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Oberon Help



First off I don't like oberon. I find him boring and only two of his abilities are useful those being renewal and reckoning. to me he is just a ult spammer. I am sure this is not the case though. tbh I have hardly touched him since I got him when he first came out. So I was wondering if there are any Oberon pros out there who would be willing to share their builds and enlighten me about his abilities and how to use him right. Thanks for the help!

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9 answers to this question

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Smite - use in small rooms or narrow corridors. It's pretty spammable and has great CC potential


Hallowed Ground - throw a bunch of those near the pod, or in some choke points. It'll damage enemies, kill them even on lower levels.


Basically he is a ulti spammer. You can make him nice health tank, though, since he can use his Renewal any time.

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I have 2 oberons formad 4 times each..... stick to those two powers..... some people will gush about either of the first 2 powers but really it just seems like wishful thinking to me.


There is really only 3ish builds for him. Glass cannon, reckoning cc, and renewal/health tank(negative duration variety, or long variety)



Glass cannon build- Good starting build and lets you play around with the first two powers for awhile and then most likely move on. I didn't use this much.

Abilities: 1,2,3,4 with 3 less often

Primary Mods: Intensify, Blind Rage (6 ranks or more if you like), Streamline, Fleeting Expertise (depending on if you are using hallowed ground and how ranked your Blind Rage is), Redirection(better if you are not going to use renewal/health tank stuff), Stretch (only matters with 2 and 4), Overextended (use stretch first before using this one, makes hallowed ground really funny)

Other stuff: Any duration mods are if you want to focus on hallowed ground. Mixing and matching how much you trade between corrupted mods is a matter of taste for this build.


Reckoning CC (Google Drowning Pool: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor if you need advice on modding how you should feel when using this build)

Abilities: 3,4

Primary Mods: Stretch, Overextended (max it, this build is cc not damage), Streamline, Fleeting Expertise (get max efficiency even if it means lousy duration or leaving any blind rage mods low)

Other stuff: This has lots of room for mixing and matching. Grab the health tank mods first is the best bet and then do try to add in Intensify so the heal isn't pitiful and the nuke damage isn't lame. Natural Talent makes for better reckoning-quick-draw-action when its a race of milliseconds between you and that ancient that wants to one hit you into chain lock hell. Do not let your range or power efficiency take any negatives for best use.


Renewal/Health Tank build

Abilities: 3 and 4 if you haven't modded the range into trash

Primary Mods: Vitality, Rage, Steel Fiber, Streamline, Fleeting Expertise (see branch discussion)

-Negative Duration Style: Max Fleeting Expertise. Use empty space for splicing. I recommend the addition of Quick Thinking and Flow. Intensify and Blind Rage can be good and you can use a larger ranked one with no penalty (don't max it just to call me a liar because you know exactly what I mean) though it will depend on your results with the "revival weirdness".

-Positive Duration: Fleeting Expertise should either be as low as possible or not used. As much duration mods you as you can fit. Prioritize A high level Narrow Minded if your short on mod slots. Add Intensify or Blind Rage if you want to get really crazy.


Explanation: Your style will hinge on how much you like the "revival weirdness" and how you think it works best. This thing (henceforth called thing) happens when you are downed but the regen from Renewal is still going. You pop back up auto revival style. The amount of health you regen while down or the amount of duration left in the regen has some unknown effect on whether this thing works or not. So in short using fleeting expertise maxed actually has the opposite effect of making the regen last longer. This means you get the same amount of heath over a longer period. With this longer duration (but negative duration stat so it is "Negative duration style") it mean that you can Renewal up more of the time and be less likely have the buff disappear while your downed. It becomes lousy for healing however. Alternatively you can stack duration mods on it. This makes the amount of time it takes to get the full amount of health much shorter... meaning you can cast it a lot more. Which is good if you prefer not to go down at all. This build is also advantageous because if you do go down while regens is up the enemy likes to keep shooting you. They can take away any health you got back when you where down before the "get-back-up" animation is finished playing so that you are stuck in a revival loop until the duration is finished and you stay down.... Right. I meant to say this build helps with that since you are less likely to be reduced to 0 during the animation. Anyway I was actually gonna post a guide about this in the forums, that's why I made 2 oberons. I ended up not making it because I wanted to wait for Natural Talent came out to see if I could eliminate the "help iv fallen and I cant get up" problem. Got it like a month ago and I haven't been able to test it yet but ill probably give a review of which I prefer dependent on the results.

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well I already answered via pm but in case anyone else wants to know just take the cc build add in both power strength mods, and mix and match your last three mods.


Sets I recommend


Scouty style

-Natural Talent


-Rush, a shield regen mod, or even enemy sense


Pretend like health orbs don't leave you hungry for more style (lol)


-Steel Fiber



Change your mind? Style

-Drop one strength mod for renewal


-Steel Fiber


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First off I don't like oberon. I find him boring and only two of his abilities are useful those being renewal and reckoning. to me he is just a ult spammer. I am sure this is not the case though. tbh I have hardly touched him since I got him when he first came out. So I was wondering if there are any Oberon pros out there who would be willing to share their builds and enlighten me about his abilities and how to use him right. Thanks for the help!

imo this is the best build for him


it´s a superior solo play build and teamplay

u can heal urself and teammates , u can deal rly high dmg and the most important thing is, u are nealry immortal cause qt/rage/renewal

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Quick thinking flow combo is good but if you had to take out the vitality steel fiber mods which are better why bother? With oberons high health and decent armor i really cant advise using those unless you are already using these. If you are saying its a superior solo and teamplay build just say you think your build is superior in general. While this build is good for all around play sticking to what i posted is preferable for late game builds since this is neither enough cc to prevent damage or enough toughness to tank it. The single range mod would probably be fine for high level odd though. Only on grineer/corpus would you need that much extra range for cc.

Edited by quietcanary
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That's a cool build, but, if the OP is trying to decide if he wants to play Oberon, would he really want to go to the trouble of formaing it 3 times?


I'm in the same position with Oberon: i don't want to get rid of him, but I also don't want to put in all the work to make him usable and then decide I don't like playing with him.

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