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I Am Upset.. :(


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Regarding the title of  the post, I am reeaaally upset. k here goes:


I was happily doing the recent event but after a couple of hotfixes, the old "please allow udp ports through firewall" thingy popped up again. I was mad but decided to wait since it already happened to me once but eventually goes away.


But this time the problem stays and it ended with me not finishing the event.. :(.


As a conclusion, I just wanted to know what I could do fix this problem... 

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Why is no one replying to this post.. Did I do something wrong? Did I do something bad? Please I need to know what is keeping me from playing the game! its been days since I've seen anyone ingame.


If there's anyone out there willing to help then please. I'm DESPERATE!

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Many moons ago I had to "configure" my router to get that port stuff to go away.  Refer to your user manual for steps on how to configure those ?UDP? ports. (essentially finding the right box to type "warframe" and 3960-3962).



However, if memory serves, that configuration was more for voice chat communications and the error message itself wouldn't actually prevent joining/completing missions. Suppose I'm not techy enough to answer this.

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