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Should The Developers Reveal What Lies Beneath The Masks


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I think The developers should release if not add to the game the faces beneath the warframes.

Wouldn't it be cool if the CODEX showed a face not just the frame in question. It would add much more detail and a better feel and allow players to get to know the characters they play as.   

Edited by oick88
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The mystery is good, it adds to and is key to the games atmosphere, just like the Tenno not talking. That is my opinion anyway.

Not having a face forced upon you also lets you get closer to the characters, whether that is through role playing or simply imagining your own character.

Edited by Silraed
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In my opinion, it wouldn't even be that strange of a look.  We know that the tenno were originally human who were infested with the technocyte virus, so chances are most of them will look somewhere between normal people and biomechanical super-humans.  Lore-wise alone, most of them wouldn't look that strange, and most of the heads are of a size and dimension that makes it believable.  Most people love the idea of making up their own looks, though.  Look at all the fan art!  The developers would be making a serious mistake if they revealed what's behind the mask.

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If they do something like this, then that's their chances to give player a LOT of customization. like what if they did that, didn't give us the option to customize what the person in there looks like and you get pissed off knowing, "my Ash looks like Gary Busey...why?!!!!!". So If they do that, they NEED to give us more customization options or even give us options for pre-made faces, hairstyles, eye color facial expressions and all of that basic stuff. but its either they gives us that stuff or leave it the way it is now.

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They all have different faces since each player is a different person...

Mynki said he had an idea what Tenno look like, but they're a race of people so it's not like there's one rhino and one loki or whatever.


Are there any faces to begin with?

We know S#&$ about the tenno. For all we know, they could be hyper-mutated space frogs.

And yeah, mynki talked about them having something under the mask, I guess he may have not used the word face. Livestream 4, 0:38:20 on YouTube.

There is a bit of lore if you know everything that has ever been said about the game, but it's pretty well hidden.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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They all have different faces since each player is a different person...

Mynki said he had an idea what Tenno look like, but they're a race of people so it's not like there's one rhino and one loki or whatever.

Yeah it even says on the Valkyr codex entry "the original Valkyr was..." so they are product lines more than individuals lol. As the mythos expands I would like to see male/female versions of all frames with the codex entry speaking to the gender of the Alpha for that frame type.

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