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What Is Your Best Equipment For Conclave?



Hello everyone

I want to know which is your personal favorite combination for conclave

I'm rank 13

I use the Frost Prime with 2 Forma (because it has a good amount of shield)

Primary weapon Strun Wraith with 3 Forma .this gun is very special to me, because have deal impact and status (use with the blast to have a very good stun attack)

My secondary weapon is aklex with 2 forma . Very high damage, higher critical chance and deal puncture (With Steady Hands helps to have a

better Accuracy and more firing rate)

Mele Weapon : Galatine for charge attacks

Or Dual ichor 3 Forma. For high critical damage with corrosive damage.

Sentine : Dethcube 1 forma (2 forms would need to put more mods)

DethMachine Rifle still have 5 forma , just need one more to put the deal with slash .with magnetic mod is very good taking shields (dethcube always kills before me xD)

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5 answers to this question

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whenever i feel like PvP in Warframe.... wait, i just don't. ever.


however, Frost seems like an odd choice, he's a bit, well, slow.

Pour myself the worst american beer I can find....

why would you torture yourself so.


i'd grab some nice Vodka.

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why would you torture yourself so.


i'd grab some nice Vodka.


I'm making fun of the Oorah 'murican racists that I tend to play against.


I'm usually sipping a fine wine or an actual American IPA like Pliny The Elder.


Vodka is definitely my favorite liquor, but usually saved for social drinking.

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