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Extensive Suggestion.


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So I've been playing awhile now on ps4. This suggestion is somewhat purely cosmetic and part cool. Lol

I think when we launch Warframe we should be in our ship. We go to a room for arsenal and actually pick up weapons and it has all our frames hanging out. To change frames we go up to the particular one and have an option to. (Outside of lobbies.) (Inside a lobby give us a quick option change.)

If I change color have the Warframe step into a machine dead space style.

When we want to do match making we go to a war room that's equipped with holographIcs. We literally stand amongst the solar system. If we go to our clan dojo have the load be an air lock. Disguise all the load screens with similar techniques. Like what mass effect did kind of.

Have the UI boot up on each mission. So it seems more holographic. Think halo.

When we go to the foundry, it's a part of our ship. We can watch things being built and queue up and auto accept other's.

The chat should be more built into the ui and make it seem more like we're on a kind of tenno network that boots up every time we get on. Give us more customization here.

Allow us to decorate our ships like the dojo and when we doc or party up sometimes we share a ship and you could use the ship to disguise load screens.

When we put mods in they change the appearance of the weapon/frame as does formas. A filled forma slot should look different than an empty one.

Explain with lore why resources are always in blue or orange circular pucks and why energy is a round blue ball and why health is a red orb. Easily doable.

Just thoughts.

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