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Port Checker Says I'm Forwarded. Warframe Disagrees



This port checker says that UDP port 3960 and 3962 are forwarded, but I still get this message whenever I log in.  




I've even got a real time log of all the udp packets coming in through my router and being sent to my computer. I can see packets coming in from the port checker, but not from Warframe.

Edited by Strill
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Warframe can't 'disagree with your forwarded port.'


A port is a port, it's not going to behave differently for Warframe. That's like saying a door is going to work for one person but not another because it's painted a certain color.


You ought to contact your ISP if the issue is frequent and affecting your gameplay.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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It's not your router or modem or whatever, it's the game


In my case my modem was set up to forward all data to the same ports on my router, but was technically routing. Any software that just assumed UPnP was working worked fine, but software that actually asked the router was told it was not working.

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Warframe can't 'disagree with your forwarded port.'


A port is a port, it's not going to behave differently for Warframe. That's like saying a door is going to work for one person but not another because it's painted a certain color.


You ought to contact your ISP if the issue is frequent and affecting your gameplay.

I have a degree in computer engineering and I'm well aware of how ports work. Nevertheless I have a real time log of the UDP packets coming through my router which says otherwise.


They're coming through and being redirected perfectly fine when I use the port checker. If it were my ISP I wouldn't be seeing that. It's only when I run warframe that I'm not seeing anything come through.



Warframe has issues sometimes if you are behind multiple routers. Some modems act as routers as well, so if you have another router (such as a wireless router) it can cause issues.


If that is the case, you can try to get your modem into bridge mode.

Thank you! This is probably the issue.  My modem is indeed acting as a router.  I'll look into that.



In my case my modem was set up to forward all data to the same ports on my router, but was technically routing. Any software that just assumed UPnP was working worked fine, but software that actually asked the router was told it was not working.


I've set my modem to forward to my router, and my router to forward to my computer. Does this mean I should be good to go already?  And that the errors are just superficial?


Should I turn UPnP on or off?  Right now it's on.

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I've set my modem to forward to my router, and my router to forward to my computer. Does this mean I should be good to go already?  And that the errors are just superficial?


Should I turn UPnP on or off?  Right now it's on.


It should be pretty obvious if you are actually having NAT issues in Warframe. If you can both host and join online matches you should be good.

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It should be pretty obvious if you are actually having NAT issues in Warframe. If you can both host and join online matches you should be good.

I can both host and join, but only to a fraction of the people I try to. I consistently get "failed to connect" errors when attempting to connect to others, and vice versa. There's a friend on my friends list I've never been able to connect to in spite of many attempts.

Edited by Strill
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