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[Discussion] Female Corpus. What Should They Be?


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Unsure if Art feedback. If so, do move thread.

I want honest opinions about the future Corpus female units.

How do you want DE to think?

Should they be femenin like Grineer, ie boobs, or more warrior nun ninjas?

Robes, suits, helmets, or no?

We have yet to see Priests and specialists. All we see are grunts and proxies.

I dont mean bosses, but units in the field.

Where are the fast melee cyborgs, the Void Priests, the Anti Tenno veterans?

What do you imagine DE give us?

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Corpus are essentially like us but in the future where we turned super greedy.


There should still be a sort of equality amongst the ranks 


However, if you've ever looked at an astronaut suit it is unisex. I would assume that we could've very well been fighting a few female corpus crewmen <- even the crew"men" part seems to say other-wise but not that much. I would say that they could just add a script of female corpus voices and have them play about 20% of the time a corpus speaks to allow that gender diversity among the faceless ranks of the box troop.

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I hate to bring up games that have nothing to do with WF, but....



A bit less... scary maybe.




Scary women are hot. Admittedly, scary women who want to dissect people to use their bits for religious ceremonies are a bit less hot...

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just rework the current crewmen models like with excalibur and nyx and have RNG randomly spawn them all around, after you add some voiceover of course.


also diffrent heads since helmets can be blown off.

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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I would like to see a unit of higher rank, in another suit, and garb.

perhaps similar to Valkyr, since she is Corpus design.

Imagine a melee unit, very fast, a bit bulkier and blocky.

Crewmen are what they are, hardly ideal for fast movement facing space ninjas.

Allso, look at Alad and Darvo, kinda like beduins, or persians.

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that lauging octopus fight was hard non lethaly, hed to keep the frogs sleeping durning the fight.






(in game)


DE make acrobatic, spider like enemy npc please? :3


(sorry for going off topic, just memories >.>)

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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Since the Corpus are supposedly technology zealots perhaps we could see women as sorts of techpriests. Mix of old style (robe-like outfit) and SF (half-cyborg).

They'd buff nearby units, turning crewmen into kamikazes and giving robots pinpoint accuracy and enhanced shields.

Maybe have them trigger defenses permanently (gun turrets come out even if cameras have no LoS to you, MOA dispensers churn out units by the dozens).

They would have high shields and passive projectile redirection (thing Zephyr wind shield but magnetic), forcing you to use melee (wink wink nudge nudge, that means more use for melee 2.0).

At range they shoot you with a shoulder mounted Tetra rifle.

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Since the Corpus are supposedly technology zealots perhaps we could see women as sorts of techpriests. Mix of old style (robe-like outfit) and SF (half-cyborg).

They'd buff nearby units, turning crewmen into kamikazes and giving robots pinpoint accuracy and enhanced shields.

Maybe have them trigger defenses permanently (gun turrets come out even if cameras have no LoS to you, MOA dispensers churn out units by the dozens).

They would have high shields and passive projectile redirection (thing Zephyr wind shield but magnetic), forcing you to use melee (wink wink nudge nudge, that means more use for melee 2.0).

At range they shoot you with a shoulder mounted Tetra rifle.

Now were talking! :)

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