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Stop Asking For Nerfs


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Just stop.  If you don't want to play that way, don't.  This is not a competitive game.  You're not hurting anyone when you copter, put on a vanguard helm, quickload a soma, sit in an invincible frost bubble, or rank a new weapon every week.


If you don't want to do that stuff, don't.  Stop trying to keep anyone else from doing it either. If you 'feel bad' for the poor abused Grineer, Corpus, and Infested, then you need to go see a professional.


Everything that bothers you about the game can be fixed with buffs to the things you find weaker.  And that increases player choice, which increases player enjoyment.  Stop trying to make everyone play the way you do, or the way you want them to.

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Because we totally enjoy playing a shooting game with no challenge. If we wanted to play a game where you can just blow stuff up effortlessly with a click of a button, we'd be playing Maplestory.

Warframe would do well to not go down that path.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Because we totally enjoy playing a shooting game with no challenge. If we wanted to play a game where you can just blow stuff up effortlessly with a click of a button, we'd be playing Maplestory.

Warframe would do well to not go down that path.


This has nothing to do with challenge.  I just got into a tangle about the Marelok vs. Grinlok.


That nerfherder basically wrote "nerf marelok to make grinlok more viable..."  dafuq does that mean?  lol.


Viable means, capable of working successfully. How does nerfing one weapon make another one more capable of working successfully?


I understood the guy, he wanted the weaker weapon (which he probably likes) to be stronger and just couldn't get over the fact that the pistol version was that much stronger.  It's probably a semi valid point, but nerfing one weapon doesn't make another one stronger.  Asking for a buff for the weaker weapon to make it competitive will...


I really hope that when people try to sound smart by using catchwords/phrases they actually know what these words mean before throwing them around.

Edited by sushidubya
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No, I won't stop asking for nerfs if they are needed to keep the game balanced. Not just the balance between player gear but also the balance between player gear and gameplay content. Every buff, even the justified ones, is a tiny step into the direction of power creep, which in Warframe already managed to trivialize 80% of the content for seasoned players.


So to reiterate: nerf ALL the things!

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I understood the guy, he wanted the weaker weapon (which he probably likes) to be stronger and just couldn't get over the fact that the pistol version was that much stronger.  It's probably a semi valid point, but nerfing one weapon doesn't make another one stronger.  Asking for a buff for the weaker weapon to make it competitive will...

i wonder if you can realize that 'good' or 'bad' is in relation to everything else around it. so increasing some stats or decreasing some stats achieves the same end result.



besides, Warframe has been inflating and adding zeroes to the end of all of the numbers for 16 months, and gee willikers, all of the same problems are still here.

perhaps if we tried to keep things in reasonable scope of each other, instead of throwing an extra zero on anything and everything.



Posts like this, work the same as Online petitions.
Just look at Left4Dead 2 and modern warfare 2.
that's interesting. and probably true.
Edited by taiiat
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Nerfs should only be done when things are clearly overpowered. Otherwise, they don't require a nerf, and it is more likely that the entire warframes kit needs a rework, not just one move to be crippled.


that said, the majority of people who ask for "nerfs", don't know much about balance or what they are even talking about, as their experience is usually based on seeing other people "exploiting" powers using corrupted mods and such. That said, exploits don't need to be "removed" as they are fun, and have formed part of the experience for Warframe, no mater how much it seems to newbie players like they are breaking the game.


if DE wants to "fix" exploits, they need to change how they are done, not nerf/remove them. DE should not listen to the community when it cries for change such as nerfs, and instead they should simply listen to the feedback such as how things are effecting the game, and then use their own deductive reasoning to understand why "some" people are discontent with content.


I understand that balancing things is hard, but I also get that in order for things to be balanced in warframe, DE would need to rework many if not most the Warframes kits so that they are all catered to their own unique purposes, and have a combination of move types to fill their roles effectively.


(i.e. I don't like that Ember has 3 moves that do damage and nothing more. I'd like her kit to have a purpose. such as Accelerant giving her a buff to "all her damage" in addition to making enemies taking extra fire damage, but move the radial blind off of Accelerant, and onto Fire Blast instead, so that it is a radial blind + Fire Blast with a constant blind effect to anything that enters it. Fire Ball could have a much larger aoe when it hits, and work like Hallowed Ground, igniting all surfaces and things it's aoe touches like Napalm for several seconds. and World on Fire could ragdoll things it hits, so that she doesn't have to rely Fire Blast for CC when using her Ult. Her Ult should then be given a Cool Down, just like how Molecular Prime should have a cool down etc. these changes could make her solid for defense missions, and for survival runs, and an alternative to Nova with her potential to do tons of AoE dmg)


anyway lots of kits need improvements and reworks, especially Nekros and Oberon. that said, I agree with to OP, people need to stop crying "Nerf" and instead they need to start suggesting "here is my thoughts on how this warframes "kit" could work instead of what we currently have".

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Just stop.  If you don't want to play that way, don't.  This is not a competitive game.  You're not hurting anyone when you copter, put on a vanguard helm, quickload a soma, sit in an invincible frost bubble, or rank a new weapon every week.


If you don't want to do that stuff, don't.  Stop trying to keep anyone else from doing it either. If you 'feel bad' for the poor abused Grineer, Corpus, and Infested, then you need to go see a professional.


Everything that bothers you about the game can be fixed with buffs to the things you find weaker.  And that increases player choice, which increases player enjoyment.  Stop trying to make everyone play the way you do, or the way you want them to.



Kids want the most kills in every match and they forget this is a COOP PvE game so thus ask for nerf, there is NO other reason.



Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Nerf nothing and just keep buffing things instead?


Power creep.


Are we done here?


No, we're not. Sometimes things are inherently too strong and need to be balanced. That's the life of games. "This isn't a competitive game" is not a valid argument. When they design content to be a certain level of difficulty, and then allow certain weapons / abilities to trivialize that difficulty, it's essentially undermining the integrity of it. You cannot just keep buffing other things and expect it to be balance. Oh, Soma's too strong. Let's buff some of the other guns. Because buffing all those guns is easier than balancing the one gun that's the problem! Great video game logic. Say they do buff some of the other guns. "Whoops! We buffed this gun too much! Well, we can't nerf it, so let's just buff every other gun more!" Great video game logic.


You talk about player choices, but having inherently overpowered weapons makes difficult content much easier when you use those weapons. Sure, it doesn't force players to use those weapons, but if those weapons are clearly better suited, and stronger than other guns of the same class, it's a natural response to use that which makes the difficult task easier. So it is somewhat nurturing an environment where a player will say "This mission is too hard. But if I used Soma, it'd be easier..." Even if a little bit, that is influencing a player's choice.


And as far as player choice is concerned, and using other weapons....why would people be so anti-nerf to begin with? It seems like if their favorite gun was nerfed, they'd rather not choose to use a different gun, and instead use their strong gun because things are totally fine to begin with. And by your logic of "Stop calling for nerfs" you're essentially telling people to play your way, while damning them for saying "Play my way."


Just because it's not a competitive game doesn't mean every gun should one shot everything just because people like to feel good about themselves. Some people want to play a game that engages them, and not everybody enjoys the thought of "Press 4, everything dead" or "Hold trigger, kill for days" is fun. If a gun is marginally stronger than other guns of the same class, and a large part of the community deems that gun to be a tad too strong, the devs should look at the gun and see if they're able to make changes to balance the gun out while still keeping it as a favorable choice to players who enjoy it.


The solution is not "This gun is too strong. Make every other gun stronger." No, the simpler and more logical choice is to investigate the gun that's being considered a problem and think long and hard about whether or not it needs to be tweaked. If they find that it's too strong compared to other guns, it should be balanced. Period. This is still a beta, last time I checked, and I expect to see a lot of balance changes. I'd rather not have the game devolve into little more than a power creep "Constantly get stronger and invalidate older weapons" fest.


Sometimes a gun is too strong and the best solution is to make it closer to the level of existing weapons, while still preserving that which makes the gun unique or a strong choice to begin with. Surprisingly enough, there are people who are fine with weapons they use being nerfed. I don't like using Nova because I find her abilities terribly unbalanced to begin with. FLAME SHIELD UPThis is my opinion that they're overpowered, and it's my choice not to use her. I've had the discussion 100 times and I don't need to have it again. /End Flame Shield.


But if she were to be tweaked, and made more on par with other frames, I'd enjoy playing her. I like the concept of her frame and skills, I just don't like the execution. Yes, there's people who exist in this game that will not use a weapon because it's too strong. Whereas a lot of people would be the opposite way. Welcome to diversified community and the law that nobody exists in this world who will agree with you on everything. Repeatedly adding stronger weapons just because a portion of hte community thinks its fun to push a button and win is not the way to go. The way to go would be balance, and when a weapon is widely received as overpowered, it deserves to be looked at by the devs, in depth, and nerfed when appropriate.


The solution should never be "Just make everything stronger." It should be true balance. New weapons should be developed with the strength of existing weapons and enemies in mind. New weapons shouldn't just come out with whatever silly stats they want and demand that every other weapon be on par with them. It's basically someone walking late into class and demanding it starts 5 minutes later to accomodate them.


So no, when people think a weapon is unbalanced, they will say so. And if the Devs see enough people talking about that unbalanced weapon, they should look at it. And balance when appropriate. Welcome to feedback. In the end, devs should use the feedback they find on the forums to balance it as best as they can.


You guys might see "Nerfing my favorite weapon." But a lot of other people see balance. I'm sorry if you use a weapon that most people see as ridiculously overpowered, and it gets nerfed, and you're forced to *gasp~* use another weapon or *Gaspgasp* Deal with your SUPER weapon being a SLIGHTLY LESS SUPER weapon. Also, thanks for the Public Service Announcement of not asking for nerfs. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when I make my "Buff absolutely everything" thread, because that's a logical approach to a weapon being a little bit too powerful.


That being said, instead of crying "Nerf", people should be asking for balance, and offering suggestions to achieve it. I completely agree with that. "This is wrong fix it" isn't helping anything in the long run. Giving usable feedback will.


Now we're done.

Edited by Sokina
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No, I won't stop asking for nerfs if they are needed to keep the game balanced. Not just the balance between player gear but also the balance between player gear and gameplay content. Every buff, even the justified ones, is a tiny step into the direction of power creep, which in Warframe already managed to trivialize 80% of the content for seasoned players.


So to reiterate: nerf ALL the things!

You don't have to put on max serration dude, problem solved.

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This is a redundant post. All nerf and anti nerf threads should be deleted by moderators. The devs have already Stated the nerf bat has been retired and that the galatine of buffing is in full effect.

That being said.. stop asking for gear nerfs. Ask for enemy buffs and harder content. Nerfing S#&$ isnt the answer considering mass formad weapons and frames will still be op and unaffected.

As for seasoned players, if youre a vet asking for nerfs youre pretty much either unskilled, a scrub, or both. Get over it already.

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As for seasoned players, if youre a vet asking for nerfs youre pretty much either unskilled, a scrub, or both. Get over it already.

So because I dont want to play with perma invincibility blessing spamming so im a scrub and unskilled?

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Because we totally enjoy playing a shooting game with no challenge. If we wanted to play a game where you can just blow stuff up effortlessly with a click of a button, we'd be playing Maplestory.

Warframe would do well to not go down that path.

Clearly you never played Maplestory that much. You probably never went bossing with a group.

Maple is P2W. Even then there are strategy in fighting those top bosses. So don't talk like you know a lot.

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