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Why Would You Not Buy Prime Access?


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For me it used to be the underwhelming plat value since I get 75% off every month or so...

Now it's because I wants me an exclusive fire cape accessory. Mmh fire cape.


Killing the TzTok-Jad is a lot easier than it used to be to get the Fire Cape, but due to other capes being released since then, it's only a cosmetic thing now unfortunately...


Oh wait...



Edited by Etsoree
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Killing the TzTok-Jad is a lot easier than it used to be to get the Fire Cape, but due to other capes being released since then, it's only a cosmetic thing now unfortunately...


Oh wait...




Completely off topic, but I wish the EoC never happened. I played that game for years and that was what made me quit. It just wasn't the same.


On topic: The price tag. I'm stingy.

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The plat is worth it and it helps to fund the games evolution, if DE couldn't make money with this game then there would be no future updates or support.

Killing the TzTok-Jad is a lot easier than it used to be to get the Fire Cape, but due to other capes being released since then, it's only a cosmetic thing now unfortunately...


Oh wait...



OMG! Runescape flashback...has it been 13 years or so?

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Rhino Prime is great yet he should have new skills as well as a new Prime Sentinel these are the main reason the subscription cannot attract the number of people it should.


I would buy the subscription yet I dont like that knob on Rhino Prime's back doing circles yet that does not stop me from spending weeks to get Rhino Prime because he is awesome in many visual ways

Edited by VoidGhost
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