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Max Penta/ogris Build



dont care how many formas it got

need something to work towards 


need max ogris/penta build as long as it doesnt ahve some nonsense like reload mods or clip size n stuff


i just need something to work towards, my friend apparently hits a total of 44k with both ogris missles and i want some of that


and depending what the highest damage penta reaches, i may consider maxing that over the ogris

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12 answers to this question

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dont care how many formas it got

need something to work towards 


need max ogris/penta build as long as it doesnt ahve some nonsense like reload mods or clip size n stuff


i just need something to work towards, my friend apparently hits a total of 44k with both ogris missles and i want some of that


and depending what the highest damage penta reaches, i may consider maxing that over the ogris


Penta is better than Ogris for most missions and purposes.  More DPS, more control, more tactical options.  It does slightly less damage per ammo but it fires significantly faster.  Try something like this:




For void/corrupted/general.  Replace Malignant Force with a Bane mode for a specific faction.  

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Ogris (6 forma):

Void: http://goo.gl/911uYm

Grineer: http://goo.gl/cMpDQK

Corpus: http://goo.gl/2TGvcT

Infested: http://goo.gl/nm6JP7


Penta (6 forma):

Void: http://goo.gl/UtKDxW

Grineer: http://goo.gl/os7Xu5

Corpus: http://goo.gl/yHw9mi

Infested: http://goo.gl/LDy9eP


The only difference between them is that in ogris builds you use speed trigger instead of firestorm. If you plan to do really high wave defense I'd say take the ogris. If not penta is better in lower waves because it does less damage per shot (so you still one shot everything) but it fires faster than the ogris.


Hope this helps.

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Ogris needs Speed Trigger and possibly Shred.

Penta needs Shred (IMO) and possibly Reload.


My current Penta setup for long T3 Endless Defense and Survival: http://goo.gl/GmBvOF

oh my god... shred comes with fire rate, how the hell did i forget


btw would the punchthrough be detrimental?


cuz i dont want my missles going through walls or the floor or anything like that u know :C

Edited by FadingFaith
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Is the extra status chance really better than more cold damage v.s. shields ?  Skeptical


Its about bumping corrosive as high as you can to help take out heavy gunners. They're all that'll survive explosions.


Also, a 1 in 4 chance to knockdown per shot is pretty damn amusing.

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firestorm work on penta? now i dont see penta inside the list.. only ogris and ignis?

it works on penta.


I am uncomfortable with maxed Heavy Caliber for the Ogris builds from SinLortuen in post above, but I agree with his Penta builds (pretty much the same as my own). Regarding the Ogris, let's just say that theoretical maxed damage is just theory. You need to actually try out the weapon to see whether the handling is ok for you.

Edited by smithf
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