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Pc Tethra's Doom: Results!


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Then I would settle with the self pride of saying "At least I lost to superior numbers and not superior skill".


You are talking about a numbers game with a person who's played a lot of Planetside 2 where most of the battles I lose are to numbers.....

I don't need 3rd Party recognition to see that I'm good.  I know that I'm good.  Anything else to me is just people with a big ego.






I'll quote the post for you, so you don't get all confused "We did that, but to get more than 2477 even in a perfect run (not loosing a single hp, skipping all doors using a loki) you had to use a glitch that consist in lagging the game, or using a laggy host, aparently that would give you more points in the end if you do a perfect run."


And other one I found "I got confirmation from a friend that got 2486 that a laggy host is needed to get more than that, unfortunately its too late for my clan since i'm the only member online xD"


How much you wana bet that if I went through all the Warbros members that quite a few of them would have 2477 or more in score?  Meaning they would of had of used the Loki Door Glitch as well as the laggy host "glitch"


And ummm, funny enough shr0ud you have 2477 score...... funny that eh?


Effectively all you're saying is any clan in the mountain or moon tier is "bad because they just have numbers so there".


Stop getting so upset about it. People used the right frames to play the game the way it was laid out for us. Next thing you'll be saying using Frost to create protective globes is unfair or everyone using Energy Siphon is an unfair advantage to those that don't have Energy Siphon. Warbros won through a combination of skill, savvy recruitment and determination.


You're jumping on the bandwagon because you don't like the thought of losing and nobody does, but chill out and accept defeat graciously rather than acting like a child. I say this because I see no mention of the other top clans in our bracket, who also got points due to numbers. There was a kid in here who said he was the only person in his clan still active, and thus had no chance, so even ghost clans were affected by the numbers game.


You do what you do to win, and if that means working with the way the event was programmed to calculate score, you roll with it, the same way everyone did. Warbros has won events based on skill and ability as well, so your comments fall flat. I'm sorry you weren't able to score 2477 points, but that doesn't mean everyone else who did was suddenly "cheating" to do so. You want to talk about skill? Get some of your own first.

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Just like when Lance Armstrong was caught doping, all of Mr. Armstrong's achievements in the Tour de France wins are now meaningless. Even if one or two of his wins were honest.


Talking about Lance Armstrong and cycling.. This event was pretty much the same as that whole cycling sport in general.

Everyone cheats by using roids or other drugs, just like everyone cheated in this event. Just because one guy or Warbros Number One gets busted does not mean the others did not.

Yet that does not take away how much effort people in our clan, or the people that train for cycling put in to WIN.

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Man you should learn to read


"Door skipping with loki + perfect run".


That means you must of participated in a run that consisted of someone GLITCHING with a loki.  I really don't know how much more I can spell it out for you.


Oh, I would love it if everyone who did glitch was honest and said "I was glitching / bug abusing", then the scores of those people removed and THEN looked at the scoreborads.  I can sit here and say now that the boards would be very very different.

Why are you flame-baiting so hard? Can you please go derail somewhere else?

Personally, congratulations to Warbros for getting the gold, Crescent Moon for getting the silver and Warframe Japan for the Bronze. All of you moon clans must have had to work seriously hard just to get all your players to coordinate just to get in those positions.

Again well done everyone.

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Morte, it seems you're forgetting that this is the thread to congratulate the winners, not to submit a bug report. It is an easy mistake to make, especially when angered because your clan didn't become #1, but please move your complaints to the related bug report forum. I heard the devs are very happy with any bug report.


Don't forget, go fast and Warbros #1.

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Thread cleansed of unnecessary insults and dev bashing, any further posts of that nature will not be tolerated. Please keep it civil! :)

Congratulations are in order for Warbros for still being number one amidst adversity, well done. *tentacle salute*

Agreed that this is getting out of hand BUT, you should also congratulate clan who placed #1 in the other tiers. They worked very hard too.

Otherwise It makes you sound bias. That is if you care about your perception of appearing bias. :)

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how did this loki door glitch work anyway?


I didn't play enough to know the ins and outs of this event, but from what I understand, the Loki could run ahead and open doors ahead of the shield core?


an Ash could do that too. heck even a Valkyrie could, or anyone with some sort of invincibility or invisibility.


would you be implying that it takes more skill to not open doors until the core reaches them and stops to wait for you to, when you actually can open them before the core reaches the doors?

how much skill is involved with that? pressing 3 a few more times with your Frost? the Loki standing around doing nothing and pretending to shoot enemies while walking with the core?

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Take it up with DE if you want to complain about the way the event favoured numbers over skill.


If you really want to believe that Warbros did that but none of the other top clans then I think you're delusional. I'm sure it wouldn't have been said but Warbros wasn't the only clan to lose points at the end, we're just the easy target always in the spotlight.


Do you want to know the best part though? They did take our points away and we still won. They could have made it an average score of everyone who played and we'd still have won. Just deal with it, don't hate the player hate the game.


Warbros forever.


My animosity with DE and their repeated imcompetency regarding events and scoring is a whole other story.


As for your points reduction, is that an admitance of cheating/abusing the system for your own "perceived fragile illusion of superiority?"  Yes, you were not the only one caught red handed, but you were by far deducted the most points, some 300,000 if I am not mistaken (and yes, I have before and after screenshots to prove this), which would clearly indicate your willingness to cheat/abuse/glitch your way to the top.


Now, once your first method of cheating/glitching/bug abusing was exposed and taken away, you found another way to game the system, again, to maintain that fragile illusion.


Then to top it all off, you say that your average would of been high enough to win anyway, if like Cicero, that was the method of scoring.  Interesting, so you are for the second time admitting suspect play in that you would of had to abuse either laggy hosting, Loki teleport glitching or a combination of them both, to boost your average above that which would of been attainable by playing the event as DE intended.  Is that hypothesis correct? 


Oh, one last thing, yes I can hate the players, as well as the game, its just easy when the players who think they are "number one" have to resort to such methods, then think this entitles them to brag.




they can actually stay in the clan, the recruitment process was lax for the duration of yesterday, but people still had to undergo part of it to join. and they're all 100% part of the clan, nobody's getting throwwn out after getting used like a.... i better not finish that sentence i guess.


So, you are admitting this account is an alt of a warbros member afterall?  Yeah, thought so.  No bias here chaps.  Nope.



Thread cleansed of unnecessary insults and dev bashing, any further posts of that nature will not be tolerated. Please keep it civil! :)

Congratulations are in order for Warbros for still being number one amidst adversity, well done. *tentacle salute*


Oh look, Warbros second favourite moderator has shown up.  I find it a little sad, perhaps a bit pathetic as well, that a supposed moderator, someone who is supposed to be impartial and ya know "moderate," congratulating cheating and then having the audacity to call it "adversity."  No bias here either, nope, not at all.



it's always a thing that losers find winning meaningless.


I cant take any pleasure from a hollow 'victory.'  The forums know you cheated, even DE had to step in, you trying to deny that?

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Morte, it seems you're forgetting that this is the thread to congratulate the winners, not to submit a bug report. It is an easy mistake to make, especially when angered because your clan didn't become #1, but please move your complaints to the related bug report forum. I heard the devs are very happy with any bug report.


Don't forget, go fast and Warbros #1.


No, I'm just sick and @(*()$ tired of seeing "Warbros Number one" plasted all over the goddam forums.  I'm going to have the guess that everyone in Warbros submitted a bug report on this?  Or did they just abuse it and leave it as is?


I've said before I don't care about getting number 1.  I've never cared about getting number 1.  Number 1 for me is a number that is unobtainable simply because I'm not good enough to.  The fact you "warbros" guys are getting so defensive is funny, cause it means I'm right.  You can't even win a forum debate without resulting to numbers.  I would love a video of you guys getting 2477 or more without door glitching.  I mean with over 1000 member surely someone recorded one right?


Or maybe a stream?  Or did you want to keep your super duper secret glitching a super duper secret?


And the "Why you only picking on Warbros".  Name me another clan that goes posting their name all over the Warframe Forums and then BRAGS about winning?  Cause I barely see any other clan names in the forums, unless its in the event thread or the recruitment forums.

Publicity comes in all shapes and sizes.  Can't deal with it?  Then its simple.  You don't get the publicity.  But please carry on.  I await your repsonse (preferable from one person, but I can understand if you need 5+ people doing the job of one person)

Edited by Morte_de_Angelis
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I cant take any pleasure from a hollow 'victory.'  The forums know you cheated, even DE had to step in, you trying to deny that?

you really should define what 'cheating' is before saying it over and over again, because honestly this is going in circles.


personally, I didn't cheat. I got 2477. I have a Mag Prime, I stayed with the core, I pressed 2. Someone else was a Loki and Frost and they did their thing.

is that cheating for you?

how much points does a 'non-cheating' run give out?


and how much more harassment are you willing to dole out before getting sanctioned?

Edited by shr0ud
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My animosity with DE and their repeated imcompetency regarding events and scoring is a whole other story.


As for your points reduction, is that an admitance of cheating/abusing the system for your own "perceived fragile illusion of superiority?"  Yes, you were not the only one caught red handed, but you were by far deducted the most points, some 300,000 if I am not mistaken (and yes, I have before and after screenshots to prove this), which would clearly indicate your willingness to cheat/abuse/glitch your way to the top.


Now, once your first method of cheating/glitching/bug abusing was exposed and taken away, you found another way to game the system, again, to maintain that fragile illusion.


Then to top it all off, you say that your average would of been high enough to win anyway, if like Cicero, that was the method of scoring.  Interesting, so you are for the second time admitting suspect play in that you would of had to abuse either laggy hosting, Loki teleport glitching or a combination of them both, to boost your average above that which would of been attainable by playing the event as DE intended.  Is that hypothesis correct? 


Oh, one last thing, yes I can hate the players, as well as the game, its just easy when the players who think they are "number one" have to resort to such methods, then think this entitles them to brag.




So, you are admitting this account is an alt of a warbros member afterall?  Yeah, thought so.  No bias here chaps.  Nope.




Oh look, Warbros second favourite moderator has shown up.  I find it a little sad, perhaps a bit pathetic as well, that a supposed moderator, someone who is supposed to be impartial and ya know "moderate," congratulating cheating and then having the audacity to call it "adversity."  No bias here either, nope, not at all.




I cant take any pleasure from a hollow 'victory.'  The forums know you cheated, even DE had to step in, you trying to deny that?

Please refer to this form if you have any further issues.




We are awaiting your response, have a great day.

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Agreed that this is getting out of hand BUT, you should also congratulate clan who placed #1 in the other tiers. They worked very hard too.

Otherwise It makes you sound bias. That is if you care about your perception of appearing bias. :)


Just because I gave credit where credit is due to one clan, does not mean I'm biased (to clarify any other suspicions/allegations - I'm not in Warbros, just in a casual Storm clan).


Indeed, every clan who made the top 3 in their tier worked hard and now have a shiny statue for their efforts, coordinating all those members couldn't have been easy - they did great as well! *waves tentacles for every clan who made it on the top 10 leaderboards*


Oh look, Warbros second favourite moderator has shown up.  I find it a little sad, perhaps a bit pathetic as well, that a supposed moderator, someone who is supposed to be impartial and ya know "moderate," congratulating cheating and then having the audacity to call it "adversity."  No bias here either, nope, not at all.


I'm sorry you feel that way - if you have any issues about my moderating, please direct it through the proper channels as specified in the Community Mods FAQ:



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My animosity with DE and their repeated imcompetency regarding events and scoring is a whole other story.


As for your points reduction, is that an admitance of cheating/abusing the system for your own "perceived fragile illusion of superiority?"  Yes, you were not the only one caught red handed, but you were by far deducted the most points, some 300,000 if I am not mistaken (and yes, I have before and after screenshots to prove this), which would clearly indicate your willingness to cheat/abuse/glitch your way to the top.


Now, once your first method of cheating/glitching/bug abusing was exposed and taken away, you found another way to game the system, again, to maintain that fragile illusion.


Then to top it all off, you say that your average would of been high enough to win anyway, if like Cicero, that was the method of scoring.  Interesting, so you are for the second time admitting suspect play in that you would of had to abuse either laggy hosting, Loki teleport glitching or a combination of them both, to boost your average above that which would of been attainable by playing the event as DE intended.  Is that hypothesis correct? 


Oh, one last thing, yes I can hate the players, as well as the game, its just easy when the players who think they are "number one" have to resort to such methods, then think this entitles them to brag.




So, you are admitting this account is an alt of a warbros member afterall?  Yeah, thought so.  No bias here chaps.  Nope.




Oh look, Warbros second favourite moderator has shown up.  I find it a little sad, perhaps a bit pathetic as well, that a supposed moderator, someone who is supposed to be impartial and ya know "moderate," congratulating cheating and then having the audacity to call it "adversity."  No bias here either, nope, not at all.




I cant take any pleasure from a hollow 'victory.'  The forums know you cheated, even DE had to step in, you trying to deny that?


You just sound mad now. Get over yourself kiddo, you're showing yourself and your clan up (if anyone actually let you into one).


By sheer virtue of our resourcefulness, whichever way it was done, that is what made us #1. You can say we were "cheating" or "glitching" "lagging" "bugging" or all the staple terms of a baby throwing his toys out of the pram, but it doesn't change the fact that we won through our own ability to win.


I won't be taking your bait anymore as the mod team have already discussed the stupidity of fighting over who won. You can live in your fantasy land and just assume anyone who played well must have cheated, and I'll live in my "illusion of superiority" while I enjoy the tangible rewards of 1st place.

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You just sound mad now. Get over yourself kiddo, you're showing yourself and your clan up (if anyone actually let you into one).


By sheer virtue of our resourcefulness, whichever way it was done, that is what made us #1. You can say we were "cheating" or "glitching" "lagging" "bugging" or all the staple terms of a baby throwing his toys out of the pram, but it doesn't change the fact that we won through our own ability to win.


I won't be taking your bait anymore as the mod team have already discussed the stupidity of fighting over who won. You can live in your fantasy land and just assume anyone who played well must have cheated, and I'll live in my "illusion of superiority" while I enjoy the tangible rewards of 1st place.

this is of course considering how many points 2486 is over 2477, and not defining how many points is a perfect 'non-cheating' run.


I don't really post often in the forums, and neither am I good enough to be a veritable source of information on bugs and glitches, but these things being (purposefully?) kept undefined and indeterminate doesn't help the argument of people who claim anyone who won used bugs and glitches.

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Agreed that this is getting out of hand BUT, you should also congratulate clan who placed #1 in the other tiers. They worked very hard too.

Otherwise It makes you sound bias. That is if you care about your perception of appearing bias. :)

If you check page 1, there are the congratulations, however some people have made a target of a certain nameless #1 clan, so the CM is making sure  people understand that this is a congratulatory thread, rather than a "beat up the Number One clan thread."


However you spin it, the event, while not perfect, offered a lot to everyone. The contestants got a challenge, a puzzle to push and pull, poke and tease out secrets. bystanders got drama, the Big Baddies versus the White Hats. But most importantly, DE learned a whole bunch from the methods used to win the event.For those working on the mechanics of the game, the roles taken by players and their warframes and the teamwork that became necessary in this event should yield much discussion. Many technical issues have been uncovered for the dev team to focus on. The planning of the event also had a few hiccups to remedy. The true results of the event seems to point toward stronger, intense and exhilarating events on the horizon.

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We are awaiting your response, have a great day.



Lets see, your little scribble form not only is partially filled out, which would automatically invalidate any feedback I would care to add, as the results from such feedback would be biased from the beginning, it doesnt even have an "other" section so personal feedback cant be collected.   Yeah I think ill pass thanks, nice try though.

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Lets see, your little scribble form not only is partially filled out, which would automatically invalidate any feedback I would care to add, as the results from such feedback would be biased from the beginning, it doesnt even have an "other" section so personal feedback cant be collected.   Yeah I think ill pass thanks, nice try though.

You're loss.

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Just because I gave credit where credit is due to one clan, does not mean I'm biased. Indeed, every clan who made the top 3 in their tier worked hard and now have a shiny statue for their efforts, coordinating all those members couldn't have been easy - they did great as well! *waves tentacles for every clan who made it on the top 10 leaderboards*



I'm sorry you feel that way - if you have any issues about my moderating, please direct it through the proper channels as specified in the Community Mods FAQ:



I fully understand what you are saying and agree it doesn't mean you are biased. Unfortunately it can be perceived as such. Just trying to help and give some friendly advice.

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Heard that 3 times before, after every event.


Oh, you mean like the Spy Drone event right?  You know.  I was curious.  Surely if Warbros was NUMBER ONE they would be NUMBER ONE all the time right?




Either I'm going blind or.....  I don't see Warbros as Number one on that event.  But please.  If you locate them please point them out to me ^_^

Oh, I'm sorry posting a score board where Warbros isn't number one, wouldn't be surprised if this post got deleted as showing negativity on Warbros has lead to deleted posts lately.

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