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No One Joins After Mission Start


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I've noticed that other squad members are not joining my missions after the last big patch (the patch which introduced Tethra's Doom).


I was playing with a friend (squad of two - me and them) and in none of the missions, no one ever joined up to our game. We were running alerts. The one exception to this was on Xini where we got two more to join a few waves in.


When I ran some alerts today, no one was currently running the alert so I started the game mission per usual. Normally, people jump in soon after the start but as with when I was playing with my friend, no one joined so I ended up soloing them.


Save the exception with Xini, the only time I'm able to join random players is when they're sitting in the lobby (the load screen) for that mission. I'm used to that but generally speaking, I've usually just joined the mission in progress if someone else started it. I haven't done this or been able to since the Doom patch.


Any ideas or was something changed that this is the expected behavior now?



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Same thing happened, except with one other friend fighting the invasion on Uranus. Now, it's possible the rest were fighting for the Grineer rather than for the Corpus like we were, but... still... seems pretty odd.

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Same issue has been happening to me aswell. I've run the gift of the lotus alert and the interception missions today. When I ran the interception mission solo and joined online matchmaking I was grouped up with three other players. While running with a friend no new players would join. At the time the mission was showing 100+ players.

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It happened again just now. I ran a rescue alert alone. Oddly, the hostage just ran at me and I didn't need to unlock cells. This may be a change, but also, when Lotus said get to extraction, there was no notification icon. I ran around the map a bit since sometimes those icons are slow to load or don't show all the time on the map, but nope, no icon on the big or min-map, so I aborted.

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Having same issue. Whenever I do a solo queue it will generally put me in with a group. But when I group up with a friend and try and do the Tethra's Doom (haven't tried to do any other maps yet) together, no one joins. We were both had our party options set to Online.

Edited by Shalanigh
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Sometimes I hit Play Now and start the mission before I get into a random group.  Since the last patch I no longer get teammates.  Tried it multiple times on Defense, Mobile Defense, Capture, the missions where you hack 4 consoles, etc.  Never get a teammate.

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Sometimes I hit Play Now and start the mission before I get into a random group.  Since the last patch I no longer get teammates.  Tried it multiple times on Defense, Mobile Defense, Capture, the missions where you hack 4 consoles, etc.  Never get a teammate.


I am having the same exact issue..i dont have games with players anymore

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Looks like it's been a few days and no fix. This is a huge issue.


I CANNOT play with my friend in the same group, but if I solo, I get 3 other teammates almost instantly on Tethra's Doom. It seems like every patch there's patches to patch the patch from the patch. 

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This is still happening for me if I am already grouped up - which meant that my friend and I had to PUG separately to get the parts to build the Tethra key (for both stages). When we are grouped we never get anyone joining us. I have no problem PUGing on my own, but I would like to be able to play with my friend and be able to have people join to help speed things along. Right now it is either duo or play full squad with all randoms.

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Noticed the same thing over the last few days, ever since Tethra's Doom started.  A friend hosted the interception event half a dozen times, with me getting a manual invite each time.  Mission would start but no additional players would join (and there were undoubtedly thousands of people running that).  Couldn't have been a host issue; we've run hundreds of missions the same way pre-12.4.0 without encountering this.


Additionally, if I attempted to join any interception runs on my own through auto-matching, I would have to click on the node, then back out, click, back out, click, back out multiple times before it allowed me to join.  All the while, the UI was showing over a hundred groups running it. 


Now that the event is beginning to die down, I'm starting to see these issues in normal missions as well.  Something is definitely wrong with matchmaking post-patch.  Hope it gets sorted out.

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Definitely having the same issue since patch 12.4.0 (or 12.4.1, can't be sure right now) hit


I can't join any ongoing match since the patch.

I can join other players only if they are sitting in the lobby, or if the mission basically just started (which means both I and the host are still in the loading screen).


Furthermore, no one is able to join me.


I can invite people just fine and host for them (or viceversa), but well, once the mission started nobody can join it.


I'm not playing much lately, but did over 30 missions with nobody joining.. and that's more than odd. Since I started playing this is a first (aside from few nightmare missions where not really many people join)

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We have the very same problem. We are able to play public or solo just fine - I didn't even encounter any problems with players joining late into a mission but when we play with a group of 2 or 3, noone ever joins our game.


Rather bothersome if you ask me.

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Well, more than bothersome, since it's killing my will to play.

I either have to play solo or sit in the lobby waiting for the team to fill it up.

The issue in this case is..  either wait for a lot of time or hope that more than one person will join in the lobby, since nobody else will join the mission once it started.


As of patch 12.4.4 the issue is still there


Tried the suggested workaround to play solo and then go back online as well, but to no avail.


It's obvious that not everybody is encountering this issue, as a couple of my friends can play just fine.

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Still happening.  In the last 2 weeks I've jumped from <1% mission quit rate to 5% solely from deciding that I don't feel like hammering my way though high level crap solo after I got dumped into a different session from the 3 other people the lobby showed as being in my group.

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Yeah the Issue is still there. I received an answer from the support team and they said it must be something with my firewall/lan/proxy settings. But I did not change anything and it was working fine until Teathras doom patch when matchmaking suddenly stopped working. And other games and applications run perfectly fine without any issues so I certainly will not mess up my settings.



The answer from the support team makes it obvious that this issue is not recognized as a problem on their side or not recognized as a problem at all as so few people seem to be affected. So I guess we will have to live with it.



On the other thread Momaw posted this workaround. This most of the time helps to get people join into your lobby. But it still doesn't fix that people won't join after mission start.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll be doing some testing tomorrow night for DE. I find it odd that on some missions, people were able to join, but for alerts - where it really stands out - we're still in a squad of one when I'm playing with just one other person.


We ran a regular mission and people joined. I ran a survival alone expecting to stay that way and people joined. There seems to be no reason to how and why this happens. It'll be interesting if I can replicate this repeatedly.


Sesotho, can you post a link to Momaw's thread?

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