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Emblem Help - 300P Reward


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Hello there fellow Tenno


Recently been looking through the market going "ehhh what to get?" to find nothing so thought why not try and have a new emblem made and give the platinum to someone who might use it for I dunno feeding Lotus more golden potatoes?


Anyways here it is:
[You can submit a simple design mock up but anyone willing who shows something I like I will probably get into contact with personally to talk more about it, so yeah :s]


The style I like is cartoonish, never been one for the serious, edgey or noble designs as I've seen from most emblems, tend to go for something ranging from chibi-ish to MLP/Adventure Time-esque style so theres that on the style.

Ref to Stye: http://imgur.com/QYTOrY2 [same as the bottom message]


What is the design then?

Simple really like most I want to have a character in front with the background being nothing but a circle on the side with the inside themed to the character and vice versa.

Ex: http://tinyurl.com/mc2uaa6 {Yes I know some people don't like this, just giving a general idea of emblem layout}


So whats the character and what is the design in the back?
Well for the character I got 2 things in mind, either:
A) Zephyr in this color layout: http://imgur.com/TCiWmrT,TeXeB0J#0 [Cierzo included]


B) A simple human character with an attire inspired by the Zephyr above + Cierzo inspired Goggles? I dunno, just an idea


The circle's theme and design would pretty much be wind based, tornadoes, turbulence, items that are aeronautic, you know pretty much Zephyr based(Getting the theme here?)


I know the 300p isn't really much, could probably go to 400 but hopefully I can find one of our talented Tenno who can help with this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and possibly considering this.


Small Extra Ref: http://i.imgur.com/iwUkXMV.png?1 

Simple idea really is having either the Zephyr posed kinda like the figure there with the circle in the back being themed to anything that makes Zephyr who she is, turbelence, anti Corpus tornados, etc etc

Edited by ZNoodle
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Here is rough up 


got to add / to to the last img for

but ooo closer to what I had in mind, not exactly but closer, merbe i should make a simple 

little position thingy on paint to reference as well, but i would be lying if i said I didnt like this concept, is good. Not there but good c:

<Adore that cloud border>

Edited by ZNoodle
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Here is a rough of the figure. Warmer? Colder?




Pose is def a step in the right direction c: liking this a lot

Read this, and i tried to make a rough




Tell me what you think! :>



EDIT: Didn't read your extra ref................. god, i messed up 

Its all cool and O>o dear god that Zephyr, talons at the ready! Love the design and kinda my fault on the references thing, c: was late on adding some things so entirely my fault!

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Here you go mate! After about half a dozen hour I put this together for you :) I wasn't really sure what to put in the background but I did my best to come up with something. If you need anything specific changed let me know!






Edited by Jithvan
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Here's my entry :> 
Though with your request, i just can't seem to make chibi work. Though i tried to make it as cartoony as possible 

And kept the background the same as my first concept








P.s:yes, i don't know how to make a proper circle with photoshop

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Thank you all c:

Got some other designs in my messages so gonna see what i'll love to use from these thread submissions and message submissions

Gotta say O.o im seeing a lot of great ones @~@ Choices Choices 

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