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Orokin Derelict Bug?


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So, I decided to do an ODE solo. I'm at the end, and found a vault, which was my intent. I grab the artifact only to be met with this...


I really don't want to leave the mission, but...what can I do? I can't go through it, but if I stand next to it, I can throw my glaive through. From a distance though, my glaive just bounces back. Has this also happened to anyone else? (whether playing solo or in a group)

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This sounds similar to an issue I had back then, but that's usually when you join a mission that's already on-going, mostly happening if there are lags. This means your situation is even weirder than I thought XD


Have you also tried submitting a support ticket? Maybe an EE log can help, I don't know.

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This just happened to me....twice. First time, I opened the vault, and was unable to enter at all....now I'm trapped inside having retrieved the artifact :/ Also running solo so i's a bit of a kick in the balls heh

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This just happened to me earlier today. Thankfully we were right next to extraction and I was playing with my friend, so it wasn't too bad. If I was playing solo, though, it could have been really aggravating.

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This just happened to me....twice. First time, I opened the vault, and was unable to enter at all....now I'm trapped inside having retrieved the artifact :/ Also running solo so i's a bit of a kick in the balls heh

 As you can in the picture, this was exactly my case lol

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Today i went to the orokin vaults alone. I took 20 minutes to clear the enemy in the exterminate mission.

but when i go back the vaults and used the key and i can't enter  the room. Then i opened the recording software.

Try to record the this bug. When i return to the game. The room was enterable. Then i get in the room and got the artifact.

When i want to leave. The door was locked again


Check this:



Edited by okoRin
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Had this twice yesterday.


First time there were 4 of us. The key holder opened the vault, he entered the vault and another went in. Then the one with the artifact went out but the other was stuck in there. Hopefully we could go to the extraction and wait for the timer and everyone had their corrupted mod at the end.


The second time, 3 of us went stuck inside the vault and the fourth was stuck outside, thus rendering the mission unfinishable even with all the enemies exterminated and the last one waiting at the extraction. We even had 3 Nova's and couldn't put a Worm Hole through the door both ways and even shooting through wasn't working.


AkunoAyanokoji, I don't know if you can, but could you change the title of the topic through editing your first post to make it more explicit? something like "orokin derelict vault door bug"? It may attract more due attention this way.

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Had ths happen just now with a clannie,  I got out but he was stuck. His mission (exterminate) key, my door (hobbled) key.

Stupidly I went back in to 'open' the invisble door - and we were both stuck.

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Here is an update to my vault issues.  Of course I have had the same problems as suggested above.  Here are some comments and other things to watch out for.


1.  Golem Navigation Coord that I pick up in the mission don't get transferred to my pack.

2.  There are a lot of potential stuck spots on the map.  Be careful jumping around.  To add insult to injury, while I was stuck in vault I was hoping around practicing my moves.  I get stuck on the wall.  So, I was stuck on wall trapped in the vault.  Eventually, I freed myself from wall then waited about 40 minutes for vault invisible door to drop.

3.  I have been stuck about six times in last couple days in vaults.  The first three I just aborted.  However, the last three I waited.  Eventually I was able to get in/out.

4.  OPening the vault door eats your key.  I think this IBD.


I am not sure what causes the invisible wall.  I have cleared the map, cleared all but one guy, or entered the vault after killing just ten mobs.  There is no real pattern that I can discern.  Likewise, the reasons that the door drops also escape me.  I have waited seconds to near an hour for it to open. Perhaps an admin is monitoring the game and frees trapped people.  Sometimes my frame rate drops very low while playing this map for no apparent reason.  Perhaps this is all related.

Edited by mpastor
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I've had the same bug happen a few times now and most recently on a solo drop. its really infuriating when you've actually mamaged to get the right key only to be met with "sorry you cant have this toy" glitch.....doesnt help that it burnt up both my derelict key and my dragon key for a whole load of nothing.

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No this is an old collision bug.Have you opened any green lockers in the vault?

It seems to me that only if you open lockers that are in the vault this bug occures.So try entering the vault,take only the artifact and see if you can exit then,but remember don't open the lockers,none of them

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I just had this happen to me and at the advice of another player I used my ignis to shoot around all of the room, eventually I hit an invisible object that exploded and de-loaded the door collision correctly. In my case the explosion happened shooting to the left side of the hall out of the door. If you have any splash damage, punch through, or luck it can't hurt to give everything in the room a shot or ten as a last ditch effort to free yourself.

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No this is an old collision bug.Have you opened any green lockers in the vault?

It seems to me that only if you open lockers that are in the vault this bug occures.So try entering the vault,take only the artifact and see if you can exit then,but remember don't open the lockers,none of them


I think I may have opened the lockers when I tried in this instance. I'll have to try another solo run and see if it happens.


AkunoAyanokoji, I don't know if you can, but could you change the title of the topic through editing your first post to make it more explicit? something like "orokin derelict vault door bug"? It may attract more due attention this way.


No, I am unable to change the topic title. Going to need a mod intervention to change the title, but yes, I agree that I should have put a better descriptive title.

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I just bumped into this problem again - had it happen several days ago, and thought I'd give vault runs another shot in case it was an isolated problem.

It doesn't look like an isolated problem :(

In this run (still in-mission as I post this), I didn't open any of the lockers inside the vault. I used the key, waited for the lotus dialogue to finish, and then stepped inside. Just to test, I stepped back out and then in again before claiming the artifact. I'm not really sure exactly when the problem happened, but I'll try waiting it out to see if I have any luck :\

edit: Nothing. Warframe crashed on me when I tried to ALT+TAB to desktop from the menu while in-mission, so I guess I won't know if waiting would have fixed it.

I was able to pop enemies outside the "door" with puncture, but the invisible wall completely hid me from their notice. People have reported being able to switch teleport out of the vault after being stuck; has anyone had any success with that?

Edited by notlamprey
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Popping back in to report that opening/not opening lockers inside the vault doesn't seem to have any effect on the likelihood of getting stuck - been stuck twice in the last hour, didn't open lockers either of those times.

I can also say that switch teleporting looks like a crapshoot. I was able to get unstuck once that way, and it hasn't worked since. Maybe there's a certain sweet spot for placing your decoy...

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