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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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I don't know either.


The problem is, not only do we have egos at stake, but also DE has legal questions added into the mix. We DON'T have all of the information. People ASSUME we do and are making assumptions based on their lack of information. Others are just demanding things and still others on all sides are trolling to stir the pot.


Thing is, I wouldn't MIND if PS4 got the REGULAR Excalibur Prime, making the Founders THERE our brothers. If they pay what I had to. I may be in the minority here on PC, but I THINK that adding more Founders would be a good thing. Now if you are ALREADY a Founder here and transfer over...  Ick... it gets complicated.


This is a VERY cool game. It isn't finished by a long shot. We have a chance to make something great here.


Will we rise to the challenge? Or will greed and avarice doom this title as it has so many others?


SSSHHHH, don't talk about legal stuff or DE might close this topic like they did another one discussing this topic.


Wait a minute....

Edited by (PS4)Octodog
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