apparent lack of content to discover throughout the galaxy, it appears this thread has been silently and unceremoniously unstickied by the powers that be for the time being. Expect a return when Loki Prime enters the fray!


IMPORTANT : The rest of the prime part droptables have been mostly changed as of Update 13. For the new locations of all Primes up to Update 12, see https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/172911-prime-gear-drop-locations/ (The original table will be archived for PS4 players.)
Greetings, Tenno!

With the release of new stance mods for melee in Update 13, we must once again journey across the galaxy to find which enemy drops what mod. If you find any stance mods from a particular enemy, post them here!

We must also strive to find the new Lex Prime - the parts are scattered across T1 Capture, T3 Defense, and T3 Survival with Lotus once again refusing to disclose the drop locations to us! If you find a Lex Prime part, post it here!

Lex Prime complete and Stance mods are all valid as of this current update! Thank you to everyone that helped!

Melee Mods:
(Note : These tables are subject to change as a result of any hotfixes after v13.0.3)
Katana 1: Tranquil Cleave - Frontier Butcher, Arid Butcher

Katana 2 : Decisive Judgement - Tenno Specter***
Sword 1: Iron Phoenix - Lancer, Frontier Lancer, Frontier Hellion, Frontier Heavy Gunner, Arid Lancer, Arid Hellion
Sword 2: Crimson Dervish - Bombard
Dual Sword 1: Crossing Snakes - Elite Lancer, Elite Frontier Lancer, Elite Arid Lancer
Dual Sword 2: Swirling Tiger - Scorch, Corpus Tech, Anti Moa
Scythe 1: Reaping Spiral - Crewman(Dera)
Scythe 2: Stalking Fan - Sniper Crewmen
Fist 1: Seismic Palm - Leaper
Fist 2: Fracturing Wind - Charger
Hands&Feet 1: Grim Fury - Powerfist
Hands&Feet 2: Brutal Tide - Toxic Ancient
Staff 1: Clashing Forest - Corrupted Ancient
Staff 2: Flailing Branch - Corrupted Heavy Gunner
Glaive 1: Gleaming Talon - Leech Osprey
Polearm 1: Shimmering Blight - Seeker, Arid Seeker, Frontier Seeker
Polearm 2: Bleeding Willow - Corrupted Moa
Whip 1: Burning Wasp - Corrupted Lancer
Whip 2: Coiling Viper - Corrupted Crewman
Dagger 1: Homing Fang - Nauseous Crawler
Dagger 2: Pointed Wind - Shockwave Moa
Dual Dagger 1: Gnashing Payara - Elite Crewman
Dual Dagger 2: Sinking Talon - Crewman (Detron)
Axe/Heavy Sword 1: Cleaving Whirlwind - Ancient Disrupter
Axe/Heavy Sword 2: Rending Crane - Napalm
Hammer 1: Shattering Storm - General Sargas Ruk
Hammer 2: Crushing Ruin - Seeker, Arid Seeker, Frontier Seeker
Machete* 1: Sundering Weave - Trooper, Frontier Trooper, Arid Trooper, Eviscerator, Frontier Eviscerator, Arid Eviscerator

Note : Some/all of these mods can be obtain through transmute, for those that wish to try their luck.
*A single Kama and a Prova also count as Machete-type weapons, for those not aware.
**Dual Kamas, Dual Zorens, and Dual Ichors are considered Dual Swords.
***Tenno Specters only appear in conflicted Dark Sectors that are being fought over by two clans! Keep an eye out for clans attacking the Solar Rails if you want this mod.


Lex Prime :
T1 Cap - Lex Prime Receiver
T3 Def - Lex Prime BP
T3 Surivival - Lex Prime Barrel

U12 Prime Parts:

Rhino Prime : Main BP T3 Ext, Systems T2 Ext, Helmet T2 Mob Def, Chassis T3 Survival
Boltor Prime : Main BP T3 Mob Def, Stock T1 Ext, Receiver ODD, Barrel T3 Ext
Ankyros Prime : Main BP T1 Def, Blade T3 Def, Gauntlet T2 Survival
AkBronco Prime : Main BP T1 Ext, Link T3 Cap*

Parts List:

T1 Ext (2/2)
Boltor Prime Stock (ref)
Akbronco Blueprint *

T2 Ext (1/1)
Rhino Prime Systems

T3 Ext (2/2)
Rhino Prime Blueprint (ref)
Boltor Prime Barrel

T1 Def (1/1) **
Ankyros Prime Blueprint (Wave 20, Wave 15, Wave 25)

T3 Def (1/1) **
Ankyros Prime Blade (Wave 20, Wave 15, Wave 25)

T2 Survival (1/1)
Ankyros Prime Gauntlet

T3 Survival (1/1)
Rhino Prime Chassis

T3 Capture (1/1)
AkBronco Prime Link *

T1 Mob Def (1/1)
Boltor Prime Stock

T2 Mob Def (1/1)
Rhino Prime Helmet

T3 Mob Def (1/1)
Boltor Prime Blueprint

ODD (1/1)
Boltor Prime Receiver

*NOTE : The AkBronco Prime does indeed require 2 Bronco Primes, however it ALSO requires a new part called the AkBronco Prime Link.

** For Defense missions, I will be including the wave number(s) the prime part has found at, counting multiple instances.

Old April Fools stuff:

Grate Prime : T3 Interception Main BP, T1 Invasion Grating, T1 Raid Frame, T2 Raid Screws

T3 Interception (1/1)
Grate Prime Main BP (Wave 90, Wave 100, Wave 75)

T1 Invasion (1/1)
Grate Prime Grating (Invasion Stage 3/5)

T1 Raid (1/1)
Grate Prime Frame (Copter into the river where the Stalker would normally spawn. You'll find it there.)

T2 Raid (1/1)
Grate Prime Screws (If you walk up to the giant white tree and fall down the 'bottomless pit', you'll find a room full of them.)

Original Post :

Greetings, fellow tenno,

As you all know, several new Prime weapons and Rhino Prime were released recently in Update 12.4.0. As some of you might have also noticed, DE the Lotus decided to be very mysterious about where these parts could be found.

So begins our quest to find out what drops where - if you find any of the new items in the Void, post them here and where you found them! (For reference, see the second link - new parts CANNOT be found in ODS, T1 Capture, T1 Survival, T2 Capture, or T2 Defense)

We have compiled all new Prime part locations, including the all new Grate Prime! Thank you everyone for posting!

Best of luck,
A random tenno

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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ok this is stupid>I just went to Tower II Exterminate and at beggining there was like 3 Lifesteal leaders(Heavies)!!!

i mean, how can u finish  some tower if there are a lot of 30+ levels ???

and no luck 4 me, because i went on like 30 waves of def, and only void keys were prices.... its stupid!

prime parts should be more often, not that rare

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The Ankyros Prime parts are awful to obtain. I have the BP, but have done 4 T2 Survivals to 40 minutes and 3 T3 Defenses to Wave 40 and haven't gotten a single blade or Gauntlet. I'm beginning to question if I really even want those since they are kind of sucky anyway. It's just that it is the only Prime item I don't have

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If DE would actually try and GIVE us a lore-wise reason to visit all the locations in the game they wouldn't need to split parts due to outrageous rng.
Give rewards for task that are hard and feeseble in the lore of the game.. Instead of giving us random space ninja framework (which is awesome btw) try to implement something that was a must in any kind of rpg game and thats LORE and stuff to do... not just go around killing stuff for the resources.

Checkout terra f2b game, it does offer grinding for those that like grinding or certain areas but PLAYING the game and the story it depicts yields plenty enough to have a pvp capable endgame character.

Not even going to mention areas and respect that tenno should have if he molested the area in repetitious grind... there is so much to implement in this game and DE is going in all the wrong directions.

Players come and go... you need players like WoW that just come here and never leave... and you need a lot of them.

Few things.

Storyline - Why is MY teno who he is and what is he part of (gimme at least 10 missions of that)

Space - Give me a reason to do whatever you tell me to do in a fashion that is not repetitious till my eyes bleed

events - you are doing that right (give or take)

PVP- wtf? where are the maps, where are the conflicts, where are invasion on a greener ship with corpus backup just to be welcomed by greenier supporting tenno pack.
Where are balances on the weapons? you are just making new shet leaving old in the dust to rot. Anyone remeber mire, fragor, dual heat? when is the last time you saw a veteran playing serious with those weaps? They have to have something that would make them usefull even in one case scenario.

This is a pure rant from a WF player, im passionate, i know what i like and i like a lot of this game, voted WF instead APB but DE you need to get your act straight or you will find yourselves in a gutter with no way out while your way out is starring you in the face.

I asked do you need help with lore and missions even privatly... i got a reply post it here and we will see? the fact...... proven.... thats bullshet.

Love you... but god damn u piss me off.. il go level my vandaltron once more (since it feels like im holding a latron prime with 6 bullets in my hands)

Over and out...

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OK....I dont know exactly HOW rare The Rhino Prime Chassis/Helm AND BP are...BUT. They have to be among the most rare drops in the game...I have ran 21 T-3 Survivals in the past 2 days...and I have only gotten 3 items...Fusion Core, Credits, and a God Dam Sicarus Prime part.....


 SERIOUSLY---The drop rates nee to be adjusted. Also, for some reason, the Rhino Prime Systems drop rate is out of control, its the only dam thing that drops in T-3 Extermination.....So, No wonder everyone is selling every Rhino Prime part for like 100+ plat, other than the systems..


 I dunno, just thought I'd post this, wondering if anyone else has had the same problem with the drop % on these parts

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What is grate prime? And what dose it do?

"Grate Prime is the epitome of metal grate and ancient Orokin technology combined. Able to withstand damage from the heaviest of Tenno, this golden gilded Grate boasts twice the entry power and floor bounce rate of the original Grate." (ref)

Is it real? I'm dead serious. xP

As real as Void Interception and Void Invasion missions are. ;) Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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"Grate Prime is the epitome of metal grate and ancient Orokin technology combined. Able to withstand damage from the heaviest of Tenno, this golden gilded Grate boasts twice the entry power and floor bounce rate of the original Grate." (ref)

As real as Void Interception and Void Invasion missions are. ;)

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I want to actually see a screen shot of this in game before I go searching for it lol I can't help but feel its fake or a joke weapon I mean as much as I want to be a space ninja beating legions of enemies to death with a vent cover I am hesitant to search for it.

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I want to actually see a screen shot of this in game before I go searching for it lol I can't help but feel its fake or a joke weapon I mean as much as I want to be a space ninja beating legions of enemies to death with a vent cover I am hesitant to search for it.

It was an April Fools joke. :)



Anybody can tell me an updated drop location of fang prime. I would much appreciate it.


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What are the percentage chances on each piece?


Starting to lose hope and wondering if I should just give up on trying to get the new prime gear if some of the parts have less than 1% drop rate.

No idea, unfortunately, but people have managed to get them, so pray to the RNG.



Where can I get the parts for Paris prime at?


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