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Did The Warframe Ps4 Community Get Stupid Over Night? (Trading)


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Ok trying to sell stuff to get some plat (and I'm selling cheaper then the items are worth).  But every one I try to trade with is... well... ok here are some things they said...


them: buying thunder bolt pm me your price

me: 15 plat ok?

Them : how much if I'm buying with credits?

me: you cant buy with credits


next I tried to sell some keys but the guy I was trying to sell them to did not understand about trade tax and did not know he could not trade the starting 50 plat...


then I had a different buyer for some keys but it turns out he was out of trades for the day...


and I has been like this all day...



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There's a difference between stupidity and running into a few newbies...can't expect every single person to know to read the wiki or visit the official forums before playing.


Your last example,a guy who had a lapse in memory?Oh shock horror...


At least you helped them learn something new(before deciding to moan about their lack of knowledge in regards to WF)kudos to you sir!

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Tried to sell my 2nd heavy cal maxed yesterday and the guy offered me 50p and I naturaly said thats to low sry guy and he replied back and said to stop wasting his fn time that max heavy at most is worth 100 I got a huge laugh at this. I ended up trading it to one of my clan mates and good friend

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