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What If 'players' Acted Out The Stalker Role.. Like In Dark Souls?


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I like the idea. However the invading Stalker would have to have the standard pre-set Stalker gear.

If you think this unfair - I am always being invaded by the Stalker when my Warframe is rank 1 - 20.

But my team makes up for it.


About PvP and PvE:

I already had suspicions that DE staff is sometimes playing as the Stalker though.

- Sometimes the Stalker would just fight against mobs and stand around, playing the bullet sponge.

- On rare occassions, he ignores mobs, wallruns, leaps, evades and do other incredible maneuvers.


So it wouldn't be too different having players taking over the Stalker. But like in Demons Souls/ Dark Souls, the invading party shouls be at least one  rank lower than the host.

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You clearly haven't played vs stalker.  He's immune to cc and stuns.

You clearly haven't used vortex to prevent stalker from using slash dash (hint it works out *REALLY* well to prevent that attack and while it doesn't ragdoll him it still pulls him around like it does a pleyer).

Second, link still prevents 100% of damage from the stalker.

Third, stun immunity doesnt apply to player entities, only some heavy and boss entities.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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You clearly haven't used vortex to prevent stalker from using slash dash (hint it works out *REALLY* well to prevent that attack and while it doesn't ragdoll him it still pulls him around like it does a pleyer).

Second, link still prevents 100% of damage from the stalker.

Third, stun immunity doesnt apply to player entities, only some heavy and boss entities.

Oh noes, so there are one or two abilities that might need adjusting for vs stalker egads.  Lets shoot done an idea on the basis that minor balance changes for a single boss would be too hard.  It's like you think DE is a bunch of lazy eyed drooling incompetents who are lucky they even know how to breath.


Besides, it's not like slash dash is stalker's only option.  A player controlled stalker will see vortex and use slash dash/teleport to escape/get around the vortex.


Stalker in this case would be a boss being played by a player.

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It is more than one or two, what about invis, IS, well of life, sound quake...the list could go on.

The point is that they could focus soley on the PVE aspect of the game and polish up what we have instead of shoe-horning in an idea like this and working for quite a few updates to balance it all out.

And most people would prefer that they fix all of the issues and not even think about trying to put this in because if they do put it in it would would lead to them working to balance it all out so people stop yelling on the forums about it, instead of actually putting out new content.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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The thing about Dark Souls, for anybody here that has never played that game, is that PvP has several checks and balances so that the game isn't a chaotic "get invaded every 2 seconds"/


I'll list them here:


1). You CANNOT be invaded by a player if you are in your undead form.

2). You CANNOT be invaded by a player if you defeated the boss of the area.

3). You CANNOT be invaded by a player if you're in an area that does not have a boss.

4). You CANNOT be invaded by a player who is significantly higher level than you. (though, this means next to nothing if the invader is a low-level in extremely high-end gear).

5). You CAN be invaded by a player if you are in your human form AND have not killed the boss in the area yet.

6). Once invaded, you CANNOT be invaded again until a certain amount of time passes (15 minutes?) unless you willingly use an item to manually reset the timer yourself.

7). You are more likely to be invaded if you have invaded and killed players and performed certain "evil" actions yourself (Self Defense, that is, killing an invader doesn't count for this purpose, neither does killing an 'evil' invadee. It's complicated lol.).


In Warframe, we'd need similar checks and balances. Right now, you have to kill a boss for Stalker to "invade" you. Also, there's a 4-player limit, I'd assume that the invading player counts against this 4-player limit?


Dark Souls made it so that you could only summon 2 helpers because the limit in Dark Souls is also 4 players per game (it doesn't have dedicated servers either, it is actually a Peer-to-Peer system). They left 1 slot open for Invaders, to make it impossible to protect yourself from invasion by summoning 3 buddies.

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It's a nice idea, sure it could use some polishing but what about those who solely want PvE, why not make it so there's no real bonus to it cause that'd be like saying to those people that they're too much of a chicken, just the challenge should be enough of a reward.  Fail the mission as a Stalker wait a whole day to try again like rank up tests.  Win as the stalker why not give him a 1 hr cool down.   Twp games that I've played that are PvEvP are Shaiya and Aion.  The first one has so broken PvP that unless you Pay2Win you'll never get anything in PvP zones, Aion with the new update gives us a mobility built class with a skill chain that recovers MP and HP meaning if geared and played right you'll heal yourself and keep fighting.   Exploits in PvP games are everywhere, one reason I stopped playing online shooters for a while was Hackers.  This game doesn't have any due to not being PvP oriented.  Dark Souls was a fun if not rage inducing game but it also showed that invasions were fun if you were ready and could handle it.  Those for the idea of a bonus being granted for having it on want the challenge but they seem to want bragging rights for it too.  I feel no bonus is needed to be a Stalker just seeing it my play style is good enough to win.  So if it is implemented there shouldn't be a bonus for having it on since people will complain there's no bonus for having it off.   I'd have it on just to see if I can handle it.

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It's a nice idea, sure it could use some polishing but what about those who solely want PvE, why not make it so there's no real bonus to it cause that'd be like saying to those people that they're too much of a chicken, just the challenge should be enough of a reward. 


It doesn't need an exclusive reward, that way no one feels left out, but it should have some reward for killing another player (credits, resources). At the very least, it needs to keep track of these things and be publicly viewable, so you could see if a stalker has killed many others.


At this point, I feel like either DE is already implementing this, or they have already decided no and will not change their minds. They're very much aware of Dark Souls, they've mentioned playing it, and so I'm sure they know how invasions worked. Whether they feel this could fit WF or not probably won't change regardless of what we say, but the fact that this thread keeps growing should at least give them something to consider.

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Instead of 'striving' to become the Stalker through making the Stalker Warframe, what if they did it like Old Monk in Demon Souls:

Any Online players has a chance to be 'summoned' to become the Stalker, joining the target's Online/Private session a la Darkmoon using the Stalker warframe and all the weapons or abilities that entails. Random Stalker, random target. No intentional D-ickwraithing.

Of course they'd still keep the NPC Stalker for use when a target can't be matched to a Stalker, or when they're playing Offline.

This I fully agree with. It should be a random player. And if your chosen, you cannot be chosen again for another 3 days or something. Must be an online player.

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Whenever the lights flicker in game, i ask the chat 'hey, who's getting invaded?'


Simply put, I would love this to be put into the game. And with those half-useless elemental resist mods, it seems they're setting the stage for some PVP. I do hope it's something like this, and not some awful 4v4 crap.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it'd be the most effeicent way to add in some PvP, and it would add some variety.

You would have to gather a lot of rare materials to make a stalker warframe, and the BP's could be elusive as well, kind of like banshee. You would also probably need to be pretty high ranked. Like 5-10? I don't know.

You would invade just like the stalker does now, you have your intended target, and you can only see him, the catch is, the other co-op members can see you this time. If you win, you get X amount of creds, or maybe a random item of some sort..and if they win, the same.

It would be completely random, across the galaxy, maybe make some exceptions of new players..but certainly not systems, since high level players still farm there.


I recon the most efficient method of introducing PvP would be to do a dojo room with more players, something the size of the assault course.

I dont recon this stalker things too good. As the human stalkers would be much more inclined to attack other players than the target, and any fixes for this would create holes in the entire system. Also, the stalker vanishes when the target goes down, so it would last long enough to be worth obtaining an item to do it.

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I love the Darksouls idea of invasion, however I think DE should take it a step further.


Key info: Host's chose to not allow full invasions in which case nothing happens. 


Host's by default have Basic invasion permitted in which invasions still occur, the only real stopping point is the Rogue's cannot use some of the abilities and are instead - well - just regular units they'd run into anyway, only (hopefully) a touch smarter. This selection would reward users slightly, with a tiny % for a rare mod or drop, but 99% of the time, just more credits and thinking the AI had a brilliant moment, or $&*&*#(%& ones. 


Host's can chose to enable Full invasion, which warns joining players of the potential : and a very slight increased % of reward chance. It's not suppose to be real incentive to do it, just a nice icing on the cake.


Rogue Rank 1:

You are allowed to cam and survey the map around the Tenno, and select a grunt for control. The more damage you accrue the faster you level.


Rogue Rank 2:

Your units can now access terminals once every 300 seconds.


Rogue Rank 3: 

You can activate Elite status with Block key, bolstering your currently controlled unit's stats significantly.. Now your actually posing a small threat. Cooldown of 60 seconds. (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)


Rogue Rank 4:

You are granted access to all generated units.


Rogue Rank 5: 

Upon selection, a squad of units can be called join behind you to follow your lead.


Rogue Rank 6:

You are granted access to a low-tier boss selection that can be used once per match. Bosses do not benefit from Elite status.  (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)

Rogue Rank 7:

Your boss ability cooldowns are reduced 10%


Rogue Rank 8:

You are granted access to high tier boss selection.  (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)


Rogue Rank 9:

You can now call in additional higher tier units once every 250 seconds.


Rogue Rank 10:

Stalker 'Boss' unit unlocked.


Rogue's gain affinity with their currently equip warframe even though it is not presently in use, but only in small amounts.

Playing a rogue is for the fun of it, or at most a .5% of a mod drop on failure, 1% on success, and no promise on if it's common or rare, it simply happens, and you simply play it because it's enjoyable.

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This sounds like it could be a very fun feature if it were implemented well at all. I'm generally not a huge fan of the idea of adding pvp stuff into the game but if this were done and possibly a "banish stalker" item made that you could use while you were being taunted to cancel the whole affair, it'd be a harmless and fun way to add in a lot of replayability through just stalking other players and having a good time.


They could even join the squad chat and have their name masked as STALKER but still be able to communicate/taunt other players, allowing you to say gg and such once a match ends.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm just another Tenno, and I approve of this idea. It's an interesting concept, though it certainly needs to be fleshed out some more. At the moment, I can't give any suggestions, nor contribute to this thread, except paste below an idea I had sometime ago concerning the Stalker, but more "PvE" oriented:



Also, let's not forget the Stalker, he'd get a few more connections or more allies. Hell, an Orokin Tower that belongs to a rogue Clan whose members are the likes of our psychotic and deranged Tenno-like enemy is a nice idea, I think. That'd be an interesting mission, 'Clan Fight', where several 4-man squads, all hailing from the same Clan, infiltrate different points of this 'Stalker Tower', each with different objectives which would be decided in a special lobby with chat(one team would rescue hostages, another would wipe out resistance for a sector and retrieve data***) and, of course, due to the Peer to Peer connectivity issues, this mission would require a specific server to be able to house all the players in it, yet it would not allow them to interact with each other, remember, 4-man squads, at least not directly. Think of this, a squad is pinned down and surviving an onslaught of enemies, like in Mobile Defense, while another squad is busy helping and protecting Lotus while she hack terminals. Those terminals, once broken, would allow the pinned squad to evacuate to move on.

(***) if you've ever played Mass Effect 2, think of the final mission, where you pick the teammates that will accompany you and those who will go to different areas with different objectives.



And to all those bashing on the idea, come on now, give it a chance. There's no need for such negativity. Who knows, maybe it'll be a breath of fresh air from all the PvE repetitiveness in Warframe. And besides, DERebecca thinks it's a nice idea, that's gotta amount for something, right?

Edited by RazorTip
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Having done some dueling, why would I not just Trinity ult spam and 1 shot all the stalkers I see with an Ogris? Hell, I was instantly killing all the non-tank frames in duels using a Kestrel charge attack. Our damage output was not intended for players, it was meant for enemies with scaling. The only people who would benefit from this is people with maxed builds who can laugh as they dunk Stalker after Stalker. Besides, nothing would beat Trinity because it turns out that invincibility for 15 seconds is good.


Screwing people over while they are farming is not the solution. Areas where you know you will get invaded would have to be made. Then damage from player to player would need to be balanced, while not making us invincible to PvE mobs. This is a large system that would take time and money to implement in a game that is clearly advertised as being PvE. The PvP in the game now is hardly used, why add more of something that most people seem to not want?


TL;DR - If you wanted PvP, you came to the wrong game.

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I love the Darksouls idea of invasion, however I think DE should take it a step further.


Key info: Host's chose to not allow full invasions in which case nothing happens. 


Host's by default have Basic invasion permitted in which invasions still occur, the only real stopping point is the Rogue's cannot use some of the abilities and are instead - well - just regular units they'd run into anyway, only (hopefully) a touch smarter. This selection would reward users slightly, with a tiny % for a rare mod or drop, but 99% of the time, just more credits and thinking the AI had a brilliant moment, or $&*&*#(%& ones. 


Host's can chose to enable Full invasion, which warns joining players of the potential : and a very slight increased % of reward chance. It's not suppose to be real incentive to do it, just a nice icing on the cake.


Rogue Rank 1:

You are allowed to cam and survey the map around the Tenno, and select a grunt for control. The more damage you accrue the faster you level.


Rogue Rank 2:

Your units can now access terminals once every 300 seconds.


Rogue Rank 3: 

You can activate Elite status with Block key, bolstering your currently controlled unit's stats significantly.. Now your actually posing a small threat. Cooldown of 60 seconds. (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)


Rogue Rank 4:

You are granted access to all generated units.


Rogue Rank 5: 

Upon selection, a squad of units can be called join behind you to follow your lead.


Rogue Rank 6:

You are granted access to a low-tier boss selection that can be used once per match. Bosses do not benefit from Elite status.  (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)

Rogue Rank 7:

Your boss ability cooldowns are reduced 10%


Rogue Rank 8:

You are granted access to high tier boss selection.  (Disabled if Host disallows invasion.)


Rogue Rank 9:

You can now call in additional higher tier units once every 250 seconds.


Rogue Rank 10:

Stalker 'Boss' unit unlocked.


Rogue's gain affinity with their currently equip warframe even though it is not presently in use, but only in small amounts.

Playing a rogue is for the fun of it, or at most a .5% of a mod drop on failure, 1% on success, and no promise on if it's common or rare, it simply happens, and you simply play it because it's enjoyable.

Very interesting idea. 

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Would be cool, but in the Stalker Warframe and Loadout with fixed gear and abilities. Also, the Stalker should then be adjusted to the stalked player's lvl and be toned down, because a player is much more dangerous as a Stalker than the AI.

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Would be cool, but in the Stalker Warframe and Loadout with fixed gear and abilities. Also, the Stalker should then be adjusted to the stalked player's lvl and be toned down, because a player is much more dangerous as a Stalker than the AI.

AI can be a lot more dangerous than players if it is well designed.

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