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Scoliacoptering, Zorencoptering, Coptering...


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as I've said before, I don't agree with "removing" exploits unless they are detracting from the game experience, and for me, coptering is part of the experience.


Exploits should be made more difficult to perform if they are being abused. an easy way to fix "coptering, would be to make the speed you travel while coptering cap at a certain point. however, a way to "change" coptering so that it is still doable but no longer practical to do throughout an entire map, could simply be; add drop off to your "coptering" distance when you run out of stamina. Making coptering in air have it's distance effected by stamina would prevent you from "wanting" to do it non-stop, but you would still do it from time to time, in order to make those extra far jumps and change direction mid air, etc.


I don't want to see coptering removed, it holds a special place in my heart. but I don't mind it being "situational", and if they buffed Stamina and made coptering use stamina, running without sliding and coptering all the time might seem more like an option.


Right now, sliding is used to an impractical amount, because you can still shoot while doing it, and it helps you recover stamina while keeping your momentum up. There are no easy ways to change this mechanic without messing up the game, unless you made it so that Stamina doesn't recover when sliding, but then people would whine about it slowing the game down and putting even more of a gap between players speed rushing. that being said, I think it'd be fair if stamina recovered "slower" when sliding, making mods like Maglev and Quick Rest more of an option, for whenever DE adds more slots to frames....

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Honestly, I don't understand why sliding isn't more hated on than coptering. It looks infinitely more stupid and makes no sense.


"Hey, I'm gonna run down this hallway!"

-Step-step-butt sliiiide-step-step-butt sliiiiide-


Yes, because slamming your &#! down and grinding it on the floor before having to stand up again and repeat is sure to help you conserve stamina in the long run over just freaking running.

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as I've said before, I don't agree with "removing" exploits unless they are detracting from the game experience, and for me, coptering is part of the experience.


Exploits should be made more difficult to perform if they are being abused. an easy way to fix "coptering, would be to make the speed you travel while coptering cap at a certain point. however, a way to "change" coptering so that it is still doable but no longer practical to do throughout an entire map, could simply be; add drop off to your "coptering" distance when you run out of stamina. Making coptering in air have it's distance effected by stamina would prevent you from "wanting" to do it non-stop, but you would still do it from time to time, in order to make those extra far jumps and change direction mid air, etc.


I don't want to see coptering removed, it holds a special place in my heart. but I don't mind it being "situational", and if they buffed Stamina and made coptering use stamina, running without sliding and coptering all the time might seem more like an option.


Right now, sliding is used to an impractical amount, because you can still shoot while doing it, and it helps you recover stamina while keeping your momentum up. There are no easy ways to change this mechanic without messing up the game, unless you made it so that Stamina doesn't recover when sliding, but then people would whine about it slowing the game down and putting even more of a gap between players speed rushing. that being said, I think it'd be fair if stamina recovered "slower" when sliding, making mods like Maglev and Quick Rest more of an option, for whenever DE adds more slots to frames....

Eh, then you only ever advocate removing things that directly cause harm than are bad or remove options down the road.


Skiing in Tribes or combos in Street Fighter added new elements to high skilled play that made the game more interesting to play or watch. But not all exploits do that.


Back before I stopped playing (because solo play was kind of boring), there was a thread talking about how you could infinitely chain attacks into wall climbs and then climb up any wall in the game. This was an exploit that could not, even in the absolute theoretical best case could not be positive, because it provided nothing to the game was interesting or skillful. But a small group of people defended the hell out of it, because it didn't currently detract from the game. Spend any time analyzing it's potential and it became apparent though that if it was made an "official maneuver" by DE, level design would suffer, because it's mechanics did not allow for anything interesting in that design to have a positive effect on the game.


Now, I'm not going to say where coptering belongs, I've only just gotten back into the game and am working on transitioning to another machine, I don't have the experience to speak in an informed matter on this but I'll pose a question. What interesting or skillful things can coptering bring to play or level design that couldn't be included in a robust parkour system?

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Honestly, I don't understand why sliding isn't more hated on than coptering. It looks infinitely more stupid and makes no sense.


"Hey, I'm gonna run down this hallway!"

-Step-step-butt sliiiide-step-step-butt sliiiiide-


Yes, because slamming your &#! down and grinding it on the floor before having to stand up again and repeat is sure to help you conserve stamina in the long run over just freaking running.

This make me want to mop the mission floors with Purel or a Swiffer wet-jet.



Any chance we can get a Mop melee weapon?  Rag Mop or Sponge is cool by me

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They haven't expressed any interest in removing coptering. Whoever told you that was probably someone hopeful that they would.

Or you asked region. :P

^ This.


In their recent devstream they talked about how people will still have the ability to quickly attack by pressing E, only except doing so would likely switch to your melee weapon like pressing F.


This is the same mechanic used to "copter" around. To be fair, I think they kinda begun nerfing "coptering" because whenever I'm out of stamina I don't get that extra launching distance.

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This make me want to mop the mission floors with Purel or a Swiffer wet-jet.



Any chance we can get a Mop melee weapon?  Rag Mop or Sponge is cool by me


Viscera Clean Detail: Warframe


The zoren should be completely removed as a melee weapon.....

...and instead be transformed into a cybernetic enhancement that can be installed to replace your Tenno's legs for more efficient coptering.


Do not remove the copter,

become the copter.




But yeah It's possible it may be removed, I see no problem with it. But I main Volt and Zephyr.

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They should buff total stamina and speed for all frames if they remove coptering.


I know I initially hated it but once you play the game enough to get horribly bored of having to traverse the exact same levels over and over and over AND OVER until you finally get what you want and then just stand there for a few seconds wondering why are you even playing this....well lets just say coptering is an option I prefer more over wasting time thanks to our buddies RNG and GRIND.


Or merge a few of the mobility mods we have such as the +speed one with the +stam regen one.

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Eh, then you only ever advocate removing things that directly cause harm than are bad or remove options down the road.


Skiing in Tribes or combos in Street Fighter added new elements to high skilled play that made the game more interesting to play or watch. But not all exploits do that.


Back before I stopped playing (because solo play was kind of boring), there was a thread talking about how you could infinitely chain attacks into wall climbs and then climb up any wall in the game. This was an exploit that could not, even in the absolute theoretical best case could not be positive, because it provided nothing to the game was interesting or skillful. But a small group of people defended the hell out of it, because it didn't currently detract from the game. Spend any time analyzing it's potential and it became apparent though that if it was made an "official maneuver" by DE, level design would suffer, because it's mechanics did not allow for anything interesting in that design to have a positive effect on the game.


Now, I'm not going to say where coptering belongs, I've only just gotten back into the game and am working on transitioning to another machine, I don't have the experience to speak in an informed matter on this but I'll pose a question. What interesting or skillful things can coptering bring to play or level design that couldn't be included in a robust parkour system?

I like your post yo, you seem well informed.


well, I think Coptering actually helps at certain areas of the level design, for convenience at least. I know personally, that without coptering, certain areas would be much harder to navigate through, such as the obstacles in Orokin tilesets, or getting across hazardous water in the Derilect Tile set. That said, you've got a point, the only time I really "need" coptering is when I'm trying to bypass a gap or hazardous floor section, or short cut across a gap. I could just as easily, in a lot of those places use wall running, but coptering is easier to control since I don't have to leap 20 meters off the wall in one direction when I copter, unlike wall running.


that said, Coptering also come in handy for me in combat. Without coptering, it'd be much harder for me to close the gap when I'm trying to do an leap attack to knock down heavy's and such. I use it in conclaves (though I rarely play them) for the same reason, it helps you get into the fray and sets you up for a melee strike.


as for level design however, this is where it gets tricky, as coptering only works with light weight melee weapons. That being said, if DE made alternate routes (short cuts) that are only usable with skillful combinations of coptering and parkour, then it'd only further increase the gap between players who are rushing to the exit, so thats not good. whatever way you look at it, I don't think Coptering "adds" much to the game other then convenience. 


personally, I like coptering, and I'd miss it, but I understand it may be just one of those things that doesn't truly fit.

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To be honest I would miss coptering. Whenever I play the game without a character equipped with a weapon that can perform it, I feel unnaturally slow. Maybe if DE increased movement speed by 10% to 15% I would be fine with it.


Also Scoliacoptering lol


Also... I'm pretending to fly when I use it... yeah I have problems.

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I like your post yo, you seem well informed.


well, I think Coptering actually helps at certain areas of the level design, for convenience at least. I know personally, that without coptering, certain areas would be much harder to navigate through, such as the obstacles in Orokin tilesets, or getting across hazardous water in the Derilect Tile set. That said, you've got a point, the only time I really "need" coptering is when I'm trying to bypass a gap or hazardous floor section, or short cut across a gap. I could just as easily, in a lot of those places use wall running, but coptering is easier to control since I don't have to leap 20 meters off the wall in one direction when I copter, unlike wall running.


that said, Coptering also come in handy for me in combat. Without coptering, it'd be much harder for me to close the gap when I'm trying to do an leap attack to knock down heavy's and such. I use it in conclaves (though I rarely play them) for the same reason, it helps you get into the fray and sets you up for a melee strike.


as for level design however, this is where it gets tricky, as coptering only works with light weight melee weapons. That being said, if DE made alternate routes (short cuts) that are only usable with skillful combinations of coptering and parkour, then it'd only further increase the gap between players who are rushing to the exit, so thats not good. whatever way you look at it, I don't think Coptering "adds" much to the game other then convenience. 


personally, I like coptering, and I'd miss it, but I understand it may be just one of those things that doesn't truly fit.

Tackling issues of game design is kind of a hobby because it's just a really complex logic puzzle when you boil it down, and logic puzzles are fun.


That said, based on your post, coptering adds a sense of control that's lacking in the current parkour system and makes melee in general more viable in that the basic ranged inequity between melee and our guns is mitigated some. The negative of it is that the parkour system is less used; but that's an issue of control inequality and not coptering's fault.


It really doesn't sound like there is a reason to remove coptering in total. With the changes in Melee 2.0 6.0 2.0 a possible combo card might be a kind of dash for Long and Short Blades, meaning that coptering might become official and more generally effective, even if it's speed and distance both on ground and in the air might be brought down some. And if we don't get them then it shouldn't be hard to convince DE that dash attacks belong in combo cards as a way of giving us a First Order Optimal Strategy (something effective and easy to pull off, but nowhere near as effective as the more skilled options available).

Edited by Zeful
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I don't use it.  Others do.  They do things I can't.  SO jelly.  Wah.  OP.  Nerf.

Exactly like that. It's sad how people ask DE to remove one thing after another, ruining the game even further in the same time.

ppl like DeathMavrik, I feel 'wtf' when I read that garbage you write and it makes me sick. Why the hell DE must hear all of your craziness and implement it into the game?!?!

Need to try to appeal to DE that DE should think reasonable and don't listen to ppl whose all life is computer games etc.

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Coptering isnt going anywhere. We will still have quick melee. They arent removing ground slide attk. They wont remove air slide attks.

Besides. For those of us with Advanced parkour skills the copter is an essential part of the moves list/skill set. Anyone can do it. Its not unfair or exclusive. You guys sound like little Kids crying over spilled Milk.


Edited by T4LCOMX
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