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Trade Etiquette: What's Your Idea Of It?


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Not that I don't already have an idea myself of a "proper" etiquette, but I've stalked the trade channel for a while now and the interactions I see and experience are all varied. I like to end the trade with a "thanks!" but some people seem fine with just leaving asap without a word. I also like to put my prices out up front when selling, but some sellers only want offers when you message them.  Which is strange to me, because they want you to make the offer although they usually already have a price in their mind and won't budge from it, so why not just say it up front? I've also had people offer an item at a set price, and then after contacting them they decide to raise their price, which only leaves a bitter taste. Sometimes it seems like the worst of a yard sale.


I feel like the introduction of prime selling especially has created a new facet of the player experience, not just in terms of items but how people act. Or maybe they always acted that way and just never had the opportunity to show their colors. So what really &!$$es you off? What makes you cut the other person a deal? I'm curious to hear people's ideas of etiquette and how it impacts their selling/buying/trading. 

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When you trade the simple things like hello, price, want anything else, etc all are a simple things but sometimes peoples can't say a thanks or you made my day just left when the trades end. Not so much people know how to react to others and while you playing sometimes see the same so the whole of player base not deserve the ways of communication. 

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I usually say ty-vm for the deal ,help with any questions if there are any. I avoid trading with people who won't give a price. I also don't hold back saying, ohh wow that is way to steep, sry but no, ty for your time, when i hear an offer i find ridoncolus XD. I also try to negotiate prices and give the possibility to negotiate prices of my items.

But seuriosly the amount of prices that are pure ripoff offers after the rhino prime came out is like wooow, I seriously don't mind somebody just leaving, it's just the ever present greed in some offers and attempts to use other users lack of knowledge on prices that kind of makes me sick.

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Buyers and sellers need to be realistic and understand fundamental trading.

While sellers need to compete, buyers also need to know that the seller plans on profiting from the trade.

So many "WTB RHINO PRIME BP 15P" posts.. It's ridiculous... Buyers should spend just a bit more time to see what things are going for.

I'm not saying to not make deal, but if you see the average is 100P for an item, offer a seller 80 not 15.

100p is probably nothing compared to the hours they've spent or are actually saving you from farming.

Think about it.

Edited by sushidubya
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offer is how you trick stupid people who don't know values. When someone tells me to offer i say 1 plat they have a price they need to learn to say it even if its high.

Well that just makes me incompatible with you in trading. I don't ask people to make me an offer so I can rip them off and make like a bandit one time. (Fool me once...)

I say I have something for sale and then ask whoever PM's me what they want to pay for it. If it's way below market prices, then I know what I'm dealing with and usually don't waste my time anymore by declining politely. If someone is close I usually deal, that way the buyer gets the price he/she wanted.

It goes both ways.

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Don't like people who try to change an already agreed upon trade late in the game,i just leave without a word.


Another thing i hate,is you agree upon a trade with someone(and then,presumably someone else has given them a better offer) and the guy you were going to trade with doesn't tell you the deals off,so you're left there wondering why it's taking him so long to come to the dojo,or why he's not responding.


I'm always courteous in my dealings,so i expect the same.

Edited by zatobsg
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Buyers and sellers need to be realistic and understand fundamental trading.

While sellers need to compete, buyers also need to know that the seller plans on profiting from the trade.

So many "WTB RHINO PRIME BP 15P" posts.. It's ridiculous... Buyers should spend just a bit more time to see what things are going for.

I'm not saying to not make deal, but if you see the average is 100P for an item, offer a seller 80 not 15.

100p is probably nothing compared to the hours they've spent or are actually saving you from farming.

Think about it.

 on mod prices i do agree with what You say ( i know how painfull it is to max out certain mods). However if i see a rhino prime chassis and i see 100P is what you want, i'll say thank you but no. Considering it's rng  and parts hardest to get for other primes go for like 10-15 plat i'll be willing to give 3x or 3,5x that price considering rhino is new ( demand and supply and how new the item is do count and i do realize that the seller wants to profit). but if i lets say give you 45 plat for a rhino bp or 55 for a chassis i consider it fair deal ( which at this point in time is mostly a no go because you can constantly see the 100P or nothing shouts in trading).  that is why earlier i said it makes me sick XD

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Well that just makes me incompatible with you in trading. I don't ask people to make me an offer so I can rip them off and make like a bandit one time. (Fool me once...)

I say I have something for sale and then ask whoever PM's me what they want to pay for it. If it's way below market prices, then I know what I'm dealing with and usually don't waste my time anymore by declining politely. If someone is close I usually deal, that way the buyer gets the price he/she wanted.

It goes both ways.


Main reason I don't accept the sellers telling me to offer, is because I don't want to OVERPAY by accident. Hence I ask what they want for it...and very rarely get a damn reply...

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If you are buying in real life, say on craigslist you will get a price or a price-or-best offer or sometimes just offer. It is how trading works and just because someone doesn't list a price doesn't mean they are trying to rip you off, but it may mean they have a premium price in mind, you know on the high side of realistic / reasonable and don't want to be undercut where there may be a small number of buyers.

I personally do this with selliing auras. I have prices in mind and I don't want to budge. I'm not trying to rip anyone off but i am looking on the high side, i'll get it eventually and i'm not in a hurry to sell. BUT, also if someone comes in way below my price or even just silly low I will be polite about telling them price. Rudeness isn't called for in bartering so that is one point of etiquette that would be nice to instill.


Then for some other mods, like nightmare mods, i can't be arsed to separate them and list them out and work out different prices for which mods so other than hammershot and blaze I just say 5P ea when selling. So a little of both, but I also don't ask for offers I just list the mods i'm selling and yes I ALWAYS respond, which is one thing, even if you say something like "found someone else" or "already sold" I don't like to leave people hanging. I think that is good etiquette but I don't expect much from others.

Same as ending the trade, I do normally end with a "thanks" or "have fun" or "cheers" but if someone just cuts out it doesn't really grind my gears or anything.


As far as the Primes, the prices are going to creep up some. The market was radically saturated when it started so the prices were rock bottom. They probably won't come too high but i'm sure they will climb some over time. And really asking stupid high or stupid low prices is one way the market gets its place and evens out in the end.

Edited by Wahooo
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well... for my part...
I never charge over 10 plat for a part/BP, mods are a diffrent story, tho, I try to never over price. (also never over pay, and lol when someone seriously tries to sell me a part for 70 plat)
I try and almost never post a WTS/T massage, instead I simply reply to WTB that wants something I have, saves time as I know that the person I'm talking to actually wants something I'm selling, and saves some spam from the trading channel.
I always end the conversation with "have a nice day!".
and I never lower my price, if I priced something at 10 plat and a guy offers me 3 saying its a good deal, I politly say I wont go any lower, if he says he has a diffrent seller that goes for lower, then I encourage him to buy from that said seller.

whats annoys me are players that get the part they want, before/while talking to me, or players that dont like my price, and decide to simply stop masseging me instead of just telling me they got the part already/they want a diffrent price.

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I haven't done much trading, but my transactions(?) usually go as follows:

  • Browse Trade Chat/Forums for someone actually listing prices/trade offers
  • PM them stating that I would like to purchase something or trade with them
  • Invite/Ask for an invite
  • Make purchase/trade
  • Say "Thanks."
  • Leave Dojo
  • Reply to any further PM's

I don't think thanks and extended conversations are really necessary, though it does help to perpetuate a more respectable environment.

Edited by (PS4)vicious1024
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When selling: I always cut new guys a deal if they're after mods or prime parts I have double figures of. I give away doubles of rarer mods if asked nicely. I will haggle, but some cheeky sods want something for nothing.


Most are really appreciative and add me to friends, then I help them out in early game. Others leave Dojo faster than you can say, er, Dojo, and don't even say thanks or reply to anything friendly I might've said.


It doesn't take much effort to write "ty".

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