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Void Rewards. Again.


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I know this is not a bug, but I couldn't find a "missions" section on the Feedback subforum.


I also know this has been said again and again, but I'll add one more to the list:




Please, please! Remove credit rewards from Void missions. At least replace them for some substancial amount of a useful resource (Orokin Cells, Plastids).



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I'd rather have that they stay but... lower the chance of credit caches. and increase the amount of credits by... x6?(x10?) so 1k would be 6k  and have them uncommon. so that they dont drop as often... and make resources a bit more common and have them say x2 or 3?  and then only let rare resources drop. with Orokin cells being the rarest and control modules more common. say CM's drop up to max of 6 per reward drop. and cells up to max of 3 or 4? (per drop/reward) could balane things a bit i imagine  just an idea though...

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be prepared, allot of ppl will say u just had bad RNG, and bad luck.


The truth is, RNG is broken, and RNG is still a very bad system, even with all the big changes DE made, it keeps on being a un-rewarding reward system.

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forward: i was host for OP's run

the real issue is the complete lack of immersion and the slap in the face when the lotus says: "look at what our tenno operative has found!!" like they just found the lost city of atlantis or some crap

but INSTEAD of our handy-dandy tenno operative finding SOMETHING OF VALUE, like say some lost ancient orokin tech (cells/parts/etc), NOPE



our "tenno operative" aka mr mush-for-brains comes back with a couple thousand credits...... =[

this is the equivalent of me traveling to Shangri-la or El-Dorado and instead of bringing back some lost treasure, i instead bring back a BigMac wrapper from the nearby MickyD's....

how can they possibly explain ingame the logic behind your tenno operative grabbing the most common/worthless thing possible, instead of like ONE orokin cell, srsly

REMOVE ALL CREDIT REWARDS FROM VOID SURVIVAL/DEF rewards, we already get enough credits at the mission completion

ADDITIONALLY REMOVE CONTROL MODULES FROM VOID reward tables of ALL kinds, let them be a rare corpus resource once again, give ppl an incentive to play with the hyenas (back in the day u had to farm the old hyena for a single CM, now we have a new hyena and DE could care less if anyone ever sees it [headscratch])

PUT OROKIN CELLS as rewards for surv/def 5mins/5waves, and additionally put orokin cells as a RARE resource drop in the void, this only makes sense, allow them to drop in 1s/2s/3s (rarer for higher #'s) (ie instead of OP finishing the mission with 21 CM's, it could have been 9-10 cells instead)

EVEN IF we had finished the mission and gotten zero new parts that i was looking for, AT LEAST if we had gotten 6-12 orokin cells INSTEAD of a couple thousand credits, at least we wouldn't feel like we wasted so much time for basically nothing...

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