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Split Trade Channels Into Buy/sell


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The 2 minute spam limit was a great start. Trade is a lot easier to keep track of, but there's still a lot to sift through when looking for a particular buyer, or a particular item for sale. Lacking an auction house of any sort, perhaps the best way to slow things down even more would be separate Buying and Selling channels.


People's thoughts? Think it's a good idea, or is this too many channels cluttering up the chat window? Other problems you can think of?

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it might make the tab too cluttered, if we transferred it to its own window like friend and clan lists do that might be better.

Default pops up buying and trading tabs, and we can add new tabs to talk to buyers/sellers from there, so we don't have Region/Recruiting/Trading/Business transaction/etc going on all at once.

We are getting those relays though so there might be a 'market' one instead any ways.

Edited by LukeAura
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Abused, people will just spam on both channels to double their effective broadcast rate.


And I don't want to switch between channel just because I want to buy and sell at the same time...


Oh and recent hotfix just made a 2mins(?) delay before you can type in the chat back..

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