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Why Is Speed Viewed So Highly In This Game?


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I really don't understand people's mentality on speed. Everyone seems to have a "gotta go fast" attitude when it comes to frames. I always see, Nerf Vanguard helm, Make Ember faster, that will fix her problems, Max rush on everything...And with the recent release of Rhino Prime, everyone seems to want iron skin gone because it's unfair he runs fast now too.


I use a Thark Rhino, and i never seem to be hindered when it comes to speed.


But with missions like Survival, Interception, Defense, how does speed help in any of those?

Most enemies are hitscan, so you can't outrun them...as for corpus, you can walk to outrun their weapons(seriously wtf DE?).


As for reviving, crowd control is better than just running up, reviving and running for your life.


Does a Faster frame increase revive time or fire rate on a weapon? Am i missing something?

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No one likes being slow or being left behind


this game a lot of the time is one big race

a race for more kills or simply a race to be first

Speed, when you have good weapons means you can engage and destroy the enemy faster, ALso movement does help you avoid taking damage quite a bit. 

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In survival speed can be essential for getting to life support canisters before you run out of life support.

In interception speed is essential for getting from point a to point b to revive someone and then getting back to point a before the grineer can capture it.

In defense you don't really need speed but it is still handy for getting loot drops before the next wave spawns.

And most importantly SPEED IS FUN.

Edited by gnat6
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I run Rhino and always have through his OP points and trash tier points; and although I hate the look of the Vanguard helmet I feel like I am forced to use it as the game is all about grinding, so going faster means you can grind faster to get more materials faster. I really hope  they remove the stats from the helmets soon, or at least let you mix and match aesthetics and effects as Vanguard is so ugly to me, any other helmet is better looking for Rhino.

Edited by Dovahjim
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People have the constant need for speed.



1. In this game people tend to speed run almost everything. Can't resist getting a mission done faster. And a lot of many missions is just running from point A to point B. No one wants to miss out on all the action, so it's all about keeping up or getting ahead. 

2. Once you have tasted what a fast frame feels like, it's really hard to play with a slow frame. 


Yeah, for defense and interception it doesn't really matter except that it's nice to pick up the orbs and other drops quickly. For survival, it's really nice to have speed.

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It all boils down to two things: Grind and Competition

Most of the people you see going fast are the Veterans who know what they're doing. If they're not next to you, it's more than likely they've done the mission a dozen times already. All that is in their scope is the reward at the end. No need for the unnessesary. They will kill only when they need to. Most see this as "rushing" and not contributing to your teammates, and this pisses people off.

On the other hand is the competitive. Players who won't dodge, demolish. Nova, or any competent room clearer, will often sprint/copter ahead and nuke the rooms before their slightly slower teammates can get a shot out. Because of the common high-epeen attitude of many players, they feel robbed of their experience or daily dose of "pew pew," depending on if they're in range or not. This results in a "I can kill stuff too :(" kind of feeling.

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It's pretty simple, mate:

Going fast if fun.

People like to have fun.

Thus people will want to go fast.

I forgot about the casuals who play for fun without finding the challenge fun.

I kid, but seriously, that seems to be the general attitude of some people.


"I'm challenged and it's not fun anymore because I died by putting myself in an awful position!"


Speed helps you get the hell out of dodge, unfortunately.

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No point in spending time in a mission when theres more missions to do.


Unless your actually looking for all the materials in a mission and then most people just do solo or private missions so they don't get speed demons.

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This is definitely meant to be a fast paced game.  Wall running and launching across the map and going fast is fun.  It's a contrast to something like Halo, where you move at basically a slow walk (even though spartans are suppose to be able to run at like 35 mph).  In Frame, you actually can run fast, and that's fun and irresistable.  I don't have a problem with that.  What is annoying is when you're just trying to take a sweep through after a moblile def section, making sure you didn't miss any mods or oxium, and the other players are already at the end and you almost don't make it out.  And I'm at almost 800 hours, so it's not like I'm new to this.  Fast paced gameplay is great, but geeze, stop for two seconds to get the pickups for crap's sake.

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I really don't understand people's mentality on speed. Everyone seems to have a "gotta go fast" attitude when it comes to frames. I always see, Nerf Vanguard helm, Make Ember faster, that will fix her problems, Max rush on everything...And with the recent release of Rhino Prime, everyone seems to want iron skin gone because it's unfair he runs fast now too.


I use a Thark Rhino, and i never seem to be hindered when it comes to speed.


But with missions like Survival, Interception, Defense, how does speed help in any of those?

Most enemies are hitscan, so you can't outrun them...as for corpus, you can walk to outrun their weapons(seriously wtf DE?).


As for reviving, crowd control is better than just running up, reviving and running for your life.


Does a Faster frame increase revive time or fire rate on a weapon? Am i missing something?


It's personal preference honestly. When people start figuring out that the skillful use of wall kick off jumps can match and even outpace warframes with high run speed + rush, then people will slow down on the complaints of the speed differences.


My personal opinion is that people feel the need to rush to get the exp they want from all the npcs and/or impatience. Thus, we have the zorencoptors rushing ahead to activate their fourth ability or just plain ignoring all enemies to get to the objective.


Personally, I use Fleeting Expertise + Continuity + Narrow Minded on my Rhino. If I feel like surpassing someone using zorencoptor or high speed warframe specs, I just use a combination of wall kick off jumps and Rhino Charge to surpass them in speed and distance traveled. A fully maxed duration Rhino Charge can practically go from one end of the large Corpus Hanger Bay to the opposite end in one use.

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Which animal would you rather be, a snail or a cheetah?

Kinda of an unfair comparison because the slower one should be stronger than the fast one. More mod slots open = more strength. 


Great White vs Mako shark. I'll take the Great White.

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