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Tenro - Warframe Concept


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http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/073/2/7/tenro___warframe_idea_by_sleepyfoxes-d7a6mcu.png (link for a large version)



Basically the idea is that it deals higher damage with abilities, and will possibly rely on stealth (displacement until those mechanics work) along with them to survive properly, as it's also supposed to be somewhat squishy.


Hopw you like it!


Any feedback is welcome.

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1. Not the best name (if tenro is its name).


2. idk why, but it looks like a wolfs head and claws with Nekros' chest plate and an altered Zephyr boots/feet.


3. I love wolves and all, but ffs, does it have to have such a wolfish head? Try to change it so its more like the other warframes faceplates.

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This may sound pretty agressive but....really.... I don't know whats up with all these kind of people wanting everything to be just like wolves/furry. They're all over the internets.

Edited by Garompa
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This may sound pretty agressive but....really.... I don't know whats up with all these kind of people wanting everything to be just like wolves/furry. They're all over the internets.

agreed xD

but it's still pretty awesome and different

It would make a change

since we have a bird frame now

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Interesting visual design, but you have no solid mechanics to go with it. Come up with some abilities or a unique mechanic that would make players pick that frame above others, not just "uh I think it would have powerful abilities but be squishy and have to be stealthy." Otherwise, yeah it looks neat but that's about it.



And it's already been said, but prepare for backlash along the lines of "lololol furries" because apparently things can't be designed after an animal without it originating from that particular fandom. :v

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