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Pc Tethra's Doom: Results!


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Well.  As much as I would like to continue with the song of our people, I feel like our luck is being pushed enough. Plus the point was made.

It was my pleasure, Pete. May we meet again upon the fields of some other game.

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I love the Clan vs Clan events. There aren't many games around these days that give the feeling of comradery that Warframe events do. Can't wait for the Badlands! Grats to everyone who participated! Grats to -CM- too, it was a really close competition near the end!

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reading that thread was a rush, and i don't even have warframe in my toaster and have to resort to playing it in PS4.


congratulations to warbros number one on number one. after that mad dash in the last 18 hours (how many points was it, 700k? that's at least 280 people with a 2.5k score!) i doubt anyone can disagree that you guys deserved it.


never stop being fast.

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congrats to my clan for winning


I didn't really do much because I'm one of the scrubbiest players in the clan

but my clan is the best.


I'm not even saying 'best' as in figuratively.

I'm saying NUMBER ONE.

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I love the Clan vs Clan events. There aren't many games around these days that give the feeling of comradery that Warframe events do. Can't wait for the Badlands! Grats to everyone who participated! Grats to -CM- too, it was a really close competition near the end!

We need more posts like this here.

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Way to go, all winners!


Your legend will be scrawled across the skies in the wet, oily bloody of your enemies.


Undeniably, Warbros #1

I'm sorry, my good sir, you probably meant

Warbros Number One #1


*tips fedora*

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