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Prime Sniper

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Well, there was the Snipetron Vandal. Vandal being the Corpus equivalent to the Tenno's Prime designation.

If there were to be a Prime sniper, it would be the Vectis, considering it is a Tenno weapon.

On the contrary, I am hoping for an Orokin weapon (only prime) that you can farm out, the vandal is just like wraith, those are give away, it does not count as a prime

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I really don't want an ugly, gold, strictly better version of my favorite gun.

i wonder how many people use your "favorite gun", and how good it is right now? Everything else got buffed except it if i were you, i would support this topic to convince DE to add one. For example; I have a 7 Formaed vectis, it's good but a paris prime with 1 forma destroys its damage

Edited by -SW-GodlyBoba
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i wonder how many people use your "favorite gun", and how good it is right now? Everything else got buffed except it if i were you, i would support this topic to convince DE to add one. For example; I have a 7 Formaed vectis, it's good but a paris prime with 1 forma destroys its damage

Ya, that's pretty much my issue with prime weapons. Paris was already good, it didn't need such a huge buff. If we got a super buffed version of the Vectis, then every other sniper looks bad in comparison, so we need to buff those with prime/wraith/vandal versions.

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Yes thank you for your post. Warframe please add this gun. Because this is provably the uesless gun, low dps and and crow controll. At least come out with a prime, that buffs it

Np, warframe needs to know that sniper in this game is, like you said "useless". Giving it a buff that gives it more crit chance, chance damage and more damage will be magnificent. If is not to far add a puncture into it since sniper bullet are powerful.

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Vectis prime is nice. De is missing the fact that, instead of adding useless prime gun, focus on the type of gun they missed, then make a survey on which gun they like to use. Lets say this, they need to make a survey on guns that they need to work on. I respect them a lot when they create a survey for runs

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And make Primed chamber less appealing? No thank you. 

Balancing a weapon arouind a mod that less than 5% of the playerbase owns? I think nooooot.

That aside....yea...the clip size should stay 1 :p

Edit: No one says that the prime has to be a Vectis though. There already is standalone prime weaponry... so nothing speaks against a "Prime only" sniper (The freedom of design would also make it possible to make a far sexier weapon)

Edited by Shehriazad
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