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More Even Enemies


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The game gradually becomes more challenging, the Tenno meet tougher enemies, feel less save with all the ambushes and sudden twists in the missions and so on, which is indeed a good tendency. The problem though is that all the challenges come from above, like some divine intervention. The regular mobs are roughly the same as they have been, presenting little to no challenge after you gain some level and get more or less decent gear (Which happens pretty soon after starting the game. Not to mention the large majority of players are veterans that have passed the stage long long ago). So missions in general don't become any more warlike or tactical. They are still the same "run as fast as you can killing everything around".


The tougher content is rare, random and often deadly beyond reason (pretty much instakill to the squishier builds), and can be just ignored, like a force majeure: the probability of the thing to happen is negligible, and should it happen you'll likely die anyway if it's not your day, so why care at all? I see it in every second mission: crazy racing around the map, people stumbling upon something, randomly dying, getting revived and then racing again. It's exactly the 'tactics' that works best. And it's really frustrating.


There's a lot of grinding and farming in the game, yes, but the real matter is that the game becomes more accommodated with the grinding. Instead of making players think of tactics it makes them think of faster grinding, and even provides methods for it.


What I want to say is that the game must present challenging, meaningful and immersive experience at every moment of it, every single enemy a player has to face. Every mission must be an adventure, from the start to the very end of it, and not because of those random 'deathtraps' we get now. It must be much harder in general, taking more effort and more teamwork, and accordingly more rewarding.

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Is there really anything to add?

Yes, hell, yes. Absolutely. 

This is the exact kind of direction Warframe should be heading. This would solve so many problems. When enjoyment, experience, and immersion reach their pinnacle gameplay-for-progress thinking, Rushing and Nuke Spamming, will hit a low. 

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And instead of actually reducing grind, making missions more interesting, requiring tactics and teamwork, DE will just slap more double-doors and hackable consoles on every map.


and don't forget, MOAR BROKEN LIGHTS, so players might need to stop for 5 seconds for their shields to recharge...before running off again to Extraction.

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Is there really anything to add?




There's a lot to add. I might write several pages of suggestions. Here I wanted to ask one particular thing:


DE, please, give us enemies we can actually FIGHT. Not those that die happily from a mere look at us and not those that make us die instantly without us even seeing them.

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